Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Wed Jun 05, 2024 11:11 am

Dangers of continuous climbing
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 06/05/2024


“Over the past five days, President Biden has staged a very public demonstration of the difficulties of managing two of the United States' most difficult allies, the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, and the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu. ", two key countries that the President has committed to defend, as long as necessary," The New York Times wrote yesterday to highlight the two foreign policy issues that are marking the current election year. Unlike on previous occasions, in which domestic politics absolutely dominates the campaign and pre-campaign, on this occasion, the two wars in which the United States participates as the main supplier of military material and diplomatic support mean that the international agenda is being a of the bases of the political discourse of the electoral year. In the week in which Biden tries to promote his ceasefire proposal for Gaza and travels to Europe to commemorate - without the presence of Moscow, an essential ally at that time - the 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings and sign a bilateral security agreement With Zelensky, foreign policy dominates the media agenda.

The two ongoing wars and the possibility of a conflict in Taiwan not only mark Joe Biden's political agenda at the moment, but, judging by the media discourse, also the state of American hegemony. The current president's more than three years in office have called into question his “vision of American leadership,” Time magazine writes this week in an extensive report that, from a legitimizing point of view, presents the difficulties facing has faced the current administration. “Alliances have not been enough to win a new European war in Ukraine. The power and influence of the United States has not prevented a humanitarian catastrophe in the Middle East, marked by alleged war crimes. Putin is trying to assemble an axis of autocrats from Tehran to Beijing. “In China, the United States faces an adversary potentially equal to it in economic and military power, who is determined to overthrow the American world order,” the outlet writes, always exonerating the United States of any responsibility in the creation or development of the different conflicts and creating a collective enemy in the form of a Moscow-Beijing-Tehran axis based on relations on the rise, but which in no way can be considered an alliance.

Much more critically, “is Biden screwing up in Gaza and Ukraine?” asks Foreign Policy in a dialogue in which one of the analysts, Emma Ashford, attacks the American position, which she sees as dangerous, especially in the Ukrainian issue following the authorization for the use of US weapons against targets in the border area of ​​the Russian Federation. Just yesterday, Ukraine claimed responsibility for the first attack using Western weapons on the territory of the Russian Federation. The objective has not been one of the military bases, but a Russian air defense system, less ambitious, although equally painful for Moscow. With this, Ukraine joins Russia in the hunt for these types of systems, essential when shooting down the opponent's drones and missiles. The fact that Ukraine has managed to reach some of the elements that make up an S300 system implies that kyiv has, as expected considering that it receives information in real time from its British and American allies, intelligence to detect its targets and also of the weapons with which to attack those points. It is expected that air defense in the Belgorod region, where the first attack occurred, will be one of the main objectives of the Ukrainian HIMARS, a form of preparation for possible subsequent attacks against the military bases from which the aviation operates Russian.

At the moment, the general situation on the front has not changed. So much so that one of Ukraine's leading media outlets, The Kyiv Indepent, wrote yesterday that "as the situation in the Donetsk region worsens and resources remain scarce, exhausted Ukrainian units are being dispersed to the front every ever greater.” “With all eyes on Kharkiv, Russian troops take one Donbass village after another,” the media headline, which underlined the danger to the town of Chasov Yar and especially the supply route to that critical point.

The certainty that permission to attack Russian targets close to the border between the two countries will not change the development of the war, although it will probably make Russian logistics more difficult and increase the cost for Moscow, makes Ukraine, its allies and the related press have already begun to try to eliminate the following red lines. kyiv is now demanding permission to attack military bases far from the border to have the weapons with which to try to destroy Russian strategic aviation, while its allies and several articles published this week refer to the possibility of lifting the veto on sending troops. . In both cases, these are dangerous escalations that would imply even greater Western involvement in the war, increasing the risk that Russia will consider that a war against an army armed and financed by the West, which also provides intelligence in real time, directs operations, participates in the use of missiles against the territory under its control (and perhaps soon over the internationally recognized territory of the Russian Federation) is, in reality, a war in which its opponent is not Ukraine but the collective that uses that army as a proxy.

This perception is also beginning to appear more and more frequently in the press. The New York Times , for example, states that “privately, Biden's advisers admit that American and Ukrainian priorities are divergent.” Recently, the United States had been upset with Ukraine for its attacks on refineries in the Russian Federation. The argument was twofold: to the risk of escalation by Russia, which effectively reacted by notably increasing its attacks against Ukraine's electricity production infrastructure, we had to add the danger of an increase in the price of oil worldwide, something that the House Blanca tries to avoid it for electoral reasons. Ukraine reacted to the complaints with blackmail: kyiv would continue attacking these infrastructures, since it did not have enough Western weapons to defend itself. American reluctance translated into more weapons and Ukraine temporarily ceased its attacks on refineries to begin attacking much more sensitive targets for Russia.

“At this point, Ukraine has nothing to lose from an escalation of tension with Russia,” states The New York Times , which seems to see nothing in the destruction and human loss as anything to take into account. On the contrary, despite not suffering casualties, Biden still has something to lose: “within the White House, the obvious concern is that President Vladimir V. Putin will deploy nuclear weapons on the battlefield, trying to convince the world that if Ukraine continues to launch US-made bombs and rockets on Russian territory, he will not hesitate to use the ultimate weapon against Ukraine,” he adds. The West's nuclear fear has always entailed high doses of exaggeration that now must be qualified. The situation changes when kyiv's allies announce that Ukraine will be able to use F16s, with nuclear capabilities, against Russian territory and Ukraine makes early warning radars, part of the Russian nuclear shield, its objective.

That's Emma Ashford's argument in Foreign Policy . Despite agreeing that Ukraine can attack Russian points close to the border, the elimination of that red line only moves that barrier a few kilometers and possibly temporarily. “Many of these long-range attacks have occurred on facilities that are not as important to the Ukrainian war effort, and - like nuclear radar - can have other destabilizing consequences, whether in the nuclear space, on energy prices or in any other area,” he argues after explicitly stating that attacks on radars should stop. The part of Ashford's argument, which correctly understands that early detection radars for intercontinental missiles are not relevant to the current war, that he omits is that these objectives are relevant in weakening Russia in the event of a broader conflict. . In other words, they are relevant for Ukraine's allies, who, hand in hand with their kyiv subsidiary army, continue on the path of dangerous escalation. It is not about “sleepwalking towards climbing” as the analyst states, but rather taking conscious steps towards it.

Ukraine's allies are focusing their arguments to justify the attacks on Russia on kyiv's legitimate defense against external aggression, a thesis that is not valid for the Palestinian population, to whom no one offers systems to shoot down Israeli fighters. The speech prefers to forget the irresponsibility of leaving the decision to temporarily and territorially extend the war in the hands of the country that decided not to implement the only existing peace agreement in this conflict, considering that it granted excessive rights to part of its population. But we must not forget either that Ukraine pulls on its allies, demanding more and more weapons and more possibilities of using them within Russia, but it always does so in the face of Western reluctance that tends to be only formal and that disappears over time. The interests of kyiv and its partners remain perfectly aligned, guaranteeing an increasingly dangerous war. ... -continua/

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Avdeevsky direction: advance of Russian troops
June 3, 2024


To the northwest of Avdeevka, Russian troops systematically continue their offensive in a westerly direction, attacking simultaneously on several sectors of the front.

In the Arkhangelsk region , units of the Russian Armed Forces advanced north of the settlement, occupying an enemy stronghold and several forest belts to the east. At the same time, another large fortified area is under enemy control to the north-west of Arkhangelsk at a height beyond the Kalinov gully .

To the northwest of Ocheretino, Russian assault groups have entrenched themselves along several forest belts on the approaches to Novoaleksandrovka , on the eastern edge of which heavy fighting continues.

On the evening of June 2, unconfirmed information began to arrive about the capture of the village of Sokol, west of Solovyevo . In reality, Russian troops actually advanced towards the settlement and even carried out “reconnaissance in force”, reaching the center of the village, but later retreated back.

It was also possible to establish the configuration of the front line in other areas: as a result of the latest attacks, the Russian Armed Forces significantly advanced towards Novopokrovsky , and also significantly expanded the zone of control in the direction of Skuchny at the Berdychi-Orlovka line .

For a long time, the situation in these areas was covered in the “fog of war” due to a shortage of objective control personnel. This is especially true in relation to the enemy, who was clearly in no hurry to demonstrate the results of competent actions of Russian troops in the conditions of the difficult situation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the sector. ... kih-vojsk/

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Buried in Steel: Military Production & NATO’s Proxy War in Ukraine
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on JUNE 3, 2024
Brian Berletic


Buried in Steel: Military Production & NATO’s Proxy War in UkraineNow in its third year, Russia’s Special Military Operation (SMO), precipitated by the overthrow of neighboring Ukraine’s elected government and the subsequent militarization of the country by the US and the rest of NATO, is admittedly benefiting from Russia’s immense military industrial base.

The collective Western media, once replete with stories of shoddy, antiquated Russian weapons being flattened by “game-changing” NATO weapons, now features headlines about the growing gap between Russian military production and NATO’s inability to catch up. Other headlines now admit that previously vaunted NATO weapons have shortcomings exposed over the course of the past 2 years plus of fighting.

Buried in Steel: Russian Artillery Shell and Glide Bomb Production

Among these headlines is Sky News’ late May 2024 article, “Russia is producing artillery shells around three times faster than Ukraine’s Western allies and for about a quarter of the cost,” which admits:

The research on artillery rounds by Bain & Company, which drew on publicly available information, found that Russian factories were forecast to manufacture or refurbish about 4.5 million artillery shells this year compared with a combined production of about 1.3 million rounds across European nations and the US.

Artillery is among the most decisive factors deciding the fighting in Ukraine. According to the US government and Western corporate-funded Council on Foreign Relations, an April 2024 brief titled, “Weapons of War: The Race Between Russia and Ukraine,” notes:

Artillery has been known as the “king of battle” for centuries, and this largely remains true today. In the Russia-Ukraine war, artillery fire accounts for about 80 percent of the casualties on both sides. That makes it all the more ominous that in recent months, following the U.S. aid cutoff, Ukraine went from being outgunned five to one in artillery fire to ten to one.

If Ukraine is outgunned anywhere between 5:1 to 10:1, this means its casualties will likewise reflect this disparity. According to various Western sources including the British Ministry of Defense, if Russia has suffered “355,000” casualties, Ukraine has suffered approximately 5 to 10 times more, or 1.7 million to 3.5 million Ukrainian casualties.

More realistically, Russian losses are more likely 50,000 versus half a million Ukrainian losses.

Another growing area of concern for NATO and its Ukrainian proxies is Russia’s use of precision-guided glide bombs dropped by Russian warplanes outside the range of what remains of Ukrainian air defenses, able to target and dismantle Ukrainian fortifications on a scale that even Russia’s immense artillery advantage is incapable of.

The BBC, in a late May 2024 article titled, “Russia’s glide bombs devastating Ukraine’s cities on the cheap,” would explain:

Russia is increasingly using “glide bombs” – cheap but highly destructive ordnance – to advance its offensive in Ukraine.

More than 200 of them are thought to have been used in just a week to pound Ukraine’s northern town of Vovchansk during Russia’s current cross-border advance near Kharkiv.

President Volodymyr Zelensky said 3,000 such bombs were dropped on the country in March alone.

While Ukraine has received the US equivalent, the Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM), with its dwindling number of warplanes coupled with superior Russian electronic warfare (EW) capabilities, this capability has been rendered irrelevant.

The London-based Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) in a June 2023 report titled, “Jamming JDAM: The Threat to US Munitions from Russian Electronic Warfare,” would extensively explain the shortcomings of US munitions and the unlikelihood of the US solving the technical challenges of proofing US glide bombs against Russian jamming.

Even if the US were able to overcome Russian EW capabilities, the number of US and European-made glide bombs would always remain a fraction of those used by Russia due to the lack of warplanes and trained pilots able to deliver them.

NATO “Wonder Weapons” Fail to Meet Expectations

Beyond US-made JDAMs failing to hit their mark, a number of other precision-guided weapons transferred to Ukraine have also faced Russian EW jamming including the US-made Excalibur 155mm GPS-guided artillery shell, the Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS) fired by likewise US-made HIMARS and M270 launchers, and the US-made Ground-Launched Small Diameter Bombs (GLSDBs) also launched via HIMARS and M270 systems.

While these weapons have been employed successfully on the battlefield, their overall effectiveness has been hindered by Russian EW capabilities. Because they are also provided in smaller quantities than the equivalent Russian munitions, this creates a decisive advantage for Russia.

Other “game-changing” weapons that have been exposed throughout the fighting in Ukraine includes German-made Leopard 1 and 2 main battle tanks (MBT) and the British-made Challenger 2 MBT, both of which were used amid Ukraine’s failed 2023 offensive.

