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Re: Colombia

Post by blindpig » Mon Oct 23, 2017 8:29 pm

Declaration of Montecristi
Written by Farc

The delegations of the ELN, and of the political party Fuerza Alternativa Revolucionaria del Común, FARC, affirm, from Ciudad Alfaro, Montecristi, Ecuador, that no difficulty, no matter how great, will make us falter in the conquest of peace, built on the foundations of social equity, sovereignty, truth and democracy.

To date, we have met in Montecristi, Ecuador, the birthplace of the Eloy Alfaro, the delegations of the National Liberation Army, ELN, and the political party Fuerza Alternativa Revolucionaria del Común, FARC, in order to evaluate the development of the processes of peace that are being advanced with the National Government.

After deliberating for two days, we allowed ourselves to manifest the following:

1- We express our firm decision to arrive at the complete peace and the changes and transformations that the majority of the Colombians and Colombians yearn for, to realize the joint defense of the Process of Peace and to explore common mechanisms so that the Agreement subscribed between the Government and the FARC-EP, advance the agenda of talks agreed between the Government and ELN, as well as harmonize the two processes. To this end, we have decided to create a joint mechanism between the two forces, the results of which will inform the government, the country and the international community.

2 - In acknowledging the advances made in recent years in the political solution, we also express our rejection of the persecution, manifested in the increasing number of murders and imprisonments of social leaders, human rights defenders and the murder of thirty FARC ex-combatants. Acts that mostly remain in impunity in time that the Attorney General of the Nation insists in the wrong way in not finding any connection in them.

We call on organizations of victims, human rights defenders, and democratic and alternative sectors to the organization, denunciation, resistance, mobilization, defense of life, territory, guarantees and Human Rights of the Colombians

3-We reiterate that paramilitarism is the greatest threat to Colombia's peace, society and democracy. For this reason, it is necessary to take effective and immediate measures for the definitive dismantling of paramilitary operations and organizations and their support networks.

4-The truth that will be known to achieve Peace, will present the weaknesses of a system that requires rapid transformation and a commitment Never Again.

5 - The solution to the complex problem of illicit crops can no longer be an exclusively repressive treatment, of harmful results such as those that have been presented in Tumaco and which threatens to spread to other regions; to fulfill commitments made with the United States. It is necessary to act wisely, with sovereignty and that the State fulfill the commitments made with the communities, implement substitution Plans, social investment programs, transparency in the management of resources, as well as the formalization of land ownership and strengthening of coexistence.

6-We to present our concerns about unbridled corruption that has invaded the social structure of the country and generally public and private institutions of the Nation: the courts, Congress, the executive branch, prosecutors, state agencies level regional, as well as public and private companies.

The scandalous criminal behavior of personalities embedded at the highest level of the public function and the private sector threatens the possibility of peace and the development of a real democracy to which we aspire.

We consider it necessary to design policies and concerted actions to put an end to this alarming situation of widespread corruption.

7-This exceptional, historic moment demands the most plural alliance of the sectors that defend peace and transformations at the political and social levels.

We call for the implementation of the Havana Accords and for the development of the participation agreed upon in the Mesa de Quito, to strengthen the integral implementation of the social and citizen participation in development of the first point of the agenda agreed between the Government and the ELN.

For the good of Colombia, we affirm from the Alfaro City, Montecristi, Ecuador, that no difficulty - no matter how great - will make us falter in the conquest of peace, built on the foundations of social equity, sovereignty, truth and democracy, as the Pope recalled in his recent visit when he told the country: "Inequity is the root of social ills."

ELN and FARC delegations.

Montecristi, October 23, 2017. ... risti.html

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Re: Colombia

Post by blindpig » Tue Oct 24, 2017 2:52 pm

Letter Open to President Santos

The National Politburo Council of the People's Revolutionary Alternative Strength - FARC wrote an open letter to President Santos. We play the full text:

Mr Manuel Santos, President of the Republic

The National Political Council of the People's Revolutionary Alternative Force, FARC, wishes to express its concern at the chain of events that have occurred in the last few days and affect differently communities, members of our Party in the process of reintegration, some Territorial Spaces for Training and Reintegration.

