Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Sat Jun 15, 2024 11:58 am

Peace proposals
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 06/15/2024


No doubt with the intention of making it coincide with the celebration of the G7 summit, in which the war in Ukraine is once again one of the central topics, and especially with Zelensky's peace summit in Switzerland, Vladimir Putin referred yesterday to the Russian conditions for holding peace negotiations. By raising his demands, the Russian president admitted, although implicitly, the objectives that Russia seeks in this war that has long ceased to be a special military operation . Surprising only those who did not understand the nature of the Russian intervention and, above all, the actions of the delegation sent to Belarus and later Istanbul in the winter and spring of 2022, the Russian president insisted that he would give the ceasefire order immediately at the moment when Ukraine began to withdraw its troops from Donbass and Novorossia, the historical name given to the southern provinces of the Russian Empire colonized by Catherine the Great.

Like Ukraine, which demands the Russian withdrawal from the internationally recognized territories according to the 1991 borders, Russia raises the territorial question as a starting point that would give rise to a negotiation in search of the resolution of the conflict between the two countries and also the that directly affects Ukraine, but is broader. Vladimir Putin raises this negotiation in relation to four main points: the neutrality of Ukraine, demilitarization according to the parameters of the Istanbul pre-agreement, rights of the Russian population of Ukraine and confirmation of the new borders. The Russian proposal refers to the 2022 talks when, despite the obvious military pressure posed by the presence of Russian troops trying to besiege kyiv and advancing unopposed through the south, Russia was not able to keep Ukraine in the negotiation process. Much has been speculated about the reasons why the principle of agreement that Vladimir Medinsky announced after the Istanbul summit not only did not prosper, but also put an end to any possibility of political negotiation. Since then, talks, generally through third countries such as the United Arab Emirates, have been limited to economic issues, prisoner exchanges or the delivery of the bodies of soldiers who fell at the front.

In the two years that have passed since the rupture of diplomatic channels, which both Ukraine and its Western patrons have renounced, details of what happened there, the Russian conditions, the Ukrainian responses, the bases of the document have been known and confirmed. of the pre-agreement and the reasons why the process did not lead to the resolution of the conflict or the ceasefire but to the intensification of the war. Faced with the Ukrainian discourse, which was hidden behind arguments such as Bucha or the idea that the Kremlin is not capable of negotiating in good faith, Russia insisted on the existence of a principle of agreement broken only by Western intervention. The article published by Ukrainska Pravda , which presented a Boris Johnson who boasted of having derailed the talks, gave truth to the Russian narrative, which exaggerated the power of the outside and forgot that, since the time of Minsk, Kiev He refused to negotiate in a position of inferiority, that is, in a context in which he would be forced to make concessions. In a meeting with African leaders who sought to mediate between Russia and Ukraine and help European countries end the war on the continent, Vladimir Putin showed for the first time a document detailing the limits of troops and weapons of the Armed Forces. of Ukraine that Moscow and kyiv negotiated within the framework of Istanbul. The document was a rumor, a fake news story, a creation of Russia until it was confirmed by two American academics for a Foreign Policy article a few months ago. The authors of the article, who had had access to different working versions of the Istanbul pre-agreement and subsequent editions, confirmed that Russia and Ukraine went further than Ukraine admitted and proposed terms of the talks consistent with what Moscow has had since so.

What was raised by Foreign Policy also confirmed the words of Naftali Bennet, Gerhard Schroeder, David Arajamia and Vitaly Chaly. All of them had stated in the past that Russia wanted an agreement and that Vladimir Putin was willing to make important concessions to achieve a resolution to the conflict, not just an end to the war, in the spring of 2022. As evidenced by the Russian offer to Ukraine that Vladimir Medinsky made public when he understood that there was an agreement with David Arajamia, Russia was willing to give up southern Ukraine, Novorussia, in exchange for Ukrainian acceptance of the loss of Donbass and Crimea. These were Russia's territorial ambitions at the time (although perhaps not at the start of the special military operation in February, when the Kremlin seemed to hope for an easier advance towards Kiev or Kharkiv).

In his speech yesterday, the Russian president referred to this offer rejected by Ukraine, which between letting go of those territories in which the population had chosen Moscow instead of kyiv and continuing the war chose the second option. This is where Boris Johnson's visit representing the Western bloc becomes important. His speech of fighting for victory was not only the reaffirmation of the idea that Ukraine could defeat Russia, nor a sign of pressure on kyiv to renounce the agreement, but the ratification that Zelensky could count on the weapons, financing and support unconditional support of the West in the common war against Moscow.

In 2022, Russia offered Ukraine security guarantees throughout its territory except for Donbass and Crimea, which would officially become part of Russia. Moscow also demanded respect for the rights of the Russian-speaking population of Ukraine and renunciation of NATO with a commitment to neutrality and demilitarization in the form of a reduction in personnel and weapons of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Two years and several failed offensives (in both directions) later, Vladimir Putin's words recover the spirit of that negotiation with an offer with which the Russian president wanted to counterprogram Zelensky's summit by launching his own proposal. Russia is no longer willing to abandon the southern Ukrainian territories under its control, although apparently those of Kharkiv are. “This has been the essence of the Kremlin's policy in Ukraine since 2014: to continue increasing the cost of intransigence. In this way, Ukraine always has the opportunity to end the conflict, but under increasingly worse conditions,” commented Russian opposition journalist Leonid Ragozin yesterday. The argument is valid only on the territorial issue, since the rest of Vladimir Putin's conditions are exactly those negotiated in Istanbul: neutrality and renunciation of the accession of military blocs, neutrality and status of non-nuclear power and rights for the speaking population. Russian in Ukraine.

As expected, the Western press has received the Russian president's words with the usual skepticism. The same media that did not see in the seven years of the Minsk process the Ukrainian will to delay and sabotage the peace negotiations see in Russia and in every word of its president proof that Moscow is incapable of negotiating. The proposal has been defined as maximalist and unviable by the same experts who describe this weekend's meeting as a peace summit in which President Zelensky will try to convince his allies to continue the war until final victory, that is, until force Crimea and Donbass to return to Ukraine, something that can only be achieved by force and against the opinion of the population. With the rapidity of someone who does not need to consider his response because his speech is always one of denial, Mikhailo Podolyak described the Russian proposal as an “aggressor's package.”

With a little more calm, Ukraine published a somewhat more elaborate response and in line with its speech in recent weeks, in which it confirmed that its summit this week would have the assistance of its allies, but not the most important country in Ukraine. Russia's allies, China. To Ukraine's chagrin, Beijing's confirmation of its refusal to participate caused a chain reaction from several countries in the Global South, which also distanced themselves from Zelensky's summit. “Putin has only one goal: to prevent the participation of leaders and countries in this summit,” Ukraine said, insisting that “the appearance of Putin's statements exactly the day before the summit indicates that Russia is afraid of real peace. Putin fully understands that the powerful voice of the world that will be heard at the summit will become the first practical step towards a just world.”

It is not a more just world that is being negotiated this weekend in Switzerland, but Ukraine's attempt to get its partners to exert the economic, political and military pressure that defeats Russia and offers Kiev complete victory with the that he dreams, not since the breakup of Istanbul or February 2022, but since in March 2014 he lost the territory that matters most to him, Crimea. Yesterday's speech by Vladimir Putin does not seek to sabotage a summit that was stillborn and for which the agenda has already been considerably lowered, but rather to change the conversation. Zelensky's peace plan , which is summarized in the demand for Russian capitulation, is no longer the only one that will be talked about in Switzerland.

Google Translator


From Slavyangrad's Telegram account:

Summary as of June 15, 2024 by @evgeniy_lisitsyn

Krasnolimansk direction:
The Russian Armed Forces are advancing towards the Vyemka railway station, located approximately 9 km from the southern outskirts of Seversk.
Near Razdolovka, the Ukrainian Armed Forces launched an unsuccessful counterattack, leaving part of the village.

The offensive on Ivano-Daryevka continues, which will make it possible to attack the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Sporny from the southern flank.
The capture of these settlements opens the way to Verkhnekamensk, which will allow an attack on the Ukrainian fortifications protecting Seversk from the east.

Donetsk direction:
In Krasnogorovka, the Russian Armed Forces have established themselves in the buildings of a college and school in the northeast of the city, the target is a city hospital.
The Ukrainian Armed Forces recognize the withdrawal from Georgievka to Maksimilyanovka.
The goal of the further offensive is Kurakhovo, an important logistics hub.
Fighting continues along the perimeter of Konstantinovka.

Avdeevka direction:
Fighting on the eastern outskirts of Karlovka and on the outskirts of the semi-encircled Yasnobrodovka.
The Russian army is approaching Novoselovka First from several directions.
Attacks to the west of Novoaleksandrovskoye are intensifying.
Aviation is hitting the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces near Kalinovo and Rozovka.

Artemovsk direction:
Russian troops are fighting in the eastern suburb of Chasov Yar.
To the north, volunteer units cleared the forest adjacent to Bogdanovka.

Kupyansk direction:
Small tactical advances in the area of ​​Stelmakhovka and Kislovka.

Kharkov direction:
Heavy urban fighting in Volchansk and in the Liptsy region.
The bridge near Stary Saltov was destroyed, which complicates the logistics of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Ugledar direction:
The enemy has been driven out of Paraskovievka, but part of the village remains in the gray zone due to the high intensity of artillery fire from the Ukrainian Armed Forces.


Ukraine ‘Peace Summit’ to Be Attended by Few, as Kiev Considers Nuclear Provocations to Salvage its Position
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on JUNE 14, 2024
Dmitri Kovalevich


Ukraine is effectively without its official political leadership these days following the expiration of the five-year election mandate of Volodomyr Zelensky on May 21, and his departure from the country as president for a string of ‘official’ visits to other countries.

Zelensky still claims to be president of Ukraine, but he has departed the country during much of June for visits to foreign countries. He is scheduled to visit Singapore, Qatar, France, and the Philippines in June, along with Switzerland where he will host an international ‘peace summit’ on June 15, and 16. All this as the Russian Armed Forces continue to prepare what may be a full military offensive in the northern border regions of Kharkiv and Sumy. Territorial losses by Ukraine have already taken place recently in Kharkiv.

Ukrainian political analysts and experts are lost in speculation about Zelensky’s prolonged departure from the country. Some are speculating that Ukraine is planning to provoke Russia into using tactical nuclear weapons by stepping up attacks using advanced, Western-supplied weapons against Russian nuclear energy facilities. Others argue his key role should be to harass and pressure the countries of the Global South into joining, or at least acquiescing, to the U.S.- and NATO-led war coalition in Ukraine.

The latter option is especially important as preparations continue for a so-called peace summit to take place in Switzerland on June 15 and 16. There, the Western countries and as many Global South countries as can be convinced to participate will meet to condemn Russia to approve the agenda of continued war as proposed by Zelensky and the governments of the United States and Britain.

Russia is not invited to attend the conference in Switzerland, while China leads the many countries declining to take part.

A key plan in Zelensky’s ‘peace’ agenda is a demand that Russia withdraw from all the regions of the former Ukraine it controls. All of these regions comprised populations that refused to accept the legitimacy of the coup government that came to power in Kiev in February 2014. They have all voted at various times to secede from anti-Russia, coup Ukraine, and join the Russian Federation. They include Crimea, the two Donbass republics of Donetsk and Lugansk, and the portions of Kherson and Zaporozhye regions that are south and east of the Dnieper River. Large question marks hang over two other cities and regions where opposition to the coup was and remains strong —Odessa and Kharkiv.

In 2022 and 2023, ‘Ukraine peace summits’ under Western dominance were organized in Saudi Arabia, Malta, and Denmark. There, too, Russia was not invited, and the gatherings failed as a result. Most Global South countries ignored them and did not attend.

After it became clear that many countries, including China and Brazil, would similarly ignore the latest ‘peace summit’ to take place in Switzerland, Zelensky began issuing several undiplomatic and insulting statements against those countries refusing to attend, particularly against China. He accused China’s government of being “a tool in Putin’s hands”.

The latest attempt to tip the global scales in favor of the Zelensky-led regime was a surprise visit he made to the gathering of military leaders from the Asia-Pacific region at the ‘Shangri-La Dialogue’ that takes place each year in Singapore. This year’s gathering took place from May 31 to June 2. There, Zelensky accused China’s government of seeking to persuade the countries of the Global South to ignore the upcoming Swiss summit. “Is unfortunate that such a big, independent, and powerful country as China is an instrument in the hands of Putin,” he told journalists.

Ukrainian political analyst Andriy Zolotarev says the loud statements directed against China by Zelensky could cause many trade and economic problems for Ukraine. “I’m sorry, but spit at China and China will respond, and if China spits, Ukraine could well drown,” Zolotarev wrote.

The Ukrainian website Liberal writes, “Volodymyr Zelensky either wants to put pressure on China in order to garner more support for his government’s war, or he is following the orders of external managers.” It continues, “The words of China’s President Xi Jinping clearly show that China is seeking a verified and balanced position, avoiding direct intervention and maintaining neutrality. This is an important lesson for outside observers and participants in the conflict in Ukraine. Pressure on China, especially in the public domain, can have the opposite effect and only complicate the situation.”

For some ten years now, Ukrainian media and bloggers have been accusing Russia of being an instrument in the hands of the Chinese government while accusing China of being an instrument in the hands of the Russian government. Such arguments have been made widely and repeatedly across social networks and online media outlets. The accusations repeat themselves with two or three similar versions of the argument, wearing out their novelty and welcome.

Zelensky has also criticized no less than U.S. President Joe Biden for his decision not to attend the Switzerland event. Zelensky calls that “not a very strong decision”. Days earlier, Zelensky called out Donald Trump, saying he could be a “loser president” if he imposes a poor peace deal on Ukraine. A wrong deal, Zelensky says, could end U.S. dominance as a global power.

Zelensky is clearly nervous and this explains why he is allowing himself to make intemperate comments about other countries and their leaders. His conduct and outbursts suggest that the chair under him rests on very shaky legs and wants to shift blame for his government’s deteriorating military and political position onto other heads of state.

The Financial Times reports that Zelensky even sent a memo to his government officials and to members of the country’s legislature (Rada) instructing them to criticize the U.S. president and President Xi Jinping of China for their respective decisions to not attend the summit in Switzerland,

There is one state whose leader Zelensky has never dared to criticize – Great Britain. It should be recalled that it was an emergency visit by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson that scuttled a draft peace agreement reached between Ukraine and Russia in Istanbul in late March/early April 2022.

Former Ukrainian Rada deputy Igor Mosiychuk says that Zelensky is very mistaken to be sharply criticizing Biden, Xi Jinping, and other world leaders because they will be aware of his electoral illegitimacy and they will remember how he and his government have acted. By shifting responsibility for Ukraine’s latest military setbacks onto others, the office of the Ukrainian president is bringing trouble on the whole country. “You saw Zelensky’s earlier statements, saying that Biden is weak and one day later warning Trump he could end up a ‘loser president’. Now his latest verbal hit jobs are directed against Xi Jinping. I’m looking at the faux pas on Telegram by Zelensky supporters, one of whom calls Xi Jinping a “baby killer”. This has nothing to do with diplomacy. It seems that the office of the president has a plan that in the event of diplomatic or military setbacks, reactions should be to blame the collective West and China. This is what we are witnessing now as officials throw around various accusations.”

Verkhovna Rada deputy Volodymyr Aryev echoes Mosiychuk, as reported by the online Ukrainian news outlet Politnavigator. “Talking to China in a boorish tone is a recipe for failure. We need to achieve some effective diplomatic results; we need to interest China in our situation. But if China sees that the leader of Ukraine is not quite up to the job, it is clear that this will directly affect any possible exchanges with China for cooperation.”

According to Aryev, Zelensky is behaving like an enfant terrible, spreading accusations all over the world while imagining that this same world will continue, or be newly convinced, to coddle his government and support it in their arms.

One of the likely reasons for Zelensky’s nervousness is the dependence of the Ukrainian regime on military successes by the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU). These, in turn, will allow for his governing regime to continue receiving funding by Western governments. Or at least, the regime needs the appearance of such. Zelensky needs to lay the blame on other countries as much as possible. And better yet, he needs to draw NATO countries into direct conflict with Russia by means of provocations. One such provocative option could be provoking the Russian Federation into using tactical nuclear weapons. Russian military doctrine stipulates that any attack by Ukraine or NATO against Russia’s nuclear weapons facilities will be met in kind.

Ukrainian authorities may be comfortable in talking up provocations that could spark the use of tactical nuclear weapons by Russia against their own country because most of them are living outside the country during this period. And it so happens also that the nearly entirety of the children of Ukraine’s political and economic elites are studying and growing up abroad.

Rada deputy Oleksandr Dubynskyy believes that the possibility of Russia using tactical nuclear weapons against Ukraine in retaliation for Ukrainian provocations is quite real. He believes that Ukraine actually needs extreme actions by Russia in order to draw third countries into its war, which Ukraine itself is no longer capable of waging. “The government is a self-preserving system, and it has an interest in continuing the war. But it is unable to provide all the necessary resources for this… unless there is an escalation that will oblige ‘partner’ countries to provide yet more military resources… The involvement of third countries could turn the war into a global conflict. In such a case, the risk of the use of tactical nuclear weapons increases all the more,” Dubynskyy warns.

According to him, “The use of nuclear weapons, even ‘tactical versions’ with limited destruction, will put an end to all economic investments made in Ukraine by the international community. However, these investments are already under threat due to the deteriorating military and political situation.”

Kiev political scientist Gennady Dubov confirms similar assumptions, saying that Ukraine’s leadership hopes for a ‘black swan’ event that could dramatically change everything on the battlefield. [A ‘black swan’ event is one that is impossible to predict, yet after the fact appears to have been inevitable.] “I am sure that there is a viewpoint among a certain part of the Ukraine population and leadership that damage to Russia’s strategic nuclear forces would provoke some kind of tactical nuclear charge, and this will leave no choice for Western countries but to respond forcefully.”

The Ukrainian telegram channel ZeRada says that the Western proxies at the head of the Ukraine’s presidential office, notably Andriy Yermak, are “literally asking for a nuclear strike” by Russia.

Russian president Vladimir Putin told a lengthy, widely publicized press conference in St. Peterburg on June 5 that he understands perfectly well that long-range weapons systems located on the territory of Ukraine are being operated by the military of NATO countries, not by Ukrainian servicemen. In his opinion, Ukraine cannot on its own operate such highly complicated missile systems such as the British ‘Storm Shadow’ or the American ‘ATACMS’. He says the operation of these highly dangerous weapons is in the hands of the Western militaries. Consequently, retaliatory actions by Russia may be directed not only against the Ukraine military but also against the military personnel of NATO countries. This could be done directly, but also indirectly by countries needing defensive weapons from Russia. This would mirror NATO claims that it is not acting ‘directly’ in Ukraine and is ‘merely’ using the AFU as its cover.

“If someone considers it possible to supply advanced weapons to a war zone to strike our territory and create problems for us, why don’t we have the right to supply weapons of the same class to those regions of the world where there will be strikes on sensitive facilities of those countries that are doing this against Russia?”, Putin said.

Right-wing media in Britain has heard this warning loud and clear.

Ukrainian economist Oleksiy Kushch believes that Russia may start supplying new classes of weapons to certain forces in conflict with Western hegemony. “I’ve written about the possibility of new weapons being supplied to the Houthis [Ansar Allah movement and government] in Yemen, leading to increased problems of trade navigation in the Red Sea. Yesterday, Putin hinted at such a possibility, though without mentioning the Houthis by name. My other prediction is that a ladder of escalation by Israel in Gaza could cause full-blown war in southern Lebanon. This prediction is already underway. According to my forecast, after Gaza and the Houthis, it will be Lebanon’s turn, then that of the Shiite militias in southern Iraq, then the armed forces of Syria (where, by the way, joint exercises between the Syrian army and the Russian forces have recently taken place). The final point of the escalation ladder is Iran,” the Ukrainian economist writes.

The Ukrainian news outlet Strana also believes that new types of missiles could be delivered by Russia to the Middle East, as the U.S. and Britain have many bases there which are quite vulnerable. It writes, “Putin made it clear that Moscow will not tolerate missile or artillery strikes against Russia by long-range Western weapons. Moscow considers that the use by the West of such weapons as the U.S.-supplied ‘HIMARS missiles “crosses a red line”. Long-range missiles are not operated by the AFU; they are impossible to use without the participation of a trained, NATO military. Strikes using long-range weapons against the Russian Federation, and Russia’s responses to that (even if Moscow does not directly strike but does so in third hands such as the aforementioned Yemen forces, will be another step towards escalation and transfer of the war in Ukraine to a completely different level and scale.”

Thus does the Ukrainian war, caused by the decade-long war by right-wing Ukraine against the people of Donbass, have every chance of moving to a new and higher level of danger, incited by pro-Western, right-wing Ukraine nationalism. This is a significant risk to the hegemony of the West itself and its financial and military system. It is a significant risk to the very foundation of modern capitalism and imperialism. ... -position/



Russian forces continue capturing territory and settlements, as the usual suspects bellow in angst:


The Kharkov gambit is clearly working: Ukraine is now said to have transferred some of their best units from the Chasov Yar direction to Kharkov, so Russia is likely set to make big gains there soon as well. Despite Ukrainian claims, Russia has inched forward in Kharkov-Volchansk as well, which includes a large lateral advance—claimed to be 4km—to the east toward Bochkove:


A Russian Su-34, in the meantime, used a Kh-38MLE missile to blow away the bridge at Staryi Saltov, connecting Kharkov to the Volchansk front, which will greatly hamper AFU logistics: (Video at link.)

Location of bridge (50.07742223091243, 36.81082376840926) over the Siverski Donets River in relation to Volchansk and its MSR to Kharkov:


Ukraine’s power grid situation is beginning to seriously concern Western curators:




The above BBC article says Ukrainians already suffer 8 hour power outages and may soon face 20 hours per day without power or heat, should Russia continue its de-electrification strikes:

Ukrainian TV now even calls it “criminal” to run your air conditioner during the day: (Video at link.)

For those interested, journalist John Helmer has a couple good pieces on this topic, the first is mostly a link to a podcast discussion thereof, where he states:

Right now the Russian Electric War campaign in the Ukraine is targeting the last operating power generation plants and the transmission lines from the European Union replacing electricity which the Ukrainians can no longer generate for themselves. Microwave and mobile telephone towers are being struck so that the country’s cell network is collapsing in parallel with the electricity network.

“This is Russian deep battle”, a US military source comments, “being fought in fact by the General Staff while its operations continue to be restricted in Moscow for political reasons. Soon the impact will be impossible to cover up. For now, we know how bad it’s getting by the lack of discussion about how bad it’s getting.”

The second is where he explicates on his opinion that Russia’s “electric war” aims to totally defeat Ukraine by de-energizing it: ... ectric-war

I mentioned in the comments section last time: Ukraine has a legacy Soviet carryover system of using its thermal power plants (TPPs) as the ‘central heating’ systems via a network of steam conveying pipes. Thus the loss of what now amounts to ~73% of their TPPs (73% of thermal power plants in Ukraine are inoperative, 62 power units at thermal power plants and hydroelectric power stations are not functioning, - Ukraine Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal.) means not only massive energy generation loss, but the total lack of heat come this winter. That means the coming winter will be one for the ages and only supports the theory that Ukraine may be on its last leg in 2025.

Helmer also has another fascinating new article I recommend checking out, which covers new Russian Levada surveys that show the populace’s support of both Putin and the SMO is actually increasing even in light of Putin’s recent revelations of Russia’s growing casualty list.

According to a nationwide survey by face-to-face interview in Russian homes between May 23 and 29, the Levada Centre in Moscow, an independent polling organisation, reports: “Half of the respondents believe it is necessary to move on to peace negotiations — 43% are in favour of continuing military operations, their share has been growing in recent months. However, the majority is not ready to make concessions regarding Ukraine and this share is growing.



The other huge takeaway:

This also means that Ukrainian missile, artillery, and drone attacks on civilians, refinery and other targets on Russian territory are having no impact on the nationwide commitment to the war and its strategic objectives. On the contrary, threats by NATO leaders to intensify these attacks and extend their range into Russia are increasing public Russian support for lifting Kremlin restrictions on the General Staff’s operational plans for finishing the war at and over the Polish border.

(Much more at link) ... s-swirl-as


Larry Gives Excellent Summary...

... to G-7 (out of those G-7 only two are actual Gs--the US, and Japan. The rest...) and "Security Agreement" between US and 404.

One thing is certain, neither Biden nor Zelensky will be around in ten years. This is an act of political theater and deception. Biden, backed by the G-7, insists that Ukraine has the military capability, with NATO support, to fight Russia to a standstill. To be impolite, that is bullshit! Biden’s promises are empty. The United States is unable to supply the air defense, artillery and armor weapon systems that Ukraine claims it needs to stop the Russians. They blithely ignore the fact that even if the United States could actually deliver those weapons, Ukraine does not have the manpower nor the ability to train up an army capable of stopping the Russians. The news from the battlefield in Ukraine is growing more dire with each passing day. Russia is methodically destroying Ukrainian forces and Ukraine’s ability to provide electricity to nonexistent industrial plants. Ukraine is the equivalent of a degenerate drug addict, utterly dependent on what the U.S. chooses to supply.

That's on target! ... mmary.html

Anybody Doubted It?

I, honestly, didn't.

But almost a year later, and only weeks before the next NATO summit, in Washington, those F-16s have yet to arrive. In fact, despite a commitment that those planes will start reaching Ukraine by the end of this summer, issues with their delivery are becoming clearer — from the number of pilots who will be able to fly them to crews ready to keep them working. The training pipeline on the F-16s is pretty meager,” said a senior U.S. defense official, speaking with reporters on the condition of anonymity to talk candidly. F-16s hold the promise to firm up Ukraine’s self-defense. The fighters would bring its air force closer to NATO-style tactics and systems, making it easier to work with the alliance overall. And they could lengthen Ukraine’s range at a moment when other countries are dropping restrictions on what targets its military can choose.

Now, they lament:

The Netherlands and Denmark are leading that effort, though other states like Norway and Belgium are also involved. The number of planes committed this year totals around 60, and Ukraine should start receiving those by the end of the summer. That said, there have been multiple kinks in the process to deliver them, and make sure they’re useful. The first is training. Between Europe and the U.S. there are only a dozen or so Ukrainian pilots learning to fly the planes right now, said the American defense official. “That’s just a handful of pilots, and that’s just the pilots,” the official said. Almost as crucial are the other members of the crew, such as maintainers, who keep the plane working. Brown made a similar point in the interview, saying that Ukraine will only be able to use as many planes as it has crews. Training at Morris Air National Guard Base in Tucson, Arizona began last fall, and the first round of Ukrainian pilots graduated only weeks ago in late May. But finding spots for new ones has been difficult. There’s a small pool of Ukrainian pilots eligible for the training, which requires deep experience, and there’s already a queue of non-Ukrainian pilots in line as well.

Now, let me explain what "NATO tactics and systems" are: it is flying in AD permissive (sometimes absent altogether), EW permissive (or absent altogether) environments, and in absence of any opposing air force. That's tactics and systems. Some simulation of US F-22, F-35 and such of aerial combat in Syria against Russian Su-35s and Su-30SMs is just the boys playing their games. No modern US pilot ever had, let alone has any experience in flying in real aerial combat environment, especially in the circumstances when most comms in NATO tactical air-groups will be jammed, there will be no GPS and most of NATO groups including their E-8C Joint Stars will be either shot down or jammed. Why do I concentrate on that? Because, which it is obvious now, due to well-known issues with "training" of 404 pilots the only option for manning those F-16s will be... drum place NATO pilots in those F-16s cockpits.

For any NATO pilot who didn't get drunk on Top Gun: Maverick advanced air combat course, or still believes Senator Mark Kelly that Russians "cannot fly formation", acquaintance with R-37 AAM or with S-350 or S-400 could be a real life changing experience. Literally. US pilots have about zero real BVR combat, Russians do it all the time and R 15 million is a damn good sum of money. In fact, Russians operate the only 5th generation fighters which fly into real combat pretty much regularly. But, as I warned Nima today, when speaking to him (the video should be posted tomorrow or the next day), US media are readying themselves to disseminate another crock o' shit such as "Ghost of NATO", who flies undetected F-16 and shot down all Russian Su-57s, numbering now by different estimates between 22 to 26 aircraft, a regiment really. Mark my words--that's coming. Here is documentary for ya...

This is exactly how real modern air combat looks like./s ... ed-it.html


Milei’s Latest Plan to Embroil Argentina in Ukraine Conflict Involves Sending Five French Fighter Jets That Cannot Fly
Posted on June 14, 2024 by Nick Corbishley

Milei’s government appears to be determined to turn Argentina into the first Latin American country to send weapons to Ukraine.

In April we warned that Javier Milei Seems Intent on Embroiling Argentina in War, Whether in Ukraine or the Middle East (Or Both). At that time, the Argentine president had just expressed “solidarity and unwavering commitment” to the State of Israel following Iran’s retaliatory attacks on Israel after Israel’s bombings of the Iranian embassy in Damascus. After holding a cabinet meeting attended, if not chaired, by Israel’s ambassador to Argentina, Milei allegedly said off-screen that Argentina “cannot be neutral in the Third World War”.

“Milei is determined to take sides in international conflicts, believing that this positions him as an international leader,” says geopolitical analyst Gonzalo Fiore Viani. “Everything he does is to reinforce that image and not to advance Argentina’s national interests.”

Milei seems determined to involve Argentina not only in the escalating tensions in the Middle East, but also in the meat grinder that is Ukraine. Yesterday, U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III welcomed Argentina as a new member of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group (aka Ramstein Group) during his opening address at the group’s 23rd meeting. The Ramstein Group is an alliance of (mainly NATO) countries that meets monthly at the Ramstein air base in Germany to coordinate the ongoing donation of military aid to the Zelensky government.

A “Gift” for Zelensky

During his tour of Europe, Milei will participate in the G7 summit in Orgo Egnazia, at the invitation of Italian PM Georgia Meloni. He will also take part in the pie-in-the-sky Summit on Peace in Ukraine in Geneva on June 15-16, in which Russia, like many other prominent non-NATO countries, has refused to participate, describing the event as “irrelevant”. As for Milei’s government, it appears determined to turn Argentina into the first Latin American country to send weapons to Ukraine.

In an interview with CNN Español’s Andrés Oppenheimer in April, Milei even entertained the possibility of sending military personnel into the meat grinder, a proposal that enjoys the support of just 21% of the population, according to a survey by the consultant Gustavo Córdoba. Any decision to send troops would have to go through Congress first, an unnamed diplomatic source told La Politica Online.

The same is not true of sending arms. A new article by Infobae suggests that Milei wants to gift Ukraine’s (now wholly unelected) President Volodymyr Zelensky five French-made fighter jets (readers will have to excuse the rather crude pro-NATO propaganda in the first paragraph):

Javier Milei approved a plan designed by Luis Petri and Diana Mondino to support Ukraine’s war effort against Russia, which started an illegal war in Europe to fulfill Vladimir Putin’s imperial dreams.

It involves sending to Volodimir Zelensky’s government five Super Etendard combat aircraft that are out of use due to the embargo that Great Britain applies against Argentina as a result of the Malvinas War.

France’s participation is key to overcoming this geopolitical obstacle, and Chancellor Mondino and Defense Minister Luis Petri have been working for weeks to advance this secret move that also involves the United States and NATO.

Mondino discussed this complex issue during the meetings he held in Paris with Foreign Minister Stéphane Séjourné, in a secret meeting she held with NATO in Brussels, and when she visited Jake Sullivan… at the… White House.

So, the plan has been discussed at the highest levels, though it is not yet clear whether it enjoys the all-essential blessing of the Biden administration. As readers may recall, Washington, Kiev and Brussels already tried to persuade Latin American countries to donate their Russian-made weaponry to Ukraine’s war effort, to no avail.

By this point, NATO’s demoralised members are presumably delighted to bring any new country on board with project Ukraine, even one with so little money or weaponry to offer. At the Ramstein Group meeting, Lloyd Austin seized on Argentina’s membership as evidence that “support for Ukraine is growing and not waning”.

Serious Flaws

The planes plan has serious flaws, of course. First, it is likely to spell disaster for Argentina’s diplomatic relationship with Russia, as well as possibly with key Russian allies such as Beijing. As the Argentine defence specialist Daniel Blinder told Sputnik Español, as long as Milei’s government seeks “unfettered alignment” with the US, it risks generating a “significant confrontation with Russia and China* that could go very badly.”

If the operation goes ahead, it would mean “embroiling Argentina in a far-flung conflict in a region that is of no strategic interest to the country,” says Fiore. It would also mean directly interfering with the geopolitical interests of Russia, a country with whom Buenos Aires has historically enjoyed “good relations” and which even supports Argentina’s claim to sovereignty over the Malvinas (Falklands Islands). Even more importantly, Russia is pushing to expand its strategic and military influence in Latin America.

Second, and most important of all, the planes themselves are incapable of flying. Indeed, they haven’t left the ground since arriving in Argentina in 2019. The reason is simple: they do not have the necessary cartridges to eject the pilot’s seat in the case of an emergency. Said cartridges are manufactured in the United Kingdom, which has an embargo on all weapons sales to Argentina. The then-Macri government in Argentina was given advance warning of this fact but still bought the planes.

In 2016, France’s Ministry of Armed Forces sent a letter informing the Macri government not only that the “UK’s restrictions on exports to Argentina prevent us from getting spare parts for the ejection seats” but also that the planes themselves had been retired years earlier. This meant there would no longer be the necessary personnel to repair and maintain the planes after any sail. The Macri government bought the planes anyway for €12.5 million a piece.

Now, Milei’s government seems quite prepared to jettison its relations with Russia, the world’s biggest nuclear power, for the sake of five flightless planes. To conceal its involvement, Milei’s foreign and defence ministers have apparently proposed giving the five Super Etendard jets to the French armed forces in exchange for other military equipment, such as drones or helicopters. That way, they seem to think, Putin would not realise that Argentina was participating in the Ukraine conflict and the Macron government would be able to install new cartridges in the ejection seats so that the jets arrive in Ukraine in tip-top shape.

This new plan is arguably even more flawed than the original one. First, it rests on the assumption that Russia would be easily duped. If any deal does go down, Russia’s retribution will presumably be swift and asymmetrical — just as happened when Ecuador’s Daniel Noboa government offered to give up its Russian-made arms to Ukraine, claiming they were mere worthless “scrap”, in exchange for $200 million of US weapons. The Russians responded by threatening to boycott Ecuador’s number-one export product, bananas. Within days, Noboa had scrapped the plan.

Second, if the Milei government’s plan does indeed go ahead (a big “IF”), by the time all the parts are in place, Macron may no longer even be president of France. After suffering a brutal drubbing in the recent EU elections, the French president has called snap elections for the end of June. This has sparked all manner of mayhem and speculation, and while Macron is likely, once again, to stave off defeat in the second round of voting despite his anaemic approval ratings, there are no guarantees.

In the end, Argentina’s Super Etendard jets are probably destined to remain grounded and mothballed at the Puerto Belgrano air-naval base for the foreseeable future. “High-level” sources in the armed forces cited by the respected military publication Zona Militar have “categorically denied any plan by the current Argentine government to transfer these combat aircraft to another country.” The jets, it says, are in no fit state for commissioning, let alone a transfer abroad. The operation would also reduce the capabilities of Argentina’s Armed Forces, which have sought for years to recover some of the air capacity lost over recent decades.

Even if the Milei government were to send a consignment of weapons to Ukraine, they will, of course, have next to no material impact on the course of the war — especially if they don’t work! But it will still cost the stagflation-battered country money it simply doesn’t have.

* China is Argentina’s second largest trade partner as well as a vital creditor that Milei desperately needs to keep on board. This week, Beijing agreed to renew its currency swap with Buenos Aires, defusing fears that Milei’s cash-strapped government would have to repay $5 billion to the Asian super power in the next few months. This gives Argentina’s stagflation-hit economy a little much-needed breathing space.

But it comes at a price for Milei, who has apparently agreed to visit Beijing for a bilateral meeting with with Xi Jinping, who will presumably treat his guest to generous helpings of finely spiced humble pie. On the campaign trail, Milei famously described the Chinese government as an assassin and said he would never deal with communist regimes. The irony is that if the meeting takes place as scheduled in early July, it will mean that Milei will have paid his first diplomatic visit to Beijing before even receiving an invite to the White House. ... t-fly.html


Putin's canned food
June 15, 12:34


In Ukraine, the character who hosted the Supernova channel was locked up in a pre-trial detention center. Allegedly for issuing information about the movement of supplies of NATO equipment on the territory of Ukraine.

In fact, portraits of Putin, Lukashenko and Prigozhin, 5 discs of Akim Apachev’s songs, Wagner PMC chevrons, a calendar with Adam Kadyrov and printed leaflets in support of the hijackers were found at his home.

Finally, Putin's old canned food was opened.

End of stream
June 15, 11:19


End of stream

A man in Vinnitsa, Ukraine, shot and killed two bloggers who were “laughing at the Russians.”
The Ukrainian publication Telegraph reports this.
It is noted that a 23-year-old man shot his 18-year-old wife with a pistol and wounded her 19-year-old friend, who later died in hospital.
The shooter's body was found with a gunshot wound to the head near the bank of the Southern Bug River.
As they write online, we are talking about two streamers - Vera Panther and her friend Natalya, who conducted streams where they made fun of Russians.
It is clarified that the second girl had the nickname Banderovka on one of the social networks.
The identities of the dead require official confirmation. ... i-ubiistvo - zinc

Peace offers will not be accepted
June 14, 19:24


Regarding Putin's proposals.

1. They obviously will not be accepted by the West and their Ukrainian puppets, since they document Russia’s fulfillment of the stated goals of the Northeast Military District and the strategic defeat of the United States.
2. Against the background of the “peace summit,” this will indicate that in fact it is the West that is prolonging the war, so these statements are another “torpedo” to the “peace summit.”
3. Russia is thereby showing the countries of the Global South that it offered peace, which will be rejected by those who talk about “peace summits.”
4. The basis is laid in advance for claims on other regions of the former Ukraine, in the event of refusal of these conditions, shifting responsibility for this to the West and Ukraine. Just like Kherson and Zaporozhye appeared in Russia’s demands after the abandonment of Istanbul, although they were not contained in the original purposes of the North Military District. Each subsequent proposal will be worse, not better, for Ukraine.
5. The war will continue. The goals of the Northern Military District will be achieved through military means.

This issue is now closed
June 14, 15:16


Putin about the Northern Military District.

1. Russia did not recognize the DPR and LPR for 8 years because it wanted to come to an agreement.

2. There was no political decision to storm Kyiv in 2022. There were different options then.

3. Ukraine rejected peace negotiations in 2022 at the behest of the West. Israeli mediation in March 2022 was rejected by the West and Ukraine.

4. Russia carried out a peace enforcement operation in 2022.

5. Ukraine in 2022 could, during negotiations, retain control over the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions while providing Russia with a land corridor to Crimea. This moment was missed by Ukraine and now the issue of the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions is closed forever for Ukraine. This was confirmed by the vote of residents of both regions who chose Russia.

6. Zelensky is no longer legitimate. The basis of power in Ukraine is an armed putsch.

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Sun Jun 16, 2024 12:32 pm

Butter and cannons
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 06/16/2024


In his speech at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, Vladimir Putin compared the economic challenges of the past with those of the present: the problem is no longer reducing high unemployment rates, but rather finding hardworking personnel. The 2.6% unemployment rate currently recorded in Russia is only partially good news, since Russia needs qualified labor, especially in its industry and in the technology sector, to which it does not always have access. It is no coincidence that Moscow specifically excluded from the population subject to the partial mobilization decreed in September 2022 workers in the information technology, telecommunications, certain aspects of finance, and communication professionals sectors, professions that are difficult to replace. The war, especially the increase in military production, but also the needs for reconstruction have created thousands of jobs, but it has also exposed personnel shortages in certain critical sectors.

Largely due to a common problem and exacerbated by current circumstances, Ukraine suffers from a similar problem, although it does not get as much attention in the Western media, more concerned with arguing that the lack of personnel can seriously undermine the Russian war effort than to show the reality of war. With a much more limited population than Russia's, Ukraine has lost several million people in these two years - mostly women and minors, but also men of military age who have managed, legally or illegally, to leave the country - in a country in which long before the Russian invasion, the march towards emigration was already an important reality. The absence of a recent census makes it impossible to calculate the actual population residing in Ukraine in February 2022 and the uncertainty is now even greater.

In 2022, Ukraine spent more than a third of its GDP on war-related military spending, a figure that will likely increase in 2024 even despite the 5% growth the country has boasted. The flow of military assistance, which brought kyiv to 90% of the Russian equivalent, indicates that spending was expected to far exceed GDP growth. The casualties, clear population flight and loss of territory have further undermined Ukraine's recruiting capacity, whose needs have increased in recent months. Aware of its opponent's difficulties, Russia has tried to stretch the front even further to, by incorporating the northern part of Kharkiv into the battle, keep the Ukrainian lines overextended, making the lack of personnel even more evident. With the front completely stagnant and unable to even capture Volchansk, just 8 kilometers from the Russian border, this is the only success - and it must be considered minimal - of the Kharkiv operation.

The military issue rules and recruitment takes priority over the rest of the aspects of the economy - with the exception, of course, of the upper class, always capable of avoiding greater evils - although the lack of personnel is not only felt at the front. “The same personnel shortages that have weakened Ukrainian forces resisting the Russian attack on the battlefield are also undermining the productivity of this war-torn nation's factories, construction sites, mines and restaurants.” , writes Bloomberg . Ukrainian difficulties are not limited to skilled labor as is currently the case in Russia, but extend to all areas. However, it is in the professions critical to the continuation of the war effort where the situation is most worrying for the Ukrainian state and the countries that support it. “The lack of healthy men and women is becoming a burden for large and small companies that constitute the backbone of the economy in times of war,” adds the media, which makes clear the seriousness of the lack of hard-working personnel and the fall of the economy. “As the Ukrainian military struggles to hold the line against a new Russian offensive, its economy – which has lost a quarter of its output since the invasion began – risks being further weakened by a declining workforce. ”he insists.

The contraction of the economy, the loss of the working population and the problems associated with it are directly or indirectly related to the war circumstances, which make it necessary for Ukraine to have to “choose between butter and cannons.” According to the main source of the article, Sergiy Nikokaichuk, deputy governor of the Central Bank of Ukraine, “the collapse of economic output compared to 2021 is related to a contraction of available labor of around 27% with respect to levels of Before the war. In addition to the more than 6 million people estimated to have fled the war, the gap has been compounded by men who have disappeared into an underground economy of unregistered jobs that evade mandatory military service.”

As Ukraine looks for ways to combine mass mobilization of men for the army with maintaining a minimally stable level of working population, men are simply trying to avoid being drafted to the front. Ukrainian polls in recent months show a clear trend: the population is not opposed to the continuation of the war and does not demand compromises in exchange for peace at this time, but is increasingly reluctant to fight on the front now that it is aware of the barely epic nature of fighting, living poorly and dying in the trenches of Chasov Yar or Rabotino. Any establishment or place of passage is favorable for the mobilization agents, who last Saturday waited, for example, for the arrival of those who were preparing to celebrate the LGTBI Pride march in kyiv to check their recruitment cards. Supermarkets and bus stops are not the only places to recruit and job centers have become one of the most reliable. Fear of being recruited makes men who have not managed to leave the country but are trying to avoid the draft reluctant to work in jobs that expose them to recruiting agents.

The situation is especially sensitive for Ukraine in the case of the military industry, on which, for example, the production of drones with which Ukrainian troops attack Russian airfields depends. In war, data is scarce and the situation must be studied using other types of information. For example, a few days ago, 40 companies considered critical linked to the Defense sector demanded that the Government exempt their employees from the mobilization. When an employee turns 25, companies are obliged to notify the authorities, which leaves the worker exposed and can be quickly mobilized. The employers' association thus demands extensions or exemptions that allow companies to have essential labor and does so under the warning, or perhaps threat, that, otherwise, the industry will not be able to fulfill the agreed contracts. The subtext of this argument is, however, the same as in Russia: the war causes a shortage of labor in jobs that, under these conditions, are considered critical.

The situation is not new: “As men go off to fight, women take their jobs,” The Economist headlined in December in an article in which it could already be verified, long before the law came into force. mobilization, the shortage of labor in the country. The increase in female employment could be presented as a feminist triumph in a country with clearly patriarchal traditions. However, the experience of other wars indicates that the situation is usually only temporary and the available data suggests that the phenomenon is limited. Women of active age along with their sons and daughters are the bulk of the refugee population who fled the war in 2022 and whose return is, as the war drags on, increasingly uncertain. Ukraine can count on its partners for almost any type of assistance, be it military, economic, financial or political. Hence, at the summit for the reconstruction of Ukraine that was held last week in Berlin and in which they mainly talked about public-private collaboration , that is, privatization, Zelensky once again demanded a Marshall Plan from his partners. kyiv is aware that there is unlimited capacity and willingness among its allies to support Ukraine politically, but it overestimates their desire to invest indefinitely in economic terms. Ukraine is a good geopolitical tool in which the war has opened lucrative possibilities of reconstruction contracts for large civil and industrial engineering multinationals, but it is hardly going to become a new Korea. And, above all, the West does not have the capacity to cover the country's demographic shortcomings, the consequences of which worsen as the war drags on. ... y-canones/

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From Cassad's Telegram account:

Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of June 15, 2024) | The main thing:

- The West group occupied more advantageous positions, the Ukrainian Armed Forces in its area of ​​​​responsibility lost up to 495 people;

— The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the area of ​​responsibility of the North group per day amounted to up to 350 military personnel;

— The southern group improved the situation along the front line and defeated the manpower and equipment of four brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces;

— The Vostok group occupied more advantageous positions, the Ukrainian Armed Forces in its area of ​​​​responsibility lost up to 140 people and a tank;

— The Russian Armed Forces destroyed the US-made HIMARS and M270 MLRS MLRS launchers in the Dnepr area of ​​responsibility;

— The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost more than 630 military personnel in the area of ​​responsibility of the Southern Group of the Russian Armed Forces;

— Air defense systems shot down 54 drones, 4 Hammer guided bombs, 10 HIMARS missiles;

— The central group of the Russian Armed Forces improved the tactical situation and hit the formations of two brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine;

— The central group of the Russian Armed Forces repelled five counterattacks by assault groups of the Armed Forces of Ukraine;

— The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 320 military personnel in the area of ​​responsibility of the Central Group of the Russian Armed Forces.

Units of the "Center" group of troops improved the tactical position and defeated the formations of the 47th and 110th mechanized brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the areas of the settlements of Vozdvizhenka, Novoaleksandrovka, Voskhod, Novopokrovskoye and Evgenovka of the Donetsk People's Republic.

Five counterattacks by assault groups of the 23rd and 24th mechanized brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were repelled. Enemy

losses amounted to up to 320 military personnel, three infantry fighting vehicles, two cars, a 155 mm M777 howitzer made in the USA, three 152 mm 2A65 Msta-B howitzers , three 122 mm D-30 howitzers and a 105 mm M102 howitzer Made in USA.

▫️Units of the Vostok group of troops occupied more advantageous positions, and also defeated the manpower and equipment of the 58th motorized infantry brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the 102nd and 125th terrestrial defense brigades, the 21st brigade of the National Guard in the areas of the settlements of Novoukrainka, Neskuchnoye, Oktyabr Donetsk People's Republic and Gulyai Pole, Zaporozhye region.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 140 military personnel, a tank , an armored combat vehicle , three cars, two Polish-made 155-mm Krab self-propelled artillery mounts and a 152-mm 2A65 Msta-B howitzer .