Also transferred to Ukraine were American-made M1 Abrams MBT. These were held back during the 2023 offensive, and instead made their battlefield debut during fighting in Avdeevka this year, amid which Russian forces prevailed.

Images and footage of M1 Abrams burning on the battlefield demonstrated they were no exception to the outcome of other Western MBTs in Ukraine.

CNN, in a recent article, interviewed Ukrainian crews attempting to use the M1 Abrams, reporting their frustration and disappointment.

Titled, “Soldiers in Ukraine say US-supplied tanks have made them targets for Russian strikes,” the article admits:

Crews trained in Germany said the vehicles – the US military’s main $10 million battle tank used in Iraq against Saddam Hussein’s forces and insurgents – lacked armor that could stop modern weapons.

“Its armor is not sufficient for this moment,” said one crew member, callsign Joker. “It doesn’t protect the crew. For real, today this is the war of drones. So now, when the tank rolls out, they always try to hit them.”

This contradicts claims made by Western analysts and commentators praising the “survivability” of Western armored vehicles.

The article also discusses the logistical and maintenance challenges of the tank, rendering many of those remaining inoperable.

The article admits:

…they appear to have technical issues too.

One, parked under a tree, was almost immobile during CNN’s visit, due to an engine problem, the crew say, despite the vehicle having just been shipped in from Poland. They also complain of how, in rain or fog, condensation can fry the electronics inside the vehicle.

CNN also reported that the ammunition provided to Ukrainian M1 Abrams crews was meant for tank-on-tank warfare, which the article admits is a rarity. The tanks are instead used as assault guns to fire on infantry positions, meaning that a high-explosive round would be more appropriate, but apparently were not provided in sufficient numbers.

Finally, CNN admits that the failure of US-made M1 Abrams tanks may also be owed to the fact that Ukraine is expected to use them in a manner the US and NATO never intended, without sufficient artillery and air support.

CNN notes:

The Ukrainian crew expressed frustration the tanks were made for a NATO style of warfare, in which air power and artillery prepare the battlefield before tanks and infantry advance. Kyiv has long bemoaned its lack of artillery and air power.

Ukraine has neither, making all of the complex, heavy, unreliable Western tanks transferred to Ukrainian forces particularly vulnerable, including the M1 Abrams.

A Predictable Outcome

Contrary to the many Western headlines heralding the transfer of Western weapons to Ukraine anticipating “game-changing” outcomes, the failure of US-European hardware was entirely predictable.

The myth of Western military superiority was based entirely on the series of mismatches spanning multiple conflicts over the course of several decades where the US and its allies waged war on nations with poorly trained, poorly equipped forces. While many of these nations were supposedly operating “Soviet” or “Russian” military equipment, it was multiple generations behind the state-of-the-art and operated by poorly organized units unable to use the equipment to its full potential.

Even with these many disadvantages, nations targeted by US wars of aggression over the decades did demonstrate that, at least in theory, US and European weapons had limitations and would be vulnerable in battle against a peer or near-peer adversary. Because of this, and other factors including challenges regarding training and logistics, the effectiveness (or lack thereof) of Western weapons on the battlefield in Ukraine was predictable.

The myth of Western military superiority has now been fully shattered in Ukraine, where Western weapons are turning out to suffer both quantitative and qualitative limitations, giving Russian forces a decisive advantage on the battlefield, and an advantage the West is incapable of seizing upon for itself.

The aforementioned Sky News article, discussing the vast and multiplying number of Russian glide bombs, also noted shortages of Western-provided weapons owed to insufficient military industrial production across the West.

The article includes a section titled, “Factories could win the war on frontlines,” admitting:

The importance of producing weapons and ammunition is why many experts say factory production lines – rather than the frontline – could be where the war in Ukraine is won.

This reflects the adage, “amateurs talk strategy and professionals talk logistics.”

The article explains that Western arms manufacturers only expand production capacity when sufficient orders are placed. This maximizes profit, but at the expense of readiness. Expanding production is a costly process, requiring resources, and more critically, time.

Russia’s state-owned arms manufacturing enterprises prioritize readiness and maintain excessive capacity regardless of orders, meaning it is capable of ramping up production in a relatively short period of time measured in months versus Western factories which require a year or more.

It is clear that Ukraine’s current crisis is a result, at least in part, of Russia’s long-term focus on military industrial production and logistics, years before the SMO was launched, versus a collective West whose proxy war is being fought with weapons and a military industrial base never meant to operate on this scale, at this intensity, and for this long.

If and when the collective West makes serious efforts to expand military industrial production, Russia is already working from a multi-year head start. Collective US-European artillery shell production, for example, is projected to expand to between 2.5 and 3 million shells a year between 2025-2027. This is still less than Russia produces currently. By 2025-2027, Russia will almost certainly have expanded production even further.

Ultimately, Ukraine’s “victory” amid this conflict was never a genuine objective among policymakers in Washington, London, and Brussels. As admitted in the 2019 RAND Corporation paper, “Extending Russia,” the plan always was to provoke a costly Russian intervention in Ukraine to overstretch Russia and possibly precipitate a Soviet Union-style collapse. The conflict for Ukraine, the report predicted, “could produce disproportionately large Ukrainian casualties, territorial losses, and refugee flows. It might even lead Ukraine into a disadvantageous peace.”

Today we see what the aftermath of Washington’s proxy war with Russia in Ukraine is, an Eastern European nation, once balancing itself between East and West, benefiting from doing business with both worlds, being buried by Russian steel for the benefit of allies who are unable and also unwilling to genuinely assist Ukraine.

Much of the rhetoric coming out of the collective West is designed to encourage Ukraine to irrationally fight on despite the obvious outcome of the fighting – an outcome well-known even as early as 2019. While a deep hatred has been deliberately bred in the hearts and minds of many Ukrainians against Russia, their real enemy has always been the leadership of the collective West. The shortsighted nature of Western policymaking, predicated on the perpetual but ultimately unsustainable procurement of profits, power, and influence, makes the collective West its own worst enemy as well.

Only time will tell just how far this self-destructive process continues before wiser counsel prevails, a more appropriate Western foreign policy adopted, and Ukraine finally sits at the negotiating table to end a war it not only can’t win (and was never expected to win in the first place), but one the longer it fights, the less “Ukraine” there ultimately will be if its conclusion is allowed to be decided entirely on the battlefield.

In the meantime, Russian military industrial production only continues to grow. Artillery shells, armor, airpower, glide bombs, drones, air defenses, and missiles of all kinds not only continue to be produced in greater quantities, but are being developed toward greater quality. In many instances, Russian military hardware exceeds the capabilities of its Western counterparts. Because there is simply more of it, regardless of quality, it can simply “bury” adversaries on the battlefield with steel. ... n-ukraine/



On the Brink: The NATO-Russia Ukrainian War Comes to Europe
June 2, 2024

The NATO-Russia Ukrainian for, the war for and against NATO expansion, is on the brink of expanding to the NATO countries that provoked Russia to invade Ukraine on 24 February 2024 and have supported its continuation ever since, save one—the United States of America—ironically, the real force behind the war’s genesis. Sixteen years ago today’s CIA Director, at the time US Ambassador to Moscow, William Burns was ignored when he informed Washington:

“Ukraine and Georgia’s NATO aspirations not only touch a raw nerve in Russia, they engender serious concerns about the consequences for stability in the region. Not only does Russia perceive encirclement, and efforts to undermine Russia’s influence in the region, but it also fears unpredictable and uncontrolled consequences which would seriously affect Russian security interests. Experts tell us that Russia is particularly worried that the strong divisions in Ukraine over NATO membership, with much of the ethnic-Russian community against membership, could lead to a major split, involving violence or at worst, civil war. In that eventuality, Russia would have to decide whether to intervene; a decision Russia does not want to have to face. ….“Russia’s opposition to NATO membership for Ukraine and Georgia is both emotional and based on perceived strategic concerns about the impact on Russia’s interests in the region. It is also politically popular to paint the U.S. and NATO as Russia’s adversaries and to use NATO’s outreach to Ukraine and Georgia as a means of generating support from Russian nationalists. While Russian opposition to the first round of NATO enlargement in the mid-1990’s was strong, Russia now feels itself able to respond more forcefully to what it perceives as actions contrary to its national interests” (

Rather than heed Burns’s warning and that of numerous objective experts, the US and NATO tried to remake Ukraine, funding anti-Russian forces and backing what became a violent, terrorist coup led by neofascists in February 2013, confounding an agreement worked out by regime, opposition, Europe, and Russia that would have resolved the crisis.

The post-coup NATO involvement in Ukraine was discussed in unusual pieces. One had purposes beyond the present discussion, The New York Times (NYT), acknowledged that the CIA was involved in Maidan Ukraine no later than immediately after the coup ( ... a-war.html). In one rare objective opinion published in NYT on the subject, it was noted: “Over the next decade, the US and its allies built a powerful Ukrainian army while sabotaging the Minsk agreement and later (after the Russian invasion) also sabotaged the Istanbul negotiations. Weapon systems poured in, Ukrainian ports were modernised to fit American warships, and Ukraine was becoming a de facto NATO member. Top Ukrainian officials like Arestovich argued openly they were preparing for a war with Russia. A top adviser to former president Nicolas Sarkozy, warned that the US-Ukraine Charter on Strategic Partnership of November 2021 convinced Russia that it must attack or be attacked’” ( ... n-war.html).

The decision to supply nuclear capable F-16 fighter jets to Kiev and the recent French and presumably other Western countries’ coming declarations making official their previous and future deployments of ‘instructors’ and ‘advisors’ to the Ukrainian front is dangerously escalatory enough. Moscow is required to respond with an answering escalation to save face internally before the Russian people and externally before the world. Now NATO, in the person of its GenSec, has opened up the Overton window by way of convening discussions with member-states on the introduction of troops and the use of Western-supplied mid-range rockets to hit deep inside Russian territory. Poland is on the verge of deploying its missile defense systems to protect Ukraine from Russia attacks. Moreover, a claim is being circulated to the effect that decision of 12 NATO countries (UK, France, Netherlands, Denmark, Canada, Sweden, Finland, Poland, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania so far) to allow Kiev to use Western missiles to strike deep into Russia — as far as Moscow and Russia’s ‘second capitol’ of St. Petersburg. Germany, not included in the list, has apparently changed its position and now supports attacks on Russia using Western weapons, as Chancellor Olaf Shultz stated standing next to French President Emmanuel Macron last week. Berlin also is still considering sending long-range Taurus missiles to Kiev. For its part, the US is considering giving permission to Kiev to use US weapons, such as ATACM missiles (180-mile range), against military targets deep inside Russia ( ... s-61fedb10). The US has announced that it will allow the use of weapons it has supplied to Ukraine for attacks on Russian proper in the battle in the Kharkov (Kharkiv) border region now the focus of a Russian counteroffensive. Otherwise, for the moment Washington will continue to pretend it is opposed to Ukraine’s use of American weapons against Russia proper, using official statements and media plants to this tune: “a U.S. official said Washington had expressed concerns to Kyiv over Ukraine’s strikes — using its own weapons — on Russian radar stations that provide conventional air defense and early warning of nuclear launches by the West.” ( ... orruption/). Ukraine’s armed forces could not have made this attack without US assistance. The US also will soon conclude a US-Ukraine Security Pact likely intended to institutionalize US weapons, training, intelligence, operational, and financial support to Kiev for the ‘long war.’ Fifteen European states have already concluded such long-term security agreements with Kiev over the last few months (

All this —added to the Western weapons, intelligence, training, operational planning, and undercover military personnel contributed to Kiev — makes Ukraine de facto a full-fledged NATO member-state. In other words, NATO countries — and thus de facto NATO itself — are preparing to do officially what they have been doing clandestinely since February 2022: fight Russia in Ukraine for the right to expand NATO when and where Washington and Brussels want. Before all this, Western countries — all the leading members of NATO — were de facto and de jure co-belligerents with Ukraine against Russia. Suffice it to note that Ukraine does not have space based reconnaissance data for targeting but is receiving such from French, German, US and other NATO militaries.

It appears that the recent Western escalations are driven in part by the need to prevent a Russian victory at all costs in order to save face for the US and NATO and, perhaps no less importantly, to salvage US President Joe Biden’s career in the coming presidential elections—a career that has been so disastrous for his family, Americans in general, and now the world. The authoritarianizing Democrat Party-state Biden administration has no limits in what it will do to achieve foreign and domestic hegemony; regarding the latter, witness the weaponization of the judicial system against both rank-and-file American citizens and former US President Donald Trump. To achieve its ends, Washington and other Western countries are willing to mount an over-escalation that very possibly will provoke Russian to target Western sites, perhaps ‘decision-making centres’ as some Russians have proposed. It is more likely that Moscow will target any objects located in NATO countries used for air sorties for attacks on Russia: airfields in Poland and Romania, operational and intelligence centers, air defense installations in Poland, and the like. In the event, a Europe-wide war conflagration threatens to break out. Such Russian retaliation will cause NATO to invoke Chapter 5 requiring a decision on whether to undertake military measures against Moscow directly. Russian officials and media are already preparing the Russian public for the likelihood of a broader war sparked by the West.