As you know, the tripartite mission recently in charge of verifying the fulfillment of the commitments made by the parties in connection with the Bilateral Disaster Relief Agreement and End of Hostilities and Abandonment of Weapons has ended its work. The budget is highly positive: its key feature was the almost non-existence of cases of violation of the protocols and, on the contrary, the respect of the obligations agreed in the Agreement by the State and the Guerrillas. A recognized fact both at national and international level.

No one can question that with this Agreement, we have been able to stop a conflict of over 50 years, something unthinkable until recently; but the most important thing is that we have begun to build trust among the militant parties, based on the necessary reconciliation and reconstruction of our nation.

For this reason, we point out facts such as those recently occurred in the municipality of Tumaco, Nariño region, where at least 6 peasants were killed and many others were injured while protesting for non-compliance with the Government's commitments under point 4 of the Agreements Havana. Events that, as all say, see the responsibility of members of the Forces Public, as stressed in the reports of the Pueblo Defensory and other entities. To this we must add the homicide of recognized community leaders in the same area.

Just yesterday we learned about the destruction of the State Force in the Territorial Space for Formation and Reintegration "Ariel Aldana" in the municipality of Tumaco, with the aim of arresting the citizen Tito Aldemar Ruano Yandún, who is registered as a militia on the lists given from the FARC-EP for accreditation as regards the effects of the agreements signed between the state and the guerrilla.

In this case, apart from the differences we may have on the actual status of FARC-EP member of this citizen, we are interested in emphasizing the need to respect the agreed mechanisms for solving differences between and parts in order to avoid losing trust built; which does not call into question the power of the State to be present throughout the national territory.

We are aware that a stable and lasting peace implies, on the part of the state and the citizens, the respect of the law and of the commitments undertaken.

Another episode that has occurred in the last few hours increases our concern: in the San José del Guaviare municipality, Vereda Colinas, in the Territorial Space for Training and Reintegration "Jaime Pardo Leal", Unity of the Public Forces fired on two former guerrillas of the FARC- EP, fortunately without physical consequences for the two, after the explosion - in the same area - of a motorcycle bomb, perpetrated by unknown. At the time of the explosion, our comrades were on a farm in the Territorial Space collecting tamales leaves and being shot at official weapons when they were returning to their homes.

Mr President, we do not allow the confidence between the parts so laboriously built in these months to deteriorate. The signed Agreement, its protocols and subsequent annexes contain the mechanisms necessary to ensure that any difference or incident can be resolved in the spirit of consent and understanding between the parties.

Unfortunately, the peace and reconciliation of Colombians continue to have powerful enemies who are doing everything to block the implementation of the agreements and do not miss the opportunity to sneeze and try to sabotage the agreements.

We convey all the national and international mechanisms contemplated by the agreements to sit down and to analyze in an objective and serious way the current difficulties, with the certainty that we will meet the most appropriate form to strengthen the building of stable and lasting peace in our country. By blocking the pace, at the same time, for those who seek to benefit from the climate of uncertainty surrounding the implementation phase.

National Political Council, People's Revolutionary Alternative Strength - FARC ... antos.html

They are laughing up their sleeves in the halls of power in Bogota.
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Re: Colombia

Post by blindpig » Tue Oct 24, 2017 6:05 pm

General Indefinite Strike in Colombia on its second day

The National Indefinite Strike promoted by the social and political movement Marcha Patriótica, the Coordinadora de coca leaf growers, poppy and marijuana Coccam, the National Federation of Agricultural Unitary Fensuagro, the National Coordinator of Indigenous Peoples Conpi the National Association of Anzorc Peasant Reserve Zones has entered its second day.

Alexander Gaviria, a member of Coccam's technical team, explained the reasons for the mobilization.

As part of the National Indefinite Strike several demonstrations will be held in the capital of Valle, on Wednesday 25 and Thursday 26 October.

One of the main reason this mobilisation has been promoted is the rejection of the assassination of social leaders throughout the country.