▫️Units of the Dnepr group of troops defeated the manpower and equipment of the formations of the 23rd brigade of the National Guard in the areas of the settlements of Vysshetarasovka and Dobraya Nadiya, Dnepropetrovsk region.

The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces amounted to up to 75 military personnel and three vehicles.

In addition, the US -made M142 HIMARS and US-made M270 MLRS MLRS launchers , as well as the 122-mm 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled artillery mount, were destroyed .

▫️ Operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation defeated concentrations of enemy manpower and military equipment in 106 regions .

Air defense systems shot down 54 unmanned aerial vehicles, four Hammer guided bombs made in France, as well as ten HIMARS missiles made in the USA.

▫️In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed : 613 aircraft, 276 helicopters, 25,845 unmanned aerial vehicles, 529 anti-aircraft missile systems, 16,340 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,341 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 10,491 field artillery and mortar guns, as well as 22567 units of special military vehicles.

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Why Did it Take Russia So Long to Realize Donbass Was Worth Fighting For?
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on JUNE 14, 2024
Scott Ritter

As its military operation enters a critical stage, the question of why it took Moscow eight years to intervene remains a sensitive topic

On May 26, the Donetsk People’s Republic marked the tenth anniversary of the first battle for the region’s international airport. This was a key clash in the fight between Ukraine and local citizens who opposed the nationalist-dominated government that had seized power in Kiev as a result of the US-backed coup in February 2014. The anniversary was but one in a succession of similar commemorations of events which, together, draw attention to the fact that the war in Donbass has been ongoing for a decade.

Earlier this year I traveled to the Chechen Republic, Crimea, and the New Russian territories of Kherson and Zaporozhye, all locations which comprised what I called Russia’s ”Path of Redemption,” the geographic expression of actions undertaken by Moscow. The fourth –and final– destination of my trip, the two people’s republics of Donetsk and Lugansk that are collectively referred to as the Donbass, brought this journey to a close. By visiting the literal ground zero of the current Russian-Ukrainian conflict, I was able to put a punctation mark at the end of a long and complicated passage which delved into the very essence of modern-day Russia – what it means to be Russian, and the price the Russian nation has been willing to pay to preserve this definition.

When I crossed the border between Zaporozhye and Donetsk, there was no doubt that I was entering a war zone. The bodyguards from the Sparta Battalion that had escorted my vehicle as we drove through Kherson and Zaporozhye was replaced by a heavily armed detachment of camouflaged Russian soldiers, a constant reminder of the ever-present threat posed by Ukrainian partisans and saboteurs. I was being driven in an armored Chevy Tahoe, the former property of a Bank of Russia executive which had been re-purposed for this trip. My host, Aleksandr Zyryanov, the Director of the Investment Development Agency of Novosibirsk, was at the wheel. My fellow passengers were Aleksandr’s close friend and comrade, Denis, and Kirill, a resident of Saint Petersburg who was our point of contact with several Russian military units in Donbass we were hoping to meet up with.

Our first stop in Donbass was the city of Mariupol, site of a bloody siege in March-May 2022 which saw the combined forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Russian army, including Chechen fighters, defeat thousands of Ukrainian Marines and members of the Azov Regiment, a formation of Ukrainian ultra-nationalists who openly support the ideology of Stepan Bandera, the founder of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, or OUN, which fought alongside Nazi Germany during the Second World War. The last surviving remnants of the Ukrainian garrison which had holed up in a complex of tunnels underneath the sprawling Azovstal iron and steel factory that dominated the center of the city surrendered to Russian forces on May 20, 2022, bringing the battle to an end.

Mariupol suffered horribly because of the siege and the house-to-house fighting required to clear the city of its fanatic occupiers. The scars of war were so deep and prevalent as to leave the casual observer grasping to figure out how, or even if, the city and its population could ever recover. This was especially so when looking at the ruins of the Azovstal plant from the vantage point of the restored monument to the its workers who died during World War Two. And yet, like the patches of green that mark a charred forest after the first rainfall, Mariupol bore the evidence of a city coming back to life. The southern districts of the city had been completely razed, and new apartment complexes constructed which are populated by families whose children frolicked in playgrounds and parks nestled between the bright new buildings. Across the highway from the newly built neighborhood was a large new hospital complex. And as one drove into the center of the city, row upon row of damaged apartment buildings were undergoing reconstruction and repair work. Shops and restaurants were open, and people scurried about the sidewalks going about their business. Mariupol is very much alive, although the huge swaths of darkened neighborhoods, their buildings still uninhabitable, bear mute testimony to the work that still needs to be done.

The city of Donetsk, the capital of its eponymous people’s republic, is a living manifestation of the stark contrasts that define a modern metropolitan center during war – shiny high-rise buildings, their glass windows reflecting the morning sunlight, beckon, while in the streets below mothers walk hand in hand with their children, unflinching as the sound of artillery fire – incoming and outgoing – echo around them.

Driving through the city, I was struck by the bustling activity at one street corner as families shopped for food and the basic necessities of life in stores fully stocked with the desired goods, only to drive around the next corner to find the ruins of a similar market scene, destroyed by the random artillery and rocket fire from Ukrainian forces who still treat the citizens of Donetsk as ”terrorists.”

I was taken to the Donbass Liberator’s monument, located in the Donetsk Culture and Leisure Park, next to the city’s arena, where we laid flowers to the memory of the fallen. Afterwards, as I was shown the monuments to the fallen heroes of the ongoing war with Ukraine, the sound of rocket fire shook the grounds. ”It’s ours,” said my guide, an attractive young lady whose calm demeanor belied the reality of her current situation. ”Uragan,” she said, a reference to the Russian 220-mm multiple launch rocket system. ”Don’t worry.”

That a female tour guide was serving as a walking resource for weapons identification to a former Marine intelligence officer who used to specialize in identifying Soviet arms and equipment only underscored the disparity between perception and reality which marked the city of Donetsk – a world where normalcy was randomly punctuated with the horrors of war. It would be easy to allow yourself to become shrouded in the kind of flinching paranoia that seizes you when you are convinced that every step you take could be your last. To prevent yourself from simply fleeing to a basement until the all-clear signal sounds, you can overcompensate by taking on a devil-may-care attitude of ”what happens, happens.”

But, for most, caution is the name of the game in Donetsk – while death may be randomly delivered in the form of Ukrainian artillery and rockets, you do not need to become a willing victim, especially if you know the Ukrainian enemy is actively searching for you in order to deliver a lethal blow.

I have been labeled by the Center for Countering Disinformation, a US-funded Ukrainian government agency, as an ”information terrorist” who deserves to be treated as an actual ”terrorist” in terms of punishment – a not-so-veiled threat to my life.

Likewise, my name is on the infamous Mirotvorets (”peacekeepers”) ”kill list” promulgated by the Ukrainian intelligence service.

Daria Dugina, the daughter of the famous Russian political philosopher, Aleksandr Dugin, and Maksim Fomin, a Russian military blogger who wrote under the name Vladlen Tatarsky, were both on this list and were murdered by agents of the Ukrainian intelligence services. While I would have to be an egocentric narcissist to believe that the entire Ukrainian war effort would grind to a halt in order to hunt me down during my short visit to Donbass, the fact that Ukraine has on a regular basis attacked the hotels frequented by journalists reporting on the conflict also means that one you’d have to have a callous disregard for innocent life by staying at a hotel in Donetsk as long as your name is on such lists.

Discretion being the better part of valor, my hosts eschewed the offered room in a high-end Donetsk hotel for a more Spartan setting in a safehouse used during their frequent trips to the region. I traded the fine cuisine of Donetsk that my friend and colleague Randy Credico had bragged about during his visit to the region for the traditional soldier’s fare of fried potatoes and sausage cooked over a gas stove by Aleksandr’s friend, Denis.

Paranoia is the name of the game, however, when it comes to the day-to-day lives of those men and women who govern Donetsk and defend it from the Ukrainian army, if for no other reason than the Ukrainians are, in fact, actively trying to hunt them down and kill them. I had the honor and privilege of meeting with Denis Pushilin, the Governor of the Donetsk People’s Republic, and Aleksandr Khodakovsky, the commander of the legendary Vostok Battalion, one of the first military formations created in the Donbass region in 2014 to fight for independence from Ukraine. On both occasions, extensive security precautions were put in place to forestall any effort by Ukrainian intelligence to discover our meeting, identify its location, and attack it with artillery.

Pushilin and Khodakovsky both recalled their personal histories of the time of the founding of the Donetsk People’s Republic. Pushilin personally led a rally in Donetsk on April 5, 2014, calling for a referendum for the DPR to join Russia. He served as the first head of the DPR before stepping down in July 2014. In September 2018, he was brought back as the head of the DPR following the assassination of then DPR leader Aleksander Zakharchenko in a bombing of a Donetsk restaurant. He has served in that position ever since.

Up until early 2014, Aleksandr Khodakovsky was the commander of the elite Ukrainian police commando unit known as Alpha Group. Following the February 2014 Maidan coup that ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich, Khodakovsky and most of his Alpha Group commandoes defected to the Donbass resistance, where they were reformed into the Vostok Battalion. It was Khodakovsky’s Vostok Battalion which led the attack on Donetsk Airport on May 28, 2014, and which led the way into Mariupol in 2022. Today the Vostok Battalion has been expanded into a brigade-sized force operating as part of the Russian military, where it plays an active role in the ongoing battles for control of the Donbass region.

The contrast between Pushilin and Khodakovsky is quite stark. Both men are confident in the righteousness of their cause and the path of history they are embarked on. But while Pushilin brought with him the buoyant optimism of a politician looking forward to a better future, Khodakovsky exuded the quiet resignation of a soldier who knows that the victory he is fighting for can only come at a cost which, over the course of a decade’s worth of war, had become almost unbearable. Both men exhibited a deep love for the Donetsk People’s Republic, and a genuine appreciation for the sacrifice made by the Russian army and nation in coming to their assistance, and for bringing them into the fold of the Russian Federation.

The one thing both men had in common was a look of mental exhaustion whenever the subject of Russia’s military intervention was raised. I couldn’t quite put my finger on what caused this look until later, after our meetings had concluded and I found myself in the city of Lugansk, the capital of the Lugansk People’s Republic. The drive from Donetsk to Lugansk took us through towns and villages that had previously been on the front lines of the war with Ukraine. Some of these population centers showed signs of life. Many, however, did not. War, like a tornado, seemed to have a random character, targeting some places for destruction, while skipping over others.

Today, the city of Lugansk is not on the front line, and its citizens enjoy a life of relative calm when contrasted with their neighbors in Donetsk. But war has visited them in the past, with all the violence and horror that currently unfolds in the regions of Donbass located to the south and west of the city. On June 27, 2017, the citizens of Lugansk unveiled a memorial dedicated to children killed because of the fighting that had been raging since 2014. On that day, 33 white doves were released into the air to symbolize the young lives lost.

On January 17, 2024, I visited this memorial, known as the ’Alley of Angels.’ There is another, more well-known Alley of Angels located in Donetsk. Because of the proximity of the war to that city, media coverage of the Donetsk monument, which commemorates the more than 230 children killed in the Donetsk People’s Republic by Ukraine since 2014, has been extensive, to the point that much of the world has seemed to have forgotten that the war with Ukraine has ravaged Lugansk as well. Since the unveiling of the Lugansk monument, another 35 children have been killed, raising the total to 68, with more than 190 additional children injured, all due to indiscriminate Ukrainian shelling.

Aleksandr and I took part in a small ceremony marked by our laying flowers at the foot of the monument. By the time we had finished, a small crowd had gathered around to witness the sight of an American mourning the loss of their children. I was handed a book about the memorial and given an impromptu tour of the sculptures and plaques that were located there. A television crew asked me for a short interview.

“What are your impressions of this memorial?” the interviewer asked.

“It’s a touching tribute to the young lives that were so needlessly lost,” I replied. ”And a constant reminder as to why this tragic war needs to be fought and won.”

Afterwards, a lady emerged from the small crowd that had been watching the proceedings. ”We thank you for coming to visit our city, and to honor the memory of our children,” she said, tears welling in her eyes.

She held out her hand, and I took it in mine, a gesture of friendship and compassion.

“You must be relieved now that you are part of Russia, and the Russian army is helping drive the Ukrainians back,” I said.

“Yes,” she said, her voice cracking. ”Yes, of course. But why did it take them so long? These children,” she said, gesturing toward the memorial, ”did not have to die. Why did it take them so long?”

I looked into her eyes, and immediately was struck by a sense of déjà vu. I had seen that look before, in the eyes of Denis Pushilin and Alexander Khodakovsky, a mixture of relief and exasperation, of hope and dejection, of happiness and sorrow. Yes, the leadership and people of Donbass are overjoyed by the presence of Russian troops on their territory, and the fact that the region is now legally part of Russia. Yes, Russia loves them now. But where was Russia when the children started dying in 2014? Why did it take so long for Moscow to wake up to the need to bring the Donbass into the fold of the Russian nation?

This is the eternal question, one that Russia today struggles to find an adequate answer for.

Russia’s path of redemption ends in Donbass. Here, the sins, errors, and evil which combined to create the current Russian-Ukrainian conflict are manifest. Questions have been asked to which there may be no adequate answer. Today, the situation on the ground increasingly points to a Russian victory over both Ukraine and its supporters in the collective West. But this victory has come at a huge physical and psychological cost. While the dead may be buried and honored, the living will always have to struggle to come to grips over the sacrifices that have been made in support of the cause they were fighting for.

And, in the end, if they believe that the cause was a just one – and it is my firm position that they do, in fact, believe this to be the case – then the answer to the question as to why it took Russia so long to intervene on behalf of Donbass will hang there, unanswerable, if for no other reason than that the pain any honest answer will generate may be too much to bear for those who had been fighting for the liberation of Donbass these past ten years. ... 04b24e.jpg

Not a great mystery to me. There were two reason:

1) Putin was still determined that Russia join the major Western powers as an equal. Thus we got Minsk I &II. Only after those efforts proved utterly futile did he give up on that.

2) In the beginning in Donbass there was a definite Red sentiment. Some of the best militia commanders, men with call signs 'Brain' and 'Batman', spoke openly of returning to some degree of socialism. There was talk of expropriating the larger means of production away from the oligarchs who had come to possess them by means shady and foul. That would never do for Russian oligarchs of whatever faction. Those were the first of the militia commanders assassinated. Previous to that Russian support had been meager, bare survival level at best. The tap only really opened up after they were removed from the scene. I and others have suspected that Moscow had a hand in that right from the start, if only LIHOP. Which does not change my support for the Russian cause. Life is complicated. But I do not forget and I suspect many in Donbass do not either.


F-16 Fighter Jets, 2012. (Photo: Senior Airman Brittany Y. Auld / Flickr)

NATO escalates dangerously
Originally published: Defend Democracy Press on June 12, 2024 (more by Defend Democracy Press) | (Posted Jun 13, 2024)

Putin has previously warned that Russia could target bases in NATO countries if they’re hosting warplanes that are being used in Ukraine

A senior Ukrainian Air Force official said Monday that Ukraine plans to keep some of the Western-provided U.S.-made F-16 fighter jets that it will receive at foreign military bases to protect them from Russian strikes, an arrangement that risks provoking Russian attacks on NATO territory.

“There are a certain number of aircraft that will be stored at secure air bases, outside of Ukraine, so that they are not targeted here,” said Brig. Gen. Serhiy Holubtsov, the chief of aviation in Ukraine’s air force.

And this will be our reserve in case of need for replacement of faulty planes during routine maintenance.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and other Russian officials have previously warned that NATO bases housing Ukrainian jets that are being used in the war could be potential targets.

“If they are stationed at air bases outside the Ukrainian borders and used in combat, we will have to see how and where to strike the assets used in combat against us,” Putin said last year, according to The Associated Press.

It poses a serious danger of NATO being further drawn into the conflict.

Putin and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov have also noted that F-16s are capable of carrying nuclear weapons. Lavrov warned last year that Russia would view them as a nuclear threat. The Netherlands recently announced that it would allow Ukraine to use the F-16s it provides in strikes on Russian territory.

According to AP, Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Norway have pledged up to 60 F-16s for Ukraine, but none have been delivered so far. The first planes are expected to arrive this summer, and Ukraine may only receive six at first due to delays in training pilots. ... ngerously/


Western Officials and Press Starting to Acknowledge Impact of Russian Electric War on Ukraine
Posted on June 14, 2024 by Yves Smith

Ukraine putting out its begging bowl at the Berlin “Restoration and Infrastructure Conference” this week has led to a smidge more press attention to the impact of Russia’s campaign against Ukraine’s electrical system. Similar to coverage of the war as a whole, bad information is being dribbled out, accompanied by doses of hopium as to how conditions could be made markedly better if the West only provided more weapons, money, and other salves.

Another telling aspect is that the articles are only willing to project out to Ukraine having the high odds of a cold and dark winter, and the impact of that on households. It’s as if we were given old fashioned naval maps, with their warnings at the periphery, “Beyond here lie dragons.” They avert their eyes from the fact that highly constrained power translates into massive constraints on and likely cascading problems with commerce.

Even if you consider only the difficulties for residents, it is not just that they will be in freezing, blackout conditions come winter. What about food? What about getting gas, since many stations rely on electricity to run their pumps?

And when we get to commerce, just start with processing transactions. What happens when Internet access is limited, and retailers and suppliers can’t take card or electronic payments on their merchant systems? Or for that matter, banks if theres is only power for a few hours a day?

And most of all, what about sewage, which John Helmer identified as the big chokepoint in terms of municipalities having a hope of remaining habitable? From his post earlier this week:

Independently of one another, Russian and Ukrainian reporters are confirming the impact of the power losses on the operation of water and sewerage systems in the majority of Ukrainian cities. According to Oleg Popenko, a Ukrainian expert on energy for communal services, “Armageddon has already arrived. We just don’t feel it yet. But the residents of Poltava, for example, feel it, because since May 5 of this year, 120,000 residents of the city receive water by the hour and use sewerage by the hour. You can imagine what happened in Zhitomir when the central sewerage collector didn’t work there for a week, but now in Poltava [it’s been] a month. And this is the problem with water utilities in 70% of Ukrainian cities. Water utilities are probably more important than rest of the infrastructure in the city. Heat and electricity can be replaced somehow, and you can go somewhere. But if the sewer system breaks down in a city, the city is no longer viable in principle.”

Also note that there is some artful positioning on the extent of the devastation. Ukraine’s biggest energy company DTEK confirmed Washington Post reporting. From DTEK on June 7:

In a recent Washington Post article, DTEK CEO Maxim Timchenko revealed that russia’s missile attacks have devastated Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, with the country’s largest private power producer losing 86 percent of its generating capacity.

“What makes the situation worse is that many of the electrical facilities have been targeted repeatedly — a cycle of destruction, recovery, destruction,” Timchenko told the Washington Post. He pointed to one DTEK power unit that was repaired just weeks ago only to be struck again over the weekend, saying “Now it’s just gone.”

Yet various new reports state that Ukraine has lost only 50% of its generation. This is plausible given that DTEK in 2019 and 2020 supplied only 18% to 19% of Ukraine’s electricity, per Fitch. So the math could work. But 86% for DTEK versus 50% overall would mean DTEK has been singularly unlucky. So it’s not unreasonable to think that 50% is an understatement.

BBC provided one Ukraine electricity update this week. The Twitterverse amplified this section:

If Russia continues to attack power plants, the worst-case scenario is that come winter Ukrainians could be spending up to 20 hours a day without power and heating, according to Ukraine’s largest private energy company DTEK. Part of the issue is that Ukraine’s thermal and hydroelectric power stations are difficult and expensive to fix.

They skipped over the significance of this part:

Ukraine is buying energy from the European Union to try to cover its shortfall. Its energy ministry said it was planning on Wednesday to import its largest amount of power to date. However, this is not enough to make up its deficit, meaning nationwide power cuts have been planned during an eight-hour window, from 3pm to 11pm, in order to protect critical infrastructure such a hospitals and military facilities.

The BBC piece made it sound as if 3 PM to 11 PM power outages are the new normal (although in fairness “power cuts” could mean rolling blackouts in this window). Anyone who has read about load balancing in connection with solar power knows that residential usage peaks when people come home from work. They cook dinner (and open their fridges, also increasing power demand), turn on lights, turn on air conditioning or turn up heat, depending on the time of year, and in normal circumstances, many turn on entertainment devices.

So this window is part of the business day and the most active time for households. In the US, the consumer sector is the largest user of electricity, but represents less than half the total (commercial and industrial are classified separately). Ukraine is probably not wildly different (it probably has a larger industrial sector, but that was concentrated in the Donbass, which Russia now deems to be part of Russia). So even though the outage time is only 8 hours a day, on a guesstimated basis, it seems consistent with a 50% reduction. But when you consider the profile, it already represents a lot of pain for individuals.

A new story in the Wall Street Journal applies as much porcine maquillage as possible to this dire and worsening situation. Key extracts:

Ukraine is imposing blackouts, launching hasty repairs and hunting for spare parts after a Russian bombing campaign targeting power infrastructure in recent months slashed the country’s electricity production by half.

The Russian attacks, using waves of missiles and explosive drones, have sparked fears of a painful winter should the power outages severely hamper the economy and lead to an exodus from cities. Ukraine has long pleaded with the West for more air-defense systems, and Ukrainian officials say deliveries have been insufficient to protect both cities and the front lines.

In reviving and expanding a tactic used earlier in the war, Ukrainian officials say Russia is seeking to spark a humanitarian crisis as part of an effort to break Ukrainians’ will to fight and force a capitulation.

The streets of Kyiv are already filled with the sound and fumes of generators, as power companies impose hourslong blackouts to manage consumption and carry out repairs. Ukraine has increased electricity imports from European Union neighbors it was exporting power to as recently as March. And repair crews are working across its energy grid to restore capacity, sometimes only to see the same facilities struck again.

This section implies, and more Ukraine complaints in the article later explicitly claim, that this campaign could be neutralized if the West provided more air defenses. While technically accurate, it breezes past the fact that that’s na ga happen. Ukraine’s former Soviet weaponry generally outperformed Western replacements. As anyone who has been even dimly following this story knows, the US and NATO have been scrounging to find more Patriot missiles, even as Russia has been successfully hunting and destroying the platforms. Ukraine has also been pinning far too much hope on the eventual delivery of F-16 fighter jets, which the Anglosphere media has dutifully also overhyped. And we see no mention of ever-more effective Russian signal jamming.

It’s not surprising to see frustration and upset on Twitter:
Once again… we've a Full House. Ukraine is being pummeled. Air defense is as scarce as electricity.

— ₦₳V𝚜𝚝é𝚟𝚊 🇷🇺 ᴢ (@Navsteva) June 14, 2024

▪️ The hydropower sector also suffered losses: 2 HPPs are completely out of operation.

— Malcolm X (@malcolmx653459) June 13, 2024
The Journal piece turns to the notion that Ukraine can restore service as the war is on, which is akin to bailing water out of a badly leaking boat:

DTEK estimates the price of restoring the energy system at $50 billion…Focused on maintenance, they are looking for spare parts, equipment and investment to keep Ukraine’s grid working. To address the need for parts, [Maxim] Timchenko [CEO of DTEK] said DTEK has been working with countries across Europe to visit decommissioned power plants to scour for usable parts. At least 10 countries have opened their doors.

During the Ukraine Recovery Conference in Berlin, Ukraine’s Energy Ministry said it helped coordinate a dozen new cooperation agreements for rebuilding and maintaining the country’s power grid. State power company Ukrenergo said it has received 30.4 million euros, equivalent to around $33 million, from Germany to support energy infrastructure. The EU said 1.4 billion euros in grants will be available to businesses working in the sector. DTEK announced partnerships with U.S. energy companies Honeywell International and GE Vernova as well as French energy company Schneider Electric, which has donated 43,000 pieces of emergency equipment worth 4 million euros since February 2022.

In fairness, the article does acknowledge, as minimally as possible, that energy facilities are “sometimes” destroyed again after repairs.

The Journal describes Ukraine plans to rely more on solar and other distributed generation, with DTEK having launched a new wind farm even while the war was on. But the article also describes the use of generators as a stopgap, without acknowledging that they are not a viable ongoing solution. Again hoisting from Helmer:

On June 7, a video recorded stroll down one of Odessa’s shopping streets revealed an emergency generating set providing electricity for almost all of the commercial establishments.

“This is in no way sustainable,” comments a NATO military engineer. “Note how each shop has its own genset. The generators in the video are not designed for the duty cycle they’re being run at. They’ll wear out soon enough. The military, including deployed NATO personnel, use the shops and the gensets, too. The idea of pooling their resources, sharing load among gensets, thus reducing wear and tear on the whole network, while collectivizing fuel and maintenance costs, doesn’t seem to have occurred to them. To be sure, what follows will be no lack of electrocutions, carbon monoxide poisonings, and fires. We can bet the manifestations of the social pathology we’re seeing here have been factored in by the General Staff. Their attack point will now be to stop fuel, engine oil, spares, and replacements from getting through.”

Russia is working on two overlapping tracks, that of degrading Ukraine’s power system so severely as to cripple its military’s ability to supply itself and communicate, with the ancillary effect of getting civilians to leave cities, which would give Russia more degrees of freedom in taking them, if it has to resort to offensive operations. At the same time, it is relentlessly attriting Ukraine’s men and weapons in the east. Russia can decide how to manage the tempo of each campaign. It will be interesting to see which vector Russia prefers over time, since this may also give early signals as to how Russia is thinking about the end game. For instance, more emphasis on the electrical campaign could presage Russia eventually asserting control over western Ukraine, which they would regard as an unwelcome necessity. Consistent with that notion, John Mearshimer on Judge Napolitano pointed out yesterday (starting at 8:58):

Ukrainians needs more manpower on the battlefield, they need more weaponry, and we don’t have weaponry to give them in meaningful numbers, and we certainly don’t have any manpower to give them. So there is not much we can do at this point in time. And I would argue, by the way, that by doubling down the way we are doubling down, especially by giving Ukraine a 10 year military commitment, we’re just guaranteeing that Russians have a powerful incentive to really wreck Ukraine.

Mearshimer did at least disagree with Gilbert Doctorow and said he thought Russia would not flatten Kiev. But that view does not make the overall trajectory that much better. ... raine.html


Putin’s Ukraine Proposal: The West Must Decide Whether It Wants Peace
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on JUNE 14, 2024
Ekaterina Blinova

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s clear and fair peace proposal has made the forthcoming Ukraine conference in Switzerland meaningless and cornered NATO, former US Marine Corps intelligence officer Scott Ritter told Sputnik.

President Vladimir Putin has outlined another proposal to solve the Ukraine crisis once and for all at a meeting with top diplomats at the Russian Foreign Ministry in Moscow, making clear that Moscow is not interested in freezing or postponing the conflict.

According to the president, Russia is ready to cease fire and start negotiations once Ukraine begins to withdraw from the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics and the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions within their administrative borders and officially renounces plans to join NATO. Additionally, Russia requires Ukraine to adopt a neutral, non-aligned, and non-nuclear status.

“We are ready to sit at the negotiation table tomorrow,” said Putin.
“Today, we made another specific, real peace proposal. If Kiev and the Western capitals refuse it, as they have previously, then ultimately, it is their matter, their political and moral responsibility for the continuation of bloodshed,” the president stressed.

Scott Ritter: Keeping Ukraine out of NATO serves as key to resolving demilitarization & denazification

Shining the spotlight on Moscow’s commitment to finding a resolution to the Ukraine conflict, former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter commented on Vladimir Putin’s speech at…

— Sputnik (@SputnikInt) June 14, 2024

Putin’s new peace proposal is a brilliant move, according to former US Marine Corps intelligence officer Scott Ritter.

“A [Western] peace conference in Switzerland [from June 15 to 16] that was never going to succeed now has a completely different angle to it,” Ritter told Sputnik. “It will now be discussing the Russian peace initiative. No longer will they be talking about Zelensky’s unrealistic expectation of having Russia leave the new territories. The West will now be saying, what about this offer? Can we do this offer? The NATO summit won’t be about ‘How do we expand, how do we enlarge?’ It will be about ‘What do we do about the Russian peace proposal?’ This puts the West in the horns of a dilemma. That’s exactly where Russia wants them.”

Ritter underscored that Russia isn’t looking for a ceasefire or freezing the conflict to make it fester any longer: “Russia’s looking for conflict resolution. They want a genuine peace plan.” The plan is based on the 2022 Istanbul communiqué while taking into account the reality on the ground, the former US Marine Corps intelligence officer noted.

The roadmap proposed by Vladimir Putin also meets the initial goals of the special military operation launched on February 24, 2022, i.e. de-militarization and de-Nazification, the military expert continued.

“Demilitarization will occur through the negotiation process. When Ukraine commits to not being a member of NATO, this resolves a number of issues, such as what to do with all of this NATO equipment that has been accumulated by Ukraine. There’s no longer a need for it. It will go away. So too will the NATO advisors. Demilitarization has been accomplished.”

“De-Nazification… Vladimir Putin made it clear that Volodymyr Zelensky is not the political future of Ukraine. Neither are the right-wing political parties that have produced Nazi-type organizations like the Right Sector, Svoboda, Azov, and other neo-Nazi-affiliated paramilitary and military organizations. These will, of course, have to be done away with. But who’s going to do away with that? Russia’s not occupying Ukraine. This will be part of the post-conflict political rebuilding, restructuring of Ukraine. And again, once Ukraine has walked away from NATO and has assumed a position of genuine neutrality, this changes the domestic political dynamic inside Ukraine, empowering political entities that otherwise have been suppressed, the opposition that Volodymyr Zelensky has sought to silence over these many years,” Ritter explained.

The military veteran pointed out that the Russian president has also made it clear that if the proposals are snubbed, the military confrontation will continue and the future requirements for peace could be very different.
“This may include Odessa, Kharkov, and other issues of that nature,” Ritter presumed. “But I think Russia is playing a very intelligent move here. By building on the negotiations that have already occurred in 2022, Russia is showing that it hasn’t changed course. It’s giving the West one more chance to accept peace on mutually-beneficial terms. Hopefully this time there won’t be [former UK prime minister] Boris Johnson flying into Kiev to tell Volodymyr Zelensky: ‘Back away, don’t accept peace’. But this is going to require not just Russia making adaptations, but the West.”

Scott Ritter on Russia’s peace move: ‘The ball is now in the West’s court’

“I think Russia is playing a very intelligent move here. By taking, by building on the negotiations that have already occurred in 2022, Russia is showing that it has not changed course. It’s giving the…

— Sputnik (@SputnikInt) June 14, 2024

Ritter has no doubts that Zelensky is finished if Russia’s peace proposal is accepted. Still, it raises the question of whether the NATO leadership that has already heavily invested in the continuous bloodshed in Ukraine will embrace the agreement, according to him.

“By accepting this peace, this puts NATO on the eve of a NATO summit this summer, puts NATO in a bind,” Ritter said. “What is NATO to do? I think Vladimir Putin has made a very intelligent move here. He has put the onus now on the West to decide, do they want peace? Do they want to embark on hundreds of billions of dollars worth of military modernization, reorganization that is premised on something that’s false, the threat of Russia that is demonstrably non-existent today?”

The ball is now in the West’s court, according to the military analyst. “We now get to see how the West responds,” he concluded. ... nts-peace/


Jun 14, 2024 , 4:24 pm .

The Azov battalion is considered a terrorist group and is banned in Russia (Photo: Andrea Carrubba / AA)

The Washington Post announced that Joe Biden's government gave the green light for the Azov Battalion to receive American-made weapons, a measure that suggests that any necessary resources will be used to stop the imminent defeat of the Ukrainian forces by of the Russian army.

In 2017, during the Donald Trump administration, a law on federal government financing was signed, which included an amendment that prohibited the Pentagon from spending funds allocated for military aid to Ukraine on the nationalist group with a clear tendency towards neo-Nazism.

The ban had gone on for years until, recently, the State Department stated that "after a thorough review, the 12th Azov Brigade of the Ukrainian Special Forces passed Leahy's investigation." The Leahy Act was introduced by Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy in the 1990s and prohibits the US government from providing assistance to any foreign military or police unit if there is credible information that such unit has committed serious human rights violations with impunity.

It was precisely because of his criminal brutality, his crimes , as well as his neo-Nazi projection, that he became known internationally. His popularity was greater when in 2014 she "conquered" Mariupol and an epic of warriors who were willing to die for his homeland was foisted on her. As a movement they had an impact on the political, social and cultural spheres. He later became part of the National Guard.

The epic lasted until 2022 when they surrendered as prisoners of war to Russian forces after spending almost a month entrenched in the huge Azovstal metallurgical plant. This battalion is considered a terrorist group and is banned in Russia.

After seven years of bans, the State Department found "no evidence" of such violations, according to the "exhaustive" investigation, and that is why the ban on receiving American weapons is lifted.

It appears that the United States is no longer concerned about the human rights violations perpetrated by this battalion, nor its origins. Nor that its founders defend racist, xenophobic and ultranationalist points of view that motivated the UN to accuse them of violating humanitarian principles.

With intense summer battles approaching and the Russian military intensifying its pressure on military targets and Ukraine's energy infrastructure, there is a shift in U.S. policy. According to The Washington Post , the Azov brigade received a letter from the US embassy in Kiev stating that the inspection had determined it was eligible for security assistance.

Col. Sviatoslav Palamar, deputy commander of the brigade, told the outlet that his soldiers are eager for all types of American equipment, from tanks and infantry vehicles to air defense systems. Another who spoke on condition of anonymity detailed that Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba raised the issue of the ban with Secretary of State Antony Blinken when the top US diplomat visited kyiv last May.

For months, Ukraine has been crying out for military and financial aid, even blaming the United States and Europe for doing nothing in the face of Russia's imminent victory in the war. For its part, the Kremlin argued that "such a sudden change in Washington's position shows that they do not care about anyone in their attempts to suppress Russia, using the Ukrainian people as a tool in their hands. They are even ready to flirt with the neo-Nazis." ... de-ucrania

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Mon Jun 17, 2024 12:00 pm

war summit
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 06/17/2024


Zelensky's peace summit , which brought together pro-Ukrainian leaders and representatives in the town of Bürgenstock, Switzerland, was held exactly according to expected parameters. Organized by Andriy Ermak with the aim of giving visibility to international support for Ukraine as a tool of pressure on Russia, the process of meetings to promote the Ukrainian president's 10-point plan culminated this weekend with a meeting in which kyiv has tried to impose the false idea of ​​international consensus in favor of the Ukrainian road map. “Zelensky's plan includes demands for a cessation of hostilities, restoration of Ukraine's territorial integrity, withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukrainian soil, and restoration of Ukraine's pre-war borders with Russia. "It also calls for the creation of a special court to try Russian war crimes," CNN summarized on Saturday , which, like the other Western media, accepted a plan that simply demands Russian surrender and its unilateral withdrawal from all Ukrainian territories according to internationally recognized borders, including those where the population has shown its refusal to return under Ukrainian control. The opinion and well-being of the population of Donbass and Crimea, to whom Ukraine has not stopped promising punishment for their disloyalty over the last decade, is not a factor to be taken into account by kyiv, its Western partners and its related press.

In this context, the objective of Ermak and Zelensky was to consolidate their position of diplomatic strength with an image in which Western powers were represented, but also countries like China, the world's second largest economy and Russia's main ally. Absolutely transparent in its attempt to present broad participation as a sign of global unanimity in favor of Ukraine, the Kiev Government has used this speech despite the absences, the limited real content of the summit and the complaints of some delegations, which have shown publicly expressed his displeasure at the explicit exclusion of the other side from the war in the negotiations.

“We must decide together what a just peace means for the world and how it can be achieved in a lasting way,” said Zelensky, who continues to twist the meaning of the words to describe his allies as world and a resolution of the war as just peace. that does not take into account the will of the population. The Ukrainian approach is only concerned with recovering the territories lost since February 24, 2022 and with reconquering what was lost eight years earlier not because of Russian actions but because of the way in which Ukraine tried to impose the irregular change of government on the entire population. Government that took place in kyiv in February 2014.

During the opening of the summit, the Ukrainian president boasted of the participation, highlighting that not only Western countries had attended. “All parts of the world, all continents, the different nations, both large and small geographically, and all the political poles of our world - Latin America, the Middle East and Asia, Africa, Europe, the Pacific, Australia, North America - are represented at the summit,” he insisted to underline the global aspect of the summit. However, absences and negative comments have also arrived from all continents. “You don't negotiate with your friends,” declared Celso Amorim, Lula da Silva's main advisor, hours before the summit, one of the important absences. “You negotiate with your adversaries,” he added, insisting on a perfectly obvious aspect that not only Brazil has emphasized. “This summit could have been more outcome-oriented if the other party to the conflict, Russia, had been present in the room,” said Hakan Fidan, Turkey's foreign minister. “The best thing is to have a lasting and stable peace, but that is why Russia's participation is also necessary,” said the Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia, another of the countries that Zelensky is trying to court. And even the host, Swiss President Viola Amherd, declared that “a peace process without Russia is inconceivable.”

None of this has deterred Zelensky, who has made the absence of the other side to the war in the negotiations his main diplomatic strategy. This was the case during the Donbass war, when he tried to sabotage the Minsk format in favor of the Normandy Quartet, in which in addition to excluding Donetsk and Lugansk he had the support of Germany and France, and it is happening now with the attempt to present the summits with its allies as a peace process. “Russia is not here,” said the Ukrainian president, adding that “if Russia was interested in peace, there would be no war.” Blaming Russia for the existence of the war has also been a constant in the last decade, even at times when it was Moscow that was willing to make concessions while kyiv flatly refused to implement the peace agreements it had signed. If the war has reached the current level, it is not only because of Russian actions, but because at every moment in which compromise has been possible - whether in Geneva before the outbreak of war, in Minsk during the Donbass conflict or In Istanbul, where the territorial concessions that Russia demanded were limited to those territories where the population had explicitly shown that they were in favor of secession, kyiv has chosen war.

The situation is repeated at the current time, in which Ukraine is building a format of peace in which the most important part is war and peace is only a Manichean discourse in which reality contradicts the narrative. “We hope for a just peace as soon as possible,” said Zelensky, who understands by just peace the imposition of its conditions in the form of an ultimatum without taking into account the facts on the ground or the rights of the population of the territories that he demands that Russia abandon. to their fate. Without any progress towards a minimally constructive position, something that can only occur in a negotiation process in which both sides of the war participate, Ukraine insists on conclusions written long before the summit and that do not take into account the positions shown by the leaders who have come to her. “We managed to return to the world the idea that joint efforts can stop war and establish a just peace,” said Zelensky despite lacking arguments to justify his words.

Ukraine's just peace is simple and boils down to demanding Russia's surrender and the imposition of conditions dictated by Kiev. This complete victory is the only acceptable resolution for a country that has always considered the continuation of the war to be a better option if the alternative was a peace with concessions, whether territorial, as Moscow demanded in Istanbul and continues to demand now, or political, as was the case. in the case of Minsk. Zelensky's just peace is nothing more than the continuation of the war with the support of his allies and suppliers and protected by summits such as the one held in Switzerland, a camouflaged mockery of diplomacy, without taking into account the death and destruction it implies. “If we don't make progress this year, then we will try again next year,” Zelensky told a European leader, according to The New York Times . “And if we don't make progress next year, we'll try the next year and the year after that,” he insisted. “Zelensky says that his peace plan is to continue the war for at least four more years,” criticized the Ukrainian-Canadian academic Ivan Katchanovski when commenting on the words of the president of Ukraine.

“We believe that achieving peace requires participation and dialogue between all parties. Therefore, we have decided to take concrete steps in the future in the aforementioned directions for greater participation of all parties,” states the final communiqué of the summit. The document represents its limited content and also the lack of consensus. The signatories insist on the territorial integrity of Ukraine as a starting point, demand that Russia hand over control of the Energodar nuclear power plant to Ukraine (without mentioning Ukrainian artillery attacks against the plant), free movement in the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov and the handover of prisoners of war and “illegally detained Ukrainian civilians.” As had been anticipated, the summit agenda was going to be limited to nuclear and food security and the issue of prisoners of war, scarce content for a meeting that Andriy Ermak had been preparing for months. To the reduction of the communiqué it must be added that twelve of the countries or organizations present at the summit - as participants or observers - have chosen not to sign the document. These are India, Brazil, Iran, South Africa, Armenia, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Mexico, Thailand, Indonesia, the United Nations and the Vatican. Two more countries, Iraq and Jordan, chose to withdraw their signature after initially doing so. The weight of the Global South is evident in the countries that have refused to participate in the summit or have not signed the final communiqué, a failure that Ukraine will not recognize in its attempt to attract those countries to its postulates.

Even so, the great family photo, in which Zelensky and Ermak have been photographed with Kamala Harris, Emmanuel Macron, Olaf Scholz or Justin Trudeau, is enough for Ukraine to continue insisting on its diplomatic and political strength and its legitimacy to impose its postulates against Russia. In case the mention of the future participation "of all parties" in the negotiation was misleading, Kiev has already specified that there will be no direct negotiation with Russia, to which it reserves only the role of passive recipient of a diktat that has to achieve. “When the action plan is on the table, accepted by everyone and transparent to the people, then we will communicate it to Moscow's representatives, so that we can really end the war,” Zelensky said. Until then, everyone 's peace plan , that is, Kiev and its partners, is simply war. And as Gustavo Petro predicted when announcing Colombia's absence, the summit has been nothing more than “an alignment with war."

Google Translator


From Cassad's Telegram account:

Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of June 16, 2024) The main thing:

The central group of troops improved the tactical situation within 24 hours and defeated formations of four brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces;

— Units of the Central Group of the Russian Armed Forces repelled four counterattacks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in one day;

— The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 375 military personnel in the area of ​​responsibility of the Central Group of the Russian Armed Forces;

— The North group of troops repelled three counterattacks, defeated two enemy brigades, and the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 265 military personnel per day;

— The eastern group of the Russian Armed Forces occupied more advantageous positions within 24 hours and defeated the manpower and equipment of three brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine;

— Daily losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the area of ​​responsibility of the Eastern group of the Russian Armed Forces amounted to up to 135 military personnel;

— The “South” group repelled 4 counterattacks, defeated three brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the enemy lost up to 380 military personnel and a Leopard tank;

— The Dnepr group defeated the manpower and equipment of three brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces;

— Ten Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were shot down by air defense systems;

— The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the zone of responsibility of the Dnepr group amounted to up to 90 military personnel;

— The Russian Armed Forces defeated concentrations of manpower and equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 115 regions within 24 hours.

Units of the Vostok group of troops liberated the village of Zagornoye, Zaporozhye region, and occupied more advantageous positions.

The manpower and equipment of the 58th motorized infantry brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the 123rd military defense brigade and the 15th brigade of the National Guard were defeated in the areas of the settlements of Novoselkovka, Zaporozhye region, Urozhaynoye and Vladimirovka, Donetsk People's Republic.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 135 military personnel, an armored combat vehicle , four vehicles, a 155 mm AS-90 “Braveheart” self-propelled artillery mount and a 155 mm FH-70 howitzer made in Great Britain, as well as two Bukovel-AD electronic warfare stations .

▫️Units of the Dnepr group of troops defeated the manpower and equipment of the formations of the 23rd brigade of the National Guard, the 103rd and 121st military defense brigades in the areas of the settlements of Vysshetarasovka, Pokrovskoye, Nikopol in the Dnepropetrovsk region and Osokorovka in the Kherson region.

The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces amounted to up to 90 military personnel, two vehicles, a Polish-made 155-mm Krab self-propelled artillery mount , a 152-mm D-20 gun , two 122-mm D-30 howitzers and an 85-mm D-44 cannon .

▫️ Operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation defeated concentrations of enemy manpower and military equipment in 115 regions . Ten Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were shot down

by air defense systems .

▫️In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed : 613 aircraft, 276 helicopters, 25,855 unmanned aerial vehicles, 529 anti-aircraft missile systems, 16,352 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,341 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 10,547 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 22613 units of special military vehicles.

🔹 Russian Ministry of Defense

Google Translator


The US’ Security Pact With Ukraine Is A Consolation For Not Approving Its NATO Membership

JUN 15, 2024


Neither the US nor Russia wants Ukraine in NATO, each for different reasons, yet the US wants to continue militarizing Ukraine so that it can keep waging NATO’s proxy war on Russia while Russia wants to demilitarize Ukraine in order to end Ukrainian-emanating NATO proxy threats to its security.

Zelensky celebrated his country’s new security pact with the US on Thursday as “bring[ing] our relations to the level of a true alliance”, but the reality is that it’s just a consolation for the US not approving Ukraine’s NATO membership, which would give it much more meaningful mutual defense commitments. The full text can be read here while the fact sheet can be read here, and upon doing so, the reader will learn that the US is simply formalizing the support that it’s been giving Ukraine since February 2022.

There’s no obligation for the US to dispatch troops to Ukraine if it enters into another round of hostilities with Russia sometime after the ongoing one finally ends. To be sure, NATO’s Article 5 doesn’t obligate the same either, but the US would be under much more pressure to directly aid Ukraine if it were an official military ally, which is why Russia was always so strongly opposed to that country’s membership. The latest pact therefore just maintains Ukraine’s role as NATO’s anti-Russian proxy.

As was observed in mid-January after Ukraine reached its first such agreement with the UK, “Ukraine’s Hoped-For ‘Security Guarantees’ Aren’t All That They Were Hyped Up To Be”. The precedent established by that pact set the stage for all those that followed, including this latest one with the US. The bombshell that Biden dropped in early June about how peace in Ukraine “doesn’t mean NATO, they are part of NATO”, leaves no doubt that the US prefers keeping that country outside of the bloc.

From the American perspective, Ukraine has much more strategic utility functioning as NATO’s anti-Russian proxy than as an official military ally which the US would then feel pressured to directly support in the event of another conflict with Russia due to the public’s interpretation of Article 5’s commitments. In other words, NATO’s proxy war on Russia through Ukraine would end if that country joined the bloc, but from Russia’s perspective, Kiev could unilaterally resume it in order to provoke a serious crisis.

Neither the US nor Russia wants Ukraine in NATO, each for different reasons, yet the US wants to continue militarizing Ukraine so that it can keep waging NATO’s proxy war on Russia while Russia wants to demilitarize Ukraine in order to end Ukrainian-emanating NATO proxy threats to its security. It’s the natural friction between these two’s goals that’s driving the ongoing conflict, which is expected to drag on since they’re unable to achieve their maximum objectives but also don’t want to curtail them either.

NATO can’t strategically defeat Russia through Ukraine due to its loss in the “race of logistics”/“war of attrition”, which now sees Russia producing three times as many shells at one-quarter of the cost, so it can only settle for perpetuating the proxy war until Russia achieves a breakthrough. As for Russia, it can’t fully demilitarize Ukraine since NATO could conventionally intervene to asymmetrically partition the country if a breakthrough occurs, thus keeping part of Ukraine militarized under NATO’s umbrella.

Nevertheless, the aforementioned scenario could lay the basis for a ceasefire agreement if NATO forces remain west of the Dnieper while Ukraine withdraws its heavy weaponry over the river to demilitarize the eastern bank that politically remains under Kiev’s control. Russia might consider the massive buffer zone which would be created in the latter’s wake to be an acceptable compromise on its maximalist objective of demilitarizing all of Ukraine so long as NATO tacitly recognizes its new borders.

Although NATO is loath to take responsibility for any part of Ukraine due to the US wanting to avoid creating the fait accompli of that country’s membership in the bloc, it might settle for this “sphere of influence” on those terms after all that it’s invested thus far than risk losing it. The US’ newly clinched security deal with Ukraine also increases the odds of this happening since there’s now more pressure than ever on the US to prevent Russia from inflicting a strategic defeat on NATO through Ukraine.