Two weeks ago, Ukraine attacked and damaged or destroyed 2 of Russia’s 10 early ballistic missile warning systems designed to pick up nuclear missile attacks on Russia coming from the south. The Austrian Armed Forces published analysis suggesting that the attacks could have been sanctioned by the US and were meant as a warning to Moscow, because there targets were of no military value for Kiev. If this is how Austrian military elements see this attack, one can imagine how the Russian GRU, SVR, and other security-interested elements see this attack at least in symbolic terms or future potentialities, since the radar systems were not aimed at discovering missiles coming from the west.

These attacks were clearly intended by Ukrainian leader Volodomyr Zelensky to intensify tensions between Russia and the West and provoke Moscow into an overreaction in order to bring NATO closer to direct military intervention in the war. Zelensky has attempted this numerous times, from attacking Crimea and the Black Sea Fleet with Western rockets, using American intelligence for targeting, to claiming Russian plots to explode nuclear power plants and the like. He will now have a much easier job pushing the West and thus Russia over red lines. Expanding the war is the only way to save himself, the Maidan regime, and a Ukraine — if a rump one — with a viable opportunity to join NATO and the EU.

Although these intensifications of the war crisis may not occur immediately, once Russian forces’ offensive seem destined to reach the Dniepr River and/or political instability breaks out in Kiev, Washington will be forced to return to the issue and likely ‘pull the trigger’ allowing Kiev to use Western missiles and operations to hit targets deep inside Russia. This may come in autumn. This dangerous approach would be consistent with the West’s possible strategy of upping the length and costs of the war so that it lasts until Putin’s health falters and/or war costs damage the Russian economy’s health, prompting his political demise. This ‘long war strategy is reflected in the noted security pacts between Ukraine and 15 European states, with Washington soon to follow.

Worse still, the European NATO war risks expanding into a world war, if, for example, in addition to Belarus, other CSTO states were to send equipment or even troops to support Moscow in Ukraine, or if China were to intervene on Moscow’s behalf more aggressively in these or other ways. Western criticism of Chinese trade and technology transfers with military applicability and more recent Western claims that China is already supplying weapons to Moscow demonstrate just how this vector in expansion of the NATO-Russia Ukraine War already is kinetic rather than theoretical. China cannot allow Moscow to lose its ‘special military operation’ that likely would deprive it of its most powerful ally at a time when Washington is gearing up for a twilight struggle against Beijing. Moreover, once the war spreads beyond Ukraine, the temptation on both sides to machinate asymmetrical escalations elsewhere grow. The West might target Georgia, Kazakhstan, or, again Belarus, Syria, and Iran. Moldova and Armenia could become Russian foci of asymmetrical escalation. In a grave pinch, China and Russia might be able to entice North Korea to attack South Korea. The US and China can provoke each other on Taiwan or in the South China Sea. The US’s hundreds of military and intelligence installations abroad could become targets, transformed from assets into liabilities. A kind of perfect storm is coming. This autumn there likely will be: the collapse of the Ukrainian front and/or army and/or regime; the Russian army’s approach to the Dniepr and perhaps encirclement of Zaporozhe, Kharkiv, even Kiev; and an American political crisis (given the guilty verdict against Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump). The possibilities are almost endless, and some rather dire ones are becoming increasingly more probable. ... to-europe/


Good Catch...
Az Izvestia reports, some French catch near Liptsy village yesterday.

(Short video at link.)

I am sure the birdie will be singing and then, maybe, he will be sent to Monsieur Macron with all the appropriate publicity. The guy was wounded and VSU tried to kill him. Well, he is lucky, he will have now humane treatment, good medical care and good rest in Russian captivity. The only question will be what is his REAL background... in French Army.

Ah, Yes. Hurt Feelings.

General Mark Hertling still doesn't believe that US makes primarily expensive junk not fit for real battlefield. But then again, Hertling never saw a real one.

Hear retired US general's response to Ukrainian soldiers who say US-issued tanks are underperformin. Retired US Army Lt. Gen. Mark Hertling, who spent part of his career aboard the Abrams tank, reacts to some Ukrainian soldiers telling CNN that their US-supplied Abrams tank are underperforming in the field.

Well, I have news for this general--this is the first time in history when M1 Abrams encountered a real army. And not just the real army, but the army which technologically and operationally is way better than the US Army. They cannot face the facts that militarily Gulf War was a non-event for real military science. But that's the only thing they have to fall back on and try to derive face-saving excuses. Meanwhile:

The US State Department has seized the passport of former Marine and UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter, he told RT on Monday. Ritter was on his way to Russia for the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) when he was pulled off the plane and had his documents confiscated. “My passport was seized by the State Department,” Ritter told RT in a message. “I was pulled off the airplane.” “I’m fine, just aggravated,” he added.

Here is the American "democracy" in full swing. That's everything you need to know. But feelings are "hurt" nowadays in America which is in a state of complete implosion of her institutions across the board. ... lings.html


By Cameron Malley, Business Insider, 5/11/24

-Ukraine’s International Legion was born in 2022, a home for foreigners eager to fight Russia.

-Ukraine said 20,000 signed up, though experts said 4,000 was a more realistic peak figure.

-In 2024, the legion is depleted by years of harsh reality and casualty rates extreme even for Ukraine.

Three days after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy issued a clarion call for “friends of peace and democracy” to join the fight from abroad.

Zelensky’s International Legion of Territorial Defense of Ukraine (ILDU) was born, echoing the International Brigades that fought fascism in the Spanish Civil War of the 1930s.

Many answered. Outside Ukraine’s embassy in London Business Insider found men lining up to serve.

“If they need to shove a rifle in my hands and put me on the front, then that’s what they need to do,” said one, a nightclub worker.

“It’s better than sitting with my thumb up my ass.”

The Legion emerged from these recruits — some with military experience, some without.

It has been deployed across the front lines in some of the war’s toughest battles, where any of its members died.

Carl Larson, a US veteran who served in Iraq, spent three months fighting around Ukraine’s eastern city of Kharkiv in the summer of 2022. He told BI his comrades’ motivations were mixed.

“Many of us were there for the right reasons, to defend democracy,” he said.

“Lots of others,” though, “were there for the wrong reasons: adrenaline junkies, people looking for a surrogate family, or because they had personal problems back home.”

Studies from in July and September last year by the London-based Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) reached a similar conclusion.

Some parleyed their postings into fame on social media, issuing impassioned dispatches from the war zone.

BI’s coverage of the International Legion since its inception found that recruits were a mixed bag of qualified veterans, glory-seekers and people trying to give their often chaotic live meaning but totally unsuitable for a military role in a war zone.

In one case, a Legion volunteer from Alabama even defected to Russia.

Some volunteers barely lasted a week. A Russian missile strike in March 2022 hit a base near Lviv being used for foreign fighters.

According to Ukrainian officials, dozens of Ukrainians were killed and more than 100 foreign volunteers injured, ending their campaigns before they began.

Marco Bocchese, assistant professor of international relations at Webster Vienna Private University and an author of the September RUSI study, called the attack a “watershed moment” for many foreign volunteers.

Ukraine originally said 20,000 foreign volunteers had signed up to fight. Bocchese told BI that this figure was “pure propaganda.”

In January last year, The Washington Post estimated that the figure was likely closer to 3,000.

Four experts contacted for this report estimated the May 2024 strength of the legion at between 1,000 and 2,000.

Some foreigners have found other homes in the Ukrainian military: in the intelligence services, or in separate Ukrainian units, such as the elite Chosen Company — a reconnaissance and assault unit composed of US and Australian volunteers within the 59th Motorized Brigade.

This video from 2023 shows the Chosen Company at work:

Matteo Pugliese, a researcher at the University of Barcelona who authored the July study, told BI that Ukrainian intelligence coordinates its own branch of foreign volunteers.

“This includes three Russian groups, Belarusian units, the Georgian Legion, and Western veterans with better combat skills,” he said.

All told, this might add another 1,000 or 2,000 soldiers, for a total of 3,000-4,000 foreigners fighting in Ukraine.

Killed in action

International fighters proved “more expendable than Ukrainian soldiers for high-risk operations,” Pugliese said.

Indeed, Larson, who headed a 25-man platoon of legionaries in 2022, said he and his men were a “sacrificial unit.”

“We were a speed bump,” he said. “If the Russians had come, we could have held them up for maybe an hour.”

Larson said that many foreign volunteers, especially those who had fought in places like the deserts of Iraq, struggled to adapt to both the terrain in Ukraine as well as the weapons used there.

“We lost many guys to drones,” he said.

The Legion’s press service declined to comment on its strength, citing security reasons.

A spokesman, Oleksandr Shahuri, said that more than 100 nationalities had joined up.

A report by Task and Purpose in February of this year concluded that at least 50 of those who died were US citizens, a figure that is likely an undercount.

Of those 50, most had served in the US military, including 20+ Army veterans and 12 ex-Marines.

There was a Green Beret and a Navy SEAL. Some had conventional military careers, others left after getting into trouble.

A US State Department spokesperson said there is no official tally.

“Our ability to verify reports of deaths of US citizens in Ukraine is extremely limited,” they said. “In addition, not all US citizen deaths may be reported to US authorities. For these reasons, we are unable to provide a definitive number of all US citizens who have been killed.”

The Legion’s future

Earlier this year, Zelenskyy issued a decree allowing foreign nationals legally in the country to enter its National Guard. He also proposed legislation making it easier for foreigners defending Ukraine to receive citizenship.

That could prove “very enticing” for some foreign volunteers, Bocchese said. “Many want to make Ukraine their future home.”

In some states, fighting for Ukraine means giving up your freedom back home. Austria, Montenegro, Kosovo, and India made it illegal to join up.

“Some will be facing criminal sanctions upon returning home for the fact that they enlisted in a foreign unit,” Bocchese said.

For that reason, many hope to gain citizenship and “put roots down,” said Larson, the US veteran.

Ukraine’s efforts to draft its own men mean the Legion is “no longer decisive or relevant in strategic terms,” Pugliese said.

An April 2024 increases payments for Ukrainian volunteers, adds new punishments for draft dodging, and seeks to compel Ukrainian men living abroad to come home.

According to Larson, who continues to help recruiters for the Legion, sign-ups have dwindled by two thirds since the flood of March 2022.

“Half the signups are from Latin America now,” he noted, a big shift.

In the fall of 2023, the Legion began admitting Spanish-speaking applicants, many of whom were inadmissible before, Pugliese told BI.

Some had made it in but were mistreated by their officers, he said.

The new Bolivar Battalion, for example, was formed by fighters from Venezuela, Ecuador, Argentina, and Colombia and was is led by a Venezuelan anti-government fighter.

Many are former professional soldiers from Colombia, battle-hardened fighting drug cartels and rebel groups in their homeland.

Experienced non-commissioned officers can earn four times as much as back home, or even more, the Associated Press reported.

Latin Americans “have different motivations from typical Western soldiers,” Larson told BI.

“They’re there for the money.” ... d-or-dead/
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Thu Jun 06, 2024 2:22 pm

(Output may be spotty these next few weeks as I am undergoing outpatient eye surgery.)

The best option for those who see war in the distance
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 06/06/2024


While waiting for the two meetings that, as announced by the White House, Joe Biden will hold during his visit to Europe with Volodymyr Zelensky, this week's news shows the weight of the United States in the development of the conflict. In recent days, numerous analysts have struggled to impose their position on the question of whether the US permission for the use of donated weapons in attacks against the Russian Federation is going to represent a turning point in the war or whether it is going to be decisive in the time to put Ukraine in a better position on the front, which will determine, at least in part, its strength in a hypothetical future negotiation. Against the wishes of Ukraine, whose government seems willing to fight for the 1991 borders at any cost, this appears to be the Western position. The statements of different Western leaders who affirm that they will support Ukraine “as long as it is necessary” do not imply that the West will finance and arm Ukraine until kyiv achieves its objectives, but until it achieves its own. Proxy war implies the possibility of reaching a moment in which the paths between the parties separate so much as to make it unfeasible to continue fighting, either due to the willingness of the proxy army to reach an agreement with its opponent or by decision of the provider, for whom the conflict no longer provides sufficient benefits.