In Bogota on Tuesday, members of the movements convening the national strike will meet with Rafael Pardo, Minister of Post-Conflict, who will be presented with the list of petitions and express concerns about serious threats to peace. ... d-day.html
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Re: Colombia

Post by blindpig » Fri Oct 27, 2017 4:59 pm

The peasants, indigenous and afrodescendents communities of the Cauca Department have been carrying out activities within the context of the national indefinite strike which is entering its fourth day in Colombia.


Promoted by the Marcha Patriotica movement together with COCCAM, CONAFRO, ANZORC, PUPSOC, CONPI, FENSUAGRO and other peasants and indigenous organisations, the strike demands the implementation of the Final Peace Agreement signed in Havana a year ago between the FARC and the Colombian Government.

While peasants and citizens are staging different various actions the killing of community leaders continue with impunity.

The last two victims have been Aulio Isarama Forastero, governor of the Catru, Dubaza, Ancoso indigenous community in Alto Baudó, department of Chocó and Miguel Pérez, leader involved in the substitution of crops of illicit use in Tarazà.

Likewise police and the ESMAD (antiriot squads) have heavily baton charged the crowd peacefully protesting in Bogota.

According to Marcha Patriotica, on Wednesday morning, some seven thousand peasants were concentrated in Punto Sur (El Estanquillo). From there they held a march and a political act in the Central Park. The speakers demand the National Government to implement the agreements signed in Havana and to dismantle once and for all the paramilitary structures that act with impunity throughout the country.

Roads were blocked by peaceful demonstrators in Punto Centro and Punto Norte: here pedagogy actions and workshops have been organised to explain the content of the National Program for the Substitution of Crops of Illicit Use (PNIS).

In Popayan, in the city centre the spokespersons of the different platforms and organisations promoting the strike, held a press conference to underline the demands risen by the demonstration. The spokespersons said the strike has been called to demand the right to a dignified life and reiterated their will to crops substitution when this is carried out in a concerted and dialogued way, as agreed in Havana.

Demonstrators all over the country condemned the massacre carried out in Tumaco last 5th of October and demand justice for the victims. Seven peasants were killed and over 50 were wounded by State security forces.

Last modified on Friday, 27 October 2017 15:14 ... ssion.html

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Re: Colombia

Post by blindpig » Sat Oct 28, 2017 4:36 pm

New massacre of a peasant family in Mesetas
26 Oct 2017 - 11:50 AM
-Political Writing
From the Mesetas training space they denounced the murder of two people and the disappearance of one more. It is a family of peasants and unworthy settlers.


On July 27, in the Mesetas (Meta), the FARC made a public act of weapons disposal Archive
On the morning of this Thursday, from the Territorial Space of Training and Reintegration Mariana Páez, the murder of a family was reported in an area bordering the territorial space where the FARC are concentrated. " In the Vereda Buena vista of the municipality of Mesetas department of Meta and where our ETCR Mariana Páez is located a family was murdered today without clarity even on those responsible for the events," they report in a public statement.

The insurgency, now without weapons, pointed out that the people killed are: Diana Marcela Calvo Rojas and her cousin Robinson; and that is Diego Ferney Pilcue, husband of Calvo Rojas . It also recounts the complaint that at the scene of the crime were found, dramatically affected, two minors: two girls of four and six years, daughters of the couple. Situation that worries the members of the Farc because it is a family known in the region and because it occurs in the foothills of the space where the militancy of the new political party is concentrated.

"These facts, added to the rest of the national territory, generate great concern for the Fariana militants in the process of reincorporation into civil, political and social life and in the same way for the rest of the civilian population who do not yet see compliance in security matters as stipulated in the Peace agreements . We ask the National Government and the other competent authorities to investigate and clarify what happened, "the statement added.