Ukraine’s de facto membership in NATO, which would occur if part of the country came under its control in the asymmetrical partition scenario that was described, would still pose the same strategic dilemma that the US and Russia both wanted to avert by keeping it outside of the bloc for different reasons. It would therefore be incumbent on the US to force its proxy to withdraw its heavy weaponry deeper inside Western Ukraine in order to reduce the chances of it unilaterally striking Russia to provoke a crisis.

Returning to each side’s perspective that was earlier touched upon, the US’ compromise would be to abruptly halt its proxy war and tacitly recognize Russia’s new borders, while Russia’s would be to accept that part of Ukraine will remain militarized but only in exchange for a massive buffer zone. While this trade-off is rational and pragmatic, it can’t be taken for granted that their policymakers have the political will to pursue it, let alone that they’re even aware of this proposal to begin with.

There’s also the danger that World War III could break out by miscalculation during the brief partition phase of this scenario if it’s carried out ad hoc between NATO, Russia, and Ukraine. That’s why it’s imperative for a truly neutral third party like India to help coordinate the first’s intervention up to the Dnieper, the second’s restraint in not maximally exploiting the breakthrough that could trigger the aforesaid, and the third’s withdrawal of heavy weaponry over the river in that event.

Best-case scenarios rarely transpire so it would likely be that the sequence of events mentioned above would largely play out ad hoc, though with a select group of countries individually working to convey each side’s red lines to the other in order to help control mutual escalations. If NATO crosses the Dnieper or Russia exploits its breakthrough to once again march on Kiev or even Odessa, then their counterpart might escalate in self-defense (falsely perceived in NATO’s case) and thus provoke a serious crisis.

It's only if NATO-Russian tensions remain manageable in the breakthrough-intervention scenario that the Ukrainian part could come into play with the bloc then ordering Kiev to withdraw its heavy weaponry over the river in order to complete the country’s asymmetrical partition by creating a massive buffer zone. That said, NATO might not make such an order or Kiev could refuse, in which case Russia would likely continue advancing until NATO crosses the Dnieper or Ukraine withdraws its heavy weaponry.

Circling back to the lede, while the US’ security pact with Ukraine is indeed consolation for not approving its NATO membership, this deal paradoxically increases the possibility that Ukraine will become a de facto NATO member despite the US wanting to avoid that through these means. The US would be more pressured than ever to approve a conventional NATO intervention if Russia achieves a breakthrough instead of risk losing all of Ukraine, which could result in part of it coming under NATO’s control.

By formalizing the US’ existing support for Ukraine, which is aimed at perpetuating NATO’s proxy war on Russia, the US raises its reputational stakes in the conflict to the point where it couldn’t accept Russia inflicting a strategic defeat on it by fully demilitarizing Ukraine. It’s therefore more likely than ever to either directly intervene if Russia achieves a breakthrough or at least authorize its NATO allies to so, thus escalating everything towards uncertain ends that can either result in a ceasefire or World War III. ... th-ukraine

What’s Really Behind Putin’s Generous Ceasefire Proposal?

JUN 15, 2024


President Putin knew that they’d reject the terms of his ceasefire proposal but he still publicly shared them in order to place the responsibility for this summer’s predictable escalation on their shoulders.

President Putin shocked friends and foes alike, most of whom were hitherto convinced that Russia wants to capture all of Ukraine, by sharing a ceasefire proposal on Friday during his speech at the Foreign Ministry. The terms are simple: Ukraine must withdraw from the administrative borders of those four regions that joined Russia after September 2022’s referenda and declare that it no longer wants to join NATO. Upon doing so, “we will immediately cease fire and start negotiations”, he promised.

There’s more to this than meets the eye, however, since the timing came one day before the Swiss talks that Russia fiercely opposes for the reasons that were explained here. His proposal was also shared amidst the incipient Sino-Brazilian efforts to organize a parallel non-Western peace process that they and Russia hope will culminate in a deal at November’s G20 Summit in Rio. As such, while there’s no reason to doubt his sincerity like some have, it’s clear that he intended to foil the first and support the second.

Not only that, but he likely also had in mind the larger military-strategic context of an impending escalation by sometime this summer that could occur if NATO members conventionally intervene in Ukraine on the pretext of “defending” it in the event of a Russian breakthrough across the front lines. If an invasion force crosses the Dnieper and appears to threaten Russia’s new regions, then it’s possible that tactical nukes could be used to stop them as a last resort in self-defense, ergo the ongoing drills.

Considering the likelihood that this sequence of events might soon unfold and recognizing that everything could then spiral into World War III, President Putin’s supplementary motive for sharing his ceasefire proposal at this specific time was to avert that scenario. If Ukraine complied with his requests, then there’d be no reason to continue the military phase of the special operation since the conditions would have been established for focusing solely on diplomatic means for ensuring his country’s interests.

Nevertheless, it was also predictable that these generous terms would be unacceptable for Ukraine and especially its Western overlords since they amount to recognizing Russia’s new borders, which both have repeatedly said that they’ll never do. It’s also unimaginable that they’d grant Russia control over Kherson and Zaporozhye’s populous namesake cities as well as those regions’ territories west of the Dnieper, the latter of which would be difficult to hold but are still considered by Moscow to be its own.

President Putin knew that they’d reject the terms of his ceasefire proposal but he still publicly shared them in order to place the responsibility for this summer’s predictable escalation on their shoulders. This insight hints that he’s deadly serious about using tactical nukes as a last resort in self-defense if a NATO invasion force crosses the Dnieper in the event of a Russian breakthrough across the front lines. Even if they remain west of the river, Russia might still conventionally strike some of them to send a message.

This escalation scenario, which could easily spiral into World War III, can only be averted by Ukraine and the West complying with Russia’s minimum terms for peace talks. They’re very generous since they don’t concern demilitarization and denazification, though Russia likely expects to advance those goals through diplomatic means. Even so, it also knows that it might not achieve them in full (if at all), but it would have at least gotten those two to recognize its new borders and for Ukraine to abandon its NATO plans.

The Russian leader is no longer naïve like he candidly admitted that he was last December and therefore knows that any Korean-like armistice would just buy both sides time to rearm before the conflict likely resumes, but he’s prepared for that eventuality if no comprehensive peace is reached during the talks. Ukraine and the West also know this, which is another reason why they won’t comply with his terms since they’d be at a disadvantage during the second round of hostilities if Russia gains so much ground.

Accordingly, military means are the only way through which Russia will meet its minimum political goal in the special operation of getting those two to recognize its new borders, but it would be loath to stop then even if that’s obtained after all the costs that it would have paid to get to that point. President Putin couldn’t agree to freeze the conflict without achieving some of his security goals too even if it’s only Ukraine superficially abandoning its NATO plans while remaining an informal member of the bloc.

Honestly speaking, Ukraine and the West have more to gain by accepting President Putin’s generous ceasefire terms and then doubling down on their militarization irrespective of possibly resuming the conflict than continuing to fight in vain to dislodge Russia from the territory that Kiev claims as its own. The military-strategic trends are entirely in Russia’s favor due to its victory over NATO in the “race of logistics”/“war of attrition” so it makes perfect sense for the bloc to call a time-out in order to rearm.

Even if they decide against a second round of hostilities, Ukraine can still arm itself to the teeth and have enough time to train its troops for operating sophisticated weapons systems while the US could further arm its Asian allies as part of its anti-Chinese containment efforts. The problem from their perspective, however, is that this first requires them tacitly acknowledging that they failed to strategically defeat Russia like they promised they’d do as well as recognizing its new borders.

Both are politically unacceptable so they’d rather continue fighting in vain for the sake of salvaging their reputations even at the risk of everything spiraling into World War III. The only conditions under which they’ll stop is if they achieve something symbolic that can be then spun as a strategic victory. This could be obtained through the formal entrance of NATO troops to Ukraine and that country’s subsequently de facto membership in the bloc, for example, even if Kiev loses more land in the process.

What’s most important to them is the optics of victory, even if it’s ultimately a pyrrhic one after the enormous military, economic, and opportunity costs that’ll have been paid in pursuit of it. Since their strategic goal of defeating Russia is unattainable, they’re now desperate to at least make it seem like they’ve achieved one of their political goals before agreeing to end this proxy war. These calculations are very dangerous since they suggest that the West will indeed risk World War III in order to obtain this. ... s-generous


Polls and passports

The Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) conducted a poll in late May dedicated to the 5-year mark of Zelensky’s presidency. The results came out on June 5. 50% of Ukrainians think Zelensky either hasn’t fulfilled any of his election promises, or only part of his promises. Naturally, eastern Ukrainians were more likely to be negative towards Zelensky - 69% answered that Zelensky hadn’t fulfilled any of his promises, or only some of them.

41% blame Zelensky himself for that. Of them, 27% put the blame on his lack of experience and competence, and 14% on corruption. The most common explanation (50%), was ‘the existence of dishonest, corrupt people in Zelensky’s entourage’.

Another KIIS poll came out on June 4, about the economy and democracy under Zelensky. 43% answered that democracy has worsened the past 5 years. 29% said the situation hasn’t changed, and 19% observed improvements (wartime polls are truly wonderful). Of the 43% who saw democratic backsliding, 28% blamed it on the government, and 11% on the war. About the same answers were given regarding the economy, though 49% said it had worsened.

On June 3, parliamentarian and security official Mariana Bezuhla called on Ukrainians abroad to ‘give up their passports’ if they don’t wish to go through military checks. When asked by the interviewer whether she was ready to give up on the 11 million Ukrainians living abroad, she answered - ‘Are they really ours? They made their choice.’


According to a May poll conducted by the USAID-funded International Republican Institute, 89% thought that the parliament should concern itself mainly with how to end the war, along with helping the army.



Switzerland and emptiness
June 15, 21:18


If we look at the “peace summit” and statements from there, we can state that the Russian diplomatic line that no peace negotiations are possible without Russia has quite successfully penetrated into Switzerland and it is already obvious that in the future we are unlikely to see any or “peace summits” without Russia. True, these summits are unlikely to take place in Switzerland, which the Russian Federation does not consider a neutral country.

As a result, nothing significant new was voiced in Switzerland, in conditions where Russia obviously considers any proposals from the “peace summit” to be insignificant. Hence the routine reading of accusations and threats from the United States and its satellites, which was actually expected from this event.

Of course, there will be no “Olympic truces”. Not now, not in the future.

"Treaty on Permanent Neutrality and Security Guarantees for Ukraine."
June 15, 17:02


"Treaty on Permanent Neutrality and Security Guarantees for Ukraine."

A published draft agreement between Russia and Ukraine, which was supposed to be signed in the spring of 2022, but which was thwarted due to Western pressure.
Ukraine is unlikely to ever see such chocolate terms in negotiations.
According to this document, the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions remained part of Ukraine.

You can download the text here

Hostages of the eternal war
June 15, 16:03


The cannon fodder began to suspect something.

These conditions are the result of Zelensky.
In 2022, Russian troops were supposed to withdraw to the border on February 23, but Zelensky abandoned the agreements.
In 2 years, Russia already wants the withdrawal of our troops from our territory.
The problem now is that if Zelensky agrees to the first point of the conditions, this will guarantee the end of his power.
We become hostages of an eternal war.

PS. Zaluzhny liked it.

Google Translator


Bakhmut direction: advance of the Russian Armed Forces in the Kanal microdistrict and to the north of it
June 15, 2024


The main hot spot in the Bakhmut direction remains Chasov Yar , where fighting is taking place in the Kanal microdistrict .

Over the past few days, Russian troops have managed to make significant progress within the borders of the “Canal” and establish control over most of the industrial zone in the north. The fighting is taking place outside Oleg Koshevoy Street , and the high-rise buildings to the south were under enemy control by the end of last day.

To the north, two wide forest belts on both sides of the railway came under the control of the RF Armed Forces. This allowed not only to partially secure the flank in the “Canal”, but also to a neighboring unit to clear the forest south of Bogdanovka .

In the vicinity of Bogdanovka itself the situation remains difficult. The enemy holds Kalinovka , from the adjacent heights and Grigorovka . The active use of HIMARS was also recorded in this area, which somewhat complicates the offensive of the Russian Armed Forces.

Further south, in the area of ​​Ivanovsky ( Krasny ), Russian troops advanced in the direction of Kleshcheevka , occupying several forest belts. At the same time, it is curious that practically no information appears in open sources about the battles in the Stupki - Golubovskie - 2 reserve . Apparently, there are either no attempts to advance the RF Armed Forces, or, on the contrary, they are very successful.

In the area from Kleshcheevka to Kurdyumovka the situation is hidden by the “fog of war.” There has not yet appeared any footage of objective control from anyone’s side that would allow us to establish the status of Kleshcheevka and the heights to the north.

High activity of enemy UAVs is recorded in the area, mining both the gray zone and supply routes for Russian troops, including anti-tank mines from Baba Yaga drones. ... u-ot-nego/

Donetsk direction: advance of the Russian Armed Forces to Krasnogorovka and assault on Nevelskoye
June 15, 2024


In the Donetsk direction, Russian units continue the assault on Krasnohorivka , and are also advancing on the northern flank.

Over the past week, the enemy was driven out of some positions on the western and eastern outskirts of Krasnogorovka. In the west, the advance of Russian troops is recorded in low-rise buildings along Parkhomenko , Gorky and Suvorov streets .

Significantly greater progress on the eastern outskirts. There, the development east of Mayakovsky Street , including the territory of the central hospital and technical school, came under the control of the RF Armed Forces.

The enemy was also knocked out from the high-rise buildings north of Sovetskaya Street . According to our sources, if the enemy’s presence there remains, it will be in the form of isolated “losses.”

There are also advances on the northern outskirts of Krasnogorovka in the area of ​​Nakhimov Street . According to some reports, Russian attack aircraft advanced along it to the intersections with Leo Tolstoy and Bogdan Khmelnitsky streets .

Successes in the north of Krasnogorovka are associated with the resumption of assault operations in Nevelskoye and the surrounding area. Recently, attack aircraft were able to enter the village, but not without losses of equipment from the operating armored group.

To date, according to our data, it has not been possible to establish control over Nevelskoye. The enemy is resisting fiercely due to the importance of the heights to the west of the settlement in the defense of Krasnogorovka.

At the same time, earlier successes north of Domakhi in the area of ​​Pervomaiskoye and Netailovo , and now the resumption of the assault on Nevelskoye, directly affect the enemy’s defensive capabilities both in Krasnogorovka and in the area as a whole.

Thus, the enemy forces operating in Krasnogorovka itself began to have problems with their moral and psychological state, and among the prisoners , so-called citizens recently mobilized by the “ little catchers ” are increasingly found . Ukraine.

To the south, in the Georgievka area , local attempts to advance by the Russian Armed Forces are also observed. Based on footage from the enemy side, Russian attack aircraft have latched on to the buildings in the east of Maksimilyanovka , and armored vehicles with landing forces are operating in the fields to the south. ... evelskogo/

Google Translator


Ukraine comes under massive Russian air attacks
Xinhua | Updated: 2024-06-14 08:30

KYIV - An air-raid alert was issued throughout Ukraine early Friday as the country was hit by a series of air attacks by Russian forces, the Ukrainian Air Force said in a statement.

According to the statement, several batches of missiles entered Ukraine over the airspace of the northern Sumy and Chernihiv regions early Friday, and moved towards Kyiv, the western city of Rivne and the town of Starokonstyantyniv in the western Khmelnytskyi region.

During the second wave of the attacks, Russia launched a Kinzhal missile at Ukraine, said the statement.

Explosions were heard in the Ukrainian capital and the Khmelnytskyi region during the air alert, Ukraine's public broadcaster Suspilne reported.

The Starokonstyantyniv airfield, which supposedly will host F-16 fighters, has long been targeted by Russian forces. ... 08d93.html



Wars are expensive:

Ukraine’s weapons bill soars as black marketeers cash in (archived) - The Times
The cost of some weapons has risen fivefold since Russia started the war — and in some ways Zelensky’s allies are to blame


The Russian Defense Ministry currently lists in average some 2,000 Ukrainian casualties per day. That number is four to five times higher than was usual a year ago. Does Zelenski really believe he can sustain a war with such losses?

Ukraine-Russia Peace Is as Elusive as Ever. But in 2022 They Were Talking. - New York Times

Mr. Zelensky has pledged to keep fighting, describing his peace plan as one in which Russia withdraws from all of Ukraine’s territory, pays reparations and is punished for war crimes.
“If we don’t make progress this year, then we will try again next year,” Mr. Zelensky privately told a European counterpart recently, according to a European diplomat who was present. “And if we don’t make progress next year, we will try again the following year, and the one after that.”

(More at link, unrelated.) ... .html#more


Zelensky set the trap that threatens to destroy us

Hugo Dionísio

June 15, 2024

When we are told to put on our helmets and pick up our machine guns, perhaps we will remember that peace is the greatest good that civilization can guarantee us.

Bandera’s Ukraine, which has been furiously privatizing its remaining state properties left to it by Russia and the USSR, already has a large part of its valuable black lands in the hands of Blackrock, Monsanto and other U.S. interests. These are joined by energy, mining, agro-industrial and real estate ownership.

Now, to finance the war effort, the illegitimate Zelensky, who is currently usurping the position of president (I can already see the meaning of that kiss from von der Leyen, the usurpers recognize each other), is preparing to sell what he still has left. The exigencies from the IMF and from financial agreements with the European Union always require privatizations and the businesses in question are, in some cases, important natural monopolies.

We all know who will profit most from the purchase of these state assets. The U.S. will get the best share, but the United Kingdom, Germany, France, in that order, will also get their “fair share”. If the Hotel Ukraine is the most famous asset of all those announced in this new package, here is a list, which the Kiev regime itself says is a “large privatization”. Energy companies, Port of Odessa, mining sector, distilleries, heavy machinery factories, such as a locomotives factory…

The most serious thing about all this, the most tragic thing for all of us, is that the sale of the country to the interests of the United States and the West is not innocent and goes far beyond a simple act of corruption or handing over the country to foreign interests. Consciously or unconsciously, the acquisition of large and profitable properties, by large Western corporations, constitutes a very important step towards worsening the conflict and one that I believe goes unnoticed by many good people, normally concentrated in the specifically military aspect. In these cases, the military aspect is nothing more than the peak of the Iceberg, which hides all the complexity of economic relations that, at the base, constitute the reason for everything that is happening. Recourse to the military happens when relationships at the base become irreconcilable.

Zelensky, certainly aware that the war can only be won with the direct entry of the U.S., even if we all have to lose it (in wars everyone loses) for him to win it, as he hands over his country to the oligarchies that support the American political apparatus, will know how important it is, the control of Ukrainian properties, by those powerful interests. What better way to protect access to the Black Sea than by handing over the Port of Odessa to Western interests?

History tells us that Western corporate interests, especially the United States, protect their assets, even if, to do so, they have to invade countries and occupy them. Consequently, Zelensky knows that the greater the dominance of American corporations in Ukraine, the greater the likelihood of worsening the conflict and direct U.S. entry.

Intentionally or coincidentally, a development is at stake that could potentially attract the USA itself into a kind of “trap”, driven by the greed for easy money, from the state and the people, which characterizes imperialist corporations. I would even say that this is the American story when it comes to its military interventions. Its people are led, by economic interests, into “traps” set by, and for, those same interests, which involve and make the state dependent on real and potential wars. The famous eternal wars.

The former India Companies, from the Netherlands, Portugal or England, even had private armies to defend their assets in the colonies. In the USA, as in other capitalist powers, the defense of these interests is entrusted to the respective military-industrial complexes, as well as private military recruitment companies (PMCs).

Imperialist powers, throughout history, intervene militarily in places where their monopolistic interests are threatened. What I consider unreasonable is that this appropriation of Ukrainian property by the West is not recognized as one of the most important factors influencing the military escalation. Everyone looks at the parade and response of weapons, but few look at the underlying material relations, which leave the leaders of both countries with no political solution other than the defense of the interests that, at each moment, are manifested, more or less surreptitiously.

However, in the midst of all this, there are more powerful forces that move in the opposite direction to the interests of Zelensky and his Galician gang. This war was born as a proxy and, for the U.S., in principle it will have to die this way. The decisive battle, for maintaining the hegemony of the North American imperialist system, takes place in the Pacific. The Chinese challenge demands exclusive concentration and this leads the Democratic Party itself to ask from its representative in the Middle East, Israel, a different and more conciliatory attitude, so that the conflict does not extend beyond what is desirable. That he will succeed, I have doubts, but at least try.

Being fully aware of the “trap” set by Zelensky, United States does not fail to take advantage of the gain, but it is to European countries that the defense of their corporate and military interests in Ukraine has been reserved. Framing such interests within what Blinken refers to as the “transatlantic security area”, such a classification, from my point of view, does not drag the U.S. into the conflict. It drags NATO itself and, in particular, Europe. As has been highlighted countless times by the White House, it is Europe that has to bear the largest share of the effort.

This effort will be paid for with more weapons, money, coming from the frozen 300 billion euros, which Biden, at the next G7 summit, will not fail to deliver to Ukraine. Since these reserves are mainly in European banks, guess which currency and which financial sector will collapse after this confiscation? For now, Saudi Arabia let its agreement with the U.S., for the exclusive sale of oil in Dollars (the Petrodollar agreement), to expire on June 9th. But, for a long time to come, the U.S. will enjoy reserve currency status. The Euro and the Pound Sterling cannot boast of the same status and when the countries of the global south accelerate the withdrawal, already underway, of reserves deposited in European banks, we will see.

And these factors result in another movement that is said to be in contradiction with the interests of the Kiev regime. This tension between “European people’s interests” and U.S. “corporate interests” threatens to destroy the remaining democracy of many European countries and break up entire nations. The latest elections to the European Parliament are already a result of this. France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, saw important results, which mainly represent popular anxiety for the normalization of their lives. Workers, farmers, small business owners, are fed up with instability, austerity and pessimism. The European people were deprived of their hope for a better life.

The same people who take away and deny, every day, such hope, are those who accuse of “populist”, “extremist”, “radical” movements, all parties that oppose the warmongering of the so-called “political center”. To everyone who throws the word “peace”, they respond with the accusation of ” Putinist “; to everyone who shoots with the maxim that “not one more bullet to fuel the Ukrainian conflict”, they respond with a blunt “agent of the Kremlin”. Stereotyping, dividing, tribalizing became the watchword of a supposed “political center”, which elected itself as capable of uniting the space between the margins.

By giving up this role of “moderation”, the “moderate center” itself is also thrown to the margins. Thrown to the sidelines that defend the continuation of the war, of confrontation, figures such as Macron, Sholz, Sunak or the bureaucrat Von Der Leyen, end up leading the populations towards the forces that, in this nihilistic framework, are more organized and financially powerful: the reactionary forces. These forces, sensing and living on discontent, attract those who feel displeased by the economic situation, the fear of a large-scale war and the lack of prospects for growth, recovery and development.

In this context, the only response from the most bellicose leaders is to counter the fear of war, with the fear of the extreme right. And this is the drama that is being experienced in Europe, in the U.S., in the collective West. The feeling — only apparent — that there is no valid alternative, means that only two superficially mutually exclusive alternatives are proposed: either there is the option of the “moderate center”, for confrontation, for warmongering, for economic and social sacrifice, in name of “European values” that no one really knows what they are; or the “autocratic”, “authoritarian”, “dictatorial” option of the extreme right, but in which the “moderate center”, through a contradictory process of rewriting history and paradoxical philosophical confusion, integrates the solutions on the left.

Bifurcated between two terrible alternatives, we end up choosing between Macron and Le Pen, because one considers himself to be “extreme right” and the other a “liberal and moderate centrist”. However, saying that Le Pen is more right-wing than Macron, that’s making a huge mistake. Macron is more secretive and polite, but he is no less destructive. Macron has today become one of the main incendiaries of nuclear war. Without using the term, we all know the consequences of sending NATO troops to Ukraine. We also know what the result of installing F16 bases in the Baltic countries will be. And we all know where the authorization to use SCALP missiles launched by Mirage II planes against recognized Russian territory will end.

And what about Sholz and his SPD? The fact that SPD colluded with the rise of Nazi and Hitler power, deciding not to align with the progressive, communist and democratic forces that then fought Nazism, on the streets and in the workplace, as today, is no longer enough. Once again, the SPD is once again turning Germany against Russia, depriving its country of the resources that made it a world power. What would Karl Marx say if he knew that the museum, in his memory, located in Trier, is managed by the Friedrich Herbert Foundation (yes, the one that financed the Socialist Party in Portugal), an organization linked to the SPD?

It is then the “moderate” policy (the term “moderate” is worth a compliment in itself) that threatens to lead us towards nuclear war. I ask what is so “moderate” about this! The fact is that, absurdly, even if Russia and Putin were fully to blame, it would be the “moderates” who would expect the greatest effort at dialogue and peace. Instead, it is from the “moderates” that we expect the opposite: the constant crossing of red lines, Russian ones and their own. How many red lines have these people already crossed in their climb?

Whether Zelensky gets his glass full — the U.S. entry into the war — or his glass half full — Europe’s entry into the war — either solution is devastating to our lives and such devastation is what results when it is supported, if you are complicit and conniving with people who make hatred and xenophobia their way of life. The hatred I see in the Ukrainians of Galicia, against Russia, is compared to the hatred of the Zionists, against the Palestinian Arabs. A tribal, savage, barbaric and medieval hatred. In Ukraine or Palestine, hatred never conquered barriers, it only built them.

As a friend of mine says, when we are told to put on our helmets and pick up our machine guns, perhaps we will remember that peace is the greatest good that civilization can guarantee us. Maybe that day they will wake up to the “trap” in which we have been caught and will be able to see, on the horizon, who, in fact, with velvet words, exaltations of “democracy” and accusations of “extremism” is leading us to extreme destruction! ... estroy-us/
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Tue Jun 18, 2024 11:25 am

What happened to the DPR and LPR mines?
Original Article: RBK


The authorities of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics (LPR and DPR) have leased 15 coal mines to Russian companies since the beginning of the year, and three more mines in the DPR will be transferred in the coming months. The tenants promise to invest more than 65 billion rubles in the received facilities.

How many mines are there in the DPR and LPR?
In the autumn of 2014, the first deputy Minister of the Ministry of Energy and Coal of Ukraine, Yuri Zyukov, said that before the start of the military conflict in Donetsk and Lugansk regions (until 2014), 95 mines were operating on their territory. In 2023, former Russian Energy Minister Nikolai Shulginov mentioned 114 mines, some of which are under conservation or in the liquidation stage. At the same time, he announced that 15 mines should remain in these regions.

The press service of the Ministry of Coal of the DPR said that, at the beginning of 2024, there were 17 operating mines in the management of the republican State unitary enterprises. The press service of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the LPR did not disclose the number of facilities operating in the region and declined to comment. After losing control over the territories of the DPR and LPR, the Ukrainian authorities imposed a transport blockade of the regions. In 2017, the authorities of the DPR and LPR introduced external management at the enterprises. Kiev considers the export of coal from the territory of the DPR and LPR illegal: according to the estimates of the Ukrainian authorities, about 2.8 million tons of coal worth $288 million were exported annually across the border with the Rostov region until 2022.

The Donetsk coal basin is one of the largest in the world. Its confirmed coal reserves are estimated at 47 billion tons, and projected resources add another 30 billion tons. In 2023, the Russian government developed a plan for the reform of the DPR and LPR coal industry that involves attracting private capital to the industry to increase its profitability. The transfer of mines to investors began in 2024.

RBK sent requests to the Ministries of Energy of Russia and Ukraine.

Investors in the LPR coal industry
At the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum held in early June, the government of the LPR transferred five mines (Molodogvardeyskaya, Krasny Partizan, Sukhodolskaya-Vostochnaya, Kharkov, Barakov Mine) and auxiliary production facilities (Nagolchanskaya Processing Plant, Rovenvskoye Loading and Transport Department). The company leased five more mines in April 2024. Three of them (Molodogvardeyskaya and Sukhodolskaya-Vostochnaya and Barakov mine) belonged to the Public Joint Stock Company Krasnodonugol of the Metinvest holding owned by the Ukrainian oligarch Rinat Akhmetov. The remaining two (Krasny Partizan and Kharkov) were part of the State Unitary Enterprise Sverdlovantratsit.

As Ilya Kolesnik, general director of the Donskoy Ugli Trading House, told RBK, the company plans to invest 49 billion rubles in these mines between 2024 and 2028: part will come from profits, part from borrowed funds. Ilya Kolesnik did not disclose which banks the company plans to seek financing from.

What is known about the investors
According to SPARK-Interfax, the LLC was established in July 2020 in Rostov-on-Don. As of April 4, 2024, it was 100% owned by Nikolai Kazakov, who also heads the Donetsk Alliance of Industrialists LLC (which he owns). In 2020-2023, Vitaly Donchenko and Alexander Maslyuk owned shares in the company. Interfax-Ukraine wrote that Ukrainian sanctions were imposed on Donchenko and Maslyuk in early 2021. In 2022, the Donskoy Ugli Trading House received 204 million rubles of profit with 9.7 billion rubles of revenue. In 2023, the company’s revenue fell sharply to 1.2 billion rubles, and the company suffered losses of 57.2 million rubles. 5.7 thousand people work in the Donskoy Ugli Trading House, and after receiving new mines for management, the number should rise to 11.5 thousand people.
“The fighting lasted for eight years, and there is damage to the infrastructure. The enterprises were not properly funded. It has been decided to transfer management to a private company. In three years, the state will decide on the transfer of ownership of enterprises. We must show the state a development plan, a financial model, wage growth, provide social guarantees, increase coal production, modernize production”, Kolesnik said.

Enterprises will “go down to zero” no earlier than five years after the start of the investment cycle when the company will increase production and sales of coal. In 2024, the company plans to produce 1.4 million tons of coal at its mines, and by 2029 production will increase to 10.5 million tons per year. The growth will be achieved through the introduction of new faces and the modernization of equipment.

“We have a wide range of coal: both metallurgical and anthracite. First, we plan to meet the needs of the newly joined territories. In the future, we plan to supply products to friendly countries if there is such demand”, added the interlocutor of RBK. The company has currently invested 1.5 billion rubles in the mines received in April. The funds were used to purchase equipment (loaders, dump trucks) and increase worker salaries.

DPR mines
During the forum, the administration of the neighboring DPR transferred the Volynskaya mine to GOK Energokoks LLC. The stakeholder will invest 211 million rubles in the facility, the press service of the Ministry of Coal and Energy of the republic told RBK. A representative of the ministry added that, in the spring, Impex-Don LLC leased four more facilities: Komsomolets Donbass, Progress, Zarya mines, as well as Lutugin Mine Management.

In the next five years, more than 16 billion rubles will be invested in the mines. The funds will be used for technical re-equipment, overhaul, and an increase in salaries of employees. Work on updating equipment is already underway, a representative of the department said. Investors will have the right to buy out mines “if there is a positive result”.

The Komsomolets Donbass mine was also part of Rinat Akhmetov’s industrial empire.

“Three more mines are at the stage of approval for transfer into the hands of investors: Shcheglovskaya-Glubokaya, Kommunarskaya, and Zhdanovskaya. One of them works with coking coal. Two are the T brand, which is also a fuel component to ensure energy security”, the press service added.

Until 2014, Shcheglovskaya-Glubokaya was part of the Donbass Mine Management Company of the State Property Fund of Ukraine according to the order of the Ministry of Coal Industry of Ukraine dated May 26, 2010.

What is known about the investors
According to SPARK-Interfax, GOK Energokoks is fully owned by Sofia Belichenko, who also holds a stake in the Komsomolsk stone quarry in the LPR and other enterprises of the DPR, LPR and Rostov region. The company was established at the end of 2022. In 2023, it obtained 108.6 million rubles of profit with a revenue of 867.7 million rubles. RBK sent a request for comment to GOK Energokoks ... lpr-mines/

Google Translator

Well, Alexi Mozgovoy would not have those capitalists robbing the labor of those workers. But in truth it should be left it in the ground and the people of Donbass be equally compensated for doing so. There are other ways of creating wealth for society.


From Cassad's Telegram account:

Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of June 17, 2024) The main thing:

- The “North” group defeated five brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in a day, their losses amounted to up to 300 military personnel;

— The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 405 military personnel in the zone of responsibility of the “West” group;

— The Vostok group occupied more advantageous positions, the Ukrainian Armed Forces in its area of ​​responsibility lost up to 150 people and 2 ammunition depots;

— Units of the “Center” group improved their tactical position within 24 hours and repelled 4 counterattacks, the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 335 military personnel;

Units of the Vostok group of troops occupied more advantageous positions, defeated the manpower and equipment of the 72nd mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces , the 102nd and 128th terrestrial defense brigades in the areas of the settlements of Velikaya Novoselka of the Donetsk People's Republic and Varvarovka of the Zaporozhye region. We repelled two attacks by assault groups of the 123rd Terrestrial Defense Brigade and the 31st National Guard Brigade .

The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 150 military personnel, three vehicles, two Polish-made 155 mm Krab self-propelled artillery mounts and two British-made 155 mm FH-70 howitzers . Two field warehouses with ammunition of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were also destroyed .

▫️Units of the Dnepr group of troops defeated the formations of the 128th mountain assault and 141st infantry brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the areas of the settlements of Zherebyanki and Nesteryanka, Zaporozhye region. The Ukrainian Armed Forces' losses amounted to up to 50 military personnel, two vehicles, a 152 mm D-20 gun , and a 122 mm D-30 howitzer .

▫️Operational-tactical aviation , unmanned aerial vehicles , missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation defeated accumulations of enemy manpower and military equipment in 110 regions.

Air defense systems shot down 12 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles within 24 hours .

📊 In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed : 613 aircraft, 276 helicopters, 25,867 unmanned aerial vehicles, 529 anti-aircraft missile systems, 16,359 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,343 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 10,569 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 22634 units of special military vehicles.

Google Translator




by John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with

The Russian military bloggers haven’t been as quick as the Kiev regime and NATO allies to dismiss President Vladimir Putin’s peace terms speech to the Foreign Ministry as propaganda. But they did.

According to Boris Rozhin, the editor-in-chief of the Colonel Cassad military blog, Putin’s speech on Friday morning, June 14, “was not announced in advance”. The Foreign Ministry audience who assembled “learned about it half an hour in advance, no more.” There is telltale vagueness in the Kremlin communiqué introducing “a meeting with the senior officials of the Russian Foreign Ministry.”

In practical terms, Moscow’s leading independent military analyst concluded, the speech was a tactical feint and a strategic deception.

“[Putin’s terms] will obviously not be accepted by the West and their Ukrainian puppets,” wrote Rozhin. “Against the background of the ‘world summit’ [the Burgenstock, Switzerland, meeting on June 15-16] this will indicate that in fact the West is prolonging the war, so these statements [of Putin] are another torpedo in the summit. Russia is thus showing the countries of the Global South that it has offered a world that will be rejected by those who are broadcasting about ‘peaceful summits’…The war will continue. The goals of the SVO [Special Military Operation] will be achieved by military means.”

The distinction in the last line is between Kremlin political strategy and General Staff military strategy – this is a distinction which published Russian analyses of the president’s speech and the state propaganda organs avoid identifying. The semi-official Vzglyad quoted Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, as characterizing the reaction from the West as “of an unconstructive nature”. No Russian official will say as little as this for the record.

Instead, Vzglyad has mobilized its official sources to patch over the differences between Kremlin strategy and General Staff strategy by emphasizing that Putin is following the latter. “According to [Putin], the West has received a specific condition – either Ukraine will be outside the NATO bloc, or there will be a bold and sharp onslaught that will leave no chance for the enemies. Putin is confident of victory not only over Ukraine, but also over the entire collective West. The proposal was made in order to recall this initiative after the defeat of Ukraine. But Western leaders did not understand Putin, and then they themselves will say that they want peace… But there will be no mercy, tougher conditions will be put forward.”

In a second report from academics on the Kremlin-financed Valdai Club roster, Vzglyad claims “the essence of the Russian president’s speech is that the European security system no longer exists and will not be based on the same principles.” “In addition, the Russian president managed to change the agenda of the Swiss summit…the president’s initiative is capable of transforming the security structures not only of Eurasia, but also in the perspective of the entire planet. In addition, Russia already has really working international institutions in this space: the CIS, SCO, EAEU, CSTO, BRICS, the Union State of Russia and Belarus. All these tools have proven their reliability and suitability in modern conditions.”

The Kremlin’s American camp followers have repeated the semi-official line by scratching the difference between tactics and strategy, between feint and purpose. “Notice he’s [Putin] not making a demand about Odessa,” said one. “So Odessa is still off the table…So this is a prelude to the next ramp-up in Russian military operations.”

Russian skeptics, as well as non-Russian military analysts, point out that Putin has repeatedly refused to follow the General Staff’s advice, restricting their proposed military operations to an extent that there is open questioning about his reasons. One source says Putin’s June 14 exposition is “only half-right in blaming the Western ‘globalist liberal elites’ [Putin’s speech] for the current ‘extremely dangerous state of affairs’ [Putin’s speech]. Ultimately, the ideology of liberalism, inferiority complex, and corruption which dominate the oligarch-backed elite in Moscow has played a major role.”

This is a reference to the role Putin invited the oil and minerals oligarch Roman Abramovich to play in the negotiations of March-April 2022 in Istanbul; in the negotiations with the Ukrainian delegation, Abramovich was Putin’s personal delegate and he outranked the official Russian negotiators. There was strong domestic military and political opposition to this at the time in Moscow; there remains suspicion of an attempt to repeat by Putin’s Kremlin staff, represented by Peskov, even now.

“He [Putin] cannot be so influenced still as to think the war against Russia via the Kiev regime will stop under the conditions he laid out, nor can he think there are any terms which the US and NATO can be trusted by the Russians to sign. That’s why the Russian Foreign Ministry tabled the terms of a non-aggression and security in Europe requiring the roll-back of NATO’s borders to 1997. That was in December 2021. To think anyone on the other side is trustworthy, or capable of agreement, after all Putin recounted of US aggression, lying, double-dealing, and Ukrainian Nazism, is impossible.”

In Putin’s June 14 retelling of the Istanbul agreement, “everything” — he said of the documents initialed by Russian and Ukrainian negotiators — “was written on paper.” Then on March 30 [2022], Putin went on, after “the Russian troops were withdrawn from Kiev, the Ukrainian leadership suspended its participation in the negotiations staging the infamous provocation in Bucha, and rejected the prepared version of the agreements. I think today it is clear why that ugly provocation was necessary: to explain why the results that had been achieved during the negotiations were rejected. The path to peace was rejected again. As we know now, it was done on orders from Western curators, including the former UK Prime Minister who said directly during his visit to Kiev – no agreements; Russia must be defeated on the battlefield to achieve its strategic defeat.”


Note that the US newspaper report is based on terms drafted between March 16 and 17, 2022, two weeks before the draft documents were initialed in Turkey. Subsequent reporting by the newspaper of the negotiations, which continued after the Istanbul meetings, concluded: “On April 15, five days after Mr. Abramovich told the Ukrainians about his meeting with Mr. Putin, the Russian negotiators sent a 17-page draft treaty to their president’s desk. Similar to the month-earlier version, the April 15 draft includes text in red highlighting issues in dispute. But such markings are almost entirely absent from the treaty’s first pages, where points of agreement emerged.”

In fact, Putin had been unable to convince Russian military and intelligence chiefs that the terms he had authorized for initialing would be enforceable and would not betray countrywide public support of the announced goals of the Special Military Operation.

Confirmation that Putin had been “micro-managing” the negotiations in Istanbul through Abramovich appears in the New York Times report of the process from Ukrainian and other sources. “ ‘Colleagues, I spoke to RA,’ Ukraine’s lead negotiator, Davyd Arakhamia, wrote on April 10 [2022] in a WhatsApp message to the Ukrainian team. ‘He spoke yesterday for an hour and a half with his boss.’ RA was Roman Abramovich, the Russian billionaire who played a behind-the-scenes role in the talks. His ‘boss,’ Mr. Putin, was urging the negotiators to concentrate on the key issues and work through them quickly, Mr. Arakhamia wrote. (A member of the WhatsApp group showed that message and others to reporters for The Times.).”

In the New York Times version, based on a March 17 draft of terms, no Russian source acknowledges the backlash Putin faced from the General Staff and the Security Council after the full extent of Abramovich’s role became clear from the terms Putin had told his negotiators to sign in Istanbul. After two weeks of internal debate, Putin was forced to back down, and the terms he and Abramovich had conceded on March 31 were revised. The Ukrainian sources feeding the New York Times reporters told them “we had no interest in continuing the talks.”

What is missing from this Ukrainian and American narrative, as well as from the public Russian versions, is that Putin retreated from the terms he had agreed with Abramovich. The role played by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson in the published narrative, repeated to the press by Israelis and others, had been a minor one.

Last Friday, Putin hinted that the General Staff has opposed his concession terms. “I haven’t spoken about this publicly either but some of those present here know about it. After the Russian army seized part of the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions, many Western politicians offered their mediation in a peaceful settlement of the conflict. One of them was on a working visit to Moscow on March 5, 2022. We accepted his mediation efforts, especially since he said during the conversation that he had secured the support of the leaders of Germany and France, as well as high-ranking US representatives.”

“In course of our conversation our foreign guest wondered – an interesting moment – saying if you are assisting Donbass, then why Russian troops are in the south of Ukraine, including in the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions? We responded to the effect that it was our General Staff ‘s decision [sic] on planning the operation. And I will add today that the idea was to bypass some fortified areas built in Donbass over the eight years by Ukrainian authorities, primarily for liberating Mariupol.”

“Then our foreign colleague specified – a professional man, to be fair to him: are Russian troops going to stay in the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions? And what will happen to these regions after the Special Military Operation has attained its goals? I answered to this that in general I do not rule out preservation of the Ukrainian sovereignty over these territories, provided Russia has a stable land bridge to Crimea.”

It had been clear to the president then, and it is clearer now, that Putin’s “stable land bridge to Crimea” was politically incompatible with “Ukrainian sovereignty” because, as the General Staff kept repeating to Putin, it was militarily impossible.

On Friday Putin kept the identity of the mediator secret. But it is already well known from the mediator himself. It was the Israeli, former prime minister Naftali Bennett . He has confirmed his meeting in Moscow with Putin on March 5, 2022. For Putin to authorize Abramovich and Bennett, two Jewish Israelis, to negotiate Russia’s end-of-war terms with the Kiev regime remains a highly sensitive issue in Moscow.

Russian public opinion has been clearer on the end-of-war objectives and on terms of negotiations than Putin has admitted himself to have been. For the poll evidence, click to read.


What now, what next?

According to the President on Friday, “a verbatim return to the security proposals that we put forward twenty-five, fifteen, or even two years ago is impossible, as too much has happened and the conditions have changed. However, the basic principles and, most importantly, the very subject of dialogue remain unchanged.” From Putin’s new statement of end-of-war terms, he says the “parameters were broadly agreed upon during the Istanbul negotiations in 2022, including specific details on demilitarisation such as the agreed numbers of tanks and other military equipment. We reached consensus on all points.”

Now, however, with the new long-range artillery, drones, missiles, and F-16s supplied by NATO to the Kiev regime, the depth of “demilitarisation” is more than ten times beyond the “25 mile” (40 kiliometre) range which was one of the Russian parameters in the Istanbul agreement drafts of March 2022. Read the backfile on what Putin has been calling this “sanitary zone”.

Denazification, the second strategic goal of the Special Military Operation, means regime change in Kiev, but Putin implied last Friday that he means no more than the replacement of Vladimir Zelensky because “the presidential term of the previously elected head of Ukraine has expired along with his legitimacy, which cannot be reinstated by any tricks”. That, he added, leaves only one constitutional authority in the country: “unlike the executive branch, the Verkhovnaya Rada is a legitimate body now. Ukraine is not a presidential republic, but a parliamentary and presidential republic. This is the point.”

Russian sources believe this is beside the point. As Rozhin has written, “the goals of the SVO will be achieved by military means.”

Asked to list what they believe will now be the military targets in the General Staff’s strategy, the emphasis, the sources say, will continue to be energy generation plants and distribution hubs and networks, especially those through which the replacement electricity is entering the Ukraine from its neighbours – the Chervonograd substation (from Poland); the Mukacheve substation (Slovakia, Hungary, Romania); the Usatove and Primorska substations (Moldova, Romania); and the Khmelnitsky, Dobrotvirka and Pivendennoukrainska generating hubs.





The total capacity of these electricity lines is shown as just under 3,890 kV. On June 10, the Ukrainian state utility Ukrenergo reported that “almost 25,000 MWh of electricity were imported into the country from Romania, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, and Moldova during the day”. A NATO military engineer estimates that although Russian raids have forced some of the lines into what is reported publicly as maintenance, the import volume is still running “at or near capacity. But they are struggling. Watch for renewed attacks on the substations connecting the Ukrainian grid to Poland and Romania.” For more technical details on the situation from US engineers, read the comments here.

“If these are knocked out,” a NATO military engineer says, “it’s all over.”

In the meantime, according to this Spanish newspaper report, the billed charge for electricity is rising so fast and so high, at least a quarter of the Ukrainian population cannot afford it. “The electricity tariff from June has increased by 64%, from 2.64 hryvnas per kilowatt-hour (kWh) to 4.32 hryvnas (between $0.064 and $0.11). Days before the Ukrainian Cabinet met on May 30, it was leaked that the increase would be 80%. But the reaction in the media and on social networks made it clear that the measure was highly unpopular at a time when the authorities must also deal with enormous unease over the compulsory conscription process to incorporate hundreds of thousands of civilians into the army.”

“Dixi informs this newspaper that its estimates in 2023 indicated the average monthly consumption per household in Ukraine was 155Kwh. In this average scenario, the monthly household bill would rise from $10 to $16.6. The Ukrainian Statistics Service indicates that the average monthly salary in Ukraine was equivalent to $471 at the end of last year. The World Bank estimated that in 2022 alone, the year in which Russia launched its invasion, the poverty rate in Ukraine rose from 5.5% to 24% of the population. There is no alternative to raising tariffs, say the government and companies in the sector.”

This means that the multi-billion dollar cash transfers to the Kiev regime from the US and European Union for non-military budget support are being diverted, and failing to reach the population.

To run emergency generating sets powered by diesel and to fuel the Ukrainian military movements require fuel storages. The Russian Defense Ministry’s daily operations bulletin is reporting daily strikes at these throughout the country.

On the border there are a series of targets which Russian sources expect to be hit in the coming days. The lead image map shows their locations and functions (red for rail, orange for road, blue for bridge and ferry). Rozhin has reprinted this analysis of these targets. “Since sending military aid by air is not available, most of the cargo is delivered by rail, heavy trucks, or, much more risky, by sea. Either way, all cargoes go through customs and checkpoints. In the west and south-west of Ukraine there are about 87 sea, pedestrian, rail, and road border crossings…Taking into account the checkpoints that Ukraine received from the USSR, this number can be increased by almost half, but a significant part of such crossings is either destroyed, looted in previous decades, or abandoned under the USSR. However, most of the border crossings are on the border with Moldova. There are 34 of them, but they are not used as intensively as the checkpoints for transit to and from the territory of NATO countries. The state of some of them is far from ideal.”

Rozhin’s purpose in mapping the targets is to ask the question publicly: “If all border crossings are known, why not intercept military cargo there?”

“In the west and south-west, Ukraine borders Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Moldova. The total length of the border in these areas is 777 km. The long-range weapons of the Russian Federation — for example, X-101 missiles with cluster and high-explosive warheads — are sufficient to destroy military cargo directly on the border. All the coordinates of the border crossings are almost certainly known to the Russian military. But the main problem in the matter of the destruction of military cargo at these points is reconnaissance and obtaining reliable data on the time of shipments of cargo columns. The determining parameter in this case is the precise time for the crossing of the cargo on to the territory of Ukraine.” The original military blog source can be followed here.