That moment is far from coming and the interest of all parties is, although for different reasons, to defeat and wear down Russia as much as possible. The internal Ukrainian conflict, which long ago spilled over into a fight between kyiv and Moscow, and geopolitics are mixed in a war whose end is not near. The difficulty of breaking the front and the West's willingness to continue supporting Ukraine to compensate for the imbalance of forces, which favors the Russian Federation, make diplomacy unfeasible, something on which kyiv and the European and North American capitals agree. Several articles have recently recounted the mutual frustration between Ukraine and the United States - never in the case of the European Union, whose leadership structure persists in more radical positions than those of Washington - due to various disagreements. Ukraine continues to be upset by the permission, which it considers insufficient, to use Western weapons in areas near the Russian border or by the absence of Joe Biden at the peace summit to be held in Switzerland next week. The United States, for its part, has not hesitated to filter its discomfort over Ukrainian attacks against unwanted targets such as Russian refineries. However, none of the contradictions between the allies are antagonistic, but are limited to minor issues that do not call into question who is still in command.

One of these disagreements was published yesterday, when the Ukrainian media reported that, from now on, Ukrainians of military age will not be able to leave the country even in the case of men who have dual nationality, something that, until now , was a legal means of exit from the country. The news has become known at a time when the number of videos and images showing the work of prisoner groups that forcibly recruit in Ukraine and the resistance of recruits or their families, especially women who try to prevent by force, are increasing significantly. Let the agents take away their loved ones. “The U.S. Embassy in kyiv understands that, as of June 1, Ukraine has eliminated a “foreign residence” exception that previously allowed certain Ukrainian males between the ages of 18 and 60 to leave the country. Following this change, citizens with dual Ukrainian and US nationality, including those living in the United States, may no longer be able to leave the country," the US embassy wrote, warning its citizens of possible problems when trying to leave the country. country. The move is another step in Ukraine's attempt to hold on to the entire military-age population to have a greater number of men from whom it can recruit to replenish its ranks. The measure is uncomfortable for Washington - and, therefore, it would not be surprising if it were reviewed - which is looking for a way to privilege its citizens compared to those who do not have the protection of the US passport.

“The United States Embassy has limited ability to influence Ukrainian legislation, including the application of martial law and the mobilization law to Ukrainian citizens,” the statement states with a certain reproachful tone of someone who is used to being able to dictate. orders. Mobilization needs rule and Ukraine seems, at least judging by American statements, willing to recruit even the nationals of its main supplier. “Take shelter in a safe place,” the embassy recommends to its citizens, in a comment that has been understood as a call to avoid mobilization. “If you are not currently in Ukraine, we strongly advise against travel to Ukraine for male U.S. citizens between the ages of 18 and 60 who also have Ukrainian citizenship or a claim to Ukrainian citizenship and who do not wish to remain in Ukraine indefinitely. There is an extremely high risk that they will not be allowed to leave, even with a US passport,” adds the statement, which leaves no doubt that Washington does not want to send nationals of its country to the front lines.

The United States has been comfortable with the conflict on Russian borders for a decade, as demonstrated by Washington's absolute disinterest in the two negotiation processes, Minsk and Istanbul, which represented a possibility of resolving the conflict between the two countries outside of military means. . The White House seems equally satisfied with the current proxy war, in which it aspires to achieve its objectives without having to risk its own troops. The possibility of wearing down a historical adversary, a preferred partner of the current main opponent, is so evident that, in his last interview, a long report for Time magazine , Joe Biden appears angry at a question about whether the Russian negotiation proposal is not the best option left for Ukraine. Annoyed, the American president denies that this is the case and insists on an argument discredited even by the Pentagon, which admits that Russia has managed to recover from its losses in the initial months and is now stronger than in 2022. “The Russian army has been decimated . It is not written about that. It's been fucking decimated. That, the first thing,” he says to defend the continuation of the war.

Russian attrition is the first of Biden's two arguments for maintaining the status quo and defending the benefits of continuing the war. “Second, NATO is considerably stronger than when I took office,” says Biden, later describing the benefits of the current situation. “Not only did I reestablish the strongest alliance in the history of the planet, but I was able to expand it. While I was at one of the G7 meetings in Europe, I called the president of Finland because, when he met earlier this year with Putin, he said that he wanted to see the Finnishization of NATO. I told him, he is going to achieve, not Finnishness , but the NATOization of Finland.” It is no coincidence that the reasons for continuing the war instead of opting for diplomacy refer solely to the geopolitical aspect and the interests of the United States and its allies.

Among these preferred partners is not Ukraine, which once again receives the United States' no to its desired membership in NATO. “Peace is making sure that Russia never, ever, ever, ever occupies Ukraine. “This is what peace looks like,” Biden responds to the question of what the goal of war is. The reality on the front already means that Russia will not be able to occupy Ukraine. However, this reality does not imply that she can return to the diplomatic level. War continues to be useful for the White House even if it does not involve fighting for Ukraine's objectives, which requires not only membership in NATO, but rapid access. For Biden, the outcome of the war “does not mean NATO, that they are part of NATO. It means we have a relationship with them like we have with other countries, one in which we supply them with weapons so they can defend themselves in the future.” Without the possibility of negotiation, this recipe implies a proxy war extended over time, although without promises for the future. “If you look,” Biden insists, “I was the one who when – and you reported it in Time – I said that I am not willing to support the NATOization of Ukraine.” That commitment embodied in a treaty and compliance with the Minsk agreements could have prevented the Donbass war from spreading to all of Ukraine in 2022. But then it was not the time to negotiate with Russia either. War was always the best option for those who have seen it from a distance.

At times apparently babbling and with serious inconsistencies throughout the interview, Joe Biden makes clear the proxy nature of the war and describes its benefits, among which is not the well-being of the population of Ukraine, on which the American president does not make a single mention. The battle must continue for the sake of the geopolitical objectives of Ukraine's suppliers, a country willing to fight to the last of its soldiers for other people's benefits. ... distancia/

Google Translator


From Cassad's Telegram account:

Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of June 5, 2024) | The main thing:

- The “Center” group of troops defeated four enemy brigades in one day, repelled five counterattacks, the losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces amounted to up to 360 military personnel;

- The Vostok group of troops occupied more advantageous positions within 24 hours, the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 125 military personnel;

- The “North” group has improved the situation along the front line, the Ukrainian Armed Forces in its area of ​​responsibility lost up to 290 military personnel;

- Units of the “Southern” group improved the situation along the front line within 24 hours, the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 230 servicemen;

- During the day, air defense systems shot down 55 UAVs of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, 10 HIMARS and Alder shells, 2 Hammer bombs, 2 Patriot air defense missiles;

- The Russian Armed Forces hit a storage site for unmanned boats of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Units of the Vostok grouping of forces occupied more advantageous positions, defeated the manpower and equipment of the 58th motorized infantry brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the 128th terrestrial defense brigade in the areas of the settlements of Vodyanoye, Urozhaynoye and Prechistovka of the Donetsk People's Republic.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 125 military personnel, a tank, five vehicles and a US-made 155-mm M777 howitzer.

▫️Units of the Dnepr group of troops defeated the manpower and equipment of the formations of the 128th mountain assault brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the 121st terrorist defense brigade in the areas of the settlements of Stepnogorsk, Pyatikhatki, Zaporozhye region, and Novokairy, Kherson region.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces' losses amounted to up to 40 military personnel, two armored combat vehicles, six cars, two 152-mm D-20 howitzers, a 152-mm self-propelled artillery mount 2S3 "Akatsiya", a 122-mm self-propelled artillery mount 2S1 "Gvozdika", a 122-mm howitzer D-30 and 122-mm BM-21 Grad multiple rocket launcher.

▫️ Operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation destroyed warehouses with weapons and military equipment of the operational-strategic group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine "Khortitsa" and militants of the "Foreign Legion", damaged the storage area of ​​unmanned boats, as well as accumulations enemy manpower and military equipment in 118 regions.

▫️ Air defense systems destroyed 55 unmanned aerial vehicles of the Ukrainian Armed Forces within 24 hours .

In addition, 10 US-made HIMARS and Alder missiles, two French-made Hammer guided bombs, and two US-made Patriot anti-aircraft guided missiles were shot down .

📊 In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed : 610 aircraft, 274 helicopters, 25,177 unmanned aerial vehicles, 527 anti-aircraft missile systems, 16,264 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,330 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 10,124 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 22,286 units of special military vehicles

Google Translator


SITREP 6/4/24: Global Turmoil Trends Bearish for Ukraine

JUN 05, 2024


In the meantime, in their effort to maintain a continual stranglehold of tension NATO has released plans of logistics ‘corridors’ in a potential war against Russia:



What this boils down to is the perennial rolling out of the old ‘military Schengen’ plan, where they envision how to facilitate NATO movement through countries during time of war without any administrative red-tape restrictions:


Most interesting though is this new alarmist announcement is hinged on the admission that in a two-way conflict with Russia, all of NATO’s logistics bases and ports would be immediately destroyed from the outset—thus the need to create secondary backup routes:


Thus, at least they have ceased exaggerating their own strength and now concede their own vulnerabilities. But in the end, as always: NATO can only remain relevant—and thus, funded—if it maintains the illusion of its own essential indispensability; so churn that fear!

Russian programs, by the same token, are responding to the latest escalations with renewed talks of striking Poland: (Videos at link.)

RUSSIA: POLAND IS A CANDIDATE FOR NUCLEAR WAR Russian political scientist Konstantin Sivkov made the remarks on state television as he described how Poland “could become a small theatre of nuclear war.”

“If we allocate 2 nuclear missiles to each city, that’s only 30-40 missiles. This is just a salvo from one Iskander division. In 10-15 minutes, both the state of Poland and the Polish people disappear. Europeans must understand this.”


The electricity situation is getting worse and worse in Ukraine, with regular power outages now scheduled each day to preserve their grid:



Image ... ador-says/

During a live news broadcast, the lights even evocatively went out, with the anchors doing their absurd best to keep up Zelensky’s charade of normality in a country that’s slowly coming apart at the seams: (Video at link.)

The Ukrainian soldier problem is getting so bad that ISW now tries to repackage the AFU’s inability to even train its troops as some sort of ‘advantage’ over Russia:


They’re basically whitewashing and sugarcoating the fact that Ukraine can no longer even consistently train its troops in the rear, but rather sends newly gang-pressed conscripts straight to the front and forces them to “learn on the job” as they die en masse.


In fact the situation is getting so bad that numerous new videos show Ukrainian civilians now actively fighting back against the commissars in widespread fashion.

(Videos at link. Watch these and then place your bets on how long this can go on...)

Arestovich now predicts that Ukraine will be defeated in “a year and a half” after the AFU simply loses its ability to fight back: (Video at link.)

He states the new mobilization will fail, and the AFU will “flutter around” for another 1.5 years until its combat potential is totally exhausted—and that is the “ideal” or optimistic scenario, according to him. The pessimistic scenario would likely see Ukraine ‘kick the bucket’ even much sooner.

It’s interesting, by the way, that MSM articles like this latest FP one, also cite the 18 month period as being tied to the war’s end:

Image ... negotiate/

As for granularly direct battlefield updates, Russian forces continue to inch forward, capturing positions on a variety of fronts in the Donetsk region and elsewhere, with Andreevka and Paraskovievka said to have been totally captured.


The key move is now Russian forces beginning to move toward Konstantinovka and assault the critical main supply route connecting it to Ugledar, seen below:


This is the general drive of pushing the AFU back to the Vovcha River along the entire Donetsk-Pokrovsk line.

The usual suspects are of course in tatters:


Here’s the AFU’s official 79th brigade completely broken up about their losses in Paraskovievka:


However, that’s when things got even stranger. Amid other rumors that it was ‘jammed’ and even sent out an SOS signal of malfunction, the RQ-4 immediately flew back to Romania and did several circles—itself a non-standard action. Then it continued to the Black Sea again, but this time did its tracks much further south than usual, near Turkey’s coast: (Video at link.)

The obvious conjecture would be that—for now—Russia has resorted to messing with it electronically. The operators first panicked and took it to the safety of NATO airspace to make sure all systems were nominal, then upon return they flew it out of Russian EW range for the remainder of the flight. That’s my “educated guess” as to what could have happened, and I would assume it would serve as ‘warning’ to the U.S.