The events took place on Wednesday, November 25, in an area close to the territorial space where the final act of abandonment of weapons by the FARC took place on July 27. One of the largest rural areas and which hosted the largest number of prisoners in the insurgency, but also, the most backward in infrastructure construction. (Read: Letting weapons: the time of the word)

The homicide worries the excombatintes, who denounce having no security guarantees. So far in the year of implementation of the agreement, poorly counted have been killed 31 ex-combatants and family members . On October 2, when a balance was made in the Congress of the Republic, a year after the defeat of the Agreement in the Plebiscite, the spokesmen of the guerrilla reported that until that day they had a registry of 13 ex-combatants and 11 relatives of members of the the organization. However, this number has grown. (Read also: The bitter balance of the implementation)

On October 18, in El Charco, Nariño, a territory where the territorial space of Aldemar Galán is located, the murder of six ex-combatants was recorded. According to Edisón Romaña , leader of the Farc in Tumaco, the members of the organization were killed by paramilitary groups that sought to recruit them forcibly. Two days later, on Friday, October 20, Henry Meneses Ruiz , who also appears on the FARC list , was killed in the municipality of Miranda (Cauca) , and after being held in a jail since 2013, he obtained the Freedom ballot in August. (Read interview: " Romaña will not return to arms ")

In this context, the second mission of the UN, in charge of verifying the security situation and the reincorporation of the ex-combatants, is in default of presenting the first report of the cases of violence registered against members of the guerrilla in process of reincorporation. As well as demanding from the government measures to stop this wave of violence, which unleashes the ghosts of the genocide of the Patriotic Union, where more than 3,000 of its members were killed , including its main leaders. Many of those who survived returned to the mountain, like Iván Márquez , who occupied a seat in the House of Representatives in those days. ... ulo-719969

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The peasants, indigenous and afrodescendents communities of the Cauca Department have been carrying out activities within the context of the national indefinite strike which is entering its fourth day in Colombia.


Promoted by the Marcha Patriotica movement together with COCCAM, CONAFRO, ANZORC, PUPSOC, CONPI, FENSUAGRO and other peasants and indigenous organisations, the strike demands the implementation of the Final Peace Agreement signed in Havana a year ago between the FARC and the Colombian Government.

While peasants and citizens are staging different various actions the killing of community leaders continue with impunity.

The last two victims have been Aulio Isarama Forastero, governor of the Catru, Dubaza, Ancoso indigenous community in Alto Baudó, department of Chocó and Miguel Pérez, leader involved in the substitution of crops of illicit use in Tarazà.

Likewise police and the ESMAD (antiriot squads) have heavily baton charged the crowd peacefully protesting in Bogota.

According to Marcha Patriotica, on Wednesday morning, some seven thousand peasants were concentrated in Punto Sur (El Estanquillo). From there they held a march and a political act in the Central Park. The speakers demand the National Government to implement the agreements signed in Havana and to dismantle once and for all the paramilitary structures that act with impunity throughout the country.

Roads were blocked by peaceful demonstrators in Punto Centro and Punto Norte: here pedagogy actions and workshops have been organised to explain the content of the National Program for the Substitution of Crops of Illicit Use (PNIS).

In Popayan, in the city centre the spokespersons of the different platforms and organisations promoting the strike, held a press conference to underline the demands risen by the demonstration. The spokespersons said the strike has been called to demand the right to a dignified life and reiterated their will to crops substitution when this is carried out in a concerted and dialogued way, as agreed in Havana.

Demonstrators all over the country condemned the massacre carried out in Tumaco last 5th of October and demand justice for the victims. Seven peasants were killed and over 50 were wounded by State security forces. ... ssion.html
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Re: Colombia

Post by blindpig » Mon Oct 30, 2017 5:25 pm

Another social leader killed in Antioquia, Colombia

This fact puts at risk the beginning of the voluntary substitution of crops for illicit use in the municipalities of Toledo and Sabanalarga. | Photo: Caracol Radio
Published 30 October 2017 (1 hour 33 minutes ago)

With Ramón Alcides García Zapata, 133 Colombian social leaders have already been assassinated so far in 2017.

The municipal coordinators of coca, marihuana and poppy growers in the municipality of Toledo and the municipality of Sabanlarga, in the Department of Antioquia, Colombia, denounced the death of Ramón Alcides García Zapata, a social leader and defender of human rights.

García Zapata led the process of voluntary substitution of crops for illicit use and the committee of boatmen from Alto de Chiri, member of the boatmen's committee of the North of Antioquia and associated with the Patriotic March.