In similar fashion, Rozhin and other military bloggers are asking publicly why there are Kremlin restrictions on targets which the US, NATO and the Ukrainians are using for drone and missile attacks on Crimea, as well as deeper into the Russian heartland. Putin addressed this question in his press conference with international reporters on June 5.

“What can the Ukrainian military – not the ones who are just sitting there and pressing buttons – but the higher-ranking ones do when it comes to target assignment? They can identify a target that is a priority for them. But they are not the ones who decide whether a particular target should be hit, because, to reiterate, a WTA (weapon target assignment) is formed and effectively entered only by those who supply the weapons. If we are talking about ATACMS, then the Pentagon is doing it. If it is Storm Shadow, then the British are. It is even more straightforward in the case of Storm Shadow, because the target assignment is entered automatically, without the involvement of the military personnel on the ground. The British do it, that is all there is to it.”

“And when the Bundeswehr military were pondering an attack on the Crimean Bridge or other targets, they were thinking for themselves. No one was doing it for them, right? They were going to do it. The same goes for the French specialists. Western specialists do it. We have no illusions about this. How are we supposed to respond?”

“First, we will, of course, improve our air defence systems. We will be destroying their missiles. Second, we believe that if someone is thinking that it is possible to supply such weapons to a war zone in order to deliver strikes at our territory and to create problems for us, why can we not supply our weapons of the same class to those regions around the world where they will target sensitive facilities of the countries that are doing this to Russia? The response could be symmetrical. We will give it a thought.”

“Third, sure enough, such actions will wreck international relations, which have already hit rock bottom, and undermine international security. Ultimately, if we see that these countries are being embroiled into a war against us, and this constitutes their direct involvement in the war against the Russian Federation, we reserve the right to respond in kind. Generally speaking, this path may lead to serious problems. I think that covers it all. If you have any leading questions, please go ahead. But I do not think I can add anything to what I just said.”

Several days later, after a fresh series of missile attacks on Crimea was launched, the Russian military bloggers responded with this leading question – why are the US, French and British systems operating in the Black Sea not targeted when their role in the Russian attacks is certain?

Mikhail Zvinchuk, principal of the Rybar military blog, has reported that on the eve of the June 10-11 missile attacks on the Peninsula, “it is worth noting that… NATO satellites were again active. The target reconnaissance alternately depended on which areas were planned [for missile attack] — on June 8-9, the northwestern part of the Crimea was filmed, and on June 10 and 11, Sevastopol and the centre of the Peninsula. In addition, yesterday and the day before yesterday, special attention of the satellites was paid to the eastern part of the Crimea. Filming was conducted of Theodossia, Kirovsky, Kerch, and of course, the Crimean Bridge… Also, during today’s attack [June 12] in the western part of the Black Sea, the American RQ-4B drone was operating…After the strikes, it moved to the eastern part of the sea area closer to the Crimean Bridge, where, unhindered, it was operating until the morning. This fact, together with the active work of the satellites, as well as consecutive strikes on the air defence positions, first in the northwest, then in the south, allow us to conclude that the next goal may be the east of the Peninsula.”


Source: the map indicates the tracking paths of the RQ-4B on May 29. This Italian source regularly maps and reports on US and NATO operations in the Black Sea region, usually with a time lag of several days.

In parallel, according to the Rybar report, there appeared “for the first time in a month and a half, south of Feodosia, the French long-range radar detection aircraft, the E-3F, and the French Navy aircraft [Bréguet] Atlantique 2 [based at Souday Bay, Crete]. In the west of the sea also flew the RC-135V of the British Air Force. That is a lot for one day, isn’t it? As noted repeatedly, the main goal of the West is the Crimean Bridge, and for this it is necessary to reduce the combat potential of the air defence in the Crimea.”

The Russian Air Force has downed a USAF drone operating against the Crimea in March 2023. Since last October the Houthis, assisted by Iran and possibly by Russia, have downed several USAF drones operating in the Red Sea to assist Anglo-American attacks on targets in Yemen.

What the military bloggers like Rozhin and Zvinchuk are saying is why not strike at these targets now?

“What we have in the end,” Zvinchuk has written on June 12, is that “the air defence strikes are aimed at weakening the protection near the Crimean Bridge, which must be taken into account and measures taken to modify the available means of missile defence – the missiles are shot down, but not all of them. The enemy is clearly preparing for a new attack. We’ve already identified two false starts – they can be called the harbinger of massive strikes; it is possible they will be aimed at the bridge. In the future, the lack of opposition, the reluctance to accept reality and learn from mistakes can affect the potential of the air defence of the Crimea. Already this will play a key role when the F-16 fighters will make their appearance.”

“Reluctance to accept reality and learn from mistakes” – this criticism is aimed, not at the General Staff, but at the Kremlin.


Map of Ukrainian missile strikes on Crimea, June 10-12 – posted by Rybar, June 12 at 20:29h.

On June 14 Zvinchuk returned to the targeting of the USAF drones. “For the first time, the American Triton [MQ-4C] appeared on the Crimean shores right before a massed blow on the Crimea. The question of what you can expect from its presence in the Black Sea region begs itself. Especially when the curators of the Ukrainian military will not miss such an opportunity to attack. And if this happens, it will again be possible to raise the question of the advisability of a more radical counteraction to American aviation near the Russian borders. Someday, maybe, we will come to the same measures as the Houthis.” ... more-90009


About the offensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kharkov region
June 16, 21:03


Regarding the excitement in the cart about the “offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kharkov region.”

1. Initially, they aired a video where a fighter simply assumed that the enemy was accumulating forces in the depths of the Kharkov region for a future attack. It was pulled away and off we went.

2. The enemy has been conducting both offensive and counter-offensive operations in the Glubokoye area and Volchansk for several weeks now, using reserves pulled from other directions for this purpose.

3. Currently, these actions have allowed the enemy to slow down the advance of the Russian Armed Forces in the north of the Kharkov region, at the cost of significant tactical concessions and losses in other directions, which were weakened in the interests of building up the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kharkov region. Rabotino, Krynki, Staromayorskoe, etc. - all these are consequences.

4. Now the enemy continues offensive and counter-offensive actions, in attempts to achieve at least tactical results in the north of the Kharkov region in order to justify the strengthening of the Kharkov group. Hence the counterattacks in Volchansk and attempts to push through our defenses in Glubokoye.

5. The enemy is forced to hurry, as he needs to stabilize the situation north of Kharkov as quickly as possible and begin transferring part of his reserves to Donbass to stabilize the situation in the Chasov Yarsky and Kurakhovsky directions. Preparations for such a transfer are already underway.

6. Accordingly, the task of our group in the north of the Kharkov region is to tie up the enemy’s Kharkov group with battles for as long as possible in the interests of advancing in other directions where the enemy does not have enough reserves.

7. The enemy will almost certainly try to resolve the emerging operational time pressure through a series of attacks in the Kharkov region, after which he will one way or another go on the defensive.

Last year's photos have no meaning
June 17, 18:59


Hybrid aggression Russia.
The Ukrainian national football team lost to the Romanians amid shouts of “Putin! Putin! Putin!” and DPR flags hung at the stadium.

10 routine excuses.

1. The result of the match is cynical Russian propaganda.

2. Photos of all Romanian goals from last year.

3. The bill aims to undermine Ukraine's internal cohesion.

4. Putin's agents have infiltrated Europe and are undermining Euro-Atlantic unity.

5. The result of the match does not matter much.

6. The entire tournament was initially subsidized.

7. According to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, all balls flying into the goal were hit.

8. Psychologically, Ukraine defeated Romania.

9. The football players are already ready to play a match in Yalta in August.

10. The TCC will conduct a check to see if there are any cheaters in the team.

Google Translator


Avdeevsky direction: advance of the RF Armed Forces to Novoaleksandrovkei near Arkhangelsk
June 17, 2024


Throughout yesterday, messages were published on the Internet about the activation of the front in the Avdeevsky direction , including in the Ocheretino area . This information is confirmed by our sources, according to which the advance of the RF Armed Forces was recorded in several areas at once.

In the Arkhangelsk area , advanced detachments of attack aircraft of the Russian Armed Forces bypassed several enemy strongholds and advanced to the west of Kalinovo . To the southeast, Russian troops are advancing, relying on the controlled Keramik .

Kalinovo itself is a well-equipped fortified area of ​​the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the capture of which will make it possible to tighten the flank at the Novobakhmutovka - Novokalinovo line and prepare for the potential encirclement of enemy forces in New York and Toretsk .

In Novoaleksandrovka, fighting is taking place in the center and southeast of the settlement, where, as a result of a series of local offensive actions, control was expanded in the direction of Lozovatsky .

North-west of Novoaleksandrovka is Vozdvizhenka - the last village on the way of Russian troops to the T-0504 highway connecting Konstantinovka and Pokrovsk . Cutting this highway will significantly complicate the position of the Ukrainian Armed Forces garrison in the Bakhmut direction.

To the south, units of the Russian Armed Forces have established a foothold on the eastern outskirts of Sokol , but they have not yet been able to advance further due to the active work of artillery and a significant number of drones used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which strike even single targets.

At the same time, in the Novoselovka First area, Russian troops are successfully conducting an offensive along the Ocheretin gully and from the side of the O0542 highway coming from Semenovka . ... ngelskogo/

Google Translator


By Matt Taibbi, Racket News/Substack, 6/13/24

At least Ukraine doesn’t discriminate, when it comes to detaining writers.

On April 25, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) detained twenty-five-year-old socialist Bogdan Syrotiuk on a charge of treason. Just over a month later, while Syrotiuk remained in detention in the city of Mykolaiv, Ukraine banned one of the outlets with which he’s connected, the World Socialist Web Site (WSWS), which has faced suppression in the United States in the past, as noted on this site.

In January, Chilean-American writer Gonzalo Lira died in custody after a lengthy detention. Most American media condemned Lira even in death, with headlines like “Kremlin Shill Dies in Ukraine” (The Daily Beast), “Pro-Putin American Expat Dies in Ukrainian Jail” (Newsweek), and “Anti-Ukraine Chorus Seeks to Exploit an American’s Death” (Substack’s own The Bulwark). The SBU also sought to have The Grayzone’s Aaron Maté removed from Twitter, and several organizations have published lists of Ukrainian media “enemies,” with a new one called Texty.Org.UA listing everyone from Noam Chomsky to Carlson as well as ice cream magnate Ben Cohen, Chris Hedges, CODEPINK and others (including me) as spreaders of Russian propaganda. The WSWS doesn’t appear, but someone invested real money and time in an elaborate Western-style media enemies list with snazzy graphics:

A Texti.Org.UA chart of left-leaning enemies of Ukraine. There are similar charts for the American conservatives

The SBU detained Syrotiuk, who leads an organization called the Young Guard of Bolshevik Leninists, in an April raid of his party’s offices in his home city of Pervomais’k, in southern Ukraine. The Ukrainian intel agency somewhat absurdly claims to have found a Russian army greatcoat, a backpack marked with a “Z” (ostensibly representing Russian chauvinism), and a gas mask in the party meeting hall, in close proximity to a portrait of Lev Trotsky.

Since his arrest, Syrotiuk has been denied contact with his affiliates at the WSWS. He has also been unable to obtain proper legal counsel or the blood pressure medication on which he relies, according to the WSWS. At one point, Syrotiuk was able to find a lawyer in Kyiv. A week later, his lawyers said that he would not be able to take the case, citing the danger of representing him.

Socialist or communist figures in both Ukraine and Russia have attracted particular official attention since Russia’s invasion in February 2022, perhaps because of the history of successful agitation in the region. Syrotiuk’s Young Guard, a Trotskyist group operating throughout the former Soviet Union, advocates for an end to the war and cooperation between the Russian and Ukrainian working classes, while opposing the governments of both Vladimir Putin and Volodymyr Zelensky. A month before war broke out, in January of 2022, they made contact with the World Socialist Web Site, another Trotskyite organization that opposes “all governments” and “the defense of the national state,” not just in Ukraine but everywhere.

“The irony of this is, is that we could see our members who are active in Russia arrested by the Putin government,” says David North, chair of the Socialist Equality Party, which publishes the WSWS. North’s group blames “provocative and aggressive” policies of the U.S. and NATO for starting the conflict, but adds: “Nevertheless, we opposed Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.”

According to North, part of Syrotiuk’s offense is carrying out propaganda on behalf of a Russian state organ, by which they somehow mean the World Socialist Web Site, a consistent critic of Putin’s. Syrotiuk’s charging papers list North as a “leader of a Russian-controlled propaganda agency.” Ironically, North describes the WSWS as “bitter enemies of the Putin government” and says that the site is “very opposed to this view of Putin as some sort of great leader of a new multipolar movement.”

That the Zelensky government would take a hard line with a domestic war critic should be unsurprising to anybody who follows speech issues, but the broader question about Syrotiuk’s imprisonment is whether Ukraine’s American partners knew of or approved his detention. North claims Syrotiuk’s charging papers list information to which only he would be privy. After filing a FOIA request on his own behalf, he adds he was told the government could neither confirm nor deny that it was collecting information on his activities. The WSWS this week sent an open letter to the U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, Oksana Makarova, but has not received a response.

It should be noted that similar jailings are taking place in Russia, with some hitting close to home. This past December, Russians arrested Boris Kagarlitsky, a longtime Moscow Times contributor who was the main writer on the “Russian Dissent” Substack sponsored by this site. Boris, a socialist himself but not connected in any way to the WSWS, was denounced as an “inoagent” (a foreign agent) and given a five year sentence, which Russian authorities called “excessively lenient.” The case is one of the more absurd in the history of speech offenses. Kagarlitsky was initially accused of making light of a 2022 explosion on the Krimsky Bridge linking Russia to Crimea, thanks to a video titled “Explosive Congratulations to the Cat Mostik,” sarcastically putting a cat in the frame for the blast. The Russian news agency TASS noted Kagarlitsky’s “negative attitude toward authorities,” and Boris remains in prison. We’re trying to get more information about his status.

For all its horror, the Kagarlitsky case has attracted some coverage from outlets like the BBC and organizations like Amnesty International. Detained Ukrainian dissidents like Syrotiuk have received zero attention in the U.S. Incidentally, the Twitter Files list of social media accounts denounced by the SBU to the FBI, on which Aaron Maté’s name was found, contained a number of socialist or communist organizations, suggesting a broad interest in both old and new left-leaning groups.

The SBU asked the FBI to ban the Communist Party’s account, according to the Twitter Files.

Syrotiuk is the kind of figure who’s rarely defended by American authorities, making his prospects for release poor, absent attention from international organizations. Will left-leaning outlets apart from the WSWS demand answers about our government’s role in this episode?


RT, 6/13/24

The Russian Prosecutor General has finalized its indictment against Wall Street Journal journalist Evan Gershkovich, who is accused of attempting to obtain military secrets for the CIA, it was announced on Thursday.

In a statement, investigators claimed they have evidence that the American citizen was acting on behalf of the US foreign intelligence agency when he tried to collect classified information about Uralvagonzavod, a major Russian producer of tanks and armored vehicles, in Ekaterinburg in March 2023.

The case, which was compiled based on materials provided by the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB), has been sent for trial at a court in the Urals region of Sverdlovsk, it added.

The court has jurisdiction as Uralvagonzavod is located in the region and the alleged crimes were committed on its soil.

Gershkovich and his employer have denied the Russian allegations and have claimed he is being held unlawfully. The newspaper has called on the US government to retaliate and has reportedly been told that Washington is looking for “creative solutions” to resolve the situation.

American officials have reportedly contacted other governments about potentially taking custody of prisoners who they believe may be of interest to Russia in a swap for Gershkovich. Brazil, Norway, Germany, and an unnamed former Soviet bloc country have been approached with such requests, according to Western media.

Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson asked Russian President Vladimir Putin about Gershkovich during an interview in February, claiming that his fellow US journalist was “obviously not a spy.” Putin responded by saying that “getting classified information in secret is called espionage,” and that Gershkovich was “caught red-handed when he was receiving this information.”

Moscow has no objections in principle to releasing Gershkovich eventually but won’t do so simply as a goodwill gesture because it has already “exhausted” such reserves in dealing with Washington, Putin added. ... r-the-cia/


Zelenski's Summit Has Failed
The reviews of Zelenski's latest show ain't positive:

Russia’s ghost loomed over Ukraine peace summit -
In Ukraine, soldiers and civilians shrug off Zelensky's summit - AFP
Ukraine’s Global Diplomatic Flurry Fails to Outflank Russia (archived) - WSJ
Significant support for Ukraine at peace summit - but key nations hesitate - Sky News
India opts out of Ukraine declaration at Swiss peace summit as Russia stays away - India Today
Major Ukraine summit ends with fresh plea for peace but key powers spurn final agreement - CNN
Disappointing end to Ukraine summit as allies agree to watered-down peace declaration - Telegraph
The summit served warmed up bullshit without any significant nutritional value. The most important points weren't even discussed:

Arnaud Bertrand @RnaudBertrand - 8:48 UTC · Jun 17, 2024
Genuinely astonishing how the final communiqué of Swiss “Summit on Peace in Ukraine” (link) is basically 6 out of the 12 points of China's February 2023 "Peace plan" (link), and only that.

In short it's the Chinese peace plan, without:

A call for a cessation of hostilities
A call to resume peace talks.
A call to "abandon the Cold War mentality"
A call to resolve the humanitarian crisis.
An agreement to remove "unilateral sanctions"
An agreement to support post-conflict reconstruction
The only points it keeps from the Chinese peace plan are:

Point 1: To base the resolution of the conflict on the UN Charter
Point 6: Asking that all prisoners of war and detainees should be released
Points 7 & 8: Calling for nuclear plants to be safe and stating that nuclear weapons shouldn't be used
Points 9 & 11: Asking that food security and supply chains be maintained and be weaponized
And that's almost 1 year and a half AFTER the Chinese Peace Plan, which the West rejected immediately out of hand and ironically criticized as being "vague" even though the outcome of this Swiss summit is now far vaguer, in fact it's so vague it removed all the aspects of the Chinese plan that actually proposed a path to a sustainable peace ...

Just goes to show how far away we are from peace, almost 2 years and a half into the war... And also goes to show that maybe, just maybe, China's proposal wasn't so bad after all 😏

As Strana summarizes (machine translation):

The final declaration included a clause on the need to involve "all parties" in the negotiations, which can be interpreted as a desire to involve the Russian Federation in future summits. This was stated by many participants of the summit (primarily from the countries of the "global South"). Zelensky also said about his desire to see Russia at the second summit, saying that Russia's presence there would mean that it "wants peace."
But given the complete discrepancy in the positions of the parties regarding how they see the end of the war, it is still very early to talk about any negotiations. These positions may become closer under the influence of two factors-the situation on the battlefield and / or coordinated pressure on both belligerents by their key international partners. And only in the case of such a convergence of positions will real negotiations become possible.

The war will continue until the complete destruction of the Ukrainian forces can no longer be ignored.

Posted by b on June 17, 2024 at 13:06 UTC | Permalink ... l#comments
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Wed Jun 19, 2024 11:32 am

The pendulum of war
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 06/19/2024


Last weekend, the leaders of the two countries facing each other in the largest conventional war that has occurred in Europe since World War II presented their proposals for resolving the conflict. Zelensky's peace formula was already clear: his 10-point roadmap that begins with Russia's unilateral withdrawal from all Ukrainian territories according to its 1991 borders and continues with a whole series of punishments for Moscow, including the payment of reparations and a court to judge only their crimes and in no case those committed by Ukraine in the more than ten years of war. Zelensky's proposal has been Ukraine's dream since 2014, since it demands the return of all the territories under its control until the Maidan coup and eliminates at a stroke everything that happened between the outbreak of protests in Crimea and Donbass and the Russian invasion of 2022. The Ukrainian president's plan resolves in his favor the two main obstacles due to which kyiv always considered the Minsk agreement unacceptable and never had the slightest intention of complying with it: although it made it recover the territory of Donbass, there was no on his way to returning Crimea under Ukrainian control and required him to grant the population of Donetsk and Lugansk rights that contradicted the centralizing intentions and the social, cultural and linguistic homogenization that the Maidan Ukraine sought to impose. Zelensky's roadmap offers nothing to the population whose territories Ukraine has been trying to recover for a decade by military force and by the political, diplomatic and economic pressure of its allies against Moscow.

Hours before the start of the Swiss summit, the Russian president wanted to introduce a new factor into the conversation. “The ghost of Vladimir Putin” spread, according to Politico , following his statements, in which he raised Russian conditions, not for a temporary ceasefire, not even for peace, but for the resolution of the conflict. . The nuance is important, since the confrontation between the two countries is not limited to the military aspect nor did it begin on February 24, 2022 with the Russian invasion, but rather contains other political, economic and social factors that kyiv has always tried to resolve by the military route. It was so in the Donbass war years, where the negotiation of political points was openly sabotaged, and it is so now, when Zelensky's peace plan can be summarized in the achievement of complete military victory.

In reality, Vladimir Putin's attempt to change the conversation at the Swiss summit was unnecessary, since the political content of the meeting was limited to aspects that, in no way, will mark the negotiations between the two countries at the time. which are produced. However, the meeting gave the opportunity to verify what Russia's starting demands are to accept a negotiation. As anticipated in an article recently published by the American magazine Foreign Policy , which valued the extensive work carried out by the two delegations in 2022 and presented it as a basis for future dialogue, Vladimir Putin returns to the moment when Russia and Ukraine came closer. to reach an agreement: the Istanbul negotiation. The Russian president recovers the demands for granting rights to the Russian-speaking population and the prohibition of fascist, Nazi or neo-Nazi representations, the status of a neutral and non-nuclear country and the lifting of mutual sanctions.

The only real change is that dictated by the situation on the ground. If Russia was in Istanbul ready to withdraw from the territories of Kherson and Zaporozhye, Moscow now demands that they be recognized as Russian territory. That is, at least, the maximalist initial proposal, an approach that kyiv cannot accept for the same reasons why the Istanbul agreement was unviable for Ukraine and its partners. On the one hand, territorial concessions could not be demanded from a country without being militarily defeated, something that is applicable to the current moment and to both the demands of Russia and Ukraine. On the other hand, security guarantees and the lifting of sanctions affect Western countries which, as the Foreign Policy article also mentioned , implies the will to recover political and diplomatic relations, non-existent then and also now.

With two mutually unacceptable proposals and no possibility of returning to diplomatic channels - fundamentally due to the Ukrainian position, the party that renounced diplomacy during the Istanbul process - the conflict between the two countries cannot but continue to accumulate wear and tear, losses and destruction, a cost that both countries will have to overcome in the future. The continuation of the war also implies the polarization of opinions between the optimism of future victory and the danger of imminent defeat. A recent article published by Ukrainska Pravda is dedicated to this , which makes it clear that the unity of Ukrainians that the Kiev Government and its allies constantly proclaim is a product of their imagination.

"We are all going to die. There is no one to stop Putin and his wild horde. There are traitors in the Pechersk Hills. There are strays in the rear. There are cowards in Washington and Brussels. In the future there will be the assault on Kharkiv and the offensive on kyiv, new Bucha and Mariupol throughout the country, the mobilization of Ukrainians for the Russian army and the expansion of the war to the territory of the European Union," writes the article showing , in an intentionally exaggerated way, the most negative position. “At the same time, our victory over Putin is inevitable. Ukraine has history, God and the entire civilized world on its side with F-16 fighters and long-range missiles. “In the future will come the destruction of the Crimean bridge, the entry of NATO troops into Ukraine, the recovery of the 1991 borders, the destruction of Moscow and the collapse of the Russian Federation,” he continues with the equally hyperbolic contrary position. With the effects of the “emotional pendulum of war”, the Ukrainian media reminds that, depending on the moment, the same people can go from one version to another with complete normality, whether due to success on the front or defeat, the announcement of the shipment of new weapons or their delay or simply because of the statements of Western leaders.

With war until final victory the only acceptable solution to the conflict, Ukraine has condemned itself to having to keep its population motivated enough to be willing to fight on the front. As Ukrainska Pravda recalls , “who is willing to risk his life for a lost cause?” However, the article prefers to ignore that this pendulum in the state of opinion is not only due to the social environment or Russian propaganda - which is given a presence that it does not have, since, Russian media being banned several years ago, they do not should be a major factor in today's Ukraine, especially if the complete rejection of Russia that, according to Ukrainian propaganda, is widespread, is to be believed, but, to a large extent, also of its own Government. With the same ease as Arestovich has changed his position, so has kyiv's official propaganda, accustomed to moving from the narrative of the danger of defeat to the euphoria of victory at the moment when its allies have announced future arms shipments. , whether they were the German Leopards or the American F16s.

With the front practically static and with no other possibility of achieving a complete victory than to wait for the collapse of the opposing army, the war will have to return to diplomacy at some point. It is likely to be more difficult for Ukraine, whose president has by decree banned negotiations with Vladimir Putin and remains adamant in his demand for conditions that do not correspond at all to the situation on the ground. The proposals of the different leaders to resolve the war in their favor show that the moment of the end of the war is not near and, above all, they remember the moments in which the agreement was possible. But neither in Minsk, when Ukraine was required to grant political rights to a region that it had not been able to defeat in war, nor in Istanbul, when it was already a question of admitting the loss of those territories and that population, peace it was possible. Circumstances have not only not changed, but have gotten worse. After tens of thousands of casualties in both armies, giving up part of their demands is now even more difficult. And as long as negotiation is not possible, the population will continue to be subjected to the pendulum that swings between euphoria and depression depending on the weapons needs of its Government. ... la-guerra/

Google Translator


From Cassad's Telegram account:

Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of June 18, 2024) | The main thing:

- The South group of troops has improved the situation along the front line, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have lost up to 665 military personnel and an ammunition depot, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported.

— The Russian Armed Forces hit the military-technical equipment warehouse of the Ukrainian Armed Forces brigade, from which the distribution of Western equipment supplied to Kyiv took place, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

— The North group of troops repelled 2 counterattacks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, defeated four brigades, and the enemy lost up to 130 military personnel in one day;

— The Russian Armed Forces destroyed a radar station and two launchers of the S-300 air defense system, and hit a workshop for the production of attack UAVs;

— Russian air defense systems shot down 24 Ukrainian UAVs and a Neptune-MD guided missile in one day;

— The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the zone of responsibility of the West group of forces per day amounted to 455 military personnel;

— The Center group improved the tactical situation and repelled four counterattacks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the enemy lost up to 355 troops;

— The Vostok group occupied more advantageous positions and defeated 4 brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, enemy losses per day amounted to 155 military personnel;

— The Dnepr group of the Russian Armed Forces defeated the formations of three terrorist defense brigades in the Kherson and Zaporozhye re

Operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation destroyed a radar station and two launchers of the S-300 anti-aircraft missile system, and also hit: an attack UAV production workshop, a military-technical equipment warehouse of the 44th artillery brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, from which the unloading and distribution of weapons and military equipment supplied to the Kyiv regime by Western countries was carried out, as well as accumulations of enemy manpower and equipment in 124 regions.

▫️During the day, air defense systems shot down 24 unmanned aerial vehicles and one Neptune-MD long-range guided missile.

📊In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed: 613 aircraft, 276 helicopters, 25,891 unmanned aerial vehicles, 531 anti-aircraft missile systems, 16,366 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,343 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 10,610 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 22645 units of special military vehicles.

Google Translator


On the essence of the Ukraine war and the lessons of Russia’s SMO

What is the war in Ukraine really about, and what have we learned during the last two years of fighting?

Although western monopolies have generated huge profits in arms sales over the last two years, their weapons have not lived up to the marketing hype. It has been clear since 2022 that Nato has no realistic way to win, but despite this the imperialists continue to fuel the conflict with unlimited subsidies and continue to demand the ritual sacrifice of untold thousands more Ukrainians. All in a desperate quest to destroy a sovereign and independent Russia by any means necessary.
Joti Brar

Monday 17 June 2024

This paper was presented to a colloquium of the World Anti-imperialist Platform in Madrid on 8 June 2024.


The imperialist aggression that forced the people of the Donbass provinces to take up arms, and which led Russia to launch its SMO nearly a decade later, can be seen as the real starting point of the third world war. This was when the west decisively ramped up its regime-change efforts against Russia by attempting to turn the territory of what had once been the Soviet Socialist Republic of Ukraine into a Nato base capable of launching missiles that could hit Russia’s major cities within a few minutes.

It must be repeated that the war did not begin in 2022. It began with the imperialist-directed fascist coup that ousted Ukraine’s elected government in 2014, and the antifascist resistance launched by the people of the Donbass against the coup regime. But Moscow’s launch of the special military operation in February 2022, which brought Russian military forces to the support of the Donbass resistance, made a qualitative change to a war that had by then been ongoing for eight years.

The launch of the SMO was the moment when Russia moved decisively against the imperialists’ aggressive project, having exhausted all other avenues of diplomacy and dialogue. For this reason, the SMO’s launch in February 2022 marked the opening of a new phase in the worldwide anti-imperialist struggle.

This is no accident. The entry of Russian forces into the Ukraine war, which was made unavoidable by imperialist escalations in the Donbass, took place at a moment when the already severe economic crisis of global capitalism was becoming acute. As the inflation crisis that had been exported across the globe since 2008 span out of control; as corporate, national and personal indebtedness soared to unprecedented levels; as major banks teetered on the edge of ruin, the global system of capitalist-imperialism was staring into an abyss.

That is why the leading imperialist powers, principally the USA, have been driving ever more desperately to war. They hope by this means to save the global capitalist economic system and their place within it. With so many financial problems, only a really big bonanza can now save the parasitic economies of the west. Only the destruction, dismemberment and free looting of the resources of Russia or China, and preferably both, might be sufficient to inject profitability back into the system – for a while.

Only the removal of the fraternal aid that Russia and China offer to developing countries might enable the west to keep the other nations of the world enslaved for a few decades more – perpetually underdeveloped and mired in debt, and thus forced to continue providing cheap labour-power and cheap raw materials for the benefit of the monopoly financiers in Washington, London, Berlin and Paris.

Of course, to many in the world who had not been paying attention to the signs of this gathering storm, Russia’s SMO came entirely out of the blue. Imperialist propaganda which labelled it as an ‘aggressive’ and even ‘imperialist’ move made at the behest of the ‘madman’ and ‘dictator’ Vladimir Putin seemed plausible to those who had not been presented with any of the historical facts or wider context that would allow them to make sense of the situation.

This is where the Marxists come in – or ought to. Any really Marxist, really Leninist party should have been able to explain to the workers in its home country how and why they were being lied to by the overwhelming deluge of Hollywood-style propaganda that was launched by the west alongside their military and economic aggression.

Indeed, true anti-imperialists had had eight years to prepare workers under their influence by analysing the content of the antifascist liberation war being waged by the people’s militias of Donetsk and Lugansk (the two provinces that make up the Donbass region). They had had several decades during which they could have brought attention to the way history was being rewritten and weaponised across eastern Europe under the direction of the CIA. They had ample opportunity to point out how Nato bases were spreading eastwards and russophobic proxy forces were being created by the CIA and co.

There were clear signs that the west was planning a war for well over a decade, and Marxists everywhere should have been bringing this information to their people. The fact that so few calling themselves communist actually fulfilled this duty tells us much about the decay and disintegration of the communist movement – a process that we have written about elsewhere and which has been ongoing since 1953.

Since the SMO was launched in 2022, the world at large, and the working class in particular, has been exposed to some very enlightening information. Let us examine some of the essential truths that the Ukraine war has brought to light.

Economic weakness exposed
First, the war has exposed the economic weakness of the imperialist camp. In February and March 2022, the west launched what can only be described as a sanctions blitzkrieg against Russia. It waged a no-holds-barred economic war that the imperialists expected would cause so much pain to the Russian people that they would be out on the streets demanding the removal of Vladimir Putin’s government, thus allowing the USA to install a puppet president and pursue its agenda without the need for further armed combat.

This economic war didn’t just fail to succeed in its aims; it backfired spectacularly. What had been anticipated as a bit of very short-term pain (a few months’ difficulty while the west temporarily lost its access to Russian oil and other raw materials) that would lead to longer-term results (in the form of a carnival of looting of the Russian people’s resources for western monopoly corporations and banks, much like the bonanza they enjoyed in the period following the fall of the USSR) turned into long-term pain for the west, and for Europe in particular. Meanwhile, Russia’s economy has not only withstood but was eventually strengthened by being cut off from western ‘investment’ (bloodsucking).

In the process, the economic crisis that the imperialist countries were trying to escape has been exacerbated, with energy prices and inflation rocketing, European industry becoming unviable, and the cost of living for ordinary workers climbing ever more steeply.

Another economic reality that has been highlighted by the war in Ukraine is the absolute superiority of planning over market mechanisms. For decades, the world was awed by the staggering dimensions of the USA’s military budget, assuming that US armed forces must be overwhelmingly bigger, better equipped, better trained and more technically advanced than those of any other country.

But what the battlefield realities in Ukraine have laid bare is that a huge proportion of the US military budget is spent on generating profits for the arms manufacturers and bribes for their various acolytes, facilitators and hangers-on. In just the same way that the USA’s enormous health spending doesn’t deliver basic care to millions of US citizens and entails huge waste driven by corporate greed and corruption, US military spending turns out to be just as wasteful and just as unable to produce the basic items needed (cheap and steady supplies of ammunition and small drones) for effective action in a peer-to-peer war.

We can see clearly now that in the post-cold war situation, the USA very quickly came to consider itself as being dominant and unassailable. Its military chiefs and arms companies therefore stopped planning for war against a really peer competitor, focusing instead on ‘wars’ in which maintenance stations and air bases were safe from attack and aerial power was entirely unchallenged. Wars in which only they had access to satellite communications and GPS systems and where this access could never be threatened.

These assumptions, when combined with the desire of the arms companies to maximise their profits, have led to a situation in which the USA has ended up with a lot of very overpriced, very complex machines that are simply not up to the realities of a battle in which the other side has access to technology that is just as good and often better, and a vastly superior ability to replace what is lost and damaged. In a recent hearing in Washington, one embittered congressman described the USA’s F-35 fighter planes as “hundred million dollar paper-weights” after being informed just how little time each aircraft is able to spend in the air vs in the repair hangar, all while the cost of maintaining them continues to increase.

Russia, on the other hand, has continued the Soviet tradition of planning its military development by preparing to fight a defensive war against Nato weapons (since it has no other enemies and no interest in launching aggressive wars). It has studied the strengths and weaknesses of Nato armaments for decades and tasked its arms technicians with working out the simplest means to defeat them. Hence its focus on effective air defences and its development of hypersonic missiles – a technology that Russia, China and the DPRK all now have but the imperialists have still not mastered, since the lack of complexity meant it was never a big focus for western arms companies (more complex + more time to produce = more astronomical price-tags).

Russian shells are cheap and quick to produce; US shells are expensive and slow. Russian tank production is ramping up fast and its tanks are tough, manoeuvrable and relatively simple to repair. Western tanks (and artillery, and planes) are extremely expensive, and are often too heavy and difficult to manoeuvre easily on a complex modern battlefield. They break down easily and often, and are extremely complicated to repair.

That all worked very well for a military-industrial complex that was producing for armies that were not at war, when technological wizardry could wow the buyers and persuade them that American products would make them invincible. It was also advantageous in setting up a ‘subscription model’ that has tied every buyer of western arms into a permanent relationship with the seller, compelled to keep paying Lockheed, Raytheon et al for annual software updates and regular servicing. This is the model all the world’s biggest corporations are turning to, whether they are producing cars, phones, tractors or planes, as their markets become saturated and demand for their products dries up.

While the junior imperialist powers had assumed they were safely sheltered under the USA’s vast military umbrella, they now find that, even when taken all together, the military industries of the whole of the collective west are not able to match what Russia is producing, whether measured by battlefield resilience or by volume.

Britain is not alone in fretting that footage of destroyed Challenger tanks in Ukraine will have a bad impact on the British arms industry. Nor is its ruling class alone in fretting that its professional armed forces today are simply not up to the task of maintaining Britain’s status as a world-dominating power. As the USA seeks to exit the Ukrainian quagmire and hand over responsibility for trying to keep the conflict against Russia going to its European ‘partners’, the demand for more military spending and for the creation of conscription armies will continue to grow.

Meanwhile, Russia has been able to utilise the legacy of its Soviet past to the full. By renationalising all aspects of arms production and military activity, the country has been able to focus its resources in an efficient and targeted way, looking at the needs of the battlefield without having to worry about what will create profits for shareholders. Ramping up production in Russian arms factories has not been a problem because they were designed with just such ebbs and flows of demand in mind by the socialist planners of the USSR.

Something that the economic gurus of the west have been steadily wiping out has revealed once again its vital importance if supplies of necessary goods are to be guaranteed: contingency planning. Soviet factories of all kinds were designed to be able to ramp production up or down, with necessary space kept empty and workers kept trained during times of low production, to be brought online during times of high demand.

While the west has talked about the need to expand production, nothing meaningful has been done in that direction for the last two years simply because to do so without nationalisation simply presents too many obstacles. How to acquire enough space? How to make a profit while setting up costly new facilities? How to train enough new skilled labour? How to pay for the necessary warehousing? And so on and on and on. Just as we saw during the Covid-19 epidemic, the ‘efficiency measures’ of the last four decades might have boosted profits, but they have been revealed to be extremely short-sighted and very difficult to reverse.

Military weakness exposed
Second, the war in Ukraine has exposed the military weakness of the imperialist camp. For decades, the people of the world have been intimidated by the threat of military action by the all-powerful USA; cowed by the fate of resistant countries like Iraq and Libya, where all infrastructure was destroyed by the overwhelming firepower of western hi-tech bombers and where local militaries had little or no ability to inflict meaningful damage on the airborne terrorists. ‘War’ in these post-Soviet decades had become an extremely one-sided affair, more closely resembling the days of the colonial conquest of Africa and the Americas than a modern battlefield.

But the simple fact is that the west has lost its technological dominance, and with it the ability to enforce its will over the people of the planet. This process began with the building of the USSR and the growth of the socialist camp, and it is coming to clear fruition now, when advanced technology has been spread by the socialist pioneers to every corner of the oppressed world.

As a result, in Ukraine today, despite the fact that Nato had spent a decade creating huge and multiple lines of fortification in preparation for a confrontation with Russia, and despite having built up the Ukrainian army into what was essentially Nato’s largest fighting force, the western alliance is being decisively beaten. And this is in spite of having thrown a huge proportion of its combined arsenal into the maelstrom; in spite of the active assistance of western specialists, western intelligence and Nato advisors; and in spite of having recreated the defeated and decimated Ukrainian army not once but twice since 2022.

And as the Ukrainians have served as cannon fodder in this imperialist attempt to weaken, destroy and dismember Russia, the true nature of the vanguard of the west’s proxy force has been horrifyingly revealed. No one who is paying any attention can now fail to see that Nato’s most dependable, most dedicated shock troops in Ukraine are Nazis. Not ‘neo-nazi’ wannabes, but actual Nazis, claiming direct ideological and familial descendance from the Banderite savages who rampaged across Ukraine killing jews, Russians and communists during the 1930s, 40s and 50s.

It is now clear that the same fascists whom the west claimed to have been fighting during WW2 were rescued by MI6 and the CIA at the end of the war and transported to safe havens in the west, there to be nurtured and protected until the opportunity arose to bring them back to the territory of what had once been the Soviet Socialist Republic of Ukraine.

It is now clear that the west’s plan to try to use Ukraine as a battering ram against the Soviet Union and then against Russia actually goes back more than a century. The only difference has been in which imperialist power has taken the lead in directing these efforts: Britain, Germany or the USA.

What is also clear is that the west’s concerted campaign to destroy the antifascist traditions of the industrial workers of the Donbass region have totally failed. The Donbass was one of the centres of socialist revolutionary activity in the lead-up to 1917. It bore the brunt of the war against fascism and made tremendous sacrifices during the struggle to expel and defeat the Nazi occupation. Despite decades of lies and intimidation, this history and culture remains in the hearts and minds of local workers, who for generations have been thoroughly imbued with a deep revolutionary patriotism not just for ‘Russia’ but for the socialist Soviet Union.

Propaganda strategy exposed
Third, the war in Ukraine has exposed the propaganda focus of the imperialist camp. Unable to win outright military victories, the CIA et al try to compensate by directing their proxies to create PR opportunities. Using their global dominance of corporate media and social media platforms, Ukraine’s Nato advisors have time and again insisted on the war being fought in such a way as to generate headlines and spin with which they can craft a narrative about the war that is pure Hollywood.

The substantive details of each episode in this gripping drama vary, but the overarching theme is that the heroic and democratic Ukrainian David is standing valiantly against the evil and dictatorial Russian Goliath, inflicting blow after blow against overwhelming odds and acting as a bulwark for all of enlightened liberal Europe against the Asiatic despots who want (for some inscrutable reason best known to themselves) to destroy ‘our’ ‘civilisation’ and our ‘way of life’.

By fighting the war as a PR exercise, spun so as to fool the gullible and the uninformed, Ukraine’s Nato handlers have been extremely reckless with the lives of the Ukrainian soldiery. In their thousands, their tens of thousands and their hundreds of thousands, Ukraine’s menfolk have been sacrificed on the altar of such narratives, thrown into the firing line to be immolated in ways that serve no military purpose whatsoever. Time and again, the west has insisted on prolonging the war for propaganda purposes, despite the obvious reality that it will never be able to win.

During this process, the absolute inhumanity of imperialism has been clearly highlighted. Nato’s approach to waging war in Ukraine puts one forcibly in mind of the aristocratic European generals of WW1, who openly described the working-class soldiers under their command as “cannon fodder”. These unrepentant butchers routinely threw wave after wave of working-class men into the line of automatic gunfire, only to watch them being mown down as the two sides fought – ostensibly over the gain of this or that patch of Flanders soil, but in reality over which group of imperialists would be free to take the lion’s share of colonial loot when the fighting was over.

Diplomatic weakness exposed
Fourth, the war in Ukraine has exposed the diplomatic weakness of the imperialist camp. The hypocrisy and double-dealing of the imperialist powers has never been more evident than in the revelations about the Minsk process, which was supposed to be a path towards a just and peaceful settlement of the Donbass people’s struggle, but which was instead used by all the western powers as a cover for continuing to build up Ukraine’s military in preparation not for ending the war but for expanding it.

It has become crystal clear to independent-minded states the world over that the USA cannot be negotiated with. It lies as easily as breathing. Its word cannot be trusted. Its treaties are not worth the paper they are written on. US imperialism continues to be guided by the mindset of monopoly capitalism (and of all forms of empire from humanity’s past) that ‘might is right’. As VI Lenin said: The imperialists understand no other language than the language of force. In which case, the only way to answer them is by organising an oppositional force and using it with a determination they cannot ignore.

As Russian foreign secretary Sergey Lavrov said in a recent interview: “From our experience with the Americans, it is perfectly clear that US statements are not to be trusted … The Americans continue to make declarations about their commitment to a just solution to the Palestine problem, while at the same time generously adding fuel to the armed confrontation.” This is exactly what the Americans, French and Germans did during the Minsk process of 2015-21.

As a result of this recognition, and the accompanying realisation that there is simply no way to remain safe from imperialist hostility while also remaining sovereign, the anti-imperialist countries have been strengthening their bilateral and multilateral relationships at an ever-accelerating rate. Despite all their differences in ideology and outlook, the anti-imperialist camp today is stronger than it has been since the death of Josef Stalin in 1953. In economic and technological terms, it is stronger than it has ever been, while imperialism is weaker than it has ever been.

Truly the balance of forces are reaching a decisive tipping point in history.

Hypocrisy and double-dealing exposed
Fifth, the war in Ukraine has exposed the ideological weakness of the imperialist camp. As their lies, their double-dealing and their hypocrisy are exposed, the rulers of the west and the system they preside over are faced with a deep and deepening crisis of legitimacy, both at home and abroad.

With so many lies about their aggressive wars exposed before their own populations, the imperialist countries are unable to recruit enough professional soldiers to keep their armed forces going at the levels they would like, and unable to withstand the political fallout of dead soldiers coming home from wars that the wider population simply does not support. This is what lies behind the current strategy of using proxy forces in every theatre of war, whether in the middle east, east Asia, Africa, Latin America or eastern Europe.

Decades of work went into nurturing Ukraine’s Banderite Nazi collaborators, rewriting Ukrainian history and brainwashing a new generation of Ukrainian people to transform them into willing cannon fodder for imperialism against Russia. At the same time, fascist street thugs were armed and empowered to forcibly suppress Russians, communists, trade unionists and anyone upholding the rights of workers or the simple truth in politics, the media and social life.

Two years into its failed war, a huge number of those forces have been expended and exposed. Ukrainian men no longer believe that America is their friend and are no longer willing to be sent to the front lines. This is what lies behind the widespread talk about the need for conscription armies in the imperialist nations.

Two years ago, the governments and many of the people in Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia were all lining up to join Ukraine in the fight against Russia, their heads full of russophobic propaganda, and their media and politicians united in assuring them of Nato’s eternal backing and of a speedy victory. Today this jingoistic fervour has subsided, and there is a marked lack of enthusiasm now that so many have seen just what Nato ‘backing’ ultimately amounts to: lots of words in support, an insufficient supply of weapons, and an exhortation to carry on “to the last Ukrainian” since we’re right behind you “for as long as it takes” (oh, sorry, make that “for as long as we can”).

The growing debate around conscription in the west is a sign of desperation. If the imperialists cannot find willing fodder for their professional forces at a time of deep economic crisis and growing poverty, what chance is there that conscripted men will fight willingly and well? Nevertheless, the moves towards conscription show us that the imperialists are not going to give up on their dreams of destroying Russia and China, and thus saving their global hegemonic position, without trying absolutely everything.

‘Official’ communist movement’s rotten essence exposed
Sixth, the war in Ukraine has exposed the bankrupt and rotten state of much of what calls itself the ‘communist’ movement. The war has provided us with a perfect litmus with which to find out who is a genuine revolutionary and who has become merely a tame ‘oppositionist’; who retains fidelity to Marxist science in practice, as opposed to using Marxist terminology in a deceitful, sophistic manner aimed at providing a credible outer shell for a rotten, opportunist body.

Genuine anti-imperialists have a duty to do everything possible to bring home to workers all the lessons outlined above, and to use this understanding to mobilise them to take an active part in this, the most decisive struggle of our era – the struggle to destroy once and for all the imperialist global system.

Today, the urgent task that faces us it to make sure that Russia’s victory is completed in Ukraine and that the west is unable to marshal further proxy armies to throw into the battlefield that could allow it to extend the war at the cost of more hundreds of thousands and even millions more lives.

We must oppose the conscription drive in the west, which is aimed at providing further cannon fodder to hurl into the battlefield.

We must work to bring an understanding to the peace movement that concerted action by the working masses is needed to stop this war drive. That peace activists should be demanding the disbanding of the fascistic warmongering Nato alliance and doing everything in their power to disrupt every aspect of the war machine in all countries.

We must work to build a campaign of mass non-cooperation in every country, demanding that our trade unions and antiwar organisations take up this programme so that workers collectively refuse to make or move weapons and supplies, collectively refuse to fight in Nato armies and proxy forces, collectively refuse to assist in any way with the war machine’s activities, and collectively refuse to write, broadcast or sell any of the media that contain Nato’s propaganda lies.

We must help the masses understand that every working person on the planet, no matter where they live, should be actively working for a Russian victory and a Nato defeat, for through the defeat and disintegration of Nato lies the quickest path to the defeat and destruction of the entire imperialist edifice.