An interesting update:

Many people forget that Russia’s closest allies likewise have their own 152mm shell production which can supplement Russia’s own manufacturing:

Important news from Belarus! At the facilities of JSC Legmash in the city of Orsha, recently integrated into the military-industrial complex of Belarus, large-scale production of 152-mm and 122-mm artillery shells for cannon artillery was launched (including howitzers D-30, D-20, Msta-B, Giatsint -B" and their self-propelled modifications), as well as 122-mm unguided rockets of the 9M22U-1 line to replenish the ammunition of the 9K51 "Grad" MLRS Chairman of the State Committee for Military Industry Dmitry Pantus introduced the head of state Alexander Lukashenko to the production process


Photos have appeared showing racks upon racks of spent HIMARS rounds:


There are two ways of looking at this, but one of them is that it is demonstrative of the fact that Ukraine is launching mass amounts of these systems and yet you don’t really hear much about them anymore beyond the occasional success here or there. They’re launching them everywhere and Russia is intercepting the vast majority of them.

Yes, a new S-300 system was hit in Belgorod region, but as I said—the HIMARS “successes” are getting really few and far in between these days, for the amount of expenditures they’re using. Not to mention a new video claims to show a HIMARS destroyed by a Lancet earlier today.

Recall that a year ago Russia had announced the doubling of S-300/400 production:


(Much more at link.) ... oil-trends


The sequence of destruction in any Russian response to NATO-directed attacks on its heartland

One of the valuable features of my several platforms for publishing essays is the feedback I get from readers.

In this regard I quote here what one reader sent in about my article earlier today on the violation of free speech that the detention of Scott Ritter yesterday at JFK airport and confiscation of his passport signified, followed as it was, according to RT reports, by the same happening to Judge Napolitano, who was also planning to travel to St Petersburg to participate in the International Economic Forum that begins on the 6th.


Andrew Napolitano was not taken off the plane. Scott Ritter phoned him and told him that it was “not wise to travel” to St. Petersburg.



[a full transcript of this interview is available below, following the German translation]

I watched this edition of the “Judging Freedom” show and urge you to do the same. Here the Judge discusses with Scott Ritter what happened yesterday. These facts by themselves do not change my determination that yesterday’s events amounted to intimidation by the U.S. government and were a gross violation of constitutional rights.

However, the largest part of the Scott Ritter interview was devoted to a different matter, which I wish to discuss here, namely what the consequences may be of an attack on the Russian heartland coming from Ukraine using the long range missiles it has been given by the United States, the U.K. and France.

Ritter is repeating what has been intimated by Vladimir Putin, Sergei Lavrov and other Russian officials, namely that Russia is prepared to strike back at the producers of these long range weapons, at those who are providing targeting packages to these weapons from their bases in Europe and the USA. Ritter then assumes this will necessarily proceed directly to reciprocal massive nuclear exchanges between the United States and Russia which will put an end to human civilization. And he backs up this conclusion by reference to the scenario for conducting nuclear war that has existed within the Pentagon since the days of John F. Kennedy.

I would like to propose a very different scenario basing myself on what I hear on Russian talk shows from top experts. And I juxtapose what these Russians are saying with the realities of U.S.-European mutual defense and of intra-European defense thinking that I see around me here in Belgium, including at the club luncheon on which I reported yesterday.

The first point is that the most likely revenge attack by Russia for any missile strikes on its cities or critical civilian and military infrastructure will be….a massively destructive attack on Kiev.

Why Kiev, you may ask, when the same Russians are saying that the Ukrainians are only the fingers on the button and when all the settings, all the inputs for targeting have been made by Americans or Brits or French, depending on the specific missiles that were used. The reason is that hitting Kiev, decapitating the Ukrainian government, will result in the least possible blowback. It will not lead to a nuclear war. Europe and the USA do not give a damn about Ukrainian lives, so the cost to Russia of such a strike will be nil.

Moreover, striking Kiev will be a demonstration to Europe and to the USA that they are not bluffing, that they have the determination to go all the way in their confrontation with the West to safeguard their sovereignty and national existence. It will be implementing what the political scientist Karaganov was proposing many months ago, whether it is carried out with conventional or tactical nuclear weapons.

If nonetheless, strikes on Russian assets in the RF continue, the next point of attack by the Russians will be the marshalling centers in Poland which receive weapons and other military supplies from the United States and European NATO countries for delivery to Ukraine. One key airport is named in this connection. Why Poland? Because the rest of Europe is hardly likely to come to its aid.

Continuing up the escalation ladder, I believe that the Russians will then, and only then, attack military factories and bases in Germany, the United Kingdom, France. Like the leaders of these countries, Russia does not really expect the United States to come to their aid and honor its Article 5 obligations under the NATO treaty.

Only in the last instance will Russia attack the United States using its strategic nuclear arsenal, meaning only if it is under direct nuclear attack from the USA. This, notwithstanding the clearly stated Russian understanding that behind all of the European provocations against it stands Washington, the hegemon and puppet master. The United States will be the very last to come under Russian attack precisely because the nuclear exchange that comes will be suicidal for both sides.

This, I think, is also the understanding that the Biden administration has. But their expectation is that both sides in a Russian European war will be decimated, freeing the United States to defend its global hegemony by taking on and defeating China. In this, I firmly believe Washington is mistaken. Europe will be destroyed, Russia will be victorious, because its arms are superior, and its troops are now war hardened. The United States will have lost its European colonies and will be up against the Russia-China alliance alone.

If you are reading this lying on a chaise longue in your back yard in Arlington, Virginia, you may take comfort. If, like me, you are living close to the Russians’ bulls-eye, 20 km from NATO headquarters, the above analysis can get on your nerves.

©Gilbert Doctorow, 2024



The three great myths of NATO

Originally published: Schweizer Standpunkt on May 24, 2024 by Sevim Dagdelen (more by Schweizer Standpunkt) (Posted Jun 05, 2024)

This year, NATO is celebrating its 75th birthday and appears to be at the peak of its power. More than ever before, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation is focusing on expansion. In Ukraine, NATO is waging a proxy war against Russia in response to its war of aggression, which violates international law: The military pact is involved in training Ukrainian soldiers in NATO weapons, with massive deliveries of weapons, intelligence information and the provision of target data as well as its own soldiers on the ground.

The delivery of cruise missiles, such as the German Taurus type, to Ukraine, which can reach Moscow or St Petersburg with a range of 500 kilometres, is being discussed, as is the deployment of large-scale NATO troops. The signs are pointing to a storm.

NATO is expanding its presence in Asia: By integrating new partner states such as Japan and South Korea, it is advancing into the Indo-Pacific region and seeking a confrontation with China. The military expenditure of the USA and the other NATO member states is soaring to record levels. While the arms suppliers are popping champagne corks, the gigantic costs of armament are being passed on to the population.
Overstretch, social upheaval and the risk of escalation are the downside of this expansive power policy. They challenge the alliance in an unprecedented way. This makes NATO even more dependent on legends today. Three major myths run from the founding of the military pact through its bloody history to the present day.

The myth of defence and international law
NATO is a defence alliance. This is the eternally repeated narrative. But a look at the history of the military pact shows: Neither was mutual defence the main focus when NATO was founded, nor can there be any talk of a defensive orientation in NATO’s appearance over the past decades. Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty is often cited as proof of NATO’s character as a defence alliance.

In its founding agreement, the twelve signatory states—the USA and Canada as well as the European states Belgium, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway and Portugal—agreed in 1949 that “an armed attack against one [party] or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered as an attack against them all”. The NATO members undertake to assist each other to jointly defend themselves against such an attack.

Here, the Inter-American Treaty of Mutual Assistance served as an explicit model. This mutual assistance pact was concluded by the American member states in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1947 on Washington’s initiative and came into force a year later. In the face of the Cold War, the USA wanted to secure its dominance on the American continent with this treaty, because of which the Organisation of American States (OAS) was founded in the same year. This was in the spirit of an updated Monroe Doctrine, with which the USA had declared the western hemisphere to be its exclusive zone of influence in 1823.

NATO is also part of this tradition. As with the inter-American treaty, the signatory states of the North Atlantic Treaty are completely unbalanced in terms of power and military policy. It is therefore clear that the USA was not interested in support from other alliance partners in the event of defence when it founded NATO. Rather, Washington is striving to create a “Pax Americana”, an exclusive sphere of influence that gives the USA, as the undisputed leading power, control over the foreign and security policy of the other alliance partners. The basis of NATO is an exchange. The other NATO members give up parts of their democratic sovereignty and are rewarded with the NATO security guarantee, which is de facto a security guarantee from the USA.

Within the military pact, the remaining NATO members sink to the level of client states like those that once served as a military buffer zone in the east of the Roman Empire to maintain the Roman Empire’s power. Any domestic political change that could have jeopardised their foreign policy orientation was forbidden to these client states on pain of their own downfall. To prevent such developments, NATO relied on its own coup organisations during the Cold War with its “stay behind” groups. They also used terrorist means to actively prevent political forces that questioned NATO membership from gaining power.

The end of the systemic conflict with the Soviet Union radically changed the primary purpose of NATO, which was to create a Pax Americana. Since the end of the Cold War, NATO has increasingly seen itself in the role of world policeman. With the invasion of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which at that time still consisted of Serbia and Montenegro, the military pact waged its first war in 1999. A clear breach of international law, as the then German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder himself admitted fifteen years later: “We sent our planes […] to Serbia, and together with NATO they bombed a sovereign state—without there having been a Security Council decision.” After this original sin, NATO is developing into a warfare pact that is prepared to break international law. A clear contradiction to its own charter, in which, according to Article 1, the NATO states undertake to “refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force in any manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations”. The defence of the alliance’s territory now becomes merely part of its claim to act as a global force for order.

In 2003, the NATO members USA and Great Britain invaded Iraq in a war of aggression in violation of international law. They put together a “coalition of the willing” specifically for this purpose, which also included numerous other NATO members such as Italy, Poland, the Netherlands, Denmark, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Portugal and Slovakia, as well as the later NATO members Romania, Bulgaria, Latvia and Lithuania. Washington and its accomplices are thus blatantly violating international law and the NATO states involved are violating the basic provisions of their own charter. The Iraq war is also accompanied by the deployment of NATO Awacs in Turkey, which can be interpreted as support for the war. Even if the war against Iraq is not a NATO war, there are serious arguments for attributing the invasion to the military pact.

NATO members such as Germany did not deny the USA the use of military bases as part of the NATO structure in Europe and did not deny them overflight rights for U.S. forces, although the German government’s commitment to the rules of international law in accordance with Article 20 Paragraph 3 and Article 25 of the Basic Law prohibits it from participating in actions by non-German sovereigns on German soil if these violate international law.

The war of aggression against Iraq by some of the NATO members in violation of international law was not even discussed in the NATO Council, nor was the use of NATO infrastructure. Their violation of the North Atlantic Treaty had no impact on the NATO membership of the USA or the UK. That was foreseeable. The war policy of the most important member of the alliance must therefore be attributed to the NATO military pact as a whole if one takes NATO’s self-image seriously. With its wars that violate international law, the USA stands as pars pro toto, as part of the whole.

In Afghanistan, NATO has been waging a disastrous war for twenty years that has cost the lives of over 200,000 civilians. For the first and so far, only time, the alliance is invoking Article 5 of the NATO Treaty in this military operation following the attacks of 11 September 2001. The international public is to be made to believe that the freedom and security of the West are being defended in the Hindu Kush. Twenty years later, in August 2021, the Taliban move back into Kabul. The military operation proves to be a disaster.

The USA’s attempt to gain a military foothold in Central Asia to challenge China and Russia geopolitically has failed. The USA is leaving the country head over heels. Washington does not even inform its allies. Thousands of local NATO forces are being left in the lurch. There is no sign of any alliance solidarity. To obtain information, the German foreign intelligence service is even desperately considering bugging the Americans.

In addition to Belgrade, Baghdad and Kabul, NATO’s trail of blood also leads to Libya. In 2011, NATO bombed the country in violation of international law and abusing a UN Security Council resolution. Thousands are killed. Hundreds of thousands are forced to flee. A delegation from the African Union attempting to mediate in the conflict is even prevented from landing. What remains is a devastated country, parts of which are ruled by Islamist militias. As a result, the entire Sahel region is destabilised by al-Qaeda and the Islamic State (IS). The individual members of NATO must take responsibility for this catastrophe. Totum pro parte, the whole stands for the part. This also applies to member states that were not directly involved in the attacks.

The myth of democracy and the rule of law
NATO members are determined to “safeguard the freedom, common heritage and civilisation of their peoples, based on the principles of democracy, individual liberty and the rule of law”, according to the legitimising legend of the founding charter. But this was already an outright lie in 1949. It is not only in Latin America that the USA has made pacts with dictatorships and fascist regimes from the outset, and it is not only democracies that are on board with the NATO allies in Europe. The only decisive factor is the willingness to join a front against the Soviet Union.

The USA concluded bilateral security agreements with the fascist dictator of Spain, Francisco Franco, and the fascist dictatorship of Portugal is a founding member of NATO. While the secret police of the dictator António de Oliveira Salazar tortured opposition members to death and set up concentration camps in the Portuguese colonies, the USA included Portugal in the community of democrats.