According to the municipal groups, Zapata was murdered by unknown persons when he returned from the municipality of San Andrés de Cuerquia, after receiving the monthly payment contemplated in the process of voluntary substitution of illicit crops.

"With Ramón, 139 Patriotic March compañeros have been assassinated since our foundation and there are already 133 social leaders and human rights defenders murdered in 2017, 25 of which occurred in the month of October," they said in the statement.

The organizations warned that this fact puts at risk the beginning of the voluntary substitution of crops for illicit use in the municipalities of Toledo and Sabanalarga.

This is because the communities consider that they do not have the necessary guarantees to be an active part of the tasks that involve large economic interests. ... -0029.html
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Re: Colombia

Post by blindpig » Tue Oct 31, 2017 7:53 pm

The struggle for peace doesn’t end, it changes
Written by Orsola

Professor Víctor de Currea-Lugo published a note a few days ago in Las2Orillas, comparing the peace process and the Final Agreement with a schizophrenia.

It is clear to him that there is a kind of double personality in permanent struggle, some interpret things one way and others in another totally opposite way. It is an incurable disease.

From very young we learned that everything in the universe is in permanent movement and change, which is perfectly applicable to social phenomena. Politics is perhaps the best expression of that.

In it the most dissimilar interests of various sectors converge, with different ideas about the organization of society, in an intense struggle.

 It is not surprising that while the FARC thought one thing about the armed conflict and the political solution, other forces and interests had their own interpretation.

The repeated discourse according to which there was no reason for the guerrilla struggle is known: in Colombia there was no despotic regime but the broadest democracy.

 The guerrilla also developed its own approaches. And precisely for this reason there was an armed confrontation lasting more than half a century.

Those of us who were in the war lived in their own flesh the meaning of combat to death, the language of fire, bombs, shrapnel, threat and dirty tricks. We always interpret things in the opposite way.

 Fortunately, this situation came to an end with the Havana Agreements. In them it is possible to register a fundamental idea that every day takes more force in the national conscience.

It is not that the conflicting interests have disappeared, but that, from now on, these contradictions must be solved without resorting to arms.

What was finally signed at the Teatro Colón was the proscription of violence as a mechanism to resolve political differences. For this, it was necessary for the Colombian State to recognize the political character of the guerrilla insurgency. A recognition the international community as a whole made.

Hence the final formula for expanding Colombia's narrow democracy.

 The most important achievement of the Peace Agreement was then the recognition of the other, the acceptance of its existence and of its right to express and defend its ideas in a peaceful and democratic way.

To make effective this recognition to all the spaces involved to incorporate other prescriptions. That is why the Agreements ended up occupying more than 300 pages.

The thorny issue of land and rural development had to be dealt with, as well as concerted measures to guarantee the political exercise to those who were granted that right, the FARC and other sectors excluded from national life. The issue of victims was reconciled, for which the rigorous integral system of truth, justice, reparation and non-repetition was designed.

And it was necessary to agree the end of the conflict, the bilateral and definitive ceasefire and abandonment of arms. From which had to be derived the guarantees for the life and safety of the guerrilla transformed into legal political organization. It was necessary agreeing on a treatment for illicit crops and drug trafficking. Specify what is related to implementation, endorsement and reincorporation.

Achieving it took five years of intense conversations, of deep debates in which the whole country was involved. The birth of the Final Agreement was difficult and full of obstacles.

Precisely because of that, because it consisted in the adjustment of the most expressed positions. The consensus represented a happy moment of extreme coincidences, but a moment at last.

FARC, Government, Constitutional Court and Congress of the Republic joined the national clamor for peace and its endorsement, after listening to the most bitter critics and incorporate much of what was suggested. There, one stage ended and another began, the stage of interpretation and implementation of what was agreed upon. The contrary criteria reappeared and the struggle to impose them intensified.

This is what Professor Currea calls the process a schizophrenia. In his opinion our political weakness pays its price today. I do not believe that it is weakness. If the FARC has arrived here, it is precisely for the contrary: we have never been alone, there is a national clamor linked to us that struggles hard to see the agreement fulfilled.