Many of us are familiar with Chairman Mao’s description of imperialism as a paper tiger, and the war in Ukraine has certainly revealed that the imperialists are not nearly as strong as they seem. But a wounded beast is a dangerous beast, and in its death throes it can lash out to devastating effect. We must neither overestimate nor underestimate our enemy, but simply understand that a historic opportunity has arisen for humanity finally to remove the imperialist heel from its neck.

In the same speech, Mao reminded us that the imperialists have very weak connections with the masses. What was true in the 1950s is even more true today. If communists and anti-imperialists conduct themselves sincerely and with principle; if we wage the struggle with determination and promote the true interests of the masses at all times, unbowed either by propaganda lies or repressive measures, the mass of humanity will be increasingly attracted towards us.

When the people begin to identify themselves with our organisations and to throw their weight behind our shared cause, we will see again the truth of Mao’s observation that “small forces linked with the people become strong, while big forces opposed to the people become weak”.

Let the heroic example of the resistant workers of the Donbass remind us that the struggle that faces us today must be carried out neither recklessly nor timidly, but in the most tenacious, concerted way, with the maximum unity of all anti-imperialist forces, until total and final victory. This is the task of our times, and we must rise to the challenge, undaunted by considerations of size and unbowed by the threats of our enemies.

No cooperation with the imperialist war machine!
Death to the warmongering Nato alliance!
Victory to the resistance! ... ussia-smo/


Russia’s post-war dilemmas in Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed a meeting of senior diplomats of the foreign ministry, Moscow, June 14, 2024

In regard of the war in Ukraine, Russia’s main challenge going forward is to find the equilibrium between strategic overestimation and underestimation. “We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten,” as Bill Gates put it.

A triumphalist tone is unmistakeable in President Vladimir Putin’s speech on Friday to a special gathering of senior foreign ministry officials in Moscow presenting the guardrails for negotiations with Ukraine. Russia is a country of high-context culture, which communicates in ways that are implicit and relies heavily on context.

Putin underscored certain pre-conditions. Russia is ready to immediately cease hostilities if Ukraine begins withdrawing its military units beyond the administrative boundaries of Donbass, Zaporizhia and Kherson regions. This is a curious replay of the precondition that Moscow fulfilled in March 2022 when following the talks in Istanbul, Ukraine expected a rollback of Russian deployments around Kiev.

Once bitten, twice shy — Putin’s precondition implies that new territorial realities should be fixed by international treaties. Moscow is ready to negotiate only after Kiev formally notified NATO that it is abandoning the intent to seek membership. Russia expects a complete lifting of sanctions.

Evidently, Russia’s peace terms are, partly at least, based on certain prerequisites that are, conceivably, impossible for Ukraine and its mentors to fulfil. So, presumably, a further hardening of the peace terms is to be expected if Russian troops make more gains on the battlefield. Meanwhile, Moscow is signalling to its Western adversaries the inevitability of a massive redrawing of the Russian-Ukrainian border as the basis for peace.

Unsurprisingly, the Western powers view Putin’s peace terms as an ultimatum although Russian diplomacy propagates them as an important peace initiative. It is timed carefully, just as the G7 summit at Borgo Egnazia in Italy ended and on the eve of the Western-sponsored ‘peace meet’ in Bürgenstock.

The prognosis by the influential politician who has been a deputy speaker of the Duma since 2016 and the scion of an illustrious Russian family, Pyotr Tolstoy (great-great-grandson of Leo Tolstoy) is that Moscow will call out next only for the surrender of Ukrainian forces.

The mood in Moscow has become belligerent, as the EU, at sustained prodding by Washington, is inexorably moving toward the confiscation of Russia’s frozen assets in western banks — ostensibly for meeting Ukraine’s needs but in reality to defray the huge expenses Washington is incurring for its proxy war.

The G7 summit’s communique highlights that “In the presence of President Zelenskyy, we decided to make available approximately USD 50 billion leveraging the extraordinary revenues of the immobilised Russian sovereign assets, sending an unmistakable signal to President Putin. We are stepping up our collective efforts to disarm and defund Russia’s military industrial complex.”

The G7 formulation is a white lie. What is unfolding is a financial scam of the century and the largest theft of money in history. A clutch of modern-day brigands is literally grabbing about $260 billion of Russia’s sovereign assets and giving it the colouring of a legal translation by attributing to it the process the status of a financial collateral for an American loan to Ukraine in blatant violation of international financial law that would ultimately line the pockets of the US military-industrial complex and the politicians.

Suffice to say, Washington is making its proxy war in Ukraine a self-financing, cost-accounting enterprise with Europeans as guarantors. Washington is inflicting a big blow to Russia’s national honour and pride. The big question is where does Russia go from here, given its ‘high-context culture’?

One barely-noticed ellipsis in Putin’s speech on Friday was that he left his lengthy recap of Western betrayals hanging in the air without a foot note as to how Russia came to such a sorry pass at all historically.

If the willing submission to the avalanche of national humiliations was merely due to Russia’s weakness, surely, that is a thing of the past. Today, Russia stands tall as the fourth largest global economy, a great military power and the sole power on the planet with the strategic capability to reduce the US to thermonuclear ashes. Yet, minions like NATO secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg are threatening Russia that he’s heading a “nuclear alliance.”

That is where the elucidation on Putin’s speech by the Dy Chairman of Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev — “on what he [Putin] carefully hinted at in his speech” — needs to be understood properly.

Medvedev made four key points:

The new territories that became part of Russia since 2022 will “remain so forever.”
A “catastrophic scenario” is developing for the Kiev regime.
The sanitary zone Russia will create on its western borders to prevent terrorist attacks may extend right upto Ukraine’s border with Poland, the staging post for NATO’s threats against Russia.
“The President did not say this [western Ukraine’s fate] directly, but it is obvious that such territories, if desired by the people living there, can become part of Russia.”
Most certainly, it is not a coincidence that Putin landed in Pyongyang today morning — or that, Russia’s Pacific Fleet commenced a large scale naval exercise from today till 28the June in the Pacific Ocean, in seas of Japan and Okhotsk.

In the context of his state visit to North Korea, Putin wrote in an article for North Korea’s Rodong Sinmun, “We highly appreciate the DPRK’s unwavering support for Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine… We will… jointly oppose illegitimate unilateral restrictions [read sanctions], and shape the architecture of equal and indivisible security in Eurasia.”

By the way, if North Korea, which is a nuclear power, figures in the first circle of Russia’s strategic calculus as an ally, can Iran which is a nuclear threshold country be far behind — and, importantly, what could be its alchemy? Indeed, Russia has warned that it will give asymmetrical response to the attack on its territory with western weapons allegedly aided by NATO personnel — something without precedent even at the high noon of the Cold War — and NATO secretary-general’s open, vociferous support for it.

In Strobe Talbott’s book The Russia Hand (2002), he narrates an aside with Bill Clinton during a US presidential visit to Moscow in 1995. Clinton told Talbott using a favourite metaphor that his instincts were that Russian elites were sulking and couldn’t take anymore the “shit” being shoved down their throat. Indeed, NATO’s eastward expansion was already on the drawing board in the White House by then.

However, it took Russia another quarter century till February 2022 to resist US bullying. To be sure, Medvedev’s candid ‘annotation’ could not have been without approval from Putin.

The challenge for the next two years is that Russia might overestimate the willingness of the US and EU to concede its legitimate demand of equal and indivisible security.

On the other hand, in a longer term perspective, Moscow should not underestimate the stubborn refusal by Europe’s declining powers — UK, France and Germany — to accept the rise of Russia as a compelling geopolitical reality that they must reconcile with.

Hungarian PM Viktor Orhan is spot on in estimating that it will be sheer naïveté to assume that the new EU leadership would moderate the policies towards Ukraine and Russia, despite the ascendancy of the right-wing parties in the recent elections to the European Parliament. ... n-ukraine/


WION on the Ukrainian Peace Summit: Conclusions
gilbertdoctorow Uncategorized June 17, 2024 11 Minutes

Earlier today I had the pleasure of discussing in a live broadcast on WION, India’s premier English language global broadcaster, the results of the Ukrainian Peace Summit which was held in a Swiss resort over this past weekend, 15-16 June. Was it a success or a failure? For whom? How are we to understand the decision not to invite Russia to the event when Russia is one of the two warring sides? These were among the issues in our chat.

A lot is being said even in our mainstream media about how the Summit fell short of expectations. Indeed, that is a virtually unavoidable conclusion given that only three of the ten points in Zelensky’s peace plan got approval of the gathering, and even the closing statement with this much reduced consensus was not signed by India, Mexico, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and other consequential participants. The populations represented by those who did sign, and did not later cancel their signatures, as several did, came to well less than half of the world’s total.

Little is being said about how Russia views the outcome of the Summit and that is what I tried to address in the several minutes that I was given the microphone.


Transcript below by a reader

Shivan Chanana, WION: 0:00
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has said that he will hold peace talks with Russia if Moscow pulls out of all Ukrainian territory, speaking at the Ukraine Peace Summit in Switzerland. Zelensky asserted that Putin would not end the war and had to be stopped by military or diplomatic means. Now the two-day talks at the Swiss Alpine Resort were attended by over 90 countries. Dozens of countries committing to Ukraine’s territorial integrity. The meet concluded with a final document being adopted which blamed the wars widespread suffering and destruction firmly on Russia. However, several countries including India, South Africa and Saudi Arabia did not sign it.

WION voice-over 0:46
The vast majority of more than 90 countries attending a Swiss summit on peace for Ukraine supported its final declaration, as it concluded on Sunday. Initiated by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, the two-day summit at the Swiss Alpine resort of Bürgenstock aimed to find a consensus on how to end the war in Ukraine.

Volodymyr Zelensky (speaking in English) 1:06
I am confident that together we will ensure the result, the first and the second. Peace summits should unite our joint work on the details of peace.

WION voice-over:
Many Western leaders voiced condemnation of Russia’s invasion and rejected President Vladimir Putin’s demands for part of Ukraine as a condition for peace. However, some countries attending the summit did not put their name to the communique, including Mexico, Saudi Arabia and India. There was no clarity on whether future talks would involve Russia. Swiss President Viola Amherd:

Viola Amherd:
A lasting solution must involve both parties. Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, the discussions over the past two days have shown that there are different points of view. All the more important is our understanding that the path towards peace in Ukraine must be pursued on the basis of international law and, in particular, the United Nations Charter.

WION voice-over: 2:08
Moscow, which was not invited, labelled the summit a waste of time. China was another notable absentee. The conference, nevertheless, underscored both the broad support Ukraine still enjoys from its allies, but also the challenges for any lasting ceasefire. A draft of the final declaration seen by Reuters refers to Russia’s invasion as a war, a label Moscow rejects. It calls for Ukraine’s control over the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant and its Azov seaports to be restored and for Ukraine’s territorial integrity to be respected.

But, in line with the conference’s more modest stated aims, it omitted tougher issues on what a post-war settlement for Ukraine might look like and whether Ukraine could join the NATO alliance. The Kremlin did not rule out future talks with Kiiv, but said guarantees will be needed to ensure the credibility of any negotiations. Whether there will be a follow-up to the summit and where it will be held remained unclear.

Shanana: 3:07
All right. For more of this, we are joined by Dr Gilbert Doctorow, international affairs analyst, author and historian, joining us from Brussels. Dr Doctorow, always a pleasure speaking with you. Zelensky said he’ll hold peace talks with Russia if Moscow pulls out of all Ukrainian territory. In your understanding, what do you make of this statement? Is there any need of peace talks if Moscow is out?

Gilbert Doctorow, PhD: 3:30
It’s a surreal proposal. I don’t– defies the laws of gravity. Normal conditions, the losing side in a war does not demand that the winning side of the war capitulate, and that is precisely what Mr. Zelensky has done in a very peculiar way, and I’d say in a hopeless way. How we appraise this two-day meeting really depends on which side you’re standing on. From the Ukrainian side, I think there are unequivocal aspects of the conclusion which look like a failure. That is to say, what was signed by the 80 countries represented was approving only three of the 10 points in Mr. Zelensky’s peace proposal that goes back many months.

So he only got a fraction of the support from those who signed. And those who signed represented well less than half of the world’s population, far less. You have mentioned India’s refusal to sign. There are other major powers like Saudi Arabia, Brazil, who were represented at the meeting didn’t sign, China didn’t come. The United Nations Secretary General Guterres didn’t come. Now that is one way of looking at it — as a failed initiative from Mr. Zelensky, and also from Jake Sullivan, because the Americans were behind this initiative and Mr. Sullivan in particular were organizers of the event.

From the other side, from the Russian side, the outcome of this meeting was a victory, and it wasn’t a victory that came cheaply. The American diplomatic community was very busy in the weeks running up to this conference, traveling the world and trying to bring in all possible countries to their side. The Russians were doing the same thing. The Russian diplomatic service was extremely active in the weeks before this, to ensure that this would not deliver a verdict on Russia that would be unacceptable and make future negotiations more difficult. And the day before the meeting opened, Mr. Putin delivered what is called a diplomatic torpedo in his peace plan.

Chanana: 5:51
Dr. Doctorow, I also wanted to get your thoughts on this: what good is a peace summit, when both parties who need to arrive at that peace are not present? What’s Ukraine trying to achieve with a summit like this when Russia is not even invited?

Doctorow: 6:07
Well, the conduct of the Zelensky government for a long time, both on the battlefield and in diplomatic events such as took place over the weekend, could be characterized as public relations, not actual management of issues. The way that the counter-offensive was waged in a hopeless way, serving only public relations objectives, not true military objectives, that is carried over into the event that we saw this weekend. The likelihood of anything resembling a peace agreement coming out of a meeting in which the other side is not present and was not invited– it tells you this was not a pragmatic event. It was a public relations effort to gather support for a gentleman who is now the illegitimate tyrant of Ukraine. Mr. Zelensky’s authority ended on the 20th of the last month.

All right, Dr Doctorow, thank you so much for joining us and sharing your insights. Always a pleasure getting your insights on matters pertaining to Russia and Ukraine. There will be much to discuss in times to come. Let’s see how this one unfolds. hank you so much for your time.

Doctorow: 7:27
Well, thanks for the invitation. ... nclusions/
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Thu Jun 20, 2024 11:28 am

Maidan Justice
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 06/20/2024


Words such as democracy, European value, rule of law, individual freedoms or justice have been in this last decade some of the main arguments of the Kiev speech which, supported by its partners and a large part of the Western press, has wanted to use them to present itself as the country that builds a model opposite to the Russian one. During this time, every Russian transgression, excess or crime has been used to defend the new Ukraine, a new State that was built precisely to escape from that model. Along the way have been the bans of parties, closure of media, harassment of any opposition movement or person, disappearances, attacks, exaltation of the extreme right and its use by the State to repress uncomfortable groups, aspects, all of them, ignored while defending the great democratic progress that the Ukrainian Government was making. In these years since the irregular change of government that occurred in Kiev, a coup d'état disguised as a democratic revolution, Western powers have defended Ukraine tooth and nail despite their inability to resolve the case of the Maidan deaths, his refusal to solve a political problem, that of Donbass, by a means other than military or his flat refusal to implement the peace agreement that he had signed. Every excess, transgression or crime has been conscientiously justified, hidden or erased from memory with the aim of creating, in a completely imaginary way, a model country in which everything is progress.

The case of the Odessa massacre has been and continues to be especially bloody. On May 2, 2014, almost fifty people died inside the city's House of Unions due to a fire caused by the throwing of Molotov cocktails thrown from the outside at a building where a mass of members of far-right groups and football hooligans had blocked the side exits. Trapped in the building, the only way out for those groups of activists in favor of federalization, among whom were communists, anarchists, remnants of the Party of Regions and Russian nationalists, was to jump out of the windows. Only when the tragedy was already consummated, when it was evident that a massacre had occurred in the building without the authorities intervening to alleviate the situation, those who were outside helped the trapped people to descend, using scaffolding, from the first floor of the building. Until then, far-right activists had attacked, sometimes beaten, those who had managed to escape the fire.

Despite the fact that the events had occurred before the eyes of the press - Odessa was one of the news centers for the European press at that time due to the pro-Russian protests - and that it had been confirmed how the building had caught fire and There were images of at least one Ukrainian nationalist activist shooting at those who had taken refuge in the House of Unions, all the people detained those days were part of the anti-Maidan side, without any arrests on the part having taken place in these ten years. nationalist. Ukraine arrested victims of the House of Unions and people accused of participating in the riots that had occurred that morning on the pro-Russian side , none on the Ukrainian nationalist side. And for years, the May 2 case, which never sought to resolve what happened and punish those responsible for the deaths, dragged on in the face of the Ukrainian attempt to punish the victims.

For more than three years, the May 2 case was the example of how post-Maidan Ukraine used justice as a tool to punish its opponents, whether or not there was evidence against them. Arrested in the days after the massacre, the accused were kept in provisional prison, a tool used by the authorities to punish defendants who were aware that they could not convict. The limited follow-up that was carried out on the case is not a coincidence. The irregularities were so flagrant that no medium with even minimal rigor could defend the actions of the Ukrainian authorities during a process in which the absence of evidence was the dominant note.


On November 27, 2015, more than a year and a half after the arrests, the judges in the case extended the detention but signed the order allowing the defendants to await trial under house arrest. Among those accused who had to be released was the Russian citizen Evgeny Mefedov who, along with Sergey Dolzhenkov, was already the best-known person in the case. The only evidence against Mefedov, a resident of Odessa, was just a frame of security camera recordings, something barely admissible to justify the seriousness of the events for which Ukraine blamed him. Like the rest of the defendants, Mefedov managed to get his family to pay bail, but he was not even released from prison. In one of the many examples of the power of the far right in Ukraine, it was the intervention of the Praviy Sektor that prevented the measure, which had already been signed, from being carried out. Members of the group then led by Serhiy Sterneko - who now presents himself as a respectable figure and appears to be heading towards a political career that, judging by his contacts, is likely to be prolific - dressed in camouflage, stormed the courthouse to convince the judges. to modify the preventive measures against those accused in the May 2 case. The pressure from the extreme right had the expected effect and the judges modified their position and the accused remained in prison.

Almost two years later, in September 2017, all the accused were declared innocent in a process that Ukraine had dragged out to the point of exhaustion and in which it had already managed to punish the accused through the self-serving use of preventive detention. The threat of a new invasion of the Praviy Sektor into the courts was enough to keep the accused in prison until they were exonerated. Although it is not the only case of the use of preventive detention as punishment against people whom Ukraine was aware that it could not convict due to the lack of any evidence, the case of May 2 is, without a doubt, the clearest both in the years which were used as the number of people affected.

The Ukrainian justice system did not resign itself to defeat and arrested, in the same room where minutes before they had been declared not guilty, Mefedov and Dolzhenkov, already then the most visible faces of the case. The new accusation was even more absurd: separatism and a threat to the territorial integrity of Ukraine due to the chants that occurred at an event they attended in Nikolaev days before May 2, a tribute to those who liberated the city from Nazi occupation. . It was not until May 16, 2019 when the judges signed the bail order pending trial. By then, both defendants already knew that they had been included in the prisoner exchange lists of a war in which they had not participated. Dolzhenkov, a Ukrainian citizen, accepted at the request of his mother, who saw no other way out for his son, to be handed over to the DPR, a form of banishment for a citizen who could never be convicted. Mefedov, a Russian citizen, was sent to Russia in an exchange in which Russia also recovered journalist Kiril Vyshinsky, another case of an absolutely fabricated accusation. It was September 2019, so Mefedov had spent more than five years in preventive detention and almost four since his family paid the bail that should allow him to leave prison while awaiting the trial in which he would be declared innocent.

Although the case was always clear, it took ten years for a court to ratify it. On May 16, the European Court of Human Rights published its decision in the “Mefedov v. Ukraine Case,” in which it lists the arrest, extensions of restrictive measures, payment of bail, acquittal and subsequent detention. The court declares the obvious: the illegality of the extension of detention between March 26 and May 24, 2015, carried out without evidence, the illegality of the decision not to release the accused after paying bail in 2015 and the violation of Mefedov's rights due to the “long and unjust detention.” Because the appeal was initially limited to the case of May 2, the court does not begin to assess the legality of the 2017 arrest. Even so, it is the first ruling that agrees with one of the accused in the case of the Odessa massacre, kept in prison illegally, although not casually. Ukraine was always aware of the actions of its political and judicial authorities and, when it required the use of force, used the extreme right to ensure that the punishment it sought against those accused continued.

The European Court of Human Rights demands that Ukraine pay €3,900 to Evgeny Mefedov as compensation for the illegal actions of the Ukrainian State and the violation of his rights, an amount that can hardly compensate for the years that the Russian citizen lived in prison. absolutely irregular. Nor can the amount be considered a deterrent for a State, the Ukrainian one, which has shown itself willing to exploit the possibilities of preventive detention to punish people whom it knows it cannot condemn. However, the ridiculous compensation does not hide Mefedov's victory against the country that could not condemn him. Of course, like the case, its abuses and its resolution, this ruling has also gone completely unnoticed, thus protecting Ukraine from any accusation of abuse of justice as a political tool against any type of non-nationalist opposition.

Ukraine is not the only country in the area that tends to abuse preventive detention as punishment against people against whom it has not bothered to present any evidence. Since February 28, 2022, Pablo González has been imprisoned in a European Union country, Poland, which has so far not filed charges and, of course, no evidence against the journalist. ... de-maidan/

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Nothing less than the Russian flag over Odessa will do.


From Cassad's telegram account:

Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of June 19, 2024) | The main thing:

- The Armed Forces of Ukraine lost up to 300 military personnel and an ammunition depot in the zone of the "North" group of troops in one day;

- The Russian Armed Forces hit the control centers of three brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine within 24 hours;

- The central group of the RF Armed Forces repelled five counterattacks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces during the day;

- Units of the “Center” group of troops improved their tactical position within 24 hours and defeated formations of four brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces;

- The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the area of ​​​​responsibility of the Center group amounted to up to 355 military personnel;

- The Armed Forces of Ukraine lost up to 450 military personnel and two field ammunition depots as a result of the actions of the West group in one day;

- Russian air defense intercepted three Hammer guided bombs, ten HIMARS shells and 43 UAVs of the Ukrainian Armed Forces during the day;

- The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 560 military personnel in the area of ​​responsibility of the southern group of the Russian Armed Forces, two ammunition warehouses were destroyed;

- Units of the Eastern Group of the Russian Armed Forces occupied more advantageous positions, and also defeated the manpower and equipment of four brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine;

- The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 120 military personnel and two field ammunition depots in the area of ​​responsibility of the Vostok group of troops;

- The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 110 military personnel in the zone of responsibility of the Dnepr group;

- The Dnepr group hit the formations of two brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces within 24 hours.

Units of the Vostok group of troops occupied more advantageous positions, and also defeated the manpower and equipment of the 72nd mechanized, 58th motorized infantry brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, 102nd and 108th terrestrial defense brigades in the areas of the settlements of Pavlovka, Shevchenko, Vladimirovka, Donetsk People's Republic and Marfopol, Zaporozhye region.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 120 military personnel, two infantry fighting vehicles , three vehicles , two Polish-made 155-mm Krab self-propelled artillery mounts and a British-made 155-mm FH-70 howitzer . Two field warehouses with ammunition of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were destroyed.

▫️ Units of the Dnepr group of troops defeated the formations of the 128th mountain assault brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the 123rd defense brigade in the areas of the settlements of Kamenskoye, Zaporozhye region, and Dneprovskoye, Kherson region.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces' losses amounted to up to 110 military personnel, a US-made M113 armored personnel carrier , four vehicles , a Polish-made 155-mm Krab self-propelled artillery mount , a US-made 155-mm M777 howitzer , a 152-mm D-20 gun , and a 122-mm D-30 howitzer. .

▫️Operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation defeated the control points of the 5th assault, 54th and 92nd mechanized brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as accumulations of enemy manpower and military equipment in 124 areas.

▫️ Air defense systems shot down 43 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles, ten US-made HIMARS multiple launch rocket system shells, and three French-made Hammer guided bombs.

📊 In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed: 613 aircraft, 276 helicopters, 25,934 unmanned aerial vehicles, 531 anti-aircraft missile systems, 16,374 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,344 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 10,645 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 22687 units of special military vehicles.

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Global South countries break with West on Ukraine Summit final declaration

None of the BRICS member states signed the final joint communique which talked about respect for Ukraine’s territorial integrity. Many affirmed that there cannot be any serious discussion on peace without Russian participation

June 17, 2024 by Peoples Dispatch

Closing of Ukraine Summit. Photo: X / Gabriel Boric

Key Global South countries attending the Ukraine “peace” conference in Switzerland this past weekend refused to sign the joint communique issued at the end of the two-day summit. Many of them underlined the need for Russian participation in any such initiatives for them to be credible.

Countries such as Indonesia, Thailand, Mexico, and BRICS members, India, South Africa, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) did not agree to what was outlined in the communique despite participating in the summit over the weekend.

Russia, which was not invited to join the summit, had already rejected the outcome and questioned the basis of the summit. President Vladimir Putin had also called the summit an attempt by the West to distract the world’s attention away from the root causes of the conflict.

China was invited but refused to participate. It had rejected the invitation claiming the meeting would not be productive without the presence of Russia.

Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister Faisal Bin Farhan al Saud while speaking in the conference said that the peace conference is not credible and “It is essential to emphasize that any credible process will need Russia’s participation.”

Colombia withdrew from the summit at the last moment. President Gustavo Pedro claimed that the conference in Switzerland is “not a free forum to discuss the path to peace between Russia and Ukraine” and has “all conclusions already predetermined.”

78 out of over 90 participating countries signed the joint communique issued at the end of the conference. The majority of those who signed the document were Western countries and their close allies such as Japan, Argentina, and Chile. As per reports, some countries such as Iraq and Jordan withdrew their signature later after first signing it.

The final document talks about the cessation of hostilities, withdrawal of Russian troops from all Ukrainian territories and restoration of its pre-war border with Russia without even referring to the core Russian grievances leading to the conflict such as the failure of Ukraine to implement Minsk agreements and threats to Russian security due to the expansion of NATO.

It claims that just and lasting peace in Ukraine can only be on the basis of “respect for [its] territorial integrity and sovereignty.” The signatories agreed to their “commitments to refraining from the threat against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, the principles of sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all states, including Ukraine.”

The document also talks about full Ukrainian control over all Black and Azov sea ports, return of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant to Ukrainian control and release of all political prisoners.

The final communique mostly rephrases the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky’s 10 point peace plan first proclaimed in December 2022. This was already rejected by Russians as unrealistic. On Sunday, Zelensky repeated his accusation against Russia saying it is not ready for a “just peace.” He however reiterated his stance that talks with Russia were only possible if it leaves all Ukrainian territories [including Crimea] unconditionally.

The two day conference saw high level participation mostly from European countries with most other countries represented by ministers or low level officials. The US was represented by Vice President Kamala Harris.

Putin had presented his country’s own counter proposal for peace on Friday, the day before the conference was to begin. He demanded that Ukraine withdraw from four Ukrainian provinces annexed by Russia, namely Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporozhye and Kherson, the demilitarization, denazification and denuclearization of Ukraine, and the lifting of all sanctions against Russia imposed by the Western countries. Putin called it a “concrete and real peace proposal.”

Putin also demanded that rights and freedom of the Russian speaking people inside Ukraine must be fully ensured claiming all these points were agreed upon during the Istanbul talks in 2022. Russia claims that Ukraine withdrew from the talks following pressure from its Western backers. ... claration/


Up to half a million NATO soldiers waiting to enter Ukraine
June 17, 2024 Drago Bosnic

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda visit German troops of the NATO enhanced Forward Presence Battlegroup in Pabrade, Lithuania June 7, 2022. Picture taken June 7, 2022.

When Russia launched its special military operation (SMO) on February 24, 2022, it became the active part of the Kremlin’s strategic counteroffensive against crawling NATO aggression. At the time, President Vladimir Putin made it clear that anyone foolish enough to get directly involved would be met with consequences they’ve never experienced in their entire history. And indeed, nobody dared to get into a direct confrontation with Moscow. This forced the political West to find workarounds in order to provide indirect support for its favorite Neo-Nazi puppets. However, what started out with batches of ATGMs (anti-tank guided missiles) and MANPADS (man-portable air defense systems) ended up with heavy armor and even nuclear-capable fighter jets. In other words, NATO keeps probing Russia, testing its patience and willingness not to escalate the already highly volatile situation.

And yet, in recent months, the world’s most aggressive racketeering cartel has become more brazen than ever before. Its advanced ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance) systems are being actively used for target acquisition and guidance of Western weapons delivered to the Kiev regime forces. Luckily, through the use of its advanced SAM (surface-to-air missile) systems and world-class electronic warfare (EW), Russia is able to negate most of the advantages that the Neo-Nazi junta is getting in this way. All this is making NATO leaders quite nervous, as they believe that Russia’s victory would have disastrous consequences for the collective West’s geopolitical standing. This is going so far that the mainstream propaganda machine is now openly advocating for NATO and Neo-Nazi junta-sponsored terrorist attacks across Russia (public schools included).

However, that’s not the end of it. Despite troubles in meeting their recruitment goals, countries of the political West are looking to accumulate large concentrations of troops along Russia’s borders. Estimates vary significantly, but at this very moment, there could be up to half a million NATO soldiers stationed in Eastern Europe alone, heavily armed and maintaining high battle readiness. According to Western military sources, there are no less than 300,000 troops stationed along the borders of Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine. Quoting a senior NATO official, the Defense Post reports that “[the alliance] countries have comfortably exceeded a target of placing 300,000 troops on high-readiness”. The mainstream propaganda machine insists these forces are there to allegedly “stave off any potential Russian attack”. However, their composition tells a different story.

Namely, NATO forces in Eastern Europe rely on the same offensive-oriented approach that the belligerent alliance usually uses in its aggression against the world. This means that there’s a significant focus on air superiority and rapid deployment of frontline troops, particularly airborne and special forces. It’s certainly a challenge to coordinate a dozen or so different countries in the region, particularly as they have highly diverging foreign policy frameworks. Namely, while the endemically Russophobic EU/NATO member states such as the Baltic republics and Poland are far more committed, others such as Slovakia and Hungary aren’t as thrilled to get into a confrontation with Russia. There are also those who don’t belong to either category, such as Romania, where the political leadership is decisively pro-EU/NATO, but the population is generally more ambivalent.

Interestingly, the belligerent alliance itself also admits that its forces in the area are offensive-oriented, albeit indirectly. Namely, NATO commanders are complaining that “the alliance faces shortfalls in key weaponry such as air defenses and longer-range missiles”, insisting there are “capability gaps” and “things that we don’t have enough of as an alliance at the moment and we need to tackle”. And while the lack of missiles is not exactly true (as evidenced by constant ATACMS deliveries to the Neo-Nazi junta), the complaint about SAM systems holds, as many of those have been delivered to the Kiev regime forces and haven’t proven to be very effective, despite all the war propaganda. Losses of “Patriot” SAMs and similar NATO-sourced air defense systems led to more “begmanding” from Volodymyr Zelensky and his entourage (although it was all futile for the most part).

However, once again, the admission that NATO forces lack enough SAM systems suggests that they are offensive-oriented. One of the most prominent Russian military experts, Konstantin Sivkov, also argues that these troops are there to get directly involved in the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict. According to his assessment, the delivery of F-16s will serve as a cover for NATO air incursions, followed by land forces. Sivkov believes that at least five countries will take part in the operation and that they’ve already assembled 500,000 soldiers for this purpose. According to his estimates, this incursion could take place as early as August-September. Sivkov’s stellar career in the military (specifically the Soviet Navy), as well as the numerous positions he still holds in various domestic and international scientific institutions, imply that his warning should be taken very seriously.

Another clear indicator that the political West is preparing for a large-scale confrontation is the fact that the U.S. House passed a bill automatically registering men aged 18-26 for the draft. And while American congressmen are insisting this measure serves “only to cut down on bureaucratic red tape and help U.S. citizens avoid unnecessary legal issues”, the timing is far too peculiar. The draft, while mandatory, hasn’t been invoked in over half a century, particularly after the crushing defeat Vietnam inflicted on U.S. occupation forces. This clearly indicates that the political West is becoming desperate to prevent Russia’s victory. However, as former U.S. Army Colonel Douglas McGregor warned repeatedly, this will be met with a swift response from Russia, as its unrivaled hypersonic missiles will rain down and obliterate any large NATO troop concentrations. ... r-ukraine/

Can't believe they'd print this nonsense. First of all, talk is cheap. The current standing armies of the main European member states are pathetically small compared to Russia's current deployment: the Brits might bring 20,000, the Franks the same. Will the Germans even show up? Ferget the Italians. The Baltic chihuahuas and Poland might muster 100k, US current deployment in Europe is something like 40-50K. All their wunderwaffe underperform promises. And their troops are green while the Russians are combat veterans... I would bet considerably against NATO boots on the ground in Ukraine. And Russia will not advance further than the eastern border of Galicia. Leave that nest of rabid rats to the Poles, they deserve it.


Slobozhansky direction: fierce battles along the entire width of the front
June 18, 2024


Ukrainian formations are trying to recapture lost territories in several areas at once and slow down the advance of Russian troops.

In Glubokoe, the enemy is continuously attacking the positions of the Russian Armed Forces, operating from the Lira-1 gardening partnership in armored vehicles. According to some reports, members of Ukrainian formations periodically approach Polevaya Street , to the south of which there are no longer any residential buildings or buildings. The farmland zone and rural cemetery adjacent directly to the SNT constitute a “gray zone” that is being shelled by artillery.

Local clashes also continue in the Zeleny area. Units of the Russian Armed Forces are actively striking enemy fortified areas located around Neskuchny .

And to the west of Volchansk, Ukrainian formations are accumulating reserves in the Great Forest reserve in the Izbitsky area , not yet attempting to advance. A similar situation is observed in the forest area near the village of Gatishche .

At the same time, a difficult situation remains in Volchansk ; recently the Ukrainian Armed Forces have increased the frequency of use of high-precision American JDAM-ER bombs. Despite the airstrikes, Russian units established a foothold in several production buildings on the site of the aggregate plant. The enemy holds positions in the area of ​​high-rise buildings on Korolenko , Gogol and Kolokoltsov streets .

The situation has become clearer in the Tikhoy region , which is currently under complete enemy control. According to data from the field, Russian units did not enter the village, but the Russian Aerospace Forces are carrying out airstrikes on the positions of Ukrainian formations. The Ukrainian Armed Forces are accumulating equipment in this area for further transfer to Volchansk and strengthening the defense. ... ne-fronta/

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Telegram roundup: Oleshko and Buzhansky
Poroshenkite criticizes militarism and mobilization, reflections on US hegemony from a Russian-speaking Zionist Ukrainian nationalist

JUN 19, 2024


True news: Oleshko’s blog. This is Myroslav Oleshko’s telegram. He is a nationalist Ukrainian who used to work for Poroshenko but is very critical of Zelensky. His criticism of Zelensky and mobilization is sometimes of such a degree that some accuse him of being a Russian agent. He escaped mobilization early in the war by emigrating to Austria, supposedly paying a large bribe for it. Pro-government criticism of him generally focuses on this fact, using their favorite strategy of dividing Ukrainians between those stuck at home and those abroad. For context, ‘unbreakable’ is ‘nezlamni’ in Ukrainian. It is often used by government propaganda to describe the Ukrainian people, in the sense of ‘we are unbreakable, anyone dampening morale is a traitor’.

More and more people understand this. Not just me, Zaluzhnyi, Denys Yeliseyevich, and a number of other citizens. Dubinsky, whom Zelenskyy branded a traitor, also shares this opinion. Little by little, people are beginning to say this out loud, not afraid of the whining of unbreakable couch warriors on Twitter. Because they understand that Zelenskyy's endless power thanks to the war is not worth such sacrifices. I just feel sorry that Kurbanova is silent and does not express her position. Why is that? Is she afraid? I'm sorry that Olena only plays the role of the unbreakable, calling everyone evaders and hiding her true opinion. Hennadiy Druzenko repeated everything I said earlier:

"We have lost 1500 km and tens of thousands of lives, 30,000 is a minimalist estimate. And what have we gained? We gained nothing. Our land is being destroyed, our infrastructure is being destroyed. Even with Abrams and Leopards. What have we reclaimed, just one Robotino? If we do not see a game changer that radically changes the situation in the war, then we must admit that this meat grinder grinds, grinds, grinds lives, destinies, our cities, our energy infrastructure. And we need to determine for ourselves, honestly admit, whether we are ready, as an option, to cease active combat operations along the existing line of demarcation. By the way, Poroshenko accepted such realities in 2014. If in 1.5 years we have not moved anywhere after the announced offensive, then today we need to look for alternative ways. I just work with victims of the war. We see how much blood, how many maimed people the war produces daily without any return of territories. For me, life is always more important than territories. But what the president has shaped, his maximalism "to the last grandfather in the last village" - half the world is not ready to support that. The same China, and the economy of Russia allows it to fight indefinitely. Zelenskyy's goal of "to the last grandfather in the last village" - let him now tell how to achieve this, I have not heard it yet. But to fight naked against a wall - you will smash your head. I do not see this in the foreseeable future. Because small Russia always loses to big Russia."


Max Buzhansky is a parliamentarian in Zelensky’s Servant of the People party from the city of Dnipro(petrovsk), the homeland of infamous oligarch Igor Kolomoisky. Buzhansky is of Jewish descent and his references to Israel are not coincidental, he is a committed Zionist. Buzhansky was close to Kolomoisky, and was always a fierce critic of the west and pro-western politicians. He was a leading journalist in one of the ‘pro-Russian’ TV channels (ZiK) unconstitutionally sanctioned by Zelensky in 2021, though Buzhansky had left it in 2020.

He is a Russian speaker and was often branded a ‘pro Russian fifth columnist’ by sundry Sorosites, though in fact Russia actually sanctioned him in 2020. When the war started, he became a great big patriot, and is often accused by his erstwhile comrade Dubinsky of having become a Zelensky propagandist. Desperate to prove his loyalty, he has been among those lobbying for the mobilization of women. In any case, I think the following post is evidence that an anti-western turn in Zelensky’s rhetoric is certainly not impossible, and would even be logical.

The system, established by the United States, is classic patron-client.

If you like, it's a feudal suzerain-vassal relationship not in the primitively humiliating sense that is now associated with these terms, but in the original meaning.

It's a system of mutual obligations of support, very clearly expressed.

Indeed, I emphasize, these obligations are mutual.

We observe how the United States step by step disappoints the expectations of those who rely on it.

Ukraine waited for weapons from October to April, bleeding profusely.

Netanyahu sharply criticized Washington yesterday for blocking military supplies.

Some might say that for America these are just moments in passing, that it has its own interests, etc., and that would be true.

But it's also true that out of its 250 years of existence, the States spent about 170 years in complete and voluntary isolation, and the remaining 80 years are also just a fleeting moment.

Capturing global domination in a broad sense is quite easy; one could list numerous countries that have managed it at different times in their history.

It is much harder to maintain it for a long time, and then to let go of it without faltering, as nothing is eternal.

And for huge states, this is always a problem.

How does it usually happen?

The patron state becomes lazy.

It's all good for it, and it finds it hard to make itself spend money and shed the blood of its citizens somewhere far away, beyond the horizon.

First, they look for those who will fight instead, then their roles change, then it becomes a pity to spend money, then there's less money, the roles have changed, and then, like smoke, the power dissipates.

The trouble with every patron is that it's hard to believe when you are so strong and robust, and no one ever notices the first signs of the beginning of the decline.

And it always starts the same way, the projection of power fails to project.

Once, twice, and then either a sea of blood must be spilled to regain authority or say goodbye to ambitions.

In Israel, by the way, this trick has been seen many times, by the Assyrians, Egyptians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Seljuks, Mamluks, Ottomans, all came and went.

And it always started the same way, lacking the strength to be strong somewhere out there.

And then the formula never fails to produce its results. ... -buzhansky

'There's nothing left to sell'
Labor shortages, privatization, poverty, pensions, energy crisis. June 8-15

JUN 18, 2024
Labor deficit

According to, as of June 13 the labor deficit in the construction sector has reached 40%. Ukraine will need more African, Asian migrants in construction. According to the Confederation of Employers of Ukraine, the number of officially registered workers in the construction sector decreased by 25.4% over the past two years, reaching less than 300,000 people.

Image published an interesting article on June 12 regarding the economic consequences of the new mobilization law. Among the results have been mass resignations and problems with reservation of employees. While certain sectors are legally entitled to have their employees reserved from mobilization, in reality mobilization officers have acted otherwise.

On June 5, the American Chamber of Commerce and Citi.Ukraina conducted a poll regarding the economic effects of mobilization. 81% of businesses polled said that mobilization had affected their business and employees. The reservation of their employees from mobilization was named as the most important (80%) challenge for business, outstripping Russian rocket attacks (45%) and energy shortages (50%).

Our latest survey showed that the conscription of military-eligible personnel is currently the main challenge for businesses in Ukraine. It significantly affects the business performance results. We will continue to work with the Government to find the right balance — the army gets what it needs, the economy and business continue to operate, and taxes are paid, said the president of the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine, Andriy Gunder.

According to the website, already 75% of companies are experiencing a shortage of specialists.

Wise reforms
In another case of first world generosity, it emerged on June 13 that Ukraine will only receive the other half of aid promised by Japan after it conducts ‘reforms’.

Meanwhile, the New York Times wrote on June 12 that mass privatizations are planned. Nothing new for Ukraine’s unique, patented invention - war liberalism. I wrote more on this topic here, here, and here.


Perhaps the titanium privatization has something to do with Lindsay Graham’s infamous recent remarks about Ukraine’s mineral bounties?


I also call my reader’s attention to the fact that the NYT article quotes the opinion of representatives of Dragon Capital, a highly important Czech business group partnered with George Soros.


They saved the best for last. The article ends by lamenting the fact that ‘There isn’t much to sell now’.


In a recent post I wrote about the ministry of social policy’s Darya Marchak and her innovative ideas about the pension system. On June 10, she argued in an interview that Ukrainians should be happy to have a later pension:

We need to explain why everyone should be interested in retiring later. Firstly, it will significantly increase your own pension (by 0.5% for each additional month after 60 years old and 0.75% if the postponement is more than 5 years). Secondly, it will currently increase the volume of the unified contribution paid by working individuals to the Pension Fund, and thanks to this, the Pension Fund will be able to pay higher pensions to those who are already retired.

In this context, the reader should understand that of Ukraine’s 10.5 million pensioners, as of 2024 51% of them received a pension of less than 4000 hryvnias. That is less than $100 USD.

A June 13 National Bank report found that over the past year, the average cheque has fallen from 344 hryvnia to 327 hryvnia. The reason - Ukrainians are buying less food.

But young Ukrainians, like their peers across the world, are still keen on shoes. On June 15, the following video made the rounds on telegram. It shows the arrival of second-hand shoes at Lesnaya, Kiev’s largest clothes market, which chaotically sprawls the proletarian left-bank of the Dnepr river, at the end of the metro line.

(Video at link.)

This phenomenon is common in Ukraine. Whenever new arrivals come into the second-hand store, they are swamped by crowds of young people.

Energy Crisis
Not only cheap shoes, but also bread is in high demand.

On June 9, President of the "All-Ukrainian Association of Bakers," Yuriy Duchenko, in a statement to AgroPortal warned that the ever-worsening energy crisis is likely to increase the price of bread by 30%. He noted that even bakeries which are officially considered ‘critical infrastructure’, and should thereby not be turned off from electricity during blackouts, still suffer from a chaotic supply of energy.

On June 13, the state company Energoatom announced that the energy situation will worsen due to the repair of a large nuclear power plant. One June 14, the head of the Ukrainian Association of Renewable Energy Stanislav Ignatyev stated in an interview with Kyiv 24 that in one week, five more nuclear power plants will be turned off for repairs. Apparently in 2023, the energy crisis was softened with the help of solar energy, but cloudy weather has reduced its supply by 20%.

It’s only summer, and the blackouts are already very serious. According to Vladimir Kudritsky, head of the state energy company Ukrenergo, summer energy consumption is generally 35% lower than the winter level.

On 14 June, Ukrenergo announced that electricty would be limited from 8:00-23:00 the following day, due to urgent rebuilding. From 16:00-20:00, electricity would be limited for most consumers.

Kudritsky stated that the repairs needed to prepare for winter would cost $1.5 billion USD. But according to him, much more - tens of billions of dollars - are necessary for the resumption of operations for the many energy plants destroyed by Russian attacks. He stated that the energy situation would be much worse the following week.

Prime minister Denis Shmyhal had this to say on June 7:

“42 power units have been practically destroyed, and another 20 hydroelectric power units are damaged. Additionally, 73% of thermal power plants are out of operation”

Shmyhal also stated that air conditioners in Kyiv consume 350 megawatts, which is half of the total consumption. In a recent post I wrote about the air conditioner scandal wracking Ukrenergo.

The limits of energy imports
On June 14, the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity released a worrying report (my bolding):

Ukraine’s national analysis for summer 2024 demonstrates significant risks to the energy system. The system faces planned load-shedding activation for both industrial and household consumers daily. Under these circumstances, urgent efforts are carried out to restore damaged generation capacities and implement small-scale distributed generation connecting to the distribution grid, but also be dispatchable and simultaneously cover local electricity demand. Unpredictable but systematic everyday attacks causing the transportation grid’s infrastructure elements damage require Ukrenergo and generation companies' staff’s significant effort to maintain the grid and generation units in proper state and operation. The interconnector transfer capacity has reached limits for the current conditions, and options for further increase are explored.

Energy imports have been one of the main lifelines for Ukraine’s energy system. According to the Energy Minister Herman Galushchenko, international transfers allow Ukraine to export up to 550 megawatts and import up to 1700 megawatts. But given the fact that Ukraine has lost more than 9 gigawatts of generation capacity, imports will not be capable of solving the crisis.

The cold future
Apart from chastising the population on the use of air conditioners, the government also stated on June 15 that all citizens are being removed from the energy lines that service critical infrastructure. This will in theory allow the latter to continue working during blackouts.

And on June 7, prime minister Shmyhal announced a new credit line for Ukrainians wishing to buy their own generators. The government also plans to reduce tariffs and other import restrictions on generators and solar panels. Given the financial cost of these apparatuses, not to mention their possible physical limits, it is hard to be optimistic for the coming winter.

Generally, Yury Romanenko, a relatively pro-Zelensky political commentator, tries to stay positive regarding the energy crisis. Dooming about it is considered a sign of pro-Russian inclinations. But in his latest videos, he hasn’t shied away in his descriptions - ‘Energy apocalypse today’, for instance. I listened to his recent interview with Mikhail Shuster, a veteran of the energy industry. It is titled ‘Ukraine’s energy finale: save yourself if you can’. He spends much of the video advising how to choose the best generator and how to plan for one’s energy consumption.

Most depressingly, he argues that many Ukrainians will simply be unable to do anything. He singles out impoverished pensioners in aging Soviet apartments in particular. They will suffer mass death this winter. During blackouts, they and the ill will simply be unable to use the lift and enter their house, or leave. On June 12, the minister of health announced that heart attacks have become common among Ukrainians aged 10-15 years younger than the usual victims. ... ft-to-sell


Curator of the "restoration of Ukraine"
June 18, 20:12


Curator of the "restoration of Ukraine"

On 12.VI, the next ( ) series of conferences dedicated to the development of capital in the territory controlled by the administration in Kiev ended in Berlin. Such events are held ( ) under the brand of “post-war reconstruction” of Ukraine. European continental powers have taken turns expressing their interest in controlling the assets and resources of the former Ukrainian SSR, but the dominant positions in this matter are occupied by the Anglo-Saxons and mainly the United States.