Or let’s take Turkey. Thousands of political prisoners are tortured after the military coup of 1980. On the tenth anniversary on 12 September 1990, the newspaper “Cumhuriyet” spoke of 650,000 political arrests, 7,000 death sentences requested, 571 imposed and 50 carried out, and 171 proven deaths by torture. Turkey remains a member of NATO. Even after the military coup, it receives extensive military aid from the USA and its allies. The rule of the generals is not detrimental to membership. The same applies to Greece.

The military coup of 1967, concentration camps and murders of members of the opposition, the arrest of thousands or the expulsion into exile—none of these are a reason to end membership. Even the invasion of Cyprus by NATO member Turkey in 1974 following the coup by the Greek colonels is apparently in line with the democratic founding consensus of the military alliance.

Now, one could dismiss this and refer to the tempi passati, the times gone by. But even in 2024, support for Islamist terrorism by Erdogan’s autocracy is not in contradiction to NATO membership. NATO is not about democracy and the rule of law, but solely about geopolitical allegiance to the USA. Like an empire built on lies, NATO lives from this fairy tale. In schools and universities, these lies are part of the NATO education programme.

The myth of a community of values and human rights
“Our common values—individual freedom, human rights, democracy and the rule of law—unite us.” This is how NATO presents itself as a community of values in its Strategic Concept 2022. However, the renowned Brown University in Rhode Island, USA, summarises that four and a half million people have died because of the wars waged by the USA and its allies in the past twenty years alone.

This cannot be reconciled with NATO’s widely publicised self-image. NATO is not a community that protects human rights. On the contrary: NATO is a protective umbrella for the human rights violations of its members. And by no means only regarding the violation of social human rights under the dictatorship of massive armament. On the contrary, NATO pursues a policy of impunity against war crimes committed by its member states.

Anyone who, like the Australian journalist Julian Assange, dares to publicise these war crimes is tortured and threatened with 175 years in prison in the USA. There have been no serious interventions by other NATO governments to secure Assange’s release. In hasty complicity, there is no criticism of the hegemon USA.

The “Afghan War Diary” collection of documents published by Assange in 2010 proves the existence of a secret U.S. force, known as “Task Force 373”, which is used to kill suspected Taliban leaders without legal recourse. The 300-strong elite unit was also stationed in the area controlled by the German Armed Forces in Afghanistan. It was under the direct command of the U.S. government and, according to reports published by the Wikileaks whistleblowing platform, also used internationally banned cluster bombs to kill and destroy indiscriminately.

On 11 January 2002, the USA set up a prison camp at the illegally occupied Guantánamo Bay naval base in Cuba. Amnesty International writes:

Many of the approximately 780 people who have since been deliberately detained there outside of any judicial control have suffered the most serious human rights violations before or during their detention—including torture and enforced disappearances. To this day, torture survivors in Guantánamo are held indefinitely without adequate medical care, charges or a fair trial.

Human rights have a very low priority for NATO. This can also be seen in the choice of alliances by NATO members. For example, the USA, the UK and Germany are arming the dictatorship in Saudi Arabia, which is beheading opposition members by the dozen and whose Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman probably personally gave the order to dismember the Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi Arabian Consulate General in Istanbul.

Rhetorically, NATO remains antithetically bound to its practice. NATO’s strategic concept for 2022 states: “We will strengthen our unity, cohesion and solidarity by building on the enduring transatlantic bond between our nations and the strength of our shared democratic values.” In view of the close alliances with dictators, autocrats and violators of international law, this self-assurance looks like a bad joke.

This hypocrisy is accompanied by double standards: In its strategic concept of 20 June 2022, NATO accuses Russia of committing “repeated violations of international humanitarian law” in Ukraine. While NATO uses this as an additional justification for its proxy war against Russia, it supports Israel in its obvious violations of international humanitarian law in Gaza and assures the country of its full solidarity.

With its veto in the UN Security Council, the USA is preventing any resolution in favour of an immediate ceasefire until the end of March. Without the arms supplies from the NATO states USA, Germany and Great Britain, this war would not be possible.

This double standard of the West is being increasingly criticised in the Global South. The human rights rhetoric of NATO states is seen there as purely instrumental to conceal or enforce their own geopolitical interests. NATO appears to be the guardian organisation of a deeply unjust world order with neo-colonial tendencies. This is demonstrated not least by the fact that, in the economic war against Russia, NATO members try to impose their own policies on third countries such as China, Turkey or the United Arab Emirates with so-called secondary sanctions in violation of their sovereignty.

The myths of NATO distort our view of reality. To find a way out of the current crisis, they need to be exposed. Today, 75 years after its foundation, the military pact is driving the world closer to the brink of a third world war than ever before with its global expansion and confrontations.

The critical examination of the current actions of the alliance as well as its crimes in the past should create the conditions for thinking about alternatives. Alternatives to a NATO that relies solely on deterrence, armament and confrontation—and thus jeopardises the very existence of peaceful coexistence.

(Translation “Swiss Standpoint”)

This text is an extract from the authors new book “Die NATO. Eine Abrechnung mit dem Wertebündnis” [The Nato. A reckoning with the alliance of values]. Westend. 128 pages. ... s-of-nato/


10,000 for detecting a drone
June 5, 18:52


10,000 for detecting a drone

Residents of the Novgorod region will be able to receive a reward of 10 thousand rubles for information about the detection of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). You can transmit information to emergency services using the “Emergency Call 112” mobile application, the press service of the regional government reports in its Telegram channel.

“If an unmanned aerial vehicle is detected, you can transmit information to emergency services using the Emergency Call 112 mobile application. <...> By order of the governor of the Novgorod region, if the information is confirmed, the first person to report the unmanned aerial vehicle will be paid 10 thousand rubles.” , - noted in the message.

The application must be installed on a smartphone with the Android operating system. “By choosing the “video stream to service” mode from the proposed methods of communication with the 112 service, you will be able to broadcast real-time video from the scene of the incident,” the press service added.

The mobile application "Emergency Call 112" will also become an assistant for people with hearing and vision disabilities. In the absence of the Internet, but if you have a cellular connection via SMS, you can send the coordinates of your location to service 112 indicating the problem - zinc

In the 3rd year of the war, they decided to start developing an early detection system for launched missiles enemy of the UAV. Better late than never.

On the receipt by fighters of the PMC "Wagner" of the required benefits and UBD certificates
June 5, 17:21


On the receipt by fighters of the PMC "Wagner" of the required benefits and UBD certificates

For veterans' certificates, pensions and payments for injuries.
Information is coming from all regions that the Vagners have begun to be issued en masse a UVBD (combat veteran's certificate).
After receiving the certificate, you will receive a lifelong pension of about four thousand rubles and a set of veteran’s benefits (there are many and different).


Our medical records from hospitals were enough in most regions to receive local payments for injuries.
There, all documents were checked and double-checked.
When assigning payment, the degree of injury has already been determined (mild, moderate, severe).
Certain amounts were accrued for them.


If you haven't received it, please contact the Defenders of the Fatherland Foundation, they will help you and direct you to the authorities.
If you received a payment for an injury in the region and the UVBD in hand, expect a federal payment for any injury, in the amount of 3 million rubles.
There is no need to start a discussion, panic, ask Albanian questions or be stupid.

Step 1. Submit documents to the Fund.
Step 2. Get UVBD.
Step 3. Receive regional payments.
Step 4. Wait for federal payments (no need to collect other documents).

Everything is available at the Defenders of the Fatherland Foundation.
They will help you.

Relatives of fallen soldiers.
The situation is similar.

Stop panicking.
Stop the fuss.
Everything will be according to law and justice.
The President took control of the situation. - zinc

PS. The author wrote an excellent book, “59 Days of the Stormtrooper,” about the battles for the liberation of Artemovsk. Posted on his channel.

Google Translator


The West is already at war with Russia but its leaders can’t wake up from a dream

Martin Jay

June 5, 2024

Is NATO planning something big in Ukraine? Are we on the cusp now of WWIII really breaking out since the U.S. has now backed the idea that Ukraine can fire missiles beyond its borders into Russia?

Is NATO planning something big in Ukraine? Are we on the cusp now of WWIII really breaking out since the U.S. has now backed the idea that Ukraine can fire missiles beyond its borders into Russia?

The news that President Joe Biden has given the go-ahead for long-range missiles to be fired into Russia should be worrying for a number of reasons. The dangerous game of escalation that the West is playing will have a breaking point in the not too distant future. The question is whether the West really understands how Putin thinks as it is presently betting on no retaliation from Russia, which is not only erroneous but very, very dangerous. Recent missile strikes into Russian territory destroyed two radar installations which western press refuse to report. The significance of this strike is important as the more Ukraine loses on the battlefield, the more desperate its tactics, egged on by western leaders who still think that their stake in the war is minimal. Although just recently Germany’s leader Scholz did a U-turn at a conference in Berlin with French President Macron — in backing the missile strikes into Russia plan — the truth is that officially NATO does not support the plan, which is why the UK is doing it independently using Storm Shadows operated by SAS soldiers.

This has been going on for months and so in many respects the news that the U.S. has authorised the practice could be taken lightly. What’s new? Or, more to the point, is Ukraine going to use longer-range U.S. missiles to keep up with such strikes like the radar stations? Does it have enough missiles in stock is also an important question.

With this strategy in play, we are looking in all scenarios at the slow demise of NATO as the more that such strikes occur, the more it is evident that NATO is a defunct organisation and only really a talk shop at best. NATO members are divided on an overall strategy with Ukraine and so member states do their own thing. If we see more of these strikes, the pressure on Putin to react will be overwhelming but when that time comes, he will practice and eye-for-an-eye strategy and strike the equivalent military installations within Europe or at least Ukraine’s drones operating in the Black Sea. This will be a shock for the West. It will take some days for such a strike to be seen for what it is: a warning. The message will be the escalation game has its limits and you’ve gone over a line.

But are the recent reports of a new offensive in the planning from NATO genuine? Probably not. Just like the reports of Putin wanting to negotiate a peace deal now. Both fake news are part of a strategy of panic from the Biden administration which really needs some sort of victory in Ukraine to present to the American people. Yet all of the aces are with Putin and he doesn’t seem to be showing any signs of falling into these traps. Putin has been pretty consistent in how he sees any kind of peace deal. Denazification, demilitarisation and no deal on NATO membership. The reasons why peace talks are a mere figment of the imagination of western journalists who sink to new lows is that the West cannot entertain any of these requests and has taken so much control of the media that its leaders are starting to believe their own BS. The fourth requirement also of Putin’s is that he can’t negotiate peace with a leader in the Ukraine who no longer has legitimacy as a president. One wonders how long the West can continue to kick up a fuss about that one. ... rom-dream/
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Fri Jun 07, 2024 11:58 am

The desired effect
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 06/07/2024


The commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings, celebrated yesterday, has given a new opportunity to Ukraine and its allies to place their message and equate the 1944 struggle with the current one. “Surrendering to bullies, kowtowing to dictators, is simply unthinkable,” said the leader of the United States, a country with a long history of supporting bloody dictatorships as long as it favored its geopolitical interests. Surrendering, Biden insisted, “would mean we would be forgetting what happened here, on these sacred beaches.” Comparisons with the Second World War have been repeated throughout this war by both sides, although neither in political nor military terms can a simile be made that goes beyond propaganda. The static front and the difficulty of the parties to carry out large maneuver operations is more reminiscent of the First World War and there is no, as there was then, an important ideological plane. What's more, despite the attempt by Ukraine and its defenders to present the country as a defender of freedom, its democratic shortcomings are similar to those usually attributed to Russia.

The use of World War II as a weapon against Moscow is also questionable considering both the role of the Soviet Union and the Ukrainian stance on those who fought in it. For almost a decade, Ukraine has officially praised those who fought for the freedom of Ukraine in the 20th century, including those who did so alongside Nazi Germany. Ukrainian legislation prohibits communist symbols such as the Victory Flag raised in Berlin by Soviet troops, among which the Ukrainian population had a significant presence. On the contrary, groups like OUN or UPA, which participated in the ethnic cleansing of Western Ukraine, are considered heroes and receive streets and monuments in their honor. Volodymyr Vyatrovich, the guardian of the memory of Poroshenko's times, even achieved a court decision that excluded the Galizien Division of the SS from the classification of a Nazi unit, which excluded it from the ban on symbols linked to the Third Reich. But historical revisionism is not a problem as long as it is carried out by allies of the West. Hence there is no contradiction between praising those who fought against the allies and equating the Normandy landings with the current proxy war against Russia. There is also no reason to use the commemoration of a common victory, the fight against Nazism, to promote the current war, in which the red lines are progressively eliminated to bring the continent closer to an increasingly uncertain scenario.