And it is facing the forces of the old country that long for war and fear. That country that massacres in Tumaco and slanders in the social nets, that speaks for Messrs. Ordonez, Uribe and Vargas Lleras with their elaborate pretexts.

It is not schizophrenia, it is the intense contradiction of classes. We take part in it, we do politics, like millions of compatriots.

Our task is to group and strengthen every day an unstoppable movement for peace, the war must never return to Colombia. Behind it, corruption, hatred, inequality and injustice must disappear.
That's what we want.

Last modified on Tuesday, 31 October 2017 14:32 ... anges.html

Good to see that FARC disagrees with the pinhead perfesser, but I'm still waiting to see some demonstration of the overwhelming popular support they claim, like a General Strike against the slow motion pogrom being effected upon progressive workers.
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Re: Colombia

Post by blindpig » Fri Nov 03, 2017 7:52 pm


Only 10% of the provisions of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP), an essential component of the System of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Non-Repetition (SVJRN) contemplated in the Peace Agreement, has been implemented in legislative and institutional terms.

This is shown in the special report released by the Observatory to Monitor the Peace Agreement (OIAP) titled ”If War meant Impunity, Peace should mean Justice”. The report was delivered to MPs during the session of the Senate of the Republic dedicated to the discussion of the Law statute that regulates the JEP.
According to the report, progress has been made in the regulation of the System, in the selection of the judges of the JEP and the designation of the director of the Search Unit for Missing Persons, but the same does not occur with the measures of reparation and guarantees of non-repetition, that present a minimum development.
The statutory law that regulates the JEP advances "in a slow and tortuous way" in a scenario that becomes more and more difficult as the elections for Congress and Presidency are approaching and at a time when the Government coalition is dissolved, the report adds.
The study warns that the implementation of the JEP should be articulated to other points of the Final Agreement such as the Integral Rural Reform (Point One), the guarantees for political participation (Point Two), the reincorporation and the security of former guerrillas (Point Three) and the solution to the problem of illicit drugs (Point Four), if there really is a commitment not to repeat the cycles of violence.
The implementation of Point Five of the Agreement, referring to Victims, has advanced in the approval of a Legislative Act (01/2017) and two government decrees (587 and 1592) but "the approval and regulation of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace is in danger due to the growing political opposition in the Congress of the Republic and a hostile environment built on falsehoods or half-truths”, the report points out.
The Observatory warns that the JEP is a model of transitional and restorative justice unprecedented in the country, which seeks a balance between the rights of the victims, the participation of former combatants who abandoned arms to exercise politics and the construction of peace, and that this model is monitored by the international community. The report includes a comparative framework of Justice applied in peace processes in countries such as El Salvador and South Africa and in peace processes agreed in Colombia since the 1990s. In light of this exercise, the SIVJR turns out to be a guarantee exercise, a global example of historical balance between peace and justice.
The OIAP report states that people who laid down their arms and have responsibilities in war crimes and crimes against humanity may exceptionally exercise the political right to be elected, after expressly expressing their consent to the Peace Jurisdiction as indicated the Agreement.
However, the statutory law that is being discussed in Congress must clarify how a popular election role can be exercised and, at the same time, abide to the restrictions imposed by the Peace Court, the Observatory report indicates.
Finally, the OIAP draws attention to the danger that the denial or collapse in Congress of the statutory bill that regulates the JEP implies for the implementation of the entire Agreement and points out that, in that event, the President can go to the declaration of internal commotion as a last resort to preserve peace as supreme right and guarantee the implementation of the Agreement.
However, this mechanism can be counterproductive if it is used to change the central aspects of the Peace Agreement through decrees, included against the recent ruling of the Constitutional Court, affirms the OIAP.

Read 188 times Last modified on Friday, 03 November 2017 14:54 ... stice.html

ya just can't trust the bastards
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Re: Colombia

Post by blindpig » Sat Nov 04, 2017 3:38 pm

The country is going bad

By Digital Voice - November 2, 20170

Protest of farmers in Buenaventura.