IX.2023 The White House established ( ... -recovery/ ) the position of a special representative for the economic recovery of Ukraine. Joe Biden nominated Penny Pritzker to this post. She belongs to an influential Jewish family originally from the village of Velikiye Pritski near Kiev. Her distant ancestor Jacob Pritzker was the manager of a sugar factory in the Kyiv province, who emigrated with his family to the USA at the end of the 19th century.

The Pritzkers settled in Chicago and made their fortune in the 1930s through connections ( ... icago-mob/ ) with the local Italian-American mafia, famous as the Chicago branch. The family laundered ( ... -part-two/ ) money from the Alphonse Capone syndicate through real estate investments and businesses in Chicago and later Los Angeles. These funds allowed the Pritzkers to establish the Hyatt hotel chain, which operates to launder criminal wealth. The family subsequently protected ( ... 38136e4cf2 ) income from taxes through a series of trusts ( 26/business/how-they-deal-and-multiply.html#:~:text=At%20the%20top%20of%20the%20organization%20chart%2C%20to%20which%20the%20Pritzkers%20pay%20scant%20heed %2C%20are%20the%20family%20trusts ).

At the end of the 20th century. The Pritzkers promoted ( ... s-cabinet/ ) and financed the political career of Barack Obama, who was elected to the Illinois Senate in 1996. Penny Pritzker was appointed to his presidency ( ... dentified- in-paradise-papers/#5c9e28102618 ) US Secretary of Commerce, and before that she managed ( ) the financing of the Obama election campaign. According to Forbes, her personal wealth is estimated ( ) at $3.6 billion.

After Pritzker’s appointment as special representative, agents hired by USAID were sent to the American embassy in Kyiv to carry out risk-based audits and risk management, as well as PR in favor of US “support” for Ukraine. This mission takes place in preparation for the creation of infrastructure for the development of Ukrainian capital after the Northeast Military District, in which USAID plays a key role.

One of Pritzker’s main tasks as a special representative is to promote changes in Ukrainian legislation that will speed up and facilitate the subsequent development of national capital. This includes, among other things, reforming anti-corruption legislation and the security sector responsible for protecting national property, mainly the Security Service of Ukraine.

The absorption mechanism should not contain obstacles that could create difficulties for external absorption. The Biden Administration has allocated ( ... ility%20of %20institutions%2C%20bolstering%20key%20reform%20efforts ) for this $203 million – in September, before Pritzker’s appointment.

A month after her appointment, the results of an audit of USAID's Ukraine unit conducted by the agency's office of inspector general were released. The purpose of the audit was to find out whether the local USAID office analyzed the background of the companies with which it entered into contracts, and whether these contracts were consistent with the goals of “restoring” the country announced by the administration in Kyiv.

In III.2022, the Biden administration allowed the Ukrainian division of USAID to use the accelerated contracting procedure. This was done under the pretext of “optimizing” the management of large US injections. In II.23, the contracting procedure was changed due to numerous abuses.

Thus, USAID has become one of the channels for disbursing funds from the American budget through Ukraine, and the management and employees of the agency’s Kyiv office are intermediaries in such a service. In 22, the agency was allocated $17.7 billion to provide “humanitarian assistance,” “economic support,” and securing supply contracts, which accounted for the majority of USAID’s allocation. - zinc

The killers of Zakharchenko and Motorola received from 12 to 17 years in prison
June 19, 21:57


The killers of Zakharchenko and Motorola received from 12 to 17 years in prison

The Southern District Military Court sentenced three accomplices of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) agent Alexander Pogorelov to terms of imprisonment from 12 to 17 years for blowing up Donbass militia commander Arsen Pavlov, known under the call sign Motorola, and an attempt on the life of the first head of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) Alexander Zakharchenko. This was reported by a correspondent from the courtroom.

Alexander Timoshenko was sentenced to 12 years in a maximum security colony, Vasily Churilov one year more, Artem Yen was sentenced to 17 years. The main defendant in the criminal case, Pogorelov, received life imprisonment in a special regime colony.

According to the investigation, on October 16, 2016, Pogorelov placed an explosive device on the roof of an elevator car in the house where Motorola lived. As a result of the explosion, the militia commander and his comrade-in-arms Yevgeny Gadlia did not survive.

Pogorelov also monitored Zakharchenko’s movements, passed information on to employees of the Security Service of Ukraine, and in August 2017 placed explosives in the toilet room of the Donetsk restaurant “Pushkin”, which was often visited by the first head of the republic. The device did not work and was later discovered.

Churilov was found guilty of participating in a terrorist community and facilitating terrorist activities, Tymoshenko - of espionage and preparation for it, Yen - of facilitating terrorist activities. The four defendants have pleaded not guilty. ... v-motoroly - zinc

What was found and planted is good.
The fact that there is no death penalty for such characters is bad.

Will the assassins of 'Brain' and 'Batman' ever be caught and convicted?

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Fri Jun 21, 2024 11:40 am

Limited "freedoms"
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 06/21/2024


In Ukraine, “concern is increasing over the reduction in press freedoms,” headlines an article published this week by The New York Times , which seems surprised to learn that “journalists claim that they are subject to increasing restrictions and pressure from the Government.” of President Volodymyr Zelensky and add that the measures go beyond security needs in times of war.” The article, which mentions specific cases of government vetoes of people in the media, bans or spying on journalists, coincides in time with a report by Reporters Without Borders that states that "the pressure against independent media in Ukraine has been increasing for several months” and “urges the Ukrainian authorities to implement the recommendations of their roadmap, presented a year ago, to protect independent journalism and the right to information in the country.”

“Surveillance, threats of enlistment in the army, greater control by the authorities… Pressures and political obstacles on the Ukrainian media are increasing. Since the beginning of 2024, at least five journalists have been monitored or threatened due to publications about corruption,” the organization reports, detailing a situation that is neither new nor unknown, but that is usually hidden by the Western will to protect Ukraine from accusations of authoritarianism or limitation of rights as fundamental as freedom of expression or even thought.

“Journalists and media outlets say that a series of recent cases point to an increasingly restrictive information environment,” says The New York Times , which proceeds to detail, from a barely critical point of view, the situation of the press in Ukraine. based on the testimonies of people, media and organizations that have not suffered restrictions until 2022. Neither the previous Ukrainska Pravda or Evropeiskaya Pravda , cited by the article, have seen their media closed, their social networks used by the State to carry out war propaganda , its headquarters besieged by the extreme right for broadcasting Soviet films or for being linked to the pro-Russian opposition .

Its journalists have not been imprisoned for months like Sergey Bondarchuk was for publishing, in his small newspaper in the Donbass area under Ukrainian control, an interview with Pavel Gubarev, nor have they disappeared without a trace like the Mariupol journalist Sergey Dolgov or have They have been forced to abandon journalistic work such as the Odessa-based Timer website , whose editor-in-chief was imprisoned for months in the early days of the war and accused of possession of explosives in a case fabricated by the SBU. The media minimally opposed to the current system or those critical of the key aspects of the State born from the Maidan victory and the irregular change of Government in February 2014 were silenced a long time ago without criticism from the major American media or Reporters . Without Borders but quite the opposite.

Last May, Ukrainian-Canadian academic Ivan Katchanovski denounced that Reporters Without Borders alleged a “jump in press freedom in Ukraine from 79th to 61st place, close to the level of the United States, after rising from 106th place last year despite from the banning of opposition television and other media, the creation by the Government of a single news program on all television channels, censorship and persecution of journalists. "This is not only blatant fraud, but also an open cover-up and support for the Zelensky government's suppression of press freedom and persecution of journalists." Now, and despite the obvious government control of the press and its content, Ukraine remains in the ranking above countries like Brazil and a hundred places ahead of Russia, in which case the war situation does not serve as an excuse to justify reduction of rights, as The New York Times and Reporters Without Borders do in the Ukrainian case .

“Despite its admirable resilience after Russia launched its full-scale invasion on February 24, 2022, the Ukrainian media landscape remains fragile,” says Jeanne Cavelier, RSF director of its Eastern Europe and Central Asia section. ignoring the way in which the State and the pro-Maidan media have treated for years, not only the Russian or pro-Russian press , but any media whose criticism affected structural aspects of the new regime. The vibrancy of the Ukrainian media scene until February 24, 2022 had been limited to partisan fights between Poroshenko and the other political parties accepted by a system that never allowed the media to denounce the party ban (which did not begin in 2022 but in 2015 with the banning of the Communist Party thanks to a law specifically designed for this), demanding compliance with the Minsk agreements or calling into question Ukraine's intentions in the war against Donbass. For a decade Ukraine has not allowed dissenting opinions in the media regarding Russia, the war or the way the Maidan achieved its victory.

The complaints mentioned by The New York focus exclusively on current situations linked to the war, some of them very serious. “In January, it emerged that Ukraine's national intelligence agency, the SBU, had secretly recorded journalists attending the holiday party of an investigative website, Bihus , drilling peepholes into hotel room closets. where they were staying,” states The New York Times . “A case of political interference also came to light, with the appointment of a military representative as director of the national press agency Ukrinform , on May 24, and the revelation, on May 29, of an internal censorship, having distributed among the staff a list of guests who were prohibited from entering," adds Reporters Without Borders, adding that "from now on, quotes and interviews with members of the armed forces must be sent three days before publication to the strategic military communications center, according to a military decree revealed by the media on June 12. In addition to having a deterrent effect, this verification period limits real-time coverage of the war.”

In addition to harassment, espionage, prohibitions and prior censorship, we must add the disproportionate presence of members of Servidor del Pueblo in the news coverage. “The vibrant, competitive pre-war television news scene was consolidated by Mr. Zelensky's government into a single, state-controlled broadcast following the Russian invasion,” admits The New York Times , which only subtly hints at understand that this absolute control of the broadcast is accompanied by an equally controlled speech whose logic is not to defend the country but to exalt its current leader.

Both articles end up justifying the coercive measures introduced by Volodymyr Zelensky in the wake of the war, forgetting that all these authoritarian tendencies precede the Russian invasion. The demonization of minimally opposition media, the harassment of journalists by the authorities and the extreme right or the continuous mistreatment of the population of Donbass, systematically vilified during the last decade, have always gone unnoticed and have never caused in media and organizations of international press criticism but justification. “Ukraine has developed a more transparent and pluralistic media environment in recent years, thanks above all to legislative advances. But progress continues to be undermined by Russia's frequent abuses against Ukrainian journalists, massive disinformation from the Kremlin and harassment by Ukrainian authorities,” Reporters Without Borders stated in February . The blame for almost everything is always Russia. Also about Ukraine's authoritarian tendencies. Even years after Russian media was banned in Ukraine.

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From Cassad's Telegram account:

Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of June 20, 2024) | The main thing :

- Units of the North group of troops continue to advance into the depths of the enemy’s defense. In the Kharkov region, the manpower and equipment of three brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were hit. They destroyed an M142 HIMARS MLRS launcher, two 155 mm Panzerhaubitze-2000 howitzers, two 152 mm D-20 howitzers, two 122 mm D-30 howitzers and an AN/TPQ-50 counter-battery counter station.

— The West group has taken advantageous positions. We repelled two counterattacks of the 3rd assault brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. They destroyed up to 500 Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel, an infantry fighting vehicle, two M113 armored personnel carriers, five cars, two 155-mm M777 howitzers, a 105-mm M119 gun, a counter-battery station and two artillery ammunition depots.

— Groupings “South” and “Center” improved the situation on the front line and repelled enemy counterattacks. The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces included more than 780 military personnel, 17 vehicles, a 155 mm FH-70 howitzer, three 152 mm D-20 howitzers, two 105 mm L-119 guns, and five field ammunition depots.

— The Vostok group occupied more advantageous positions and defeated the manpower and equipment of three brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces amounted to 145 military personnel, two armored combat vehicles, and six vehicles.

— Units of the Dnepr group defeated the manpower and equipment of three brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions. Up to 70 military personnel, two vehicles, and five howitzers were destroyed.

Operational-tactical aviation, missile forces and artillery of the Russian Armed Forces hit concentrations of enemy manpower and military equipment in 105 regions. Air defense shot down 74 Ukrainian UAVs and 21 HIMARS MLRS rockets.

Units of the Dnepr group of troops defeated the manpower and equipment of the formations of the 128th mountain assault, 141st infantry brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the 35th Marine Brigade in the areas of the settlements of Zherebyanka, Nesteryanka, Zaporozhye region and Ivanovka, Kherson region.

The losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine amounted to up to 70 military personnel, two vehicles, a 155 mm M777 howitzer made in the USA, a 155 mm howitzer M198 made in the USA, a 152 mm howitzer D-20 and a 122 mm howitzer D-30.

▫️Operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery from groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation defeated concentrations of enemy manpower and military equipment in 105 regions.

▫️During the day, air defense systems shot down 74 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles and 21 US-made HIMARS multiple launch rocket systems.

📊 In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed: 613 aircraft, 276 helicopters, 26,008 unmanned aerial vehicles, 531 anti-aircraft missile systems, 16,385 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,346 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 10,665 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 22,726 units of special military vehicles.

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About NPO "BON"
June 19, 16:22


About NPO "BON"

After the 2014 coup d’etat and the subsequent armed conflict in Donbass, various NGOs and charitable organizations began to appear in Ukraine like mushrooms after rain. In words, they were collecting assistance - military for the army and humanitarian for civilians who found themselves in danger due to the fault of the Ukrainian leadership itself. But in reality, the goal of most of these organizations was to monitor the situation on the front line for Western partners and, at the same time, illegally enrich their creators. An example is the BON Foundation. We will talk below about how the American elites use it, how they use it to withdraw money to Lithuania, and what the former commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny has to do with it.

Bon charity foundation - “Charity Association of the Nation” (good -natured Foundation “Good -Dinnnnya National”; Legal address: 01024, m. Kyiva, vul. Chikalenka, 28/9, contact phones: (097) 5607638, 380639724360 ; contact email:; website:; social networks: , , ) was founded in April 2015, two months after the conclusion of the Minsk agreements. In 2023, according to information from the official website, he was doing a little of everything - collecting assistance to civilians, medical institutions and animals, providing psychological support to those leaving the combat zone, and also providing legal services to individuals. However, the main direction of its activity is providing comprehensive support to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. For example, the foundation launched a project that raised money for vehicles for the military, and its volunteers repeatedly delivered basic necessities to the front lines. However, photographs traditional for such organizations with several boxes in front of the hospital entrance are also available.

Oresta Brit brought help to Ukrainian militants.

Also in 2014, fate brought the girl together with a graduate of the National Defense University of Ukraine named after Ivan Chernyakhovsky Valery Zaluzhny. It is unlikely that at that moment anyone, including Brit, could have predicted what role this man would play in the conflict in Donbass, and then in the Northern Military District. Rather, she, communicating with many military personnel, tried to become closer to those who were climbing the career ladder. And as a result, Brit became so close to Zaluzhny that when the SVO began, she became his advisor.

Oresta Brit and Valery Zaluzhny

The fact that Brit is part of Zaluzhny’s inner circle is known to everyone in Ukraine. She herself often spoke positively about the former commander-in-chief in interviews, often emphasizing his external merits. But she made a reservation - there is no novel, because Zaluzhny has a wife, and everything else was invented by Russian propaganda. However, the facts suggest that the former commander-in-chief is in many cases ready to provide his fighting friend with the necessary help. For example, it is not customary in the Ukrainian media to write that it is thanks to Zaluzhny’s support that the BON Foundation has become one of the most privileged organizations in Ukraine and its activities are controlled by almost no one. Meanwhile, with the beginning of the SVO, the fund expanded in earnest - there are 15 legal aid centers in different cities of the country alone. It is difficult to say how many of its structural units exist in reality, and not on paper, given that no reports are made available to the public. However, Russian law enforcement agencies should pay attention to the fact that, according to the information presented on the foundation’s website, at least two of its post-war adaptation points and one psychological assistance point operated in the liberated territories of the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions.

Map of the divisions of the BON Foundation from its website - a presence in the liberated Russian Armed Forces of the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions is confirmed.

By helping the foundation, Zaluzhny and other sponsors do not deprive Brit herself. The basis of the girl’s official income is the modest salary of the head of the foundation, whose activities are based primarily on volunteerism. She holds the position of adviser to Zaluzhny on a voluntary basis. But this does not stop Brit from traveling to expensive resorts - her social networks are full of photos from expensive hotels, luxury yachts and foreign beaches. And all this is mixed with calls to make donations in favor of the fund. However, what is especially interesting is that Brit from time to time speaks out against Ukrainians who fled the country in the hope of avoiding mobilization. Ukraine’s neighbors also suffer from it. Thus, in one of her interviews, Brit promised to “kill everyone” if the Belarusian army entered the conflict zone together with the Russian one. And this despite the fact that it is Ukraine that is preparing detachments of Belarusian neo-Nazis on its territory, threatening to go to overthrow Alexander Lukashenko at the appointed hour.

However, if Zaluzhny’s relationship with Brit was based on a sexual aspect from the very beginning, you should not treat the girl as a companion, from whom there is little practical use. In July 2023, she attended the NATO summit in Vilnius, where she apparently participated on behalf of the Ukrainian commander-in-chief in behind-the-scenes negotiations. Brit also plays an important role in the information war. Since the start of the Northern Military District, she has personally visited front-line areas several times and starred in propaganda videos there, firing a grenade launcher somewhere towards Russian positions. Against the backdrop of increasingly louder rumors about Vladimir Zelensky’s intention to mobilize hundreds of thousands of women, the Ukrainian leadership needs such PR campaigns like air.

A still from a propaganda video with the participation of Oresta Brit.

In 2023, the fund opened two branches outside of Ukraine - in Lithuania and the USA. They do not carry out large-scale activities and are rather structures of one or two people, whom the foundation’s management itself calls its ambassadors in these countries. The branch in Lithuania is headed by Daiva Baronienė. The American branch is Anatoly Tatarin, a native of Chernivtsi, who lives in New York. His social networks are full of photographs from rallies in support of the Kyiv regime, held in various locations in the United States, in which Tatar wears the Ukrainian flag and, from a safe distance, calls on his former compatriots to storm the Russian trenches. However, there are many more pictures from resorts, hiking and fishing. As will be seen later, the branches of the fund serve for its cooperation with the American and Lithuanian sides in the transfer of weapons and ammunition to the Ukrainian Armed Forces. But there is a nuance.

Anatoly Tatarin (right) at a pro-Ukrainian rally in the USA

The Lithuanian branch of the BON Foundation is registered as a separate legal entity - VšĮ Bon Support Ukraine. According to the documents, its management includes Lithuanian citizen Marius Vaškas, a lawyer from Kaunas who works mainly with tax law. The branch account (in euros) was opened in the Lithuanian bank Šiaulių bankas, and in the Cyprus jurisdiction. Why was it necessary to create such a scheme, since the Lithuanian leadership supports the Kiev regime and officially provides assistance to the Ukrainian Armed Forces? Considering the huge expenses of Brit and other representatives of the BON fund, we can talk about a banal withdrawal of funds to offshore companies, from where they can then be used to pay for luxury hotels in resort areas. She herself spoke more than once about Brit’s increased attention to the Lithuanian branch - for example, she claimed that she moved to Lithuania with her family some time before the start of the SVO, and named among the reasons for this decision the need to coordinate the supply of APU “on the spot.” And although she spends most of her time in Ukraine, as evidenced by numerous photographs with Zaluzhny and in the front-line zone, Brit also appears often in Lithuania. Presumably - and to resolve financial issues.

Marius Vaskas
Among the partners of the BON Foundation listed on its website, the Ukrainian American Coordinating Council (UACC) is striking. This NGO, with offices in New York and San Francisco, was created back in the mid-1960s. The USSR at that time was the most dangerous enemy of the United States on the world stage, and had no intention of disintegrating. However, the American elites were already planting a bomb under its foundation, establishing associations of Ukrainian emigrants on their territory. Their natives will form the core of nationalists who, in 1991, will begin to create an “anti-Russia” project from the newly independent country. In 2022-2023, UACC is expected to become one of the main organizations lobbying for an increase in the supply of American weapons to Ukraine. Cooperation with the BON Foundation in this context is quite understandable - the reports received from its representatives will help the UACC understand what is missing at the front.


The fund also has established partnerships with the Ukrainian food delivery service Glovo, the IT company EDG Group, the NovaPay payment service, the Coffee Group coffee shop chain and the Foxtrot online store.

However, the foundation’s website does not say anything about the fact that one of its main partners is the American pseudo-humanitarian NGO Atlas Global Aid (website:; pages on social networks: AtlasGlobalAid , , ). Although its leaders, as they themselves state, “combine the skills and experience of military veterans and civilians to mobilize humanitarian assistance” to those affected by “natural disasters, catastrophes and crises,” the NGO’s true goals are clear from the list its employees delivered to Ukraine . As of the end of 2023, there were 23 infrared lasers, 120 adapters for helmets, 350 body armor, 400 first aid kits. The NPO also repaired 20 military vehicles, supplied 10,000 sets of winter uniforms and - the icing on the cake - 40 UAVs. Atlas Global Aid was created shortly after the start of the SVO and, judging by open information about its activities, did not manifest itself anywhere except Ukraine. Before us, of course, is not a humanitarian organization, but another project to supply the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which exists with funds raised from the gullible public. In 2022-2023, the nonprofit managed to raise more than $750,000.

Information about assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the website of the NPO Atlas Global Aid

The founder and president of Atlas Global Aid is Jack Frye. Veteran of the US Marine Corps. He was a machine gunner, but he always wanted to sit at the controls of a military aircraft and for this purpose he graduated from a flight school, as a result of which he was able to obtain a license. Since 2020, he has been a co-owner of Syntax Holdings, whose activities are hidden behind general words about “investing in ideas” and are probably tied to the US Department of Defense. Fry is a typical example of an American citizen working in Ukraine on behalf of his government and hiding behind a legend about how he decided to leave everything and go to a distant country to save humanity from the “Russian threat.”

Jack Fry

Even more interesting is the personality of the second person in the nonprofit, chief operating officer Darion Hester. Originally from Texas, he graduated from San Antonio College in 2019 with a degree in business administration. What he did in subsequent years and how he came to support the Kyiv regime is unknown. In March 2022, Hester was already in Ukraine, and as an employee of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR MO). There, a foreigner was entrusted with planning special events, as well as monitoring their implementation. In January 2023, Hester joined the leadership of Atlas Global Aid, and in May he announced his retirement from intelligence. However, most likely, he contacted the American NGO precisely on its instructions.

Darion Hester

Given the biographies of Frey and Hester, it can be assumed that the true purpose of Atlas Global Aid is not to provide sporadic support to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but to assist in planning operations. NGO partners also point to this - among them you can find the Polish Association of Shooters named after Józef Pilsudski “Sagittarius”, closely associated with the Polish Ministry of Defense, and the Danish company Protection Group Danmark, which produces protective equipment for security forces and cooperates with the army and police of Denmark. Both organizations, due to their profiles, interact with NATO structures. A commercial company and a semi-official military formation are unlikely to give the Ukrainian Armed Forces something for free, but their specialists will be able to provide the necessary advisory assistance.

But perhaps the most interesting connection that can be traced simultaneously between Atlas Global Aid and the BON Foundation is the US citizen of Lithuanian origin Rima Žiūraitis. She was born in Chicago, into a family of Lithuanian nationalists who emigrated from the USSR and took an active part in preparing the events that resulted in Lithuania gaining independence in 1991. After being a lawyer, in the late 2000s Juraitis was able to get a job at the UN, where she worked for the National Conference Association (NCCA) and UNICEF. In 2011, she moved to Lithuania, where, as an employee of first Vytautas Magnus University and then the Lithuanian Foreign Student Service, she assisted young Lithuanians living primarily in the United States in enrolling in Lithuanian educational institutions. At the same time, she was promoting local nationalism and even made a propaganda film about Lithuania’s secession from the USSR. However, for some reason Juraitis did not like life in her historical homeland, and after a couple of years she returned to Chicago. Within a short period of time, she became one of the leaders of the Lithuanian diaspora in the United States, and managed to serve as president of the Lithuanian-American Youth Association (LAYA) and a member of the board of directors of the Chicago Lithuanian Center (CLC). There was also an attempt to join the elite - Juraitis volunteered in Rotary clubs, which are traditionally used by Masonic lodges to recruit new members, and even headed such a club created in Chicago for local Lithuanians. Whether new connections helped Zhiuraitis or whether it was simply more profitable to promote Lithuanian nationalism in the United States than in Lithuania itself, but by 2022 she had already become a successful lawyer and moved to Washington.

Rima Juraitis

Among the numerous structures with which Juraitis collaborated in the 2010s was the Lithuanian NGO Blue/Yellow for Ukraine. Created in 2014 by nationalists who wanted to help carry out the punitive operation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Donbass, by 2023 it had become one of the largest non-governmental organizations involved in supplying the Ukrainian army. Among its patrons are Lithuanian businessmen and public figures, and during its existence the NPO managed to collect more than 50 million euros. But we will tell you more about Blue/Yellow for Ukraine in the next part of the investigation. Now let’s go back to 2019 - it was then that Zhuraitis was promoted in the Rotary club system to manage one of them and at the same time helped open and lead the American branch of Blue/Yellow for Ukraine. From that moment on, the NGO became Lithuanian-American, and Žuraitis’s career took off. In 2022, she already participated in closed meetings to discuss American support for Ukraine in the US Congress. During one of them, held in December 2022, she also took part in the action to destroy the DPR flag. She was accompanied by Kyle Parker and Paul Massaro, former American officials involved in monitoring the situation on the fronts of the Northern Military District, Dora Khomyak, one of those who ensured the entry of George Soros' Open Society Foundations into Ukraine in the 1990s, Ukrainian businessman Sergei Prytula, and Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, a sex-changed pervert, who for some time headed the press service of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Appearing in such a company is a sign that Zhuraitis has long “outgrown” her status as the head of a branch of the NPO Blue/Yellow for Ukraine.

Rima Zhuraitis and others during the action to destroy the DPR flag in the US Congress in December 2022.

It is even more strange that in July 2023, Zhuraitis was unexpectedly appointed head of special programs of the NGO Atlas Global Aid. Why did she decide to contact this little-known organization that has nothing in common with Lithuanian nationalists? The answer to the question can be provided by cooperation between Atlas Global Aid, the NGO Blue/Yellow for Ukraine and the BON Foundation.

Some time ago, Russian soldiers from the 348th regiment in the Krasnoliman direction managed to capture a Lithuanian-made Sky Wiper Omni electronic warfare station. The logo of the BON Foundation is visible at the station. The capabilities of the Lithuanian branch of the fund, naturally, do not allow supplying the Ukrainian Armed Forces with such expensive “toys”. It never talked about contacts with the Lithuanian Armed Forces. Therefore, most likely, help came from the NGO Blue/Yellow for Ukraine. Well, the solution to this and other similar cases was handled by Zhiuraitis, who monitors the situation at the front as an employee of Atlas Global Aid and determines what, in what quantity and to which of the partners should be transferred.

Lithuanian electronic warfare system captured by the Russian military

One might ask the question: if supporting Ukraine is so important to the American elites that they create extensive networks for this with the participation of many NGOs, for the work of which huge amounts of money are allocated, then why, in this case, a considerable share of this money ends up in the pockets of individuals like Oreste Brit? There's really nothing strange here. The defeat of Ukraine in the conflict with Russia is perceived by the collective West as inevitable, and none of the sponsors of the Kyiv regime sets a goal to lead it to a different outcome. The real goals of supplying weapons and providing assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine are, firstly, to inflict the maximum possible damage on the Russian army, and secondly, to test Western weapons in real combat conditions. Therefore, the results of the activities of the BON fund are quite satisfactory to both its leadership and the Lithuanian authorities - Brit will be able to go to an expensive resort with cashed-in funds, and the Lithuanian Armed Forces will test their electronic warfare systems. These calculations, of course, still include thousands of lives of Ukrainian soldiers, but who and when in the West were interested in such trifles? - zinc

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Hegemon orders Europe: bet on war and steal Russia’s money

Pepe Escobar

June 18, 2024

The Swiss “peace” kabuki came and went – and the winner was Vladimir Putin. He didn’t even have to show up.

None of the Big Players did. Or in case they sent their emissaries, there was significant refusal to sign the vacuous final declaration – as in BRICS members Brazil, India, Saudi Arabia, UAE and South Africa.

Without BRICS, there’s absolutely nothing the collective West – as in The Hegemon and assorted vassals – can do to alter the proxy war chessboard in Ukraine.

In his carefully calibrated speech to diplomats and the leadership of Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Putin delineated an incredibly restrained and strategic approach to solve the Ukraine problem. In the context of the Hegemon’s escalatory green light – actually in practice for several months now – for Kiev to attack deeper into the Russian Federation, Putin’s offer was extremely generous.

That is a direct offer to the Hegemon and the collective West – as the sweaty T-shirt actor in Kiev, apart from illegitimate, is beyond irrelevant.

Predictably, NATO – via that epileptic slab of Norwegian wood – already proclaimed its refusal to negotiate, even as some relatively awake members of the Verkhovna Rada (Ukraine’s parliament) started discussing the offer, according to Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin.

Moscow sees the Verkhovna Rada as the only legitimate entity in Ukraine – and the only one with which would be possible to reach an agreement.

Russian UN representative Vasily Nebenzya cut to the chase – diplomatically: if the generous proposal is refused, next time conditions for starting negotiations will be “different”. And “far more unfavorable”, according to Duma Defense Committee head Andrei Kartapolov.

As Nebenzya stressed that in case of a refusal the collective West will bear full responsibility for further bloodshed, Kartapolov elaborated on the Big Picture: Russia’s real target is to create a whole new security system for the Eurasian space.

And that, of course, is anathema to the Hegemon’s elites.

Putin’s security vision for Eurasia harks back to this legendary speech at the Munich Security Conference in 2007. Now, with the steady advance of an irreversible multi-nodal (italics mine) and multi-centric new system of international relations, the Kremlin is pressing for an urgent solution – considering the extremely dangerous escalation of these past few months.

Putin once again had to remind the deaf, dumb and blind of the obvious:

“Calls to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia, which has the largest arsenal of nuclear weapons, demonstrate the extreme adventurism of Western politicians. They either do not understand the scale of the threat they themselves create, or they are simply obsessed with the belief in their own immunity and their own exclusivity. Both can turn into a tragedy”.

They remain deaf, dumb and blind.

A proposal that does not solve anything?

A fiery debate is raging in informed circles in Russia about Putin’s proposal. Critics blast it as a capitulation – forced by selected oligarchs and influential business circles, adverse to an “almost war” (the preferred motto) that keeps postponing the inevitable decapitation strike.

Critics argue that the military strategy is totally subordinated to a political strategy. And that would explain the serious problems in the Black Sea and in Transnistria: the political center of power refuses to conquer the number one economic/military target, which is Odessa.

Additionally, Ukraine’s weapon supply chains are not being properly interrupted.

The key critical point is “this is taking too long”. One just needs to look at the example of Mariupol.

In 2014, Mariupol was left in the control of nazi-banderista gangs as part of a financial deal with Rinat Akhmetov, the owner of the Azovstal works. That’s a classic case of oligarchs and financiers prevailing over military objectives.

Putin’s generosity, visible in this latest peace offer, also elicits a parallel with what happened in Dara’a in Syria: Russia also negotiated what looked at first like a peace deal. Yet Dara’a remains a mess, extremely violent, with Syrian and Russian soldiers at risk.

It gets really tricky when the current proposal only asks NATO not to be encroached in Kiev; but at the same time Kiev will be allowed to have an army, based on the (aborted) April 2022 negotiations in Istanbul.

Critics also argue that Putin seems to believe that this proposal will solve the war. Not really. A real de-nazification campaign is an affair of decades – involving everything from full demilitarization to eradicating focuses of extremist ideology. A real cultural revolution.

The current escalation already is in tune with the orders given by the rarefied plutocracy who really runs the show to messengers – and operatives: nazi-banderista gangs will unleash a War of Terror inside Russia for years. From Ukraine territory. Just like Idlib in Syria remains a terror-friendly environment.

The Odessa file

Putin’s strategy may be on to something that escapes his critics. His wish for a return of peace and the re-establishment of sound relations with Kiev and the West has got to be a ruse – as he’s the first to know that’s not gonna happen.

It’s clear that Kiev will not willingly cede territory: these will have to be conquered in the battlefield. Moreover NATO simply cannot sign its cosmic humiliation on the dotted line, accepting that Russia will get what it is demanding since February 2022.

Putin’s first – diplomatic – objective though has already been met. He has clearly demonstrated to the Global Majority he’s open to solve the dilemma in a serene atmosphere, while discombobulated NATO keeps shrieking “War!” every other minute.

The Hegemon wants war? So war it will be – to the last Ukrainian.

And that brings us to the Odessa file.

Putin, crucially, did not say anything about Odessa. This is Kiev’s last chance saloon to keep Odessa. If the peace proposal is rejected for good, Odessa will feature in the next list of non-negotiables.

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, once again, nailed it: “Putin is patient. Those with ears will hear, those with brains will understand”.

No one should expect working brains popping up across the West. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has confirmed how NATO is planning massive installations in Poland, Romania and Slovakia to “coordinate transfer of weapons to Ukraine”.

Add to it the epileptic slab of Norwegian wood stating that NATO is “discussing” bringing their nuclear weapons to a state of combat readiness “in the face of the growing threat from Russia and China”.

Once again Old Stolty gives away the game: note this is all about the Hegemon’s paranoia with the top two “existential threats”, the

Russia-China strategic partnership. That is, the leaders of BRICS coordinating the drive towards a multipolar, multi-nodal (italics mine), “harmonic” (Putin’s terminology) world.

Stealing Russian money is legal

Then there’s the blatant theft of Russian financial assets.

At their sorry spectacle in Puglia, in southern Italy, the G7 – in the presence of the illegitimate sweaty T-shirt actor – agreed to shove an extra $50 billion in loans to Ukraine, funded by the interest on Russia’s frozen and for all practical purposes stolen assets.

With impeccably twisted logic, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni – whose hairdressing and wardrobe revamp conclusively did not apply to her brains – said that the G7 “will not confiscate frozen assets of the Russian Federation”; “we are talking about the interest that they accumulate over time.”

As financial scams go, this one is a thing of beauty.

Essentially, the main customer (the Hegemon) and its instrument (the EU) are trying to mask the actual theft of those “frozen” Russian sovereign assets as if this was a legal transaction.

The EU will transfer the “frozen” assets – something around $260 billion – to the status of collateral for the American loan. That’s the whole thing – because only the income deriving from the assets would not be enough as collateral to secure the loan.

It gets even dicier. These funds will not leave Washington for Kiev; they will remain in town to the benefit of the industrial-military complex churning out more weapons.

So the EU steals the assets, under a flimsy legalese pretext (Janet Yellen already said it’s OK) and transfers them to the U.S. Washington is immune if everything goes wrong – as it will.

Only a fool would believe that the Americans would give a sizable loan to a de facto country 404 with a sovereign debt rating in the abyss. The dirty job is assigned to the Europeans: it’s up to the EU to change the status of Russia’s stolen/”frozen” assets to collateral.

And wait for the ultimate dicey gambit. The whole scheme concerns Euroclear, in Belgium – where the largest amount of Russian funds is parked. Yet the decision on this money-laundering scam was not taken by Belgium, and not even by the EUrocrats.

This was a Hegemon-imposed G7 decision. Belgium is not even part of the G7. Yet in the end, it will be the EU’s “credibility” as a whole that will go down the drain across the whole Global Majority.

And the deaf, dumb and blind, predictably, are not even aware of it. ... sia-money/



On the war front, for now things continue to be relatively slow. In the ebb and flow natural ‘breathing’ cycles of war, Russian forces on the north Kharkov front have settled into positions and allowed the reinforced Ukrainian troops to take the initiative in assaulting so that they can exhaust and attrition them, before retaking the initiative with new offensive actions.

In the meantime, Russian forces continue making incremental gains in the other districts, particularly Donetsk region, where a breakthrough of nearly 1km was recorded toward Toresk, south of Bakhmut. It’s becoming more and more evident that the entire Konstantinovka region is being placed in a slow-constricting boiler:





Other experts also rang the alarm:


A few last items:

Ukrainian Rada People’s Deputy Nardep Lozinky states that the mobilization age reduction from 27 to 25 will not be the last one, and “being realistic”, Ukraine must think about lowering it further. Just another in a long line of expected sentiments—it likely won’t stop until they reach 18:
(Video at link.)

Meanwhile, AFU commander Kukharchuk of the 3rd assault brigade stated outright in an interview that Ukraine is losing the war and that mobilization needs to be increased. Listen below, as he actually delves into the situation in interesting detail, describing how everyone believes things have settled and ‘stabilized’ now, when in reality the situation is at its most critical crossroads for Ukraine:(Video at link.)

This is what happens when armchair pundits follow the war exclusively through online maps of daily gains, which don’t tell the entire story. As most intelligent observers know by now, the war is not about primarily gaining territory: it’s about attritioning the AFU and breaking its spirit until the point of collapse. The territory will come after that easily enough. There’s no way of knowing for absolute definitive fact, but in the past few weeks, the Russian MOD’s casualty figures for the AFU have been the highest of nearly the entire war—so high as to almost be unbelievable, averaging 1800-2000 casualties per day at times. If even a fraction of that is true, then the ostensibly “stabilized” situation is anything but; Ukrainian formations are being gutted out of their trenches by artillery and airstrikes.

This is why I prefer to rely on primary sources like the above AFU commander, rather than mere hearsay. Of course, to play the flipside: one Ukrainian source again recently declared that the mobilization is going so well, it’s exceeding expectations such that the Rada could issue a ‘demobilization’ later this year, for soldiers on extended deployment on the front. You decide if that’s mere propaganda to bolster morale or not.

Zelensky, for one, remains upbeat and appears to believe he has an inexhaustible supply of men:


But it is interesting to note the vast gulf that now exists between what Ukrainian officials say and what even Western yellow press is reporting at this point. Here’s an eye-opening new BBC report on mobilization: (Video at link.)

Ukrainian political scientist Vadim Karasev states in an interview that the document of “10 year cooperation” signed by the U.S. and Ukraine recently was in fact an American capitulation and backhanded transfer of the responsibility of Ukraine onto Europe:(Video at link.)

The document that Ukraine signed with the United States and which is called security guarantees shows that in fact the United States is moving away from Kiev.

"Do you understand what's going on? This means that the US is leaving us. They want to give it all to Europe all the time. They don't want to get fully involved. If they wanted to get fully involved, if for them Ukraine represented a very important strategic resource in military and political terms as an outpost of the West against Russia, they would have agreed to a different agreement, to grant Ukraine [the status of] a key ally, military, outside of NATO.

Why does Israel have one? Because it is a key Western outpost in the Middle East against Iran and so on. Why are Japan and South Korea key non-NATO allies? Because they're just not in Europe. This is an analog of NATO, only outside of NATO and even more than NATO, " Karasev said.

Just two reports ago I had quipped about how war is not decided by WarThunder forum spergs but rather by the specific usage of a given combat vehicle to its best strengths. Now the pro-UA commentariat has proven they do in fact faultily judge the war based on—literally—WarThunder stats. Here’s one of the pro-UA side’s top influencers and social media propaganda peddlers criticizing a recent video of a new echelon of Russian T-62M tanks heading to the front by pointing out that their WarThunder stats are low compared to Western tanks:


Do you even have to wonder any more why NATO is losing so badly?

That $80B lumpsum has swelled faster than Jerome Powell’s ink supply at the Fed printing press—to what is now a requested 800 billion.


How long before $8T to beat Putin?

Ukrainian energy grid woes continue, with blackouts already scheduled daily:



And even as of this writing a new large-scale drone attack on Ukraine’s energy grid has reportedly been carried out:


The West so valiantly boasted that F-16s would come into Ukraine and mop up the skies of pesky Russian Sukhois, establishing decisive ‘air superiority’. Now the tune has changed and Western experts claim F-16s will have to slither and snipe like snakes in the grass just to survive:


Why would they have to fly low if they have nothing to fear from Russian Su-35s? Fascinating how fast the narrative changes.

Western press now openly reports Ukraine’s last-ditch plan to wage a literal war of terror against Russian children in the event Ukraine loses the war—and they report it with such a neutral tone as to imply blind support for this tactic:

Image ... imir-putin


An excerpt that must be read to be believed:


“They are absolutely planning these kinds of attacks now. No question. I think this is more terrifying for Putin than a conventional war, because if Ukrainians unleash this terror campaign in Russia, he will lose power very quickly because people will say 'you are not doing enough to stop it."

It seems they’re outlining the next strategy to oust Putin. It becomes harder and harder to pretend the country that’s supposed to be “winning”, according to Western propaganda, is the same that’s planning to switch to a strategy of terror attacks on schools.

(Much more at link.) ... ns-defense


Enemy drone attack. 06/21/2024
June 21, 12:48


At night there was one of the largest enemy drone attacks.
Mainly to the Krasnoddar region and Crimea. A total of 114 units were officially shot down.
In Crimea, near the Monastyrskoe highway, they fell, there were no casualties or destruction, the grass only burned, and at night you could hear the air defense.
In the Krasnodar region there were arrivals at 2 oil refineries, a bus station in Krasnodar, there was 1 dead civilian and several wounded, as well as various damage to cars and houses in the private sector.
In the Black Sea, Black Sea Fleet forces sunk 6 BECs trying to reach the Crimean coast.
In addition, in the Anapa area, due to an error, our air defense shot down its RER Ka-29 helicopter, killing 4 crew members. Peace to dust.

The fires were extinguished by morning, including a barrel of fuel that had been burning for 3 days in Azov. It just burned out this morning.

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Sat Jun 22, 2024 11:45 am

Steps towards greater involvement
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 06/22/2024


With a front that extends for hundreds of kilometers and a conflict in which the only red line is diplomacy, Ukraine requires a continuous and uninterrupted flow of weapons, ammunition, financing and personnel. Using alternately the fallacious argument of promises of victory against a common enemy or the danger of collective defeat against a bloodthirsty opponent, kyiv has for months begged its partners to send aviation, long-range missiles, more ammunition and, above all, everything, the permission to use the equipment without restrictions. Little by little, Ukraine has been achieving its objectives. After months of delays due to Western reluctance to send its aircraft to be exposed to Russian air defense systems, the training difficulties of Ukrainian pilots and the logistical challenge, The Guardian reports this week that the aircraft that delivered from the Netherlands will arrive in Ukraine this summer.

The number of troops that will be available is still unknown, so it cannot be decided in advance to what extent this new acquisition will balance the fight for the Ukrainian skies, in which Russia currently has a significant superiority. It also remains to be confirmed where the F16s will operate from and if there will be limitations on their use. According to several Ukrainian media published last month, the possibility is raised that this aircraft operated by Ukrainian pilots is based in bordering countries, possibly Poland. “The Western F16s that the partners are going to deliver to Ukraine will be stored in secure air bases outside the country to prevent them from becoming targets of Russian attacks, Serhiy Holubtsov, head of aviation at the Ukrainian Air Force Command, told Radio Liberty. ”, wrote The Kyiv Independent on June 10. That would protect the precious aircraft from being attacked on the ground, but it would be another step in the involvement of NATO countries in the war.

Yesterday, as Politico reported , the United States' permission to use the delivered weapons is no longer limited to the Belgorod region, bordering the Kharkiv oblast , but extends to all those Russian regions from which Ukraine is attacked. Although the media and the US administration affirm that there is no change in US policy, the confirmation that Ukraine will be able to use weapons sent by Washington against more Russian regions is one more step towards the use without any restrictions that kyiv demands daily by mouth, for example, from Mijailo Podolyak, who never tires of demanding more weapons and sanctions and fewer limitations on their use. For the moment, Ukrainian attacks on Russian territory continue to occur primarily against civilian targets such as the town of Shebekino, also a regular target of raids by Kirilo Budanov's GUR, and refineries in different regions, always with the use of drones. Aside from artillery, there have so far been no Western missile attacks on the territory of the Russian Federation, indicating that this restriction has not yet been lifted. The coming months will tell if the Dutch statements about the absence of limitations for the use of the F16s that will be delivered are confirmed or if the pragmatism, or fear of the United States of further exposing Western-made aviation to the S-300 and Russian S-400 limits its use.

Little by little, Ukraine has been obtaining everything it had demanded from its partners. Long-range artillery, tanks, missiles and aviation are or will soon be a reality on the ground. But, as has happened in the past, with each gift from the West, kyiv has asked for more. “Closing the skies” was the impossible dream of the first weeks after the Russian invasion and it is again now, especially since the Western action as Israel's shield against Iranian missiles and drones. Oleksiy Makeev, Ukraine's ambassador to Germany, has reiterated the idea in an article published this month in the German newspaper Die Zeit , in which he states that the possibility of a defense located in Poland is not only possible under international law , but it is viable. kyiv not only demands from its partners weapons, ammunition and economic assistance, but also more direct participation in the conflict.

In parallel with the demand for weapons, Western and Ukrainian media have highlighted the need to maintain the flow of personnel. The front has extended again and kyiv needs units with which to fight in the different sectors and a reserve with which to prepare the offensive that Zelensky promises. Controversial and wildly unpopular in the country, the mobilization law, possibly a demand by the United States to approve new funding for the Ukrainian Armed Forces, was to facilitate recruitment to replenish the battered Ukrainian ranks. The widespread use of images of fighting against recruiters and the increasingly public escape of men across the country's land borders has led to more creative ideas emerging. Recruitment is not enough and Ukraine is looking for alternative ways to recover men who are abroad. Added to the reduction of consular attention was the idea of ​​seeking ways for countries that have hosted refugee populations to facilitate the return of men of military age to Ukraine. Ukrainian authorities, including President Zelensky, have at times appealed to Europe's rejection of immigration as an argument against their own citizens. And although the idea of ​​reducing or withdrawing social aid to refugees, an indirect way of forcing them to return to the country, was also a Ukrainian idea, several European politicians have taken it up. As reported last week by The Guardian, the CDU, which leads the polls in Germany, possibly the most important country for Ukrainian refugees, already adheres to this discourse and proposes that “Ukrainian refugees in Germany should see their access to social benefits restricted and should be processed under the asylum system.” The idea of ​​returning the Ukrainian population to their country, in the case of men to be available to be sent to the front, is growing in countries that have welcomed populations fleeing the war.

However, nothing is enough and the difficulties Ukraine is seeing in recruiting new recruits require faster and more direct solutions. “If we demobilize, for example, people who have fought for two years, our front will be weakened and the units will be defective. "Now we should restore the combat capability of the units and we should have at least an equivalent replacement during the rotation of the existing brigades and battalions," said Interior Minister Igor Klimenko in an interview with Radio Liberty . The minister's argument is based on the idea that, if Ukraine has more personnel, it will be able to progressively demobilize exhausted troops. That was initially the counterpart that Zelensky offered to the expansion of the mobilization. However, demobilization was precisely one of the measures that disappeared from the final draft of the law that the Rada finally approved. Ukraine is not seeking to relieve its troops but rather to increase the size of its army, so the idea of ​​replacing exhausted troops is nothing more than the carrot that Ukraine periodically waves to hide that it seeks to be able to mobilize a greater number of men to complete their ranks.

It is not surprising that the same minister who spoke of relieving the soldiers who have been fighting for years referred, in the same interview, to the “negotiation with European partners” to achieve the return of the men who have illegally crossed the border. . Ukraine openly seeks the deportation to a country at war of men who have taken refuge in the European Union precisely to dispose of them and be able to recruit them to be sent to the front. Western involvement in the conflict guarantees that this war will not run out of weapons or financing and Ukraine seeks to ensure that there is no shortage of personnel to mobilize to continue fighting.