During his visit this week to Finland, Jens Stoltenberg insisted that NATO is not considering the possibility of sending troops, something that Joe Biden has also insisted on. The Alliance, and with it its main member, is satisfied with the current nature of a war in which it trusts to obtain geopolitical benefits. Only in this way can the American leak of its discomfort with the Ukrainian attacks against refineries in Russian territory and not having shown any concern about similar actions against early warning radars in areas located hundreds of kilometers from the Ukrainian front be understood. The White House's reasoning was the ability to create disruptions in the world oil market, with the potential to affect the United States, while the significant escalation of attacking elements that are part of the Russian nuclear shield simply means weakening Russia, the objective declared by Washington in this war. These radars, which do not participate at all in the current war, would be important in the event of a broader conflict. Both types of attack, carried out with drones, bear the identity of Kirilo Budanov, the controversial director of the Ukrainian GUR, whose actions have been denounced through leaks in major media at a time when the United States wanted to show its disagreement. with the methods used and the objectives chosen.

Budanov's hand is also evident in the two attacks that occurred yesterday in the regions of Kursk, where damage was minor, and Rostov, where, according to the Rybar collective , Ukraine achieved success in the region's only refinery and one of the main ones in the south of the country. The Russian source, who did not question the use of drones and did not even speculate on the use of Western weapons, highlighted the importance of the fire caused, much more serious than on previous occasions, and the consequences it could have for exports.

In response to American complaints, Ukraine reacted en masse, arguing that the attacks were carried out with Ukrainian weapons and, therefore, kyiv did not need Western permission. And in the face of criticism for the chosen objectives, Dmitro Kuleba argued that the West could allow itself to criticize kyiv if it supplied enough weapons to wage the war as it wishes. The weapons have already been promised and Ukraine has also obtained Western permission to use the equipment over certain areas of Russian territory. “We are not going to authorize attacks 200 miles away nor are we going to authorize attacks on Moscow, on the Kremlin,” said Joe Biden yesterday, who has lifted the veto on the use of US weapons in areas near the front. Ukraine's refusal to accept this new red line makes it inevitable that kyiv will begin to work on expanding that area of ​​use of Western equipment and that it is a matter of time before the limits are reviewed. In any case, the Western disinterest in criticizing Ukraine for its failure to comply with an explicit recommendation even after having complied with Kiev's blackmail, which demanded weapons to stop attacks on refineries, is striking .

The flames that illuminated the sky over Rostov show the reality of the limits of the war. Every red line that is crossed has no turning back. The Ukrainian strategy of constant demands receives an official discourse of containment and calculated escalation that always moves forward. Ukraine demanded a balance of forces to stop attacks in the rear that have caused disagreement in the White House. But as with Budanov's first attempts to use drones against targets in Russia, which were met with protests from the White House, reluctance was left behind by the time the next taboo was lifted. Kiev was able to divert attention from the American rejection of attacks on refineries to the need to attack Russian military targets. With the elimination of the ban, not only did these actions not stop, but they were incorporated as one of the routine methods that Ukraine can use against Russia. Complaints are always temporary and the Ukrainian Government is aware that it can allow practically any transgression - political, historical or military - and its media pressure will continue, at least for a time, to have exactly the desired effect.

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From Cassad's Telegram account:

Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of June 6, 2024). The main thing:

— Units of the “Southern” group improved the situation along the front line within 24 hours, the losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces amounted to 640 military personnel;

— The “West” group of troops occupied more advantageous positions within 24 hours, repelled 2 counterattacks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, and enemy losses amounted to up to 155 military personnel;

— The “North” group has improved the situation along the front line, the Ukrainian Armed Forces in its area of ​​​​responsibility lost up to 140 military personnel and a tank;

— Units of the Central Group of the Russian Armed Forces improved the tactical position and defeated the formations of five Ukrainian brigades;

— Units of the Southern Group of the Russian Armed Forces destroyed two field ammunition depots of the Ukrainian Armed Forces;

— The “Center” group repelled six counterattacks by Ukrainian Armed Forces assault groups;

— The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 345 military personnel in the area of ​​responsibility of the Central Group of the Russian Armed Forces;

— The Dnepr group hit the forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces near Pyatikhatki in Zaporozhye, Mylovoye, Novotyaginka and Ingulets in the Kherson region;

— The Vostok group of troops occupied more advantageous positions and defeated four Ukrainian brigades;

— Russian air defense forces shot down 48 Ukrainian UAVs, a Neptune missile, 7 HIMARS and Alder shells in one day.

Units of the Vostok group of forces occupied more advantageous positions and defeated the manpower and equipment of the 58th and 72nd mechanized brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the 102nd, 128th terrestrial defense brigades in the areas of the settlements of Vodyanoye, Neskuchnoye and Urozhaynoye of the Donetsk People's Republic.

Enemy losses amounted to up to 150 military personnel, two infantry fighting vehicles, nine vehicles, a 122 mm D-30 howitzer and a 100 mm Rapier anti-tank gun .

▫️ Units of the Dnepr group of troops defeated the formations of the 141st Infantry Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the 35th Marine Brigade and the 121st Terrestrial Defense Brigade in the areas of the settlements of Pyatikhatki, Zaporozhye region, Mylovoe, Novotyaginka and Ingulets, Kherson region.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 60 military personnel, five vehicles, a 152-mm Akatsiya self-propelled artillery mount and a 122-mm Gvozdika self-propelled artillery mount .

▫️During the day, operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation hit : a storage warehouse for unmanned boats , a place for training and launching airfield-type unmanned aerial vehicles , temporary deployment points for foreign mercenaries , accumulations of manpower and military equipment Ukrainian Armed Forces in 127 districts. Air defense systems shot down 48 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles , a Neptune anti-ship missile , as well as seven US-made HIMARS and Alder missiles .

▫️ In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed : 610 aircraft, 274 helicopters, 25,225 unmanned aerial vehicles, 527 anti-aircraft missile systems, 16,276 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,330 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 10,162 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 22311 units of special military vehicles.

Google Translator


The New York Times Might Be Telling The Truth: US & Ukrainian Priorities Do Seem To Be Diverging

JUN 06, 2024


If the Biden Administration keeps capitulating to Zelensky, or at least does nothing to stop the Cuban-like crisis that he’s plotting by enticing Poland and/or France into conventionally intervening in Ukraine and setting into motion the worst-case scenario of forcing Russia to use tactical nukes in self-defense as a last resort, then World War III can’t be ruled out.

The New York Times reported on Monday that “In private, Mr. Biden’s advisers concede that American and Ukrainian priorities are diverging. At this point, Ukraine has nothing left to lose from escalating with Russia. Mr. Biden still does: Inside the White House, the obvious concern is that President Vladimir V. Putin will roll out battlefield nuclear weapons”. Despite this outlet’s history of putting a self-interested political spin on their reporting, they might actually be telling the naked truth this time.

Ukraine had earlier defied the US’ public demands not to strike Russian oil refineries, which the US was against due to fears that the consequent oil price spike could harm Biden’s re-election prospects while Ukraine saw this as a means of pressuring Congress to approve its long-delayed aid package at the time. Ukraine then attacked at least one of Russia’s early warning systems, which prompted an unnamed administration source to tell the Washington Post that the US was concerned by this latest escalation.

It was wondered at the time here whether Ukraine had gone rogue or if it had done this with American approval, but the latest New York Times report that was cited in the introduction suggests on the surface at least that this was yet another piece of evidence in support of those two’s divergent priorities. At the same time, those two outlets’ reports might just be disinformation planted by administration officials in an attempt to mislead Russia about the US’ intentions and plead plausible deniability in those attacks.

Nevertheless, the argument can be made that the US and Ukraine’s priorities have actually been diverging for some time even before those two high-profile examples, with the most compelling proof being the US’ continued reluctance to give Ukraine everything that it demands right away. Policymakers not only miscalculated that the sanctions would crush the Russian economy before last summer’s failed counteroffensive dealt Russia a strategic defeat, but they were also rightly worried about escalation risks.

They’re still worried about them too, to be sure, but they’ve also now engaged in “mission creep” brought about by Ukraine’s increasingly nasty public pressure campaigns across the world (led to a large extent by aggressive trolls and sympathetic “experts”) and changing battlefield conditions. This observation explains why the Biden Administration has thus far kept capitulating to all of Ukraine’s demands, albeit sometime after they were first made, not ever doing so right away.

This dynamic is untenable since everything is approaching the brink of a major escalation as predicted by President Putin. NATO members like Poland and France have signaled that they might conventionally intervene in Ukraine, while Poland also revealed that it’s considering shooting down Russian missiles over Western Ukraine. If these moves come to pass, especially if the reportedly planned 100,000-strong NATO invasion force crosses the Dnieper, then Russia might resort to tactical nukes in self-defense.

“The US Is Playing A Dangerous Game Of Nuclear Chicken With Russia” after the Polish Foreign Minister claimed that the US told Russia that it would conventionally strike all of its forces in the special operation zone if Moscow uses nuclear weapons. This amounts to unprecedented blackmail when combined with Ukraine’s attacks against Russia’s early warning systems since Russia can’t be sure whether any rapidly approaching NATO invasion force just wants to freeze the front lines or invade Russia’s new regions.

Even though the Estonian Prime Minister said that Article 5 wouldn’t automatically be applied if a member state’s forces were harmed in Ukraine, it’s difficult to imagine the US hanging its allies out to dry if Russia pulverized their forces there. She also recently said that “victory” could be attained by bringing only parts of Kiev-claimed territory into NATO, however, which is a noticeable departure from the West’s initial goal of pushing Russia out of Ukraine’s pre-2014 borders.

This suggests that the hawkish anti-Russian faction that she represents is finally beginning to consider the contours of a compromise whereby Ukraine would be asymmetrically partitioned per the Korean-like armistice scenario floated by former NATO Supreme Commander Admiral James Stavridis late last year. That said, there are still presumably some members of this selfsame faction that want to continue fighting to the last Ukrainian out of desperation to inflict a strategic defeat of some sort against Russia.

As confirmed by Biden’s unnamed advisors who were quoted in the New York Times’ latest article, “At this point, Ukraine has nothing left to lose from escalating with Russia. Mr. Biden still does.” Kiev accordingly wants NATO members to conventionally intervene at the largest scale possible and also cross the Dnieper too in order to provoke a Cuban-like crisis that it hopes could result in unilateral Russian concessions. The Biden Administration, meanwhile, still wants to avoid such a dangerous escalation.

The problem is that members of its hawkish anti-Russian faction might clandestinely collude with the Poles, French, and Ukrainians to initiate a conventional NATO intervention of some sort for the abovementioned purpose of “escalating to de-escalate” on more favorable terms for Kiev as they see it. Kallas’ surprising shift away from the West’s “maximum victory” mantra suggests that pragmatic changes of perception are afoot within this faction, but there are still presumably some holdouts among them.

It's these figures that pose the greatest threat to world peace since they might initiate the aforesaid sequence of events that could result in Russia being forced to resort to tactical nukes in self-defense and thus lead to a spiraling exchange of strikes with the US that could easily become apocalyptic. Unless the Biden Administration politically neutralizes these forces, coerces Zelensky to resume peace talks with Russia, and/or removes him if he remains recalcitrant, none of which are likely, then this risk will remain.

Considering this, while it’s an important to note that the US’ (specifically the comparatively more pragmatic members of the Biden Administration’s) and Ukraine’s priorities are increasingly diverging as was argued, it’s ultimately a moot point if the US can’t leverage its influence to rein in Ukraine. As it presently stands and no matter how provocative the following assessment might seem, Ukraine appears to be the “senior partner”, not the US, since it always gets what it demands, albeit after some delay.

If the Biden Administration keeps capitulating to Zelensky, or at least does nothing to stop the Cuban-like crisis that he’s plotting by enticing Poland and/or France into conventionally intervening in Ukraine and setting into motion the worst-case scenario that was described, then World War III can’t be ruled out. Unfortunately, all of this is beyond the public’s ability to influence, with everything now resting in the hands of a few comparatively more pragmatic administration members whose sway is limited. ... be-telling


Ukrainian tyranny leads Russian citizens to spy in the New Regions

Lucas Leiroz

June 5, 2024

In the New Territories of the Russian Federation, some citizens are committing the crime of espionage, fearing possible reprisals against their families on the other side of the border.

Vladimir Zelensky’s neo-Nazi dictatorship is causing victims not only on Ukrainian borders, but also in territories liberated by the Russian Federation. Due to security concerns with their families on the other side of the border, some citizens in Russia’s New Regions, even while supporting the special military operation, are cooperating with Kiev through espionage and sabotage. The situation will probably only be resolved through final military victory against Kiev, as the Ukrainian regime does not seem willing to avoid dictatorial practices such as coercion and threats.