Contrary to what the Government says, the country is doing badly, the economy is going badly and politics is also going badly, because the crisis is accentuated in all fields. Only President Santos, Minister Cárdenas Santamaría and the official party leaders believe that we are in the country of wonders. Now they want to convince us that with the increase of the barrel of oil to US $ 60 reserves will increase and economic conditions will improve and that in 2018 the economy will grow faster.

Demagoguery cheap With neoliberal continuism, fiscal adjustment policies, strict control over social spending and submission to the policies of international organizations that promote the free market, it will be difficult to get out of the crisis. Even less with the treatment of public order of social conflicts and the refusal to fulfill the commitments assumed with the communities and in the Havana Agreement. The economy will be able to grow but as always it will favor the great capital and the transnationals that make their August with the gabelas to the so-called investor confidence.

The country is a sea of ​​conflicts.

The stoppage of the pilots of Avianca takes more than a month, in which the Government went over the line as it is that all its intervention is to favor the company and its owner Mr. Efromovich, who decided to threaten the pilots in a rude and shameless. They will pay for it, they will surely pay for it! He told them about the generous microphones of the big press. In the country and abroad the voices of solidarity with the pilots increase, while the Government supports the intransigence of the Avianca executives, as do the mainstream media, in class solidarity, bourgeois solidarity.

The national agrarian strike covers a good part of the country and is due to the breaches of the national Government with the Agrarian Summit, because after almost three years there is very little that implemented the agreement that put an end to the last national strike. It is a peasant protest that involves coca growers, marijuana and poppies, who are not criminals as assured by government spokesmen and the clueless Attorney General of the Nation. It is the protest of the peasantry that suffers the consequences of a disastrous agrarian policy of the dominant power in favor of cattle ranchers, large landowners, drug traffickers and land dispossessors and to the detriment of those who have little or no land. It is not a "cocalero strike" as the ministers call it with the chorus of the "great press", because it is not limited to that topic. It has to do with the global social demands of the peasants, who find solutions in the first and fourth points of the Havana Agreement, which could not be implemented due to the sabotage of the enemies of peace and the hesitation of the Santos government. This is pusillanimous with the obligation to fulfill the commitment to peace.

On Monday, October 30, the Indigenous Minga also began, affecting several territories of the so-called deep Colombia.

The murders continue in the most complete impunity and with the government's indolence. President Juan Manuel Santos, in the height of cynicism, said at the beginning of this week that most of the social leaders killed were from personal causes. How are you! They are paramilitary gangs that threaten, intimidate and kill leaders and activists of popular organizations, including the left and ex-guerrillas of the FARC; bands that act in complicity with the military and police, national and regional politicians, large landowners and cattle ranchers, as it has always been.

That is why social conflicts and popular mobilizations break out. The lack of care by the State to meet the demands of the communities is fueling the national strike. There is no other way. In the face of the despotism of power, the answer is resistance and popular struggle.

We must sing the table to the National Government and the president who sleeps on the laurels of the Nobel Peace Prize. Nothing is done with silencing reality, with the false argument that is to support the extreme right and the enemies of peace. The vacillating attitude and weakness in the Casa de Nariño is the main breeding ground for Uribistas and the enemies of the Havana Agreement and the Quito dialogues. There is no doubt about it!

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Re: Colombia

Post by blindpig » Tue Nov 07, 2017 6:37 pm

They find a mass grave with 2,000 unregistered corpses in Colombia
Posted 7 November 2017

More than 2,000 thousand unidentified corpses were found in the town of Macarena, department of Meta (central Colombia), confirmed a delegation from Europe and the United States (USA) that was led by six MEPs.

In a public hearing, attended by 800 peasants from the surrounding areas, it was verified that the cemetery has a large number of deceased. The figure announced by the Colombian Government is 450.

On the site was also the candidate for the Presidency of Colombia, Piedad Córdoba, who lamented the event and classified it as "shameful".

Peasants claim that the bodies are victims of the Colombian Army, however, there are no official details yet.

This discovery occurs in the midst of several protests that shake Colombia, where social and indigenous movements protest what they consider a breach of the Peace Agreement by the Government presided over by Juan Manuel Santos. ... -0015.html

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how can one negotiate with these beasts?
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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