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From Cassad's Telegram account:

Rybar : Massive attack of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on Crimea


At night, the Ukrainian Armed Forces, after a short period of time, carried out a new massive attack on the southern Russian territories, including the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions, Crimea and the Krasnodar Territory.

The raid was carried out in several successive waves. And the drones themselves were launched from more than six directions: from Odessa , Ilyichevsk , Nikolaev and Krivoy Rog .

Air defense units in the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions began work around 22-23 hours. The crews of the Pantsir-S1 air defense system shot down more than 15 UAVs.

And by midnight, the crews of the 31st division, naval aviation aircraft and rifle detachments in the Crimea turned on , which destroyed most of the UAVs in different parts of the peninsula.

Several dozen more drones, having crossed the Sea of ​​Azov , were shot down over Yeysk , Kozet , Enem in the Krasnodar Territory, and the target was again oil depots and airfields of the Russian Armed Forces.

In total, over the past night, 114 drones were destroyed, and as a result of the fall of one of the UAV fragments, a resident of one of the settlements in the Krasnodar Territory was killed.

However, there is no need to relax. Such raids are followed by missile strikes, since the purpose of a massive UAV launch is to force air defense units to use up their ammunition.

Moreover, in parallel with drone attacks, BeKs are being launched to the Crimean coast. The idea is simple - to substitute Russian aviation for the launches of Russian air defense systems, aimed at fighting with unmanned boats.

In addition, from the very morning, an American RQ-4B drone flew into the Black Sea, which arrived not only to assess the night attack, but also to identify new potential targets for attack.

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Will NATO Attack Russia?
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on JUNE 19, 2024
Igor Istomin


The growing bitterness of Western countries towards Russia is consistent with the logic of ‘preventive war’ in the initiation of armed conflicts. Rather than linking interstate confrontations with aggressive opportunism, this model views escalation as a product of fears about the future. The conviction that the situation will worsen over time encourages states to take increasingly more adventurous steps, even using force.Throughout history, major wars, as a rule, became the product of precisely this preventive logic – the desire to strike in advance of an expected weakening.

The issue of a major war in Europe is more pressing today than at any point since the mid-20th century. Western analysts have discussed a variety of potential conflict scenarios, and officials openly speculate about its likelihood and have even discussed specific time horizons.

In a recent speech, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that the actions of Western governments have brought the world “to the point of no return.” At the same time, the prevailing belief in domestic discussions is that the United States and its allies are aware of the catastrophic risks of a direct military clash with Moscow, and following the instinct of self-preservation, will try avoid it.

Such judgments are based on the assumption that the West, despite its aggressiveness and arrogance, is guided by the rational correlation of benefits with costs, starting from the existing balance of power. Meanwhile, previous experience does not convince us of the ability of the United States and its allies to pursue a balanced, calculated course of action.

Throughout the 2000s and 2010s, they repeatedly got involved in military adventures, from which they painfully searched for a way out. Suffice it to recall the example of interventions in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya. Of course, in all these cases, the risks for the West remained significantly lower than in the case of a hypothetical war with Russia. But the rates were noticeably lower.

The recent admission of US President Joe Biden is indicative: “If we ever let Ukraine go down, mark my words: you’ll see Poland go, and you’ll see all those nations along the actual border of Russia, from the Balkans and Belarus, all those, they’re going to make their own accommodations.”

It can be stated that the good old “domino theory” has re-established itself in the minds of Western strategists.

The split consciousness of the West

The growing bitterness of Western countries towards Russia is consistent with the logic of ‘preventive war’ in the initiation of armed conflicts. Rather than linking interstate confrontations with aggressive opportunism, this model views escalation as a product of fears about the future. The conviction that the situation will worsen over time encourages states to take increasingly more adventurous steps, even using force.

Throughout history, major wars, as a rule, became the product of precisely this preventive logic – the desire to strike in advance of an expected weakening. Thus, the disintegration of the continental blockade system prompted Napoleon to attack Russia. German concerns about the prospects for modernising the Russian army acted as a trigger for the First World War.

A similar dynamic is observed today in the politics of the West, which has invested significant resources in the confrontation with Russia.

The fact that it does not want to lose, but on the contrary is gradually moving towards achieving its goals, cannot but cause frustration in the United States and among its allies. Washington pushes not towards reconciliation, but towards the search for more potent means.

Due to the failure of the West’s plans to destroy the Russian economy through restrictive measures and inflict a strategic defeat on Moscow using Kiev as a proxy, it is moving ever closer to the brink of direct military conflict with Russia. At the same time, it has demonstrated a decreasing sensitivity to the possible consequences of such a scenario. It is like how casino players in the United States and their allies raise their stakes more and more with each successive game.

The growing adventurism is clearly visible in the debate over the deployment of Western troops in Ukraine. Moreover, thehysterical European leaders speaking out on this topic have been joined by seemingly more responsible American generals. Thus, Charles Brown, the head of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, concluded that sending NATO troops into the country is an inevitable prospect.

Western countries’ willingness to take risks is reinforced by a contradictory, if not schizophrenic, view of Russia. They never tire of repeating that Moscow’s potential was previously greatly overestimated, and as a result of the special military operation it was weakened even more. At the same time, without any awareness of the dissonance, they justify the build-up of their own forces by citing the increased Russian threat.

The inconsistency also manifests itself in the portrayal of Russia as an insatiable expansionist bent on conquering its neighbours, coupled with its belief in its reverence for Article 5 of the Washington Treaty, which guarantees mutual assistance to NATO member states in the event of an attack on one of them.

The portrayal of Russia as a “paper tiger” – an aggressive but weak player – lays the foundation for preventive escalation in order to reverse the trends in the development of confrontation that are unfavourable for the West. Moreover, they can be undertaken beyond Ukraine.

Evidence of this is the idea periodically introduced into Western discussions to limit Moscow’s access to the Baltic, ignoring the inevitable response to threats to Kaliningrad.

Quo Vadis?

So far, Western politicians have not directly voiced the idea of ​​an armed attack on Russia. Currently, we are talking about raising the issue on the assumption that Moscow will not dare to respond. Moreover, the thesis continues to be heard that NATO and its member states do not want a direct military confrontation. These assurances fail to eliminate two types of dangers.

First, counting on the reliability of nuclear deterrence, the West may play too much – to pursue a provocation that will force Moscow to defend its vital interests by all available means. The aforementioned projects for closing the Baltic Sea promise to evoke just such a response.

Second, the established trend of increasing adventurism paves the way for a further shift in the boundaries of what is acceptable for the United States and its allies. The logic of confrontation works to increase rates, including due to the accumulation of costs already incurred. As a result, the available means begin to dictate the goals pursued.

An additional factor that increases the risks of confrontation is the collective nature of the West. In domestic discussions, it is customary to emphasize the unequal nature of relations in NATO, due to the unambiguous dominance of Washington. Meanwhile, it is the vassal status of European states that increases their interest in escalation.

Americas’ allies are terrified by the prospect that Washington, preoccupied with competition with China, will lose interest in them and refocus on Asian affairs. The embodiment of this horror story is the figure of Donald Trump, but in Europe there are fears that this scenario will be realised regardless of the personality of a particular leader.

US allies assume that time is against them. Accordingly, the confrontation with Russia takes on an instrumental function, in helping to justify keeping Washington’s attention on the European agenda. Already the disputes in the US Congress regarding the financing of Kiev in early 2024 have served as an alarm bell, demonstrating that the United States is immersed in its own kitchen.

Following the logic of pre-emption, European NATO members might conclude that provoking a confrontation now, while the United States remains involved in the conflict in Ukraine and containing Russia, would be a preferable scenario to the prospect of bearing the burden of confronting Moscow alone in the future—a scenario which they do not rule out.

It is not surprising that the European politicians have been the ones who have made the most irresponsible and radical proposals, such as sending troops to Ukraine or extending NATO guarantees to territory controlled by Kiev. Internal dynamics within the West encourage competition for the status of the most intransigent fighter against Russia.

From plans to practices

In practical terms, NATO member states are really preparing for a military clash with Moscow. The new model of the alliance’s forces, approved by the Madrid 2022 summit, and the regional plans prepared on its basis involve the deployment of a significant group of 300 thousand people within 30 days in addition to the troops already stationed along Russia’s borders.

The basis of the latter is the actively expanding and modernising contingents of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Poland is especially different in this regard; it claims the status of the main NATO bastion, the same that that the Bundeswehr held in the second half of the 20th century. The increase to 300,000 people is intended to turn its armed forces into the largest land army of the alliance among the European member states.

NATO members are openly practicing combat scenarios in potential theatres in Eastern and Northern Europe. Great emphasis is placed on mastering the lessons of the armed struggle in Ukraine. For this purpose, a special centre is being created in Bydgoszcz, Poland, designed to ensure the regular exchange of experience between Western and Ukrainian militaries.

For a long time, the weak link in Western efforts was the limited capabilities of the military industry. However, NATO member states are paying increasing attention to overcoming this limitation. It would be reckless to expect that over time they will not be able to increase production, including by strengthening the ties between European companies and the American military-industrial complex.

Characterising the intermediate results of Western efforts, experts from the influential Washington Center for Strategic and International Studies in a recent report summarised that NATO is ready for a future war. This loud conclusion was accompanied by a clarification that the alliance still needs to work to prepare for a protracted confrontation and a clash with Russia.

Such inconsistent expert conclusions are clearly dictated by political expediency – the desire to confirm the correctness of the chosen course to contain Moscow, but at the same time the need to mobilise the member states of the alliance to prepare for further efforts in the military sphere. They once again reinforce the logic of the game to increase the stakes.

Search for the “golden mean”

In relation to the question in the title, the analysis shows that with a high probability the answer may be positive. In this regard, Russia faces the difficult task of containing escalation amid conditions of low receptivity of the West to the signals sent to it. Attempts to convey the seriousness of the situation are either brushed aside or interpreted as manifestations of Russian aggressiveness.

In the face of such indoctrination, there is a danger of slipping into a similar exaltation, trying to force the enemy to abandon his adventurous line with even more risky demonstrations of determination. So far, the Russian leadership has managed to overcome these temptations.

Of course, Western attempts to raise stakes must be responded to. At the same time, it is worth focusing the damage on the NATO member states themselves, and not just their proxies (this is where the emphasis should be on the notorious “decision-making centres”). Statements about the possible transfer of long-range weapons to US opponents, as well as the visit of Russian ships to Cuba, are logical steps in this regard.

Perhaps the range of responses could also include the defeat of drones conducting reconnaissance for Ukraine over the Black Sea. Moreover, the latter circumstance legitimises the announcement of a direct ban on their flights in adjacent waters. Russian measures of deterrencecould also be complemented by holding manoeuvres in the Baltic, Mediterranean or North Atlantic together with other states that have earned the status of adversaries of the West.

At the same time, the calculation of intimidating actions should be weighed against historical experience, which shows that the reaction to them is often bitterness, rather than concessions. This, in particular, calls into question the validity of the previously expressed proposal for nuclear strikes for demonstrative purposes. Such actions are more likely to lead to consequences opposite to those assumed by their instigators – they will hasten, rather than delay, a direct military clash with NATO. ... ck-russia/


Donetsk direction: advance of the Russian Armed Forces at the Karlovskoe reservoir
June 20, 2024


In the Donetsk direction, Russian troops have advanced west of Netaylovo , and in Krasnohorivka they continue to storm the positions of Ukrainian formations in the northeast.

On the northern flank, fighting takes place in the gardening community on the approaches to Karlovka . And on the opposite bank, the Russian Armed Forces advanced to the former elite cottage community. Consolidation in this area will allow us to take fire control over the northern and central parts of Karlovka to support the attack by attack aircraft.

If Russian troops also managed to get hold of the outskirts of Yasnobrodovka , the Ukrainian Armed Forces will have no other option for retreat than to break through under fire from Umansky to the north-west to Skuchnoye with heavy losses .

In the south, fighting continues in the central part of Krasnogorovka . From the east, Russian troops break through enemy defenses along Nakhimov Street and the banks of the Lozovaya River , forming a “half-cauldron” for Ukrainian Armed Forces units defending in the private sector and on the territory of the park named after. Shevchenko .

In Maksimilyanovka, the Russian Armed Forces have entered the eastern outskirts, and fighting is also taking place in forest plantations southeast of the settlement. At the same time, the enemy still holds the northwestern outskirts of Georgievka, which merges with it . ... anilishha/

Statement by the Government of South Korea on reconsidering its position on arms supplies to Ukraine
June 20, 2024

The agreement between the DPRK and Russia has already received a response from South Korea. According to local media , Seoul plans to review its policy on the supply of lethal weapons to Kiev.

Previously, the South Korean authorities publicly refused to supply weapons, citing local legislation. According to the law, export goods can only be used for “peaceful purposes.” Although they were seen sending the same artillery shells , as we wrote about some time ago.

Cooperation between the Russian Federation and the DPRK in South Korea is most likely considered a threat to national security. It is assumed that the agreement concluded yesterday will formalize the military partnership between Moscow and Pyongyang, within the framework of which Russian defense technologies will end up in the hands of the North Koreans.

This is considered unacceptable in Seoul. In fact, all the time there was an unspoken rule , which observers often talked about - if South Korea begins to supply weapons to Kiev, then the Russian Federation, in response to this, will share military technologies with the DPRK. It also worked in the opposite direction.

Details of the upcoming policy review are not yet available. However, there is also no need to be surprised by this outcome of events, given that South Korea was already supplying lethal weapons to Kiev without any changes in its position. ... a-ukraine/

Artyomovsk direction: advance of the Russian Armed Forces on the eastern outskirts of Chasov Yar
June 21, 2024


At Chasov Yar, Russian troops continue to advance with heavy fighting on the eastern outskirts of the city and its environs.

In the Kanal microdistrict , the Russian Armed Forces knocked out the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the ruins of the Gidrozhelezobeton plant, completely taking control of the area north of Oleg Koshevoy Street. The enemy is resisting and seeking to maintain positions on the eastern bank of the Seversky Donets - Donbass canal, to the west of which the main territory of Chasov Yar is located.

In Kalinovo (Kalinovka), according to some reports, Russian attack aircraft managed to significantly advance within the boundaries of the settlement. However, incoming information about the enemy’s withdrawal from the Seversky Donets - Donbass canal has not yet been confirmed from the ground.

Part of the Orlova tract also came under the control of the Russian Armed Forces, but fighting continues in the forest area north of the railway. After Russian troops reach the O0506 highway , a deep pocket will be formed between Kalinovo and the southern outskirts of Bogdanovka, which will worsen the tactical position of the Ukrainian Armed Forces units located there.

There are local clashes at the Krasnoe-Kleshcheevka-Kurdyumovka line. At the moment, no changes in the configuration of the line of combat contact have been recorded, and previously made statements about the occupation of the ruins of Kleshcheevka and neighboring villages have not yet been confirmed due to the lack of objective control personnel. ... sova-yara/

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More Air Defenses & Cross-Border Strikes Won’t Change The Ukrainian Conflict’s Dynamics

JUN 21, 2024


The only variable that can change this conflict’s military-strategic dynamics is a conventional NATO intervention, though that’s fraught with the risk of sparking World War III by miscalculation, but it’s still being seriously considered.

The US will redirect air defense orders to Ukraine and allow that country to strike Russian forces anywhere across the border that are preparing to cross the frontier in its newest policy evolution. Up until now, the US was still delivering other clients’ air defense orders and had officially limited its authorization of cross-border strikes to only those Russian forces that were entering Kharkov Region. The reason why both approaches changed is because Russia continues to gain the upper hand in this conflict.

Its military-strategic dynamics are such that Russia has already beat NATO by far in their “race of logistics”/“war of attrition”, so much so that Sky News cited a report last month to inform their audience that Russia is producing three times as many shells as NATO at one-quarter of the price. This sets the stage for a possible Russian breakthrough across the front lines that might in turn trigger a conventional NATO intervention, which risks spiraling out of control into a Cuban-like brinksmanship crisis.

More air defenses for Ukraine and cross-border strikes against Russian forces won’t have any significant effect on changing these dynamics, with their only potential impact being to temporarily delay what might very well be the inevitable. Nevertheless, the media attention that’s been given to the US’ newest policy evolution is intended to reinforce its reliance as an ally after it and Ukraine clinched a security pact this month. That too was over-hyped, but it helped maintain the Western public’s morale.

Therein lies the real reason behind these three latest moves – the US-Ukrainian security pact and the US’ newest policy evolutions of redirecting air defense orders to Ukraine as well as allowing it to strike Russian troops anywhere across the border – since they’re really all about perception management. The Ukrainians know that they’re getting trounced, the Russians know they’re gaining ground, and the West knows that only the scenario of a conventional NATO intervention might change this.

The Western public has wised up to these dynamics, however, so it’s imperative for their elite to make it seem like this proxy war hasn’t been for naught and that there’s still a chance of at least stopping Russia from achieving a military breakthrough despite its strategic defeat now being impossible. Even if this only delays what might soon be to come, it could also buy time for NATO to better prepare for conventionally intervening in Ukraine instead of rushing in out of panic like might otherwise be the case.

At the end of the day, the US’ newest policy evolution was predictable, but it’s being over-hyped just like all of its prior ones were as well for perception management purposes. The only variable that can change this conflict’s military-strategic dynamics is a conventional NATO intervention, though that’s fraught with the risk of sparking World War III by miscalculation, but it’s still being seriously considered. Everything else is just a distraction from this fact. ... oss-border


JUNE 20, 2024
By Tarik Cyril Amar, RT, 5/24/24

On 20 May, something important changed for Ukraine’s Vladimir Zelensky. On that day, the five-year presidential term for which he had been elected in 2019 came to an end. He remains in office, however, without having to face fresh elections. Zelensky’s critics, including within Ukraine, argue that he is now illegitimate in a strict, constitutional sense – in effect, a usurper. His followers and defenders, including in the West, insist that Zelensky legally remains president under martial law.

What is clear is that, according to the Ukrainian constitution, presidential elections can be held during wartime (unlike parliamentary ones, which are ruled out), even if a lack of clarity would require amendments, as Ukrainian experts have explained in national media. Even the New York Times acknowledged as much as recently as last October. At that point, however, Zelensky himself had not yet ruled out elections and American super hawk Senator Lindsey Graham was demanding them in his usual imperious tone.

Wartime elections in Ukraine would have posed practical challenges, although these could have been overcome. For instance, back in October, Zelensky himself stated that online voting was a possibility. Western media, including the BBC, which now claim Zelensky had no legal or practical option of standing for reelection, are misinforming their audiences by simply reproducing his regime’s current talking points. Not, obviously, for the first time.

No doubt, the legal legitimacy of a president is a critical issue, especially one as high-handed and authoritarian as Zelensky has been for years and since well before the escalation of the war in February 2022. Yet what is more important are the political meaning and effects of Zelensky’s transition to past-due-date status.

In this respect, the first point to note is that is Zelensky is evading the basic accountability of an election that would inevitably increase public scrutiny of his record. Even more disturbing, however, is to see one of his closest associates turning unquestioning compliance with this move into a de facto loyalty test, complete with ominous threats. The speaker of the Ukrainian parliament, Ruslan Stefanchuk, a key magnate in Zelensky’s “Servant of the People” party, has reportedly even called all those who doubt the president’s continuing legitimacy “enemies of the people” and “political lice.”

Of course, this rhetoric – ironically reminiscent of Stalinism – comes with the usual tired smears: Anyone who dares doubt the Zelensky regime is routinely accused of doing so at the behest of Russian agitators. Perish the thought – in Zelensky’s post-“Revolution of Dignity” and “free world” showcase Ukraine – that citizens could genuinely disagree with their superiors!

Verbal brutality of the Stefanchuk kind is especially intriguing because a reasonably reliable and recent (February) poll shows that almost 70% of Ukrainians agree that Zelensky should remain president until “the end of the state of war.” For better or worse, Zelensky’s decision to avoid elections – whatever his reasons – is not unpopular.

But a closer look at the same poll reveals why the Zelenskyites are so touchy and aggressive: Widespread consent with postponing presidential elections does not translate into the same amount of popularity for Zelensky personally, or, for that matter, for his regime. For instance, in December 2023, 34% of respondents believed that he should not stand for another election (whenever the latter were to take place). By February of this year, only three months later, that share had risen to 43%. Clearly, Ukrainians who believe that this is not the right time for presidential elections and, at the same time, that Zelensky should never be a candidate again, don’t consider elections unnecessary because they are happy with his rule.

This reflects a long-term decline: Zelensky’s popularity ratings over the course of the war show a clear pattern. Initially, the escalation of February 2022 boosted them from 37% to a whopping 90% – an obvious case of a wartime rally-around-the-leader effect. Yet, by February of this year – after the bloody and costly failure of Ukraine’s 2023 summer counteroffensive and the de facto sacking of the popular commander-in-chief and Zelensky rival Valery Zaluzhny – the president’s ratings were down to 60%.

At the same time, trust in the Zelensky regime and its policies as a whole underwent the same degradation. Also in February, Ukrainian pollsters found that, for the first time during the war, a majority of Ukrainians believed the country was moving in the wrong direction.

Now add to this picture that, in February, Ukraine’s military situation was, though by no means good, better than now and that a highly unpopular – “divisive,” as even the AP admits – mobilization law had not even been passed yet. This law is now coming into force against the backdrop of an increasingly desperate fight on crumbling frontlines. It is safe to assume that Zelensky’s standing and that of his regime have only declined further.

The question is why. Zelensky has found more than one way to undermine himself: He has adopted punishing domestic policies of a generally rapacious neoliberal kind; he has stifled politics and the media; and he has set himself up as a merciless national recruiting sergeant forcing ever more unwilling Ukrainians into a meatgrinder proxy war for the West.

But the deepest cause of his decline remains that Zelensky – the man who would be Churchill (to paraphrase Kipling) – is not meeting a key requirement of the role: He is not winning his war. Instead, he is imposing ever-growing sacrifices – plenty of “blood, sweat, and tears,” to quote the British orator – but no victory. Rather, Ukraine’s situation is only growing worse.

Indeed, the post-February-2022 war could have been avoided entirely, if Zelensky had had the consistency and courage to keep his one clear 2019 election promise, namely to pursue a negotiated compromise in earnest. The framework for such a policy existed; its name was Minsk II. But instead of using it, Zelensky, his team, and his Western backers decided to stall and deceive systematically in order to arm for a larger war. Which is what they got.

Even after all of that, there was a last chance, no longer to prevent the war but to end it very quickly, again by finally coming to a mutually acceptable compromise. We now know that such a settlement was almost achieved in the spring of 2022 – and then abandoned, in essence, because Zelensky chose, once again, to listen to the West.

Since then, he has only become more intransigent. The Zelensky we are seeing now is a man who would like nothing better than to try to escape defeat by escalating the war to an open clash between NATO and Russia. The essence of his strategy – if that is the right word for this sort of betting on Armageddon – is to make this war go global.

But the irony of all of the above is that, up until now, his endless doubling-down has secured his position and power. It may be counter-intuitive but where his crony Stefanchuk sounds like Stalin, Zelensky’s whole recipe of survival has now boiled down to “the worse, the better,” a phrase usually, if perhaps apocryphally, attributed to Lenin.

Against this backdrop, the most important point about Zelensky skirting an election is not whether he is now legitimate or not, but that this is just one more stage in that strange double trend: While his position is steadily getting weaker and his actual policies are a bloody dead end for his country and its people, he is incapable of even considering a genuine change of course.

Zelensky, the former low-taste comedian, has become a desperate high-stakes gambler who has locked himself and his whole country into a devastating sequence of losing while constantly raising the stakes. His single most urgent remaining ambition is to draw more of the world into this vortex. Zelensky should never have been president; and it is high time that he ceases to be one. Ironically, since he would probably not have been ousted in elections, there is little need to regret their loss. ... m-is-over/


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... about 404.

In a June 16 interview with the news channel of Ukraine’s army, Armiya TV, an Azov commander admitted to his unit being used to prevent other Ukrainian units from retreating. Dmitry Kukharchuk, the commander of the Second Battalion of Ukraine’s Third Assault Brigade, the current iteration of the neo-Nazi-linked unit, recounts a moment in 2022 when his unit was positioned behind a unit of Ukraine’s territorial defense forces (TRO) to prevent its retreat:

We [Azov] were motivational troops then. We then helped the 110th brigade of the TRO. I can't say anything bad about them, because for a TRO they fought quite well, but, again, as a TRO they had to be motivated. And then my detachment—I was then the commander of a detachment of 500 men—was evenly distributed along a 25-kilometer line….

“Motivational troops” appears to be a euphemism for a “blocking detachment” (also known as “barrier troops”), a unit positioned behind the frontline to prevent retreat. It appears that Azov’s “motivation” existed as an implicit threat, preventing the TRO soldiers from falling back.[/i][/color=red]

In related news--the water is wet, the fire is hot and concrete is painful when you fall on it from 20 feet height. They have been shooting VSU cannon fodder in the backs since day one. And, in fact, it was also part of the training provided by the NATO "instructors" who due to them sucking at real war are very good at shooting at the backs of retreating troops. Public executions in a front of the units have been also a normal affair in VSU since day one. But give The American Conservative a credit, after 30 months of SMO they finally noticed. Does Estonian own this publication, if you know what I mean? Since we are at TAC.

Reaganism is the same type of mental illness as is exceptionalism, so Doug Bandow continues to live in the illusionary world that if you somehow define "victory" you may get some sort of favorable result:

The allies should lay the groundwork for negotiations today, when Ukraine’s position is strongest. It is still possible to preserve that nation’s independence and sovereignty, while accepting military restrictions and territorial losses. How much would depend on talks. Washington and Brussels should discuss possible economic and security arrangements with Moscow. For example, Ukraine could be nonaligned militarily—with Russia assured that it would not face a hostile state allied with America on its border—but still free to form economic and political ties with Europe. If Russia makes peace, it could be free to reengage economically and politically with the West. The allies could offer the return of frozen funds and property to Moscow and individual Russians.

What Bandow doesn't understand is that Putin's "offer" was peremptory and that the West far from having a strategy--it is an unknown thing in Washington--missed completely, as is ALWAYS the case in the US--in fact, I think they teach that in USMA at West Point and in War Colleges--the nature of the conflict. Few people who do grasp this nature, they usually do not go far in Washington. So, wishful thinking is not a strategy and for Bandow, if he still didn't understand the issue--Russia is at war with combined West and she will not stop now until Western hegemony is over. ... -news.html


South Korea threatens
June 21, 21:23


South Korea threatens Russia with supplies of shells to Ukraine in response to a defense agreement with the DPRK.

The problem is that South Korea has previously given the go-ahead for the removal from its territory of 300,000 155-mm shells from the stockpile created by the US Army in case of war with North Korea. After 2022, these shells were taken to Ukraine and spent there. Just like most of the similar warehouse in Israel. At the same time, South Korea is actively helping to rearm Poland against Russia, which purchases tanks and self-propelled guns from South Korea (on credit), which replace the T-72 and Crabs transferred to Ukraine. And at the same time, South Korea has a valid defense agreement with the United States, and a large American group, American bases, and a missile defense system are located on South Korean territory. American warships, including nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers, regularly call at South Korean ports. And now Seoul is babbling something about security threats.

Russia and China's support for North Korea is a guarantee that the United States and South Korea will not attack North Korea for the purpose of regime change, which has been the openly stated goals of the United States and South Korea regarding the political regime in North Korea. North Korea itself has not fought with anyone since 1953, has not invaded other countries, and is pursuing a strictly defensive policy built around the concept of unacceptable damage that it is capable of inflicting on any aggressor, for which the DPRK actually needs nuclear warheads and their delivery vehicles.

If South Korea needed real detente on the Korean Peninsula, it would have to seek a reduction in the American force on the Korean Peninsula, an end to joint military exercises with the United States, direct negotiations with Pyongyang, improved relations with Beijing, and non-participation in sanctions against Russia. But since South Korea, in military-political terms, is not a completely subject country, being dependent on the United States, we will continue to see it being drawn into confrontation with both North Korea and China, as well as with Russia.

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Is Washington trying to dump the Ukraine war into the EU’s lap?

Martin Jay

June 21, 2024

Relations between the U.S. and EU have never been so tipped in Washington’s favour. And that’s before Trump even gets into the White House.

With just a mere matter of weeks now before the U.S. presidential election some experts are wondering if Joe Biden is preparing, at the last minute, to wriggle free of the Ukrainian curse and tell voters that in the next term, if he were to be President, Ukraine funding will be reduced dramatically. This would, after all, be a cunning move to outfox Trump who has told reporters on numerous occasions that he would end the war once in office simply through cutting U.S. financial support.

Either scenario places EU countries – and the EU itself in Brussels – in a quandary as their worst nightmare is coming true: America wants to hand over the responsibility of Ukraine to the Europeans and shed responsibility for the mess that it has created. One could even argue that relations now between the U.S. and EU countries are on a collision course given one recent offer Washington made to the EU in the form of a loan which the EU would guarantee but U.S. companies would benefit from.

As Hungary prepares to take the helm of the EU’s six month rotating presidency on July 1st, western elites are fretting over whether this time Budapest will veto outright the sanctions which are in place, which need to be signed off every six months. America in particular wants a quick fix solution but is indicating that it wants to hand over all the risk to Europe. It argues that those who hold Russian assets should be the ones to offer the guarantees against default – through interest on Russian cash held by them – and that U.S. Congress anyway is unlikely to sign off another batch of military aid, even in the form of a loan, at such short notice.

Following a massive body blow from European elections, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz will tell President Joe Biden they reject the American proposal for Europe to act as sole guarantors for the loan, according to conversations with six senior diplomats and officials.

The offer was structured in such a way that EU countries would pay the interest, accept the risk and allow most of what was a 50bn dollar loan to benefit U.S. companies. Remarkable sting for the EU governments when it shows that the relationship between them and the Biden administration just sinks lower and lower each week.

Of course, there is a great deal of anger from the EU side as many EU leaders feel as though the U.S. has cleaned up quite nicely from the whole business of war which has profited the U.S. on so many levels but has drained EU economies, explaining why Poland recently held a pole which claimed that a majority of those asked wanted funding for the Ukraine war to end. Europe has really been left holding the baby over the Ukraine war and the palpable resentment against the U.S. is certainly growing. The deal the U.S. pushed of course was never going to be a runner but more likely a new European Commission in September will borrow a new 50bn euro tranche from its seven year 1.2 trillion euro budget for Ukraine. Even in this scenario, the EU is scraping the barrel and reaching new lows in throwing cash into the fire just as an ephemeral last-ditch effort to stay warm.

But both the U.S. and EU realise that time is running out for whoever wants to pour more money into the black hole of Ukraine. Time is running out because while Ukraine desperately needs the money, there’s no certainty that a Donald Trump presidency would back any loan initiatives. A final agreement will now be delayed until at least in autumn with just a matter of few weeks before November 5 election. Relations between the U.S. and EU have never been so tipped in Washington’s favour. And that’s before Trump even gets into the White House.

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Sun Jun 23, 2024 12:17 pm

POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 06/23/2024


“While many Ukrainians have joined the army out of a sense of civic duty, others spend their days locked in their homes, fearful that conscription is a one-way ticket to bloody trench warfare,” he writes this weekend. The New York Times . Always insisting that there is no panic or risk of collapse of the Armed Forces of Ukraine due to lack of personnel, there are more and more articles in major Western media that admit the serious problem of flight from the mobilization of Ukrainians of military age. “Fearing that conscription will become a one-way ticket, there are men who spend their days at home, avoiding being caught on the streets by patrols. The new military patrols are everywhere and the number of men hidden is unknown,” the article adds. “Now they are everywhere. I will try not to get caught, but I don't know if it is possible,” says a 45-year-old man interviewed by the American newspaper. “I'm afraid I won't receive enough training, they will send me closer to the front and I will die senseless,” complains a 28-year-old man from Lviv, one of the most anti-Russian regions and where rejection of the mobilization law and participation in the war is more low. The reality of the long war and the certainty that life expectancy in the trenches may not be very high in the face of the danger of drones, artillery or enemy aircraft weighs on the population of Ukraine, where vision was lost a long time ago romantic epic fight against the aggressor.

One of the places where these men recruited from the streets could be sent is Gorlovka, until two years ago the northernmost point of the DPR, a town that has remained on the front line since the summer of 2014. So, the The fall of Slavyansk before the withdrawal of the group led by Igor Girkin, Strelkov , after several months of siege caused a domino effect that pushed the front back tens of kilometers in a few days. The militias of the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics seemed unable to contain the advance of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the volunteer battalions formed by far-right groups, more willing to shoot at the population than the regular army. This is how the front reached the gates of the three large cities still under the control of the militias: Donetsk, Lugansk and Gorlovka, the second most important city in the DPR. Convinced that victory would take “days, not weeks,” the new president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, opted for the tactic of surrounding and isolating those cities. The cost and difficulty involved in the urban battle prevented the assault from being the option chosen at that time by the Ukrainian command, which decided on the capture of infrastructure such as the airports and the attempt to surround the three cities to make it impossible for the militias continue fighting.

A task too ambitious for the overextended and poorly prepared Ukrainian troops, the work stalled at the gates of the three cities that, although they experienced dramatic situations without supply, for example, of water during the summer of 2014, managed to resist without the sieges. were complete. Ukrainian troops were defeated in August at Lugansk airport, frustrating the attempt to make the situation even more difficult for the city's civilian population, while Ilovaisk was the end of aspirations to encircle Donetsk, isolating the main rebel city from everything. supply, whether from Lugansk or the Russian border in the south. In the case of Gorlovka, an excessively large city with a large garrison capable of defense, then led by Igor Bezler, Enakievo's resistance also prevented the city from being surrounded. However, its geographical position and the ease with which Ukraine had reached the gates of Donetsk from the north made transit between the two cities difficult for years. Virtually isolated from the regional capital due to insecurity or the cutting of the main communication route between them, Gorlovka experienced extremely serious situations in the first months of the war. Added to the destruction were supply difficulties - not only military, but also civil -, an increasingly important danger for the civilian population, vulnerable to attacks and shortages of basic products.

The hardest episode occurred on May 27, when a large number of Grads reached a central city park in broad daylight on a Sunday where families were walking, who were not yet fully aware that the war had arrived. The images of the bodies of a mother and her baby torn apart by bombs went around the world at the same time as the Ukrainian discourse did. “Militants are shelling residential areas of Gorlovka with mortars and Grad multiple rocket launchers to discredit the Ukrainian army and intimidate civilians. This is stated in a message from the ATO press center," he wrote then, in a text still available today on his website, Ukrainska Pravda , without the slightest criticism of a version that was, clearly, an attempt to download guilt for an atrocity committed by his troops. “With this, the terrorists are trying to achieve additional recruitment of the residents of Gorlovka into the ranks of the gangs,” said the spokesman for the anti-terrorist operation that had just fired on a city full of civilians. In bold to underline the idea, the article stated, quoting authorities, that “ATO forces do not carry out attacks against cities or other localities using artillery or aviation.” Weeks earlier, on June 2, 2014, Ukraine had also denied its participation in the bombing of the center of Lugansk, where a dozen people bled to death in a square in the center of the city after an air attack in which both the aircraft like the bomb. kyiv alleged that the explosion of an air conditioning unit was due to a misfire of a projectile with which the militias were trying to shoot down the Ukrainian aircraft. The accusation of self-bombing was not new and was going to be consolidated throughout those months to reach the present day.

The defeat of Ilovaisk in the summer of 2014 and the consolidation of the front after the winter 2015 campaign, which culminated in the signing of the second Minsk agreements, ended the major battles of the Donbass war, which turned into a conflict static of artillery clashes on a front where there was never a complete ceasefire. Mayorsk, Zaitsevo or the mines around the city became the focus of the clashes in a city that was always exposed to Ukrainian artillery. War without movement prevented an assault, but not regular attacks against the city's infrastructure and its communications. The road between Donetsk and Gorlovka, for example, was never completely safe due to Yasinovataya's proximity to an even more active front. And Arsen Avakov's "baby steps" strategy, with which Ukraine gradually gained control of the gray zone , which Minsk said should be expanded, not reduced, had one of its main scenarios in Gorlovka. For eight years, Ukraine fortified its positions there to keep the city surrounded on three sides and thus increase military pressure against a city key to the viability of Donbass, not only for its mines and industry, but also for transportation.

Gorlovka never ceased to be one of the obsessions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, eager to punish the city's disloyalty and the inability of its troops to advance on it in the summer of 2014, when kyiv hoped to achieve a military victory that would crush the Donbass rebellion and ended the war without concessions to the population that had taken up arms against the irregular change of Government in February of that year. The Russian invasion further worsened the situation in the city, a short distance from well-prepared Ukrainian positions. The limitations that Minsk implied had disappeared and, like Donetsk, the city has been subjected to periodic attacks that have continued to cause death among the civilian population and destruction of its infrastructure without the front having moved until now. “The enemy's defense has been strengthened around Dzerzhinsk and satellite towns since 2014 and the front line has not undergone significant changes since then. At the same time, in the city, the enemy remained as urgent a problem for the lives of the inhabitants of Gorlovka as their presence in Avdeevka was for Donetsk,” Boris Rozhin, Colonel Cassad, wrote this week . Just yesterday, several civilians were injured in Gorlovka and three died in Donetsk due to Ukrainian attacks.

Ukraine has made no secret that Gorlovka was one of its targets. One only has to remember the euphoria with which Volodymyr Zelensky announced the capture of a hill, liberated after years of Russian occupation . The Ukrainian president did not post another message on social media when, hours later, Russian forces regained the position and planted his flag, later shot down by a Ukrainian drone. Despite aspirations, Ukraine had not advanced in this sector of the front, nor had Russia. As Russian sources acknowledged this week, the area west of Gorlovka is the only territory in which no Russian progress had occurred since 2022.

In the last few hours, Russian military correspondents have announced the beginning of the movement towards Dzerzhisnk (Toretsk) and Novogorodskoe (Niu York), a contact with a sector of the front in which Ukraine has important fortifications and whose importance increases as that Russia is trying to expand the territory under its control from around Ocheretino. Two years after the start of the Russian and Republican offensive in Donbass, for the first time, the fight for the Avdeevka and Gorlovka areas are united on the same front. As even Ukrainian sources such as Deepstate , linked to the Ministry of Defense, admit, Russian forces have advanced on Shumi and there is speculation about the beginning of the evacuation of the civilian population of Dzerzhisnk. The main obstacle, according to Rozhin, would be to the east of the city, with a height that dominates the entire area.

None of the small progress made by the Russian forces in these first movements west of Gorlovka, both in Mayorsk and towards Shumi, are, for the moment, insufficient to see in them the beginning of an offensive. In this populated area, Ukraine has towns of a certain size and large industrial areas with strong points in which to defend themselves with troops that have not suffered the wear and tear that they do accumulate in other sectors of the front. The difficulty of the operation makes a direct assault on Novogorodskoe or Dzerzhinsk unpredictable, for which possibly the start of flanking operations and attempted isolation similar to those of Artyomvosk, Avdeevka or Chasov Yar awaits. In this way, Russia tests Ukraine's defenses at the only point in Donbass where its troops had not achieved the slightest success until now.

Google Translator


From Cassad's Telegram account:

Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of June 22, 2024) | The main thing:

- The “West” group occupied more advantageous positions; two counterattacks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were repelled during the day;

- The “South” group improved the situation along the front line within 24 hours, the losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces amounted to 590 military personnel;

- The Russian Armed Forces destroyed storage warehouses for unmanned boats of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and aircraft-type UAVs;

- During the day, air defense systems shot down 48 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as a HIMARS MLRS missile;

- The “Center” group improved its tactical position over the course of a day; seven counterattacks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were repelled;

- The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces per day amounted to up to 220 military personnel in the area of ​​​​responsibility of the North group of troops;

- Units of the Dnepr group defeated the formations of the Marine Corps brigades and the Ukrainian Armed Forces' defense forces.

▫️Units of the Dnepr group of troops defeated the manpower and equipment of the formations of the 128th mountain assault brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the 35th Marine Brigade and the 126th Terrestrial Defense Brigade in the areas of the settlements of Rabotino, Malaya Tokmachka, Nesteryanka in the Zaporozhye region and Tokarevka in the Kherson region .

The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 90 military personnel, a tank, four pickup trucks, a US-made 155-mm M777 howitzer, a 152-mm D-20 gun and a US-made 105-mm M119 gun.

▫️Also during the day, four electronic warfare stations “Enklav” and “Bukovel-AD”, an electronic reconnaissance station “Plastun” and a field ammunition depot of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were destroyed.

▫️Operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation destroyed warehouses for storing unmanned boats and aircraft-type UAVs, and defeated concentrations of enemy manpower and military equipment in 127 regions.

▫️Air defense systems shot down 48 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as a US-made HIMARS MLRS missile.

📊In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed: 613 aircraft, 276 helicopters, 26,236 unmanned aerial vehicles, 531 anti-aircraft missile systems, 16,399 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,346 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 10,745 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 22,779 units of special military vehicles.

Google Translator


Ukraine Weekly Update
21st June 2024


Ten Year Security Deal

Zelensky’s is the hand on the left.

Sleepy Joe has offered the once great Z a ‘security deal’ which amounts to a personal pledge by one politician, who may not be around for much longer, to another politician who carries no legitimacy. Ukraine has similar deals with some European countries - according to RT. This is virtual signaling at its worse. The pact is meant to ward off future aggression by Russia but it is not backed up by anything such as Article 5 of the NATO charter and in practice it will be absolutely useless. I’m not sure how it will apply if Ukraine ceases to exist.

Larry Johnson called it out for what it is: ‘just an empty promise by the United States’ that will look good on a campaign ad in which Biden will claim to be ‘defending freedom and democracy in a country that doesn’t have freedom and democracy’. You can hear more from Larry here.


Where Did Our Democracy Go?


A survey carried out by the Kiev International Institute of Sociology found that 43% of Ukrainians believe there has been a decline in democracy in their country (which means that 43% are awake). 28% believe that the Ukrainian authorities have been restricting the ‘rights and freedoms’ of citizens and 11% of those surveyed blame the war with Russia. 49% have noticed that the economy has declined over the past five years and 16.5% blame the war. Western journalists operating in Ukraine are complaining that press restrictions in Ukraine go way beyond what is necessary for wartime security needs - as reported in the NYT (reported by InfoDefence). But is the US of A any better? Many Americans have doubts that the published results of the last election bear any resemblance to the choices voters actually made. The truth or falsity of this claim is not the main issue here: rather the fact that people have such doubts means that ‘Democracy’ can’t work any more.

LGBT in Ukraine


Given the growth of Nazi-type movements in Ukraine over the past decades, a pro-LGBT march would appear a little incongruous and not necessarily popular. However, as if to emphasise Ukraine’s Woke credentials, a march was organised in Kiev. Among the participants were activists, representatives of diplomatic missions/ international organizations, politicians from foreign countries, and international observers. Those policing the march made sure it was over quickly and that LGBT paraphernalia was hidden from sight in the aftermath of the demo. They knew that several other very large anti-LGBT demonstrations would be taking place including the one shown here.

It seems that the anti-LGBT demonstrators believed that the Kremlin is behind the growth of LGBT in Ukraine. It is so sad that these Ukrainians don’t even realise who the real enemy is; they have no idea that many (most?) Russians are against LGBT as much as they are.

It should be said that many of the anti-LGBT demonstrators cherished unsavoury political views.

Ukrainian Musicians Choose Life


The whole of the Kiev Symphony Orchestra of 70 people (two thirds of whom are liable to serve) has not returned from its tour of Germany. They chose music; they chose life.


Russian MoD Weekly Reports
w/e 31st May 11225 Casualties killed and wounded: equipment losses 412.

w/e 7th June 11,140 Casualties killed and wounded: equipment losses 447.

w/e 14th June 12,795 Casualties killed and wounded: equipment losses 409.

w/e 21st June 13,710 Casualties killed and wounded: equipment losses 452.

Casualties increased by nearly 1000 this week which is the largest total this year.



According to Rybar:

Fighting continues in the settlement of Volchansk. The enemy is trying to evacuate the wounded and redeploy reserves under the artillery fire of our troops. The AFU counterattacks have subsided for the second day. However, there are reports of the arrival of AFU assault units consisting of convicts. In the Lyptsi direction, the enemy is building up forces.

Further assaults in the Lyptsi Direction were made by groups of 50 or so of the convicts mentioned above but none were successful. Accounts vary regarding the Aggregate plant which some say is now fully in Russian hands and that the Ukrainians are being pushed out of the forest belt north of the Volchya river. If the Russians control this area it will be difficult for the Ukrainians to bring reinforcements in.

Volchansk - Detail


Kupyansk - Siversk - Svatovo


According to SITREP on June 20th:

In Svatovo Direction, in the Seversk sector, fighting continues at Razdolovka and attempts to pass along the railway towards Vyemka. From Liman sector, reports about the advance of our army near the village of Ploshchanka. There is fighting in the area of Terny. In Kupyansk sector, there are battles near Stelmakhovka and Stepnaya Novoselka, but without much advancement. They report the destruction of the bridge across the Oskol between Gorokhovatka and Borovaya. This should seriously complicate the supply of the AFU's Kupyansk Grouping, the diversions routes are quite far away.

Chasov Yar.


By the end of the week, fighting continued for the high rise buildings in the Kanal District.

Toretsk Direction


According to Rybar:

the enemy expects an offensive by the Russian Army on Borova. In the Toretsk direction, the Russian Armed Forces advanced from the former entry-exit checkpoint "Mayorsk" to the eastern outskirts of the village of Pivnichne, capturing a pumping station and a section of the railway up to 2 km deep. There are also reports of the advance of our troops towards the settlement of New York (Novhorodske).

Borova is due West of Toretsk.

The Russian Armed Forces are working to liberate Toretsk, according to Marat Khairullin on June 19th.

The Gorlovka-Toretsk direction is coming to life, where, after a massive defeat of the enemy by artillery, aviation and UAVs in the areas of New York, Pivnichny, Pivdenny and Alexandropol, the Russian army began assault operations in several areas and broke through the defenses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The liberation of Toretsk (Dzerzhinsk) will give us occupation of the heights lying opposite Konstantinovka, which is located in the lowlands, and fire control over that area.

On June 20th, the Ukrainians began to evacuate Toretsk. If, or when, the Russians reach Borova, Ukrainian logistics in this Direction could become problematic.



Russian forces are advancing along the Karloveskoye reservoir in the area of Karlovka. Fighting continues at Arkhangelskoye and Novoaleksandrovka, as well as on the Sokol - Novopokrovskoye line.

Avdiivka - Krasnogorovka


By the end of the week, fighting was taking place in the centre of Krasnogorovka, as well as Umanskoye and Karlovka. If the Russians manage to invest Yasnobodrovka, in between Umanskoye and Karlovka, the Ukrainians will be forced to retreat with losses.

Vremyevka Ledge - West of Vuhledar


On the Vremyevka ledge, the RFAF repelled the AFU attacks on Staromayorskoye from the north and fought counter battles in Urozhaynoye. These clashes are taking place in the area circled west of Uhledar (sorry I couldn’t get a better map).

Zaporizhye and Kherson
There have been no significant changes in either of these Directions since my last report though fighting continues in the islands of the Dnieper and around Rabotino.

Some commentators, such as Alexander Mercouris believe that Russia is stockpiling ammunition and keeping its best equipment in order to launch an offensive in the Donbass that will trap the Ukrainians in a giant cauldron. The Kharkov action is meant to contribute to this plan by drawing troops away from the south.

(Much more at link.)

Image ... update-a1d

(That bit about the Kiev Symphony Orchestra is sweet...I listen to classical music on public radio and since the SMO began I've had to suffer through a parade of Ukrainian artists, some of whom were very good but some were pretty lame but the bullshit and blather surrounding the music was the worst part. And of course the traditional Stalin trashing whenever they play any Russian stuff. Will they report this relevant news? Chances are slim.)


June 21, 2024 , 2:00 pm .

Zelensky at the Peace Summit for Ukraine, held in Switzerland

An Asia Times article dissects the recent "Ukraine Peace Summit" held in Switzerland, revealing not only the shortcomings but also the fragility of the Western strategy in the conflict. Far from being a fruitful meeting, the event was marred by a lack of will to explore alternatives to Vladimir Zelensky's peace plan.

One of the most notable points is the limited international participation, since only 92 of the 160 invited States and organizations attended. This lack of support raises questions about the effectiveness of the peace process in Ukraine without Russia's participation. Furthermore, the absence of key countries such as China, Brazil, India, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and the United Arab Emirates - States that make up the Brics+ bloc -, among others that attended but did not sign the final communiqué, is also explicit about the rejection towards the route imposed by the summit to stop the conflict.

The article indicates that one of the main problems was the insistence of kyiv, and its Western allies, on considering the peace plan proposed by the Ukrainian president in 2022 as the only option on the table. This prevented discussion of seven other third-party proposals, including projects backed by Indonesia, the Vatican, Saudi Arabia, African countries led by South Africa and a Sino-Brazilian peace proposal that is gaining momentum in the rest of the world.

The lack of exploration of these non-Western initiatives, focused on achieving a ceasefire, is a sign of the West's lack of interest in reaching a diplomatic solution.

In an attempt to make the conference's final declaration more acceptable to other countries, the article argues that Ukraine and its Western partners avoided explicitly demanding a Russian withdrawal, and instead made references to general principles of international law. But even this watered-down version failed to gain unanimous support from the 100 delegations present.

Asia Times notes:

“The reason for this failure is obvious: the collective West – essentially the G7, NATO and the EU – has so far been steadfast in its support for Ukraine and Zelensky's peace plan, and only Zelensky's peace plan. ”.

Although this support was recently reconfirmed at the G7 summit, there is a softening of the message compared to previous statements. A lack of real support from Western leaders is cited, such as the fact that US President Joe Biden did not attend the summit, despite being in Europe for the G7.

The text concludes:

"The outcome of the Swiss peace summit should be taken as a signal in kyiv and other Western capitals that its current strategy does not offer a clear path to a just and secure peace that - at present - seems out of reach for Ukraine in the battlefield".

The Swiss summit, far from moving closer to peace, has exposed the deep gap between the vision of the West and the reality of a multipolar world. Insistence on a strategy that marginalizes key actors and sticks to a single script only prolongs the conflict.

In a press conference following a meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Organization), Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov highlighted the importance of the peace initiative presented by the Russian President Vladimir Putin on June 14. This proposal represents Russia's fourth proposal to resolve the conflict in Ukraine.

Lavrov stressed that, had the agreement on the political solution not been broken in February 2014, Ukraine would now be within its 1991 borders, of which it "dreams so sweetly now." The Russian foreign minister blamed Ukraine for the destruction of its territorial integrity, arguing that it was the result of a violent coup d'état and the imposition of Russophobic and neo-Nazi rules by those who came to power.

The Russian minister recalled the agreements reached in Minsk in February 2015, which, if implemented, would have allowed Ukraine to recover its territorial integrity, excluding Crimea. However, Lavrov highlighted Ukraine's unwillingness to preserve its territorial integrity in exchange for guaranteeing basic autonomous rights in the Donbas region, including the right to use its native language.

Lavrov also mentioned the April 2022 Istanbul agreements, which also ensured the territorial integrity of Ukraine, taking into account the realities on the ground at that time. However, according to the Russian Foreign Minister, Western interlocutors prevented the Ukrainian president from signing these agreements.

Russia's top diplomat expressed confidence that serious politicians understand the need to use intellectual and diplomatic skills, and put aside invented illusions in favor of realpolitik. ... do-fracaso

Google Translator


JUNE 21, 2024
Intellinews, 6/9/24

A new survey by the Institute for Global Affairs, part of the American political risk consultancy Eurasia Group, found the overwhelming majority of Western public opinion is in favour of ending the war in Ukraine through negotiations.

A second survey released for the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy that turned the tide of WWII found that the public significantly underestimate the role the USSR played in winning the war against Hitler.

The Institute for Global Affairs found a dramatic 94% of Americans and 88% of Western Europeans are in favour of Nato member countries advocating for a negotiated settlement to the Ukraine war. This overwhelming majority contrasts sharply with alternative scenarios, such as “Weakening Russia” or “Restoring the pre-2022 borders of Ukraine”, which received support from less than 20% of respondents from both regions.

The results of the survey clash directly with the rhetoric from both US and EU political leaders that have said repeatedly the West should support Ukraine’s military struggle against Russia for “as long as it takes” and have promised significantly military and financial help over the long term.

Nato is shortly due to meet to celebrate the 75 years since the military alliance was founded. Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has proposed setting up a $100bn fund to ensure Ukraine is amply supplied and has more predictability in Western support in what is expected to be a long war. However, due to the reluctance of Nato members to commit these resources, Stoltenberg last week revised his plan down to a commitment of €40bn a year, on a par with annual aid sent to the Ukraine over the last two years ahead of the Nato summit.

In contrast to the Western political leadership, the Institute for Global Affairs’ data indicates the Western public has a strong preference for avoiding further escalation and steering clear of a direct conflict between nuclear-armed powers.

President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly “reminded” the West that Russia is a nuclear power and recently ordered snap nuclear missile drills. Last week some US senators suggested that the US respond by redeploying the US arsenal of tactical nuclear missiles in response as part of the creeping escalation in the war. French President Emmanuel Macron has added to the tensions by suggesting France send its own troops to Ukraine as “instructors,” provoking strong protestations from the Kremlin.

The Institute for Global Affairs has also provoked criticism, highlighting that there little public debate on the Western commitment to supporting Ukraine and eliciting complaints that the “political elites are making decisions that hurt the public.” The survey comes as Europe goes to the polls to elect a new European Parliament where the right is expected to dramatically increase its share of seats and where many parties have campaigned on a platform of repairing relations with Russia and ending the war in Ukraine.

Who won WWII?

A second survey, by YouGov, on the anniversary of the Normandy landings highlighted the changing perception of Russia’s role in the second world war, which is increasingly seen as a British victory for the British and a US victory for the Americans.

The USSR lost by far the most people in WWII: a total of 25mn, of which 13mn were Russians, against the 500,000 British dead and 400,000 American dead. Over 85% of German losses were on the eastern front, where fighting was brutal, whereas Europe was quickly overrun by the Nazi forces and the Allies forced to retreat, such as in the famous Dunkirk evacuation of British forces.

While the YouGov survey found that some 45% of European respondents in 1945 acknowledged the Soviet Union’s leading role, that share has fallen dramatically since. Critics of this change blame Hollywood’s portrayal of the war with countless movies glorifying Allied victories, but underplaying Russia’s role in the fighting. Hollywood actor Tom Hanks, the star of one of the most iconic movies, “Saving Private Ryan,” was invited to the D-Day celebrations. However, Hollywood has made only one significant blockbuster movie glorifying the heroism of the Russian forces in the east: “Stalingrad”, starring Jude Law, lionises the legendary sniper Yuri Zaitsev, who was one of Russia’s most famous war heroes.

The differences in perception is the cause of political friction between Russia and the West, as for Russians the victory over the Nazis was one of Soviet Russia’s greatest achievements and a source of pride in what Russians refer to as “the Great Patriotic War.” An entire generation of young men were wiped out in the fighting and the annual victory day is one of the most poignant celebrations on the Russian calendar – it has been repeatedly snubbed by Western leaders in recent years. Thousands throng on the streets on Victory Day carrying photos of their relatives that fell in the fighting. The phrase “thank you grandfather” is commonly daubed on the photos and cars during the celebration.

This year, Russians will take special umbrage at the D-Day celebrations, where Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy was invited to represent the Soviet allies who fought in WWII. Putin has gone out of his way to link the current battle in Ukraine with Nazism and so link the campaign with one of the most politically evocative common memories that Russians share.

And Putin’s job has been made easier as Ukraine does have a far right problem with groups like C14 and the Azov battalion that openly make use of Nazi symbolism and expound extreme ideologies. Politically, however, the far right groups scored only 4% in the last elections and Zelenskiy himself is Jewish.

According to the YouGov data, Britons are notably more inclined than their international counterparts to credit the United Kingdom with the largest contribution to Hitler’s defeat. The survey found that 39% of Britons believe the UK played the most significant role, compared to 20% who credit the United States and 15% who believe the Soviet Union deserves the most recognition.

In contrast, the American public overwhelmingly sees the United States as the key player in the European theatre. A substantial 59% of Americans believe their country did more than Britain or the Soviet Union to defeat the Nazis. Meanwhile, 13% attribute the greatest contribution to the Soviet Union, which suffered an estimated 27mn casualties, the highest of any nation during the conflict, and only 6% to the UK.

German opinions are more divided, with 34% of Germans saying the Americans were the most influential in ending the war, closely followed by 31% who credit the Soviet Union. A mere 6% of Germans believe the UK’s efforts surpassed those of the US or the Soviet Union.

Today, the French public also predominantly credits the US, with 47% asserting that America was the crucial Allied force, while 17% believe the Soviet Union played the most vital role.

The results of the recent surveys contrast sharply with historical sentiment in France; an IFOP poll from May 1945 indicated that 57% of French citizens at the time thought the Russians were the most important Allied force, compared to 20% for the US.

Interestingly, French views on Britain’s contribution have remained relatively unchanged over the decades. In 1945, 12% of French respondents believed the UK played the largest role; today, that figure stands at 10%.

The survey’s findings illuminate the differing national narratives and historical memories that continue to shape perceptions of World War II. As the world commemorates D-Day, these varied perspectives remind us of the complex and multifaceted nature of history. ... olls-find/

JUNE 21, 2024

Seymour Hersh put out a report today that made a few interesting points.

First, he says that, according to several sources in the Democratic Party apparatus, big donors and other officials in the party are worried about Biden’s chances in the November election against Trump. There is discussion of replacing him at the convention if his upcoming debate performance against Trump is disastrous.

He also says that according to one US official he spoke to, there have been ongoing backchannel discussions still occurring between Russia and the west and that one such discussion occurred just prior to Putin’s announcement last week of the terms of a possible ceasefire and peace negotiations:

One well-informed American official told me that there has been, as always, some informal communications about concessions between Moscow and the West that both sides could accept. For example, he said, there is Russia’s ambition to attack and seize Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city, twenty miles south of the Russian border. Now under siege amid heavy fighting on its outskirts, the historic city could be saved from massive destruction if both sides agree to consider it an independent free territory as was Trieste, a disputed city bordering Italy and Yugoslavia, for seven years after World War II. I was also told that Putin’s speech came after a series of highly secret backchannel communications between some in the West and Russians whose aim was to spare the pending Russian attack on Kharkiv, which is also a major transportation hub.

The official said that the likelihood of significant Ukrainian battlefield success remains low, given Russia’s vast supply of troops and materiel. Despite Ukrainian and American reports of successes near Kharkiv, he added, last Sunday 300 members of one of Ukraine’s most elite units, the 92nd Assault Brigade, which was established twenty-five years ago, was surrounded and captured by Russian troops, with 150 deaths and little word in the Western press.

“Biden just declared war on Russia and nobody cares,” the official said of the president’s recent decision to escalate the reach of American missiles supplied to Ukraine. “It is a theatrical performance.” ... -the-west/


How Likely Is It That The US Replaces Zelensky In The First Half Of Next Year?

JUN 22, 2024


Zelensky’s only use right now is to legitimize radical policies and he’ll then be cast aside once he’s done what’s needed of him, though it’s unclear when that’ll be since everything depends on whether NATO conventionally intervenes in Ukraine.

President Putin shared his view during a press conference in Hanoi that the US will replace Zelensky during the first half of next year after they use him to make unpopular decisions such as further lowering the draft age. His prediction coincided with Russia’s foreign intelligence service publishing its latest such report about this scenario, which claimed that Zaluzhny is being seriously considered by the US as his replacement and is also deemed to be more suitable for negotiating peace with Moscow than others.

It was explained last month how “Russia Hopes To Influence Ukraine’s Possibly Impending US-Backed Regime Change Process” after that same service released a related report about this at the time. This strategy continues unfolding as evidenced by President Putin declaring two weeks ago that the Rada Speaker is now the legitimate leader of Ukraine if the Constitution is still being followed. Accordingly, he said that Russia could negotiate with him or someone else if Kiev is interested in peace, but not Zelensky.

As regards the conflict’s military-strategic dynamics, they continue trending in Russia’s favor and won’t be changed by minor adjustments to US policy such as letting Ukraine use its arms to hit any targets across the border that are allegedly planning to cross the frontier. The only variable that can make a meaningful difference at this point in time is if NATO stages a conventional intervention, but that would spike the risk of World War III by miscalculation.

Returning back to President Putin’s prediction about Zelensky being replaced in the first half of next year, he’s either assuming that no such conventional intervention will occur or that the subsequent escalation would remain manageable instead of spiraling into the apocalypse. Regarding the first possibility, there’s a chance that this won’t happen since it’s dependent on Russia achieving a military breakthrough across the front lines, which NATO could then exploit to justify directly involving itself in this conflict.

That might either not happen and thus rule out this scenario, or it’ll unfold and then set that sequence of events into motion, therefore leading to the second possibility of them managing this escalation. In that case, Russia might either eschew striking NATO units so long as they don’t cross the Dnieper and pose a credible threat to its new regions, or they’ll engage in controllable tit-for-tat strikes before freezing the conflict. No matter what happens, however, Zelensky’s political future is set in stone.

The first possibility is actually much worse for him since he’ll be pressured like never before to lower the draft age as soon as possible in order to replace all the meat that’ll have to be ground to prevent a Russian breakthrough across the front lines. It’s impossible to predict the timing with which he’d then be replaced since it depends on when that policy is implemented and whether (and how long) the secret police can control the public’s furious reaction to sending their young adult males to the slaughter.

If NATO conventionally intervenes in Ukraine but the escalation doesn’t spiral into World War III by miscalculation, which of course can’t be taken for granted, then the bloc might keep Zelensky in place only until they reach a deal with Russia for comprehensively managing Europe’s “new normal”. Once that’s achieved, whenever it may be, he’ll then be pushed aside in order to herald the coming of the so-called “new Ukraine” under these new circumstances and turn the page on this dark period.

Just like in the first possibility, he’d only remain in power long enough to make unpopular decisions, albeit under totally different circumstances in that case. Nevertheless, the writing is on the wall, and it’s that his political career is drawing to a close either way. Zelensky’s only use right now is to legitimize radical policies in either scenario. He’ll then be cast aside once he’s done what’s needed of him, though it’s unclear when that’ll be since everything depends on whether NATO conventionally intervenes. ... s-replaces
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Mon Jun 24, 2024 11:52 am

Attack on Sevastopol
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 06/24/2024


Yesterday Ukraine showed why it wanted to receive ATACMS missiles from its American partners and also their effects. “Screaming bathers run for cover as Ukrainian Atacms explode on Crimean beach,” headlined yesterday the British newspaper The Telegraph . There is no trace in the Western media coverage, and of course not in the Ukrainian one, of the direct accusation against Ukraine that occurs in cases in which the Ukrainian defenses shoot down a Russian missile causing casualties. The tone yesterday in the press was disinterest. Yesterday, both Ukraine and the press of its allies focused on the effects of guided bombs in the Kharkiv region.

Meanwhile, in what the Western press calls “annexed Crimea,” the civilian population in the Sevastopol area took advantage of Sunday to spend a day at the beach. Around noon local time, Russian sources announced a Ukrainian attack with American missiles. In parallel, the accounts that monitor the skies over the conflict showed the flight of American surveillance drones that had occurred hours before in the southern part of the Black Sea, predictably carrying out intelligence work in the area in which they would later fly. the Ukrainian attack occurred. The usual trend is thus repeated: Ukraine receives real-time intelligence from its partners, whether the United States or the United Kingdom, about the area in which an attack is being prepared that can only be interpreted as a joint one.

According to Russian authorities, Ukraine fired a total of five ATACMS missiles towards the city of Sevastopol, in the southwestern part of the Crimean peninsula. The autonomous city is the headquarters of the Russian Black Sea Fleet and one of the most important urban and tourist centers in the territory. The version of the Russian command indicates that four of the five missiles were intercepted without causing consequences. It was the fifth that, when diverted by the air defenses, fell on the civilian population. Russia accuses Ukraine of using ATACMS with cluster munitions, even more dangerous than the traditional one in the event of a shootdown, since the explosions remain dispersed. The Russian attitude explaining the demolition and implicitly making it clear that the beach was not the Ukrainian objective contrasts with the Ukrainian modus operandi in similar cases, in which it usually accuses Russia of deliberate attack against the civilian population and even genocide.

Footage recorded on the beach shows families fleeing explosions and smoke in a chaotic scene in which beachgoers carried injured people away from danger before ambulances arrived. At first, there were reports of more than a hundred injuries and the death of three people: one adult and two minors. The number increased throughout the afternoon to 144 injured and five dead. Of the 27 injured minors, five are in serious condition.

“All missions using American tactical-operational missiles ATACMS are programmed by American specialists based on their own satellite surveillance data,” Moscow said, adding that “therefore, responsibility for the deliberate missile attack against the civilian population of Sevastopol falls mainly on Washington, which supplied weapons to Ukraine, but also on the regime in kyiv, from whose territory the attack was launched. The first version of the Russian Federation is that the missiles were launched from the Nikolaev area, at a distance of 266 kilometers.

In the first hours after the attack, the Ukrainian source Legitimny considered the reason why Ukraine had attacked Sevastopol in broad daylight. The attack forced Russia to make a compromised decision: let the missiles pass to avoid civilian casualties or shoot them down at the risk of images of massive casualties, something that the source considered would be understood as "a plus for Bankova." A high number of victims would have the first consequence of causing panic in a key city for Russia. The Ukrainian media argues that this panic would also cause a decrease in the flow of tourists, with a consequent decrease in the region's income.

Ukraine, which since 2014 has been looking for a way to recover a territory in which it despises the population for the disloyalty of feeling Russian, has always had the Crimean economy in its sights. Since the territory's accession to Russia, the authorities imposed a commercial and transportation blockade that turned the peninsula into an island. Ukraine also built a barrier to prevent water from the Dnieper River from reaching the Crimean-North Canal, drying up the main source of water for the agricultural sector. Crimean Tatar and far-right activists also tried to cut off the power supply to more than two million people by destroying high-voltage cables. The blockade and the vulnerability of the population to the irrational attacks of Ukrainian extremist groups forced Russia to accelerate solutions. An electric bridge slightly alleviated the damage from a possible Ukrainian blackout, while the transport situation made the construction of the Kerch Bridge, which links the peninsula with continental Russia, even more urgent.

The bridge has been the target of two major Ukrainian attacks, which managed to paralyze traffic for a time. It is no secret that kyiv has proposed demolishing the bridge with the aim of isolating Crimea from the supplies it needs for its defense. For the moment, Ukraine has failed in this attempt for which it has used missiles, drones and a truck bomb whose driver was an innocent victim deceived by whoever hired its services. Although even British intelligence now claims that the land corridor to the peninsula has made the Kerch Bridge a less important military asset, Ukrainian representatives such as Mikhail Podolyak continue to periodically claim that “the bridge's fate is written,” so it is likely that In the future, Ukraine will try again to use its missiles against the desired target.

Yesterday, faced with the danger of Ukrainian missiles, Russia temporarily stopped traffic across the bridge. However, until now, kyiv has not tried to use its ATACMS against these infrastructures and has focused on other types of targets, especially the military bases on the peninsula. This is where Russia and Ukraine differ in assessment. While Ukraine boasts of successes that it has not been able to prove with satellite images, Russia denies extensive damage and claims the downing of American missiles and the work to learn how to shoot them down.

As expected, there was no solidarity in Ukraine with the victims, those whose Ukrainian nationality is reason enough for Kiev to claim to be trying to liberate the territory. “Let them suffer,” Maksym Zhoryn, deputy commander of the Third Assault Brigade and Andriy Biletsky’s right-hand man, wrote on social media. His argument, which does not differ too much from Ukraine's actions towards the population for a decade, is simple: a large part of the population supports Russia.

Whatever the outcome, Ukraine profits from these types of attacks. With no concern for the civilian population, kyiv has never had difficulty blaming Moscow for the casualties inflicted by the Ukrainian attacks. Any difficulties in Crimea are also used to claim the loss of Russian control of the territory. Without a doubt, the fear of Ukrainian attacks limits the tourist possibilities of the peninsula, one of the bases of its economy. It is unlikely that kyiv will use the tactic in Crimea of ​​accusing Russia of self-bombing in Crimea, as it usually does in the case of Donetsk, but, in any case, any attack on the territory serves as a means for kyiv to claim that Russia does not is capable of protecting the population. The argument, however, may seem a bit strange: should the population leave their protection in the hands of those who shoot them with missiles? ... ebastopol/

Google Translator


Missile attack on Sevastopol 06/23/2024
June 23, 15:15


As a result of the shelling of Sevastopol by ATACMS missiles, 5 missiles were shot down. One of them exploded near the Uchkuevka beach. The missile had a cluster warhead.
3 people died, including 2 children. Up to 100 people were injured. The victims are receiving medical care.
Also, at least 1 BEC was destroyed at sea. The attack was directed by an American UAV in the Black Sea.

Google Translator


From Cassad's Telegram account:

Ministry of Defense about the missile attack on Sevastopol:

Today at 12.15 a deliberate terrorist missile attack was carried out on the city of Sevastopol by five American ATACMS operational-tactical missiles equipped with cluster warheads.

While repelling a missile attack by air defense forces on duty, four American ATACMS missiles were intercepted. The explosion of the fragmentation warhead of the fifth American missile in the air led to numerous casualties among civilians in Sevastopol.

All flight missions for the American ATACMS operational-tactical missiles are entered by American specialists based on US own satellite reconnaissance data.

Therefore, responsibility for the deliberate missile attack on civilians in Sevastopol lies primarily with Washington, which supplied these weapons to Ukraine, as well as the Kiev regime, from whose territory this attack was launched.

Such actions will not go unanswered.


Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of June 23, 2024) The main thing:

This morning, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation launched a group strike with high-precision, long-range, sea-based weapons at the training site for flight and technical personnel of the Ukrainian Air Force.

The target of the strike has been achieved. All designated targets are hit.

The "North" group of the Russian Armed Forces defeated 7 enemy brigades in the Kharkov region, and the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 210 military personnel in one day;

— The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 135 military personnel per day in the area of ​​responsibility of the Vostok group;

— Russian air defense systems shot down 75 UAVs and 33 HIMARS missiles per day;

— Russian troops destroyed the launcher of the IRIS-T anti-aircraft missile system made in Germany;

— Up to 430 military personnel and one tank were lost by the Ukrainian Armed Forces per day in the area of ​​responsibility of the Center group;

— The Dnepr group of troops defeated four Ukrainian brigades, the enemy’s losses amounted to up to 130 military personnel.

▫️Units of the Vostok group of troops occupied more advantageous positions and defeated the manpower and equipment of the 58th motorized infantry brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the 48th assault battalion of the military defense in the areas of the settlements of Urozhainoye, Makarovka and Prechistovka of the Donetsk People's Republic.

Enemy losses amounted to up to 135 military personnel, five vehicles , a combat vehicle of the Strela-10 anti-aircraft missile system , a 155-mm M777 howitzer made in the USA, a 155-mm howitzer FH-70 made in the UK, a 105-mm M119 gun made in the USA, a counter-battery radar station USA made AN/TPQ-50.

▫️Units of the Dnepr group of troops defeated the manpower and equipment of the formations of the 128th mountain assault brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the 35th Marine Brigade, the 39th Coastal Defense Brigade and the 121st Terrestrial Defense Brigade in the areas of the settlements of Kamenskoye, Zaporozhye region, Ivanovka , Zolotaya Balka, Olgovka and Tokarevka, Kherson region.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 130 military personnel, a tank , five vehicles , two 152-mm D-20 guns , three 122-mm D-30 howitzers and a US-made AN/TPQ-50 counter-battery radar .

In addition, three electronic warfare stations “Enklav” and “Bukovel-AD” were destroyed.

▫️ Operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation destroyed in one day: a launcher for the IRIS-T anti-aircraft missile system manufactured in Germany, two radar stations for detecting and tracking air targets "P-18" , and also defeated concentrations of enemy manpower and military equipment in 118 regions.

▫️Air defense systems shot down 75 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles and 33 US-made HIMARS MLRS, Czech-made Vampire and Alder rockets.

📊 In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed: 613 aircraft, 276 helicopters, 26,311 unmanned aerial vehicles, 533 anti-aircraft missile systems, 16,406 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,346 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 10,785 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 22,840 units of special military vehicles.

Google Translator


No country for sick young men

Today I will be gone. I tried to say that I can't see a damn thing, but the brigade commander doesn't care about such things. Goodbye. Please help mom.

JUN 21, 2024

Sick men
On June 10, a chef with almost total blindness was sent to the trenches. His friend, Andriy Alyokhin, wrote the following about it on facebook.:

Folks, I really don't know what to do. I'm desperate. Can someone help?

Here's the situation. My neighbor, a young guy, volunteered. They didn't want to take him into the army: his vision is practically zero. Glasses with lenses – each as thick as my hand.

But he insisted – I'll be a cook in the army (he is a professional cook), it will be useful. Luckily, the military medical commission found him of limited fitness, and they took him after all.

So he served as a cook. For a year. Then he was urgently transferred to the 110th Brigade, where they don't really care who you are and what kind of glasses you have.

Now he writes to me from the trench: I don't want to worry mom, but I ask you – tell her that I loved her very much. Today I will be gone. They threw us into battle, the faggots are attacking, we barely repelled one attack, but I won't survive another, shooting somewhere in the direction of the target. I tried to say that I can't see a damn thing, but the brigade commander doesn't care about such things. Goodbye. Please help mom.

What to do? Can someone tell me? On one hand - someone has to die for the Motherland. But on the other – when I think about his lenses each as thick as my hand... Someone, please tell me.

What’s particularly interesting is that Alyokhin works at a government-owned TV station, 1+1 - Zelensky’s TV birthplace. Alyokhin has 30,000 followers, lives in Kyiv, and mainly posts patriotic content.

Also, regarding ‘faggots’ - that’s the standard term used for Russian soldiers in the Ukrainian army, alongside ‘orcs’. Though from what I can tell, faggots is more and more popular. Even the refined liberal commentators sitting on Soros funds over at Ukrainska Pravda use it in their military reports.

(Paywall) ... -young-men

Breakouts and embarrassment

JUN 22, 2024

On 15 June, the speaker of Ukraine’s border patrol discussed the ‘increasingly brazen’ attempts to cross the border by young men. According to him, many of them aren’t even older than 25, which is the technical lower limit for mobilization. But that isn’t surprising, given that it was only just recently reduced anyway, and as I’ll outline in a coming post, discussion continues to rage about whether it should be decreased further. And anyway, there is no shortage of reports of those younger than 25 being mobilized now either.

The speaker discussed the June 14 case, where a bus carrying 41 people was stopped at the border in the Odessa region. The border patrol in its facebook post on the matter called it a new ‘anti-record’, which beat the 9 February case where a bus with 40 men was stopped (apparently, each paid from $4500-$8000 USD). This time, the men were hiding in a grain transport truck. Criminal charges have been laid against them for violating state borders. Maybe they will be lucky enough to get jailed.

Photos from June 14
Those hoping to escape have all variety of tricks up their sleeves. On June 10, 32 men in a GAZ-66 truck with military plates managed to escape over the border into Hungary.

An example of the GAZ-66. Sturdy Soviet engineering to the rescue as usual.
This case was reported by journalist Vitaliy Glagola. According to him, border patrol were alerted to the incident when they saw heavy military tracks that went through a crumpled section of the border fence.

(Paywall) ... arrassment

Visions of marijuana riches

Ukraine as the 'plantation of the world'

JUN 23, 2024
In 2019, the Mayor of Lviv Andriy Sadoviy released a video on his facebook supporting the legalization and growth of marijuana: ‘Buy Ukrainian! This video was shot on the grounds of the legal hemp farm of the Glukhivsky region of Sumy.’ He notes the antioxidant and anti-stress qualities of hemp oil, and urged watchers to buy it.

The following text (original here) is translated from the telegram of ‘Whisperer - Ukraine War’. A classic Ukrainian political telegram, it deals in a variety of rumours, and the reader will note the somewhat hysterically conspiratorial tone of the text. In any case, the channel often posts some interesting stuff, and it is a fact that Zelensky legalized medical marijuana in February 2024, claiming it would help traumatized veterans.

As for the ‘Sorosites’ the following text refers to, it was the ultra-liberalnationalist (think Azov + Fukuyama) party Golos that registered the law project on medical marijuana in 2020. Golos and its ilk (‘Sorosites’) were also the strongest lobbyists for liberalization of agricultural land, such that foreigners would be able to buy Ukrainian farmland.

It is also a fact that Ukraine’s agriculture is highly ‘efficiently’ exploited by large transnational corporations (TCN), to the detriment of small farmers. I wrote about this in more detail in this three-part series of articles. And it is certainly true that Ukraine’s small scale producers have been squeezed out to the benefit of the world’s largest agroholdings. Here is an extract from one of my articles on the topic:

In 2017, two of Ukraine’s agroholdings were in the global top 20 list as ranked by amount of land controlled. NCH Capital, which evenly distributes its land in Russia and Ukraine, is in the top 10. Ukraine’s largest agroholding, Kernel, controlled 510 000 hectares of land in 2021. Kernel was planning to increase that to 700 000 after the ‘good news’ about Zelensky’s 2020 lifting of the moratorium on selling agricultural land. Kernel received $643 million of gross profit in the 2021 financial year, 5.2 times more than what it received in the previous year.

According to ‘Latifundist’, in 2021, the top 117 agroholdings in Ukraine directly controlled 6.45 million hectares of land, which is 16 per cent of all agricultural land, and 20 per cent of all arable land.

By comparison, no EU countries apart from Romania (not coincidentally one of the EU’s poorest members) have large agroholdings. In most countries, such as Germany, no single individual or company owns more than 30 000 hectares of land, while the average size of agricultural plots is 20 hectares. Due to the negative social, economic and ecological effects of domination of agriculture by large agroholdings, only poor, imperialized countries in South America, Asia and Africa have agroholdings comparable to those in Ukraine[1].

How much land do foreign agroholdings control?

According to Land Matrix’s 2021 report, Ukraine is second on the global list of the amount of land owned by foreigners – three million hectares. Only beaten by Indonesia, Ukraine was followed by Russia, Papua New Guinea and Brazil. Another study found that 15 per cent of Ukraine’s agricultural land is owned by foreigners, or almost 20 per cent of arable land.

However, these figures are likely an underestimate. Latifundist writes that only 10 foreign agroholdings control two to three million hectares. The largest were US companies – the biggest two controlled 300 000 and 195 000 hectares. One of the ways that foreign businesses get around restrictions on owning land in Ukraine is by buying it as collateral from a Ukrainian bank. This method has also hugely discounted Ukrainian land through the use of the western program ‘Prozorro’, which we will detail in our last article.

Another reason why foreigners own more than it seems is given by Ukrainian economic journalist Roman Gubrienko. He writes that 60-70 per cent of the land controlled by agroholdings is actually foreign owned, albeit with a token Ukrainian front. A 2023 report on Ukraine’s agriculture found that nine out of ten of Kernel’s top shareholders are European or American. Ukraine’s fourth largest investor in 2020 was Norway’s Sovereign Wealth fund, which owns shares in both Kernel and its competitor agroholding MHP. Blackrock and Goldman Sachs are some of the other big global financial groups heavily involved in Ukraine’s agriculture.

All that means that it certainly doesn’t seem outside of the scope of imagination that Ukraine’s fertile soil will provide a lucrative opportunity for the booming legal marijuana market, or that the Ukrainian government will use the matter to extract corruption rents.

Russian Iskander-M nuclear missile

America’s addiction to nuclear weapons does not lend itself to deterrence-based stability. It only leads to war.

“That’s great, it starts with an earthquake…”

There’s nothing like a classic 1980’s rock song to get one’s blood up and running, and REM’s 1987 classic, It’s the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine), fits the bill just right on this hot and muggy summer day.

The only problem is, the song might as well be prophesy, because from where I sit, taking in the news about the rapidly escalating nuclear arms race between the United States and Russia, it very much looks like the end of the world as we know it.

And I don’t feel fine.

The news isn’t good. Last month, on May 6, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that it would, on the orders of Russian President Vladimir Putin, conduct exercises involving the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. According to Russian officials, the exercises were a response to “provocative statements and threats from certain Western officials directed at the Russian Federation.”

The Russians were responding to statements made by French President Emmanuel Macron to The Economist on May 2, where he declared that “I’m not ruling anything out [when it comes to deploying French troops to Ukraine], because we are facing someone [Putin] who is not ruling anything out.” Macron added that “if Russia decided to go further [advancing in Ukraine], we will in any case all have to ask ourselves this question (whether to send of troops).”

While Macron described his remarks as a “strategic wake-up call for my counterparts,” it was clear not everyone was buying into what he was selling. “If a NATO member commits ground troops [to Ukraine],” Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said after Macron’s words became public, “it will be a direct NATO-Russia confrontation, and then it will be World War III.”

The Russians conducted their exercises in two phases, with the first taking place in late May. There, the tactical missile forces of the Southern Military District practiced “the task of obtaining special training ammunition for the Iskander tactical missile system, equipping them with launch vehicles and secretly moving to the designated position area to prepare for missile launches.”

The Iskander-M is the nuclear-capable version of the Iskander family of missiles and can carry a single nuclear warhead with a variable yield of between 5 and 50 kilotons. (By way of comparison, the American atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima had a yield of 15 kilotons.) The single-stage solid rocket missile flies at high hypersonic speeds, and possesses a maneuvering warhead, making it virtually impossible to shoot down. With a range of 500 kilometers, the Iskander-M, when fired from locations in Crimea, would be able to reach French bases located in Romania, which ostensibly would be used to surge forces into Ukraine.

The second phase of the exercises took place on June 10, when the Russian and Belorussian forces practiced the transfer of Russian nuclear weapons to Belorussian control as part of the new Russian nuclear sharing doctrine put in place by Vladimir Putin and his Belorussian counterpart, Alexander Lukashenko, earlier this year. The weapons involved included the Iskander-M missile and gravity bombs that would be delivered by modified Belorussian SU-25 aircraft. The weapons would put all of Poland and the Baltic States under the threat of nuclear attack.

Around the same time that Russia was carrying out its tactical nuclear drills, several NATO nations, including Germany, announced that they had given Ukraine the green light to use weapons it had provided to strike targets inside Russia. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, speaking on the sidelines of a NATO foreign ministers meeting in Prague on May 29, said Ukraine had the right to strike legitimate military targets inside Russia. “Ukraine has the right for self-defense,” Stoltenberg declared, adding that “we have the right to help Ukraine uphold the right for self-defense, and that does not make NATO allies a party to the conflict.”

Putin took time from his visit to Uzbekistan to reply, warning that NATO members in Europe were playing with fire by proposing to let Ukraine use Western weapons to strike deep inside Russia. Putin said Ukrainian strikes on Russia with long-range weapons would need Western satellite, intelligence and military assistance, thus making any Western help in this regard a direct participant in the conflict. “Constant escalation can lead to serious consequences,” Putin said. “If these serious consequences occur in Europe, how will the United States behave, bearing in mind our parity in the field of strategic weapons? It’s hard to say,” Putin said, answering his own question. “Do they want a global conflict?”

On June 5, speaking to an audience of senior editors of international news agencies while attending the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum, Putin observed that, “For some reason, the West believes that Russia will never use it [nuclear weapons]. We have a nuclear doctrine,” Putin noted. “Look what it says. If someone’s actions threaten our sovereignty and territorial integrity, we consider it possible for us to use all means at our disposal. This should not be taken lightly, superficially.”

But the US and NATO were doing just that. In an interview to the British Telegraph newspaper given at NATO’s headquarters building in Brussels, Belgium, Stoltenberg said that NATO members were consulting about deploying more nuclear weapons, taking them out of storage and placing them on standby in the face of a growing threat from Russia and China. “I won’t go into operational details about how many nuclear warheads should be operational and which should be stored, but we need to consult on these issues,” Stoltenberg said.

The only nuclear weapons currently in the NATO system are some 150 US-controlled B61 gravity bombs stored at six NATO bases: Kleine Brogel in Belgium, Büchel Air Base in Germany, Aviano and Ghedi Air Base in Italy, Volkel Air Base in the Netherlands and Incirlik in Turkey. NATO officials later clarified Stoltenberg’s remarks, saying there were no significant changes to the NATO nuclear posture, noting that Stoltenberg’s comments referred to the modernization of NATO’s nuclear deterrent, including the replacement of F-16 jets with F-35 stealth fighters, and the modernization of some of the B61 bombs currently deployed in Europe.

Stoltenberg’s comments to the Telegraph came 10 days after Pranay Vaddi, the senior director for arms control at the National Security Council, announced a “new era” for nuclear arms in which the US would deploy nuclear weapons “without numerical constraints.”

Stoltenberg’s statements, when viewed in the context of Vaddi’s declaration, points to a dangerous shift in focus within both NATO and the US away from the concept of nuclear weapons representing a force of deterrence, and instead increasingly being seen in the West as a usable weapon of war.

The concept of deterrence as the sole justification for the existence of nuclear weapons dates back to 1978, when the United Nations General Assembly held its first Special Session on Disarmament. One of the main ideas to emerge from this event was the notion of so-called negative security assurances, or NSAs, in which the declared nuclear-armed states committed to not using nuclear weapons against non-nuclear weapon states that were in good standing with the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and not otherwise aligned with a nuclear-armed state.

These NSAs furthered the notion of nuclear deterrence as a formal binding doctrine among nuclear-armed states, operating on the idea that since nuclear weapons could only be used against a nuclear-armed state, and that any such use would lead to the mutual destruction of the involved parties, therefore the only rational purpose for the existence of nuclear weapons was to deter those nations that also possessed them from ever using them in the first place.

From this foundational understanding emerged modern concepts of nuclear disarmament which framed the arms control policies of the United States and the Soviet Union that emerged in the 1980’s and 1990’s—since the sole purpose of nuclear weapons was deterrence, it was in the best interest of all parties to a) significantly reduce their respective nuclear arsenals and b) implement policies designed to normalize relations to the point that nuclear arsenals became moot.

The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, however, ushered in a new post-Cold War reality which saw the notion of a nuclear “balance” where the US and Soviets operated as equals being replaced by a doctrine of “managed supremacy” which saw the US use the mechanisms of arms control and disarmament to promote and sustain its position as the world’s dominant nuclear power. Arms control ceased being a concept premised on equitable deterrence, and instead became a tool designed to subordinate the nuclear capabilities of the Russian Federation that emerged from the ashes of the Soviet Empire to those of the newly-minted American hegemon.

The US began deconstructing the foundation of arms control treaties that had been negotiated on the premise of sustaining a nuclear deterrence-based balance of power, first by using the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) process as a mechanism to promote the unilateral disarmament of the Russian strategic arsenal, and later by withdrawing from the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) treaty that had served as the foundational agreement around which the concept of mutually assured destruction (MAD) was framed.

Deterrence theory is viable only so long as MAD is viewed as the inevitable outcome of any nuclear conflict. By re-embracing the notion of viable ballistic missile defense, the US undermined the premise enshrined in MAD, namely that to use nuclear weapons was to invite your own demise. The US now operated in a world where it embraced deterrence theory only in so far as it deterred other nations from attacking the US with nuclear weapons. From the US perspective, assured destruction was a dated notion, one that was replaced by the concept of a “winnable” nuclear war.

The proactive utility of nuclear weapons form the standpoint of US nuclear doctrine, as expressed in the US Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) of 2010, where the US, while continuing to commit not to “use, or threaten to use, nuclear weapons against [NPT-compliant] non-nuclear-weapon states,” declared that “there remains a narrow range of contingencies in which US nuclear weapons may still play a role in deterring a conventional or [chemical and biological weapons] attack.”

Subsequent NPRs have expanded on this notion, incorporating the possibility of US nuclear retaliation against cyber attacks and other non-WMD linked events. The proactive nature of the US nuclear posture was such that when a senior Trump administration official involved in making nuclear policy declared that the goal of the administration of President Donald Trump was to have the Chinese and Russians waking up every morning not knowing whether of not “this was the day the US nuked them,” one simply could not write off the statement as ill-conceived hyperbole, but rather recognize it as part and parcel of ill-conceived nuclear policy.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, however, is not one to wake up in the morning afraid of a potential US nuclear attack. Speaking recently from Hanoi, Putin said “They [the US and NATO] seem to think that at some point we will get scared. But at the same time, they also say they want to achieve a strategic defeat of Russia on the battlefield.” Putin then ominously remarked that, “It means the end of the 1,000-year history of the Russian state. I think this is clear to everyone. Isn’t it better to go all the way, until the end?”

Accusing the West of “lowering the threshold” for the use of nuclear weapons against Russia, Putin declared that Russia must now reconsider its own nuclear posture considering NATO’s apparent willingness to make operational tactical nuclear weapons—a clear reference to Jens Stoltenberg’s June 16 comments. Russia last published its nuclear weapons doctrine, formally known as “Basic Principles of State Policy on Nuclear Deterrence,” in 2020. This doctrine declares that Russia could use nuclear weapons if an enemy “threatened the existence of the Russian state” in response to an enemy’s use of weapons of mass destruction against Russia or its allies, or if Russia received credible information that a nuclear strike was being planned or about to take place.

Putin, in his Hanoi remarks, downplayed the notion of Russia embracing a policy of nuclear preemption. “We don’t need a preventive strike,” Putin said, “because with a retaliatory strike the enemy is guaranteed to be destroyed.”

When asked by reporters whether Ukraine’s use of Western long-range weapons against Russian territory could be considered an act of aggression and a direct threat to the Russian state, Putin replied “This requires additional research, but it’s close.”

US Hydrogen Bomb test, July 8, 1956

Too damn close.

The United States and Russia are drifting closer and closer to all-out nuclear war. It is high time that the people who would pay the ultimate price for such folly decide, to borrow from the poetry of Dylan Thomas, if they want to go “gently into the night” of nuclear Armageddon, or instead “rage, rage against the dying of the light” by demanding better policy from their respective governments.

As for me, I choose rage.

There will be an event dedicated to stopping this mad rush toward on September 28, in Kingston, New York. Gerald Celente is putting this together, along with a coalition of like-minded citizen patriots.

We hope to organize sister events in cities across the country.

We want to put more than a million Americans into the streets that day, focused on one thing and one thing only—stop the madness of nuclear war.

Will you join us?

Or will you stay at home and listen to the music of the collective versions of modern-day Nero’s, fiddling while America and the rest of the world burns.

You vitriolic, patriotic, slam fight, bright light

Feeling pretty psyched

It’s the end of the world as we know it…

But not if I can help it.

(Go to for information about the September 28 anti-nuclear rally in Kingston, New York, and sister events across the country.)

[youtube][youtube] ... e-know-it/


Anniversary of Prigozhin's rebellion
June 24, 7:56


Anniversary of Prigozhin's rebellion

A year ago, as part of the development of Prigozhin’s rebellion, assault troops of the Wagner PMC occupied the center of Rostov and the headquarters of the Southern Military District. At the same time, PMC columns moved towards Moscow. There was a direct threat of an assault on the center of Rostov, as well as fighting in the Moscow region. With a corresponding number of casualties and destruction among military and civilians.

Taking into account all other scenarios, the way it all ended was an incredible success, the bullet of a serious civil conflict passed through the head of the country, despite the death of people and the loss of valuable materiel.

Ultimately, reason prevailed (thanks to Lukashenko and Bortnikov, who reached out to Prigozhin) and found an opportunity to stop the situation from sliding towards terminal scenarios.

It’s bad that the situation has come to this, although the conflict between the leadership of the PMC and the leadership of the Russian Defense Ministry has been developing for many months, including in the public sphere. There was time to resolve the issue without violence.

The criminal case into the rebellion was closed, no one was convicted for the rebellion itself, but the political assessment of what happened remained - an armed rebellion. On the factual side, after Prigozhin’s refusal to carry out Putin’s direct order, this became obvious to those who hesitated in assessing the events that took place then.
In this case, there was an unsuccessful armed rebellion, which, among other things, led to the death of our military.

According to its results, PMC Wagner in its previous format (as the largest and most powerful PMC of the 21st century) ceased to exist, but it still exists in other incarnations; fighters and commanders continue to benefit the Motherland, including in the ranks of the Russian Defense Ministry and the National Guard.

A year after those events, Yevgeny Prigozhin, according to the official version, died along with his entourage (including Dmitry Utkin) in a strange “plane crash.” Sergei Shoigu, with whom Prigozhin had a conflict, has now been transferred from the post of minister to the post of Secretary of the Security Council. Valery Gerasimov both led and continues to direct the General Staff.

Of the generals who were then in contact with Prigozhin, Yevkurov remains deputy to the new Minister of Defense Belousov, generals Surovikin and Alekseev are in Africa, engaged in the African decolonization campaign, where the Wagner PMC also operates.

May peace be with all those who died during the rebellion.

Google Translator


Aleksandro-Kalinovskoe direction: advance of the RF Armed Forces to Druzhbeya and capture of Shum
June 23, 2024


Offensive actions of Russian troops continue in the Aleksandro - Kalinovsky direction .

In the Ozaryanovka - Druzhba section , according to some reports, Russian troops began to dislodge the enemy from forward positions on the eastern bank of the Seversky-Donets-Donbass canal .

There are, or have already been, several forest belts there that were occupied by the enemy about a year ago.

From the Mayorsk checkpoint and the Mayorskaya railway station in the direction of Druzhba , according to preliminary information, there is also progress along the railway and the T-05-18 highway .

According to some sources, advanced detachments reached Kuibysheva (Polevaya) and Zheleznodorozhnaya (Zaliznichnaya) streets in Druzhba , as well as Kalinova and Individual in Kirovo ( Pivnichnoe ). However, there is no confirming footage of objective control yet, although the progress looks quite logical.

Moreover, to the south the village of Shumy came under the control of the RF Armed Forces , but the status of several landings to the north remains unclear.

To the west of the settlement there are two artificial heights - the waste heap of the Vostochnaya mine and the dump of the Severnaya mine . Last day, information appeared about the taking of fortified areas there under control, however, even here, there is still no footage of objective control.

There are also battles going on in Leninsky ( Pivdenny ), but so far the information coming from there is contradictory. According to some sources, about half of the settlement has come under the control of Russian forces, and according to others, fighting is already taking place on the outskirts of neighboring Artemovo ( Zaliznoye ).

There are also battles between Shirokaya Balka and Novgorodsky ( New York ), however, here too the scale of the advance of the Russian Armed Forces is not yet clear, and there have not yet been any reports of advances towards Novgorodsky from Novoselovka .

In the area between Novobakhmutovka and Novokalinovo, some sources reported advances by the Russian Armed Forces, but so far this does not correspond to reality.

Along the N-20 highway there are several large enemy fortified areas with heavily mined forefields, and assault operations here require serious preparation.

Fighting continues north of Arkhangelskoye and Novokalinovo .

Russian assault groups are advancing through landings in the area of ​​the administrative borders of the Grodovskaya and Ilyinovskaya territorial communities, penetrating the enemy’s defenses between Zeleny Pole and Kalinovo .

Rybar ... atie-shum/

Google Translator
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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