In a recent expedition organized by the Russian media group “Vashi Novosti”, I visited the New Territories of the Russian Federation. I have been in Donetsk People’s Republic and Zaporozhye Oblast. There I had the opportunity to see places affected by the conflict, such as the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant and the port city of Mariupol, in the DPR. In both regions, I and other journalists were alerted by the local military about security issues regarding possible espionage and sabotage by native civilians.

According to our sources, around 20% of inhabitants of cities liberated since 2022 — such as Melitopol, Energodar and Mariupol — tend to spy on Russian actions, as they fear repressive actions by Kiev. In the current conflict zone, there are two types of territories under Russian control: on the one hand, the areas liberated by separatist militias since 2014, on the other, the cities liberated by Russia’s direct action since the launch of the special military operation. Cities that have been liberated since 2014 tend to be safer, with the local population not fearing Ukrainian reprisals, while, on the other hand, some inhabitants of the recently liberated regions fear that Ukraine could do them harm, as many of their relatives are still currently living in the areas controlled by Kiev.

Over the course of eight years of war, almost all relatives of the inhabitants of the separatist territories fled Ukraine. However, since the beginning of the special operation, many ethnic Russians living in Ukraine have not yet had the opportunity to cross the border into Russia due to strong repressive Ukrainian policies. As a result, there is a situation in which some ethnic Russians remain living under Ukrainian control, even though they support Russia. This makes them vulnerable to reprisals, which causes fear among their relatives in the New Territories.

In practice, coercion and fear are once again serving as tools for the Kiev regime to achieve its sabotage goals in Russia’s New Regions. This has put the security of Russian military personnel at risk, whose positions are often leaked by local civilians to Ukrainian troops. In exchange for the safety of their family members, some Russians are simply having to betray their compatriots — even if it violates their personal interests and values.

It is important to emphasize that the Russian Federation does not consider ordinary citizens to be “traitors”, even if they are committing such crimes. Unlike the Ukrainian regime, which arrests and kills ordinary people alleging “pro-Russian collaboration”, Moscow respects the rights of its civilian citizens and understands them as victims, not criminals. Instead of punishing ordinary people for being coerced into committing crimes, Russia simply strives to promote effective actions against the enemy, aiming for final victory in the near future.

Only by defeating Kiev militarily will Moscow make its New Regions an absolutely safe territory. Until this happens, unfortunately, many citizens will continue to be victims of the neo-Nazi dictatorship. For Russia, victory in the special military operation is not just a matter of national security and ensuring strategic interests, but a true humanitarian mission to protect ethnic Russians. ... w-regions/




by John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with

Right now the Russian Electric War campaign in the Ukraine is targeting the last operating power generation plants and the transmission lines from the European Union replacing electricity which the Ukrainians can no longer generate for themselves. Microwave and mobile telephone towers are being struck so that the country’s cell network is collapsing in parallel with the electricity network.

“This is Russian deep battle”, a US military source comments, “being fought in fact by the General Staff while its operations continue to be restricted in Moscow for political reasons. Soon the impact will be impossible to cover up. For now, we know how bad it’s getting by the lack of discussion about how bad it’s getting.”

Gorilla Radio has been analyzing the war’s outcome since the beginning.

In a new 60-minute interview on Gorilla Radio, recorded on June 5 (Pacific Daylight Time), June 6 Moscow time, Chris Cook leads the discussion of what happens next on the losing side. Click to listen. ... medium=web

For the introduction to this broadcast, access to the 20-year Gorilla Radio archive, and Chris Cook’s blog, click here and here. ... more-89960


About Those Land Corridors...

... much ado about nothing. Media also want to eat.

Nato is developing multiple “land corridors” to rush US troops and armour to the front lines in the event of a major European ground war with Russia. American soldiers would land at one of five ports and be channelled along pre-planned logistical routes to confront a possible attack by Moscow, officials told The Telegraph. It comes amid warnings from the Alliance’s top leaders that Western governments must prepare themselves for a conflict with Russia in the next two decades. Logistical routes have become a key priority since Nato leaders agreed to prepare 300,000 troops to be kept in a state of high readiness to defend the alliance at a summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, last year. Existing plans have US troops landing at Dutch ports before boarding trains that transport them through Germany and onwards to Poland.

When I say they are incompetent amateurs in NATO I now wholeheartedly mean it. Get a load of this, LOL))

If Nato forces entering from the Netherlands are hit by Russian bombardment, or northern European ports destroyed, the alliance is set to shift focus to ports in Italy, Greece and Turkey. From Italian ports, US troops could be carried via land through Slovenia, Croatia to Hungary, which shares a border with Ukraine. Similar plans exist to transport forces from Turkish and Greek ports through Bulgaria and Romania to reach the alliance’s eastern flank.

These clowns obviously need basic arithmetic for calculating the "weight" of Russian missile salvo which is enough to take out any possible port of disembarkation of NATO troops and of completely paralyzing SLOC (Shipping Lanes of Communication) including by means of sinking any ships carrying troops. I posted this piece a few years back, it is worth reminding these "planners" that they better face the music.

While Metrick does a good job describing an effect of a salvo of tens of 3M14 missiles on Bremenhaven as a main "unloading point" of arriving NATO reinforcements to attack Russia (yes, namely this way, not the other way around), he is incorrect in assuming that such an asset as Project 885 Yasen-class SSGNs will be involved in striking European ports--for that Russia has more than enough 3M14 and X-101s loaded on a fleet of missile corvettes, SSKs and strategic bombers of Tu-160 and Tu-95 variety. The first salvo from these assets may involve up to 150-200 long range cruise missiles--all of them within the range of any European port capable to receive reinforcements from the US. Yasens are a different breed--they are specifically designed for operations on SLOC, their own ASW (against NATO subs) and, finally, these are dedicated CBGs killers, more so than even monstrous Oscar-II (Project 949A) SSGNs. Next year, first launch of hypersonic 3M22 Zircon is planned from one of the Yasen-class subs. This weapon changes calculus of any war on the high seas completely.

Five years passed since then and Russian economy is firing on all cylinders outproducing NATO in everything, sometimes by the order of magnitude and especially so in standoff weapons. Because of that, even they noticed:

But after warnings that Nato only has 5 per cent of the necessary air defences to cover its eastern flank, the Jsec commander is concerned about surface-to-air capabilities to defend his key logistical hubs. “Observing and assessing the Russian war in Ukraine, we have observed Russia has attacked Ukraine’s logistics bases,” he said. “That must lead to the conclusion that it is clear that huge logistics bases, as we know it from Afghanistan and Iraq, are no longer possible because they will be attacked and destroyed very early on in a conflict situation.” “With regards to air defence... It’s always scarce. I cannot imagine a situation that you have enough air defence. That is a good example where a military principle applies: ‘If you want to be strong everywhere, you are strong nowhere.’”

Yes, they will be destroyed together with C3 structure with command top being killed either in disembarkation points, on the march or in tactical and operational rear. And, BTW, you CAN be strong nearly everywhere if you defend the country such as Russia, which knows war better than anyone else in the world. Spin, all the time, never-ending. ... idors.html

25,000 x 30=750,000

Of the VSU personnel as Putin describes it as irretrievable losses today. And then, of course, there are simply wounded. 30 is the number of months of SMO. 25,000 are "at least" of VSU losses which are... well, done and are never coming back.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine are losing at least 50,000 service personnel a month, five times more than the Russian military, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday. Putin was speaking with reporters from international news agencies on the sidelines of the St Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF). “According to our estimates, the Ukrainian army loses about 50,000 people every month,” Putin said in response to a question, adding that the ratio of sanitary and irrecoverable casualties was “about 50-50.” While not specifying the number of Russian casualties, Putin said the number of irrecoverable losses was at least five times less than those incurred by Kiev's forces. There are currently 1,348 Russian servicemen held in Ukraine as prisoners of war, while 6,465 Ukrainian servicemen are in Russian captivity, the president revealed. Ukraine is capable of mobilizing about 30,000 troops a month and “there aren’t very many volunteers,” Putin explained.

Putin gives here the numbers of Russian MoD which, as I state ad nauseam for two years, provides ONLY numbers which it can objectively confirmed. The actual number of VSU's irretrievable losses can easily be multiplied by coefficient anywhere between 1.5 to 2.0. Let's take a lower 1.5. 750,000 x 1.5 = 1, 125,000 irretrievable losses of VSU. Add here sanitary losses of about the same--and you have 2.5 million people who have been lost and wounded in 404. That's the scale of SMO. There is not a single officer in NATO who can grasp, let alone handle such numbers as a lower estimate for possible NATO operations against Russia in real war. I will merely repeat:


And NATO is falling behind technologically with every passing day since at least 2014. ... 50000.html


June 6, 23:13



The headquarters receives signal 300 via radio from the Neva. We put on the armor, grab the medical backpacks and, together with paramedic Kupitman, jump into Bukhanych.

So as not to waste time, a truck drives out to meet us from the Neva’s firing position. We meet at the entrance to Avdeevka. At the checkpoint, the VP officers are digging in: documents, inspection of the vehicle...

We are yelling that it’s 300, heavy, evacuation! They understand everything. They leave a corridor at the checkpoint for meeting and reloading.

The stretcher was laid out. The paramedic is standing with nefopam in his hand, I’m holding a tourniquet - immediately do the tourniquet conversion.

The truck pulls up, Kupitman jumps into the back and delivers. But it’s immediately clear that it’s too late. I try to feel the pulse - no. I ask the paramedic to check - no, either.

We still hope that somehow we will be able to resuscitate him. In seconds we load into Bukhanych and fly to the nearest hospital.

Our comrade is wrapped in a sleeping bag and a huge mask net. Kupitman unwinds it to get to the damage. I can’t see, I look at the road, shouting: “Well, what’s there?” Kupitman unwound it and said “there was no chance at all.”

The commander, battalion commanders, and comrades flew to the hospital. We have a cool division, we take care of each other. Since I arrived here at the end of October, we haven’t had another 200. And so

we went to Makeevka to take the deposit, where they sent it to Donetsk. Hospital and morgue in the city center. He cut off the pendant from his neck, took off his watch and wedding ring. Kupitman dug out his phone in the remains of his clothes. On the screen saver there is a young wife and child.

They handed it over, drove away a block and found themselves in the square. Shops, cafes, park, people, summer, peaceful life is bustling. We are dirty, sweaty, in armor. People are walking around, riding scooters, ice cream and soda in their hands. It's like we're from a parallel universe in this picture... or they are. How to watch

I go into a coffee shop, there is air conditioning. I take off my armor, stand under the cold air, order a cappuccino. The girl asks me: “Do you want coconut milk or regular milk?”

And when she served the coffee, she said: “Have a nice day!”...
It’s such a fashionable coffee shop, in the center of the city, so it’s not about the girl. It’s just that in my circumstances it sounded extremely absurd.

Kupitman came in, drank coffee, ate cheesecake. Let's go back. They turned on Tsoi. The phone number of the deceased comrade is constantly ringing - his wife is texting.
After 40 minutes of driving again at war

Quote from brother Max - zinc

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Ukrainian formations once again attacked the Novoshakhtinsky oil refinery in the Rostov region
June 6, 2024

Ukrainian formations once again attacked the Novoshakhtinsky oil refinery in the Rostov region . As a result of the detonation of the drones, a fire started on the territory of the enterprise, which was extinguished by four o’clock in the morning.

This is at least the second raid on the facility since the beginning of the year: on March 13, several UAVs fell near the enterprise as a result of exposure to electronic warfare, and therefore technological processes were suspended.

This plant is the only refinery in the Rostov region and one of the largest in the Southern Federal District. The enterprise is almost entirely export-oriented, and an attack on it could have somewhat greater consequences than possible problems with fuel in Russia.

Such attacks by Ukrainian formations are also beneficial to globalist TNCs and fuel companies. Indeed, in the event of a possible non-compliance by Russia with fuel supplies to neighboring states, broad prospects for taking over the market open up for a conditional Exxon Mobil or Shell .

Therefore, oil infrastructure facilities require close attention in terms of protective equipment. And not only from the Ministry of Defense, but also from the manufacturers themselves. In the end, Russian companies do not hesitate to protect infrastructure in regions with terrorist activity, because they do not want to lose money.

Therefore, in the reach of Ukrainian formations, it is necessary to provide even more protection than in conditional Iraq . Iraqi terrorist groups are not, at least officially, supplied with long-range weapons.

The second fuel and energy complex facility hit that night was an oil depot in the Starooskolsky district of the Belgorod region . As a result of the drone hit, one of the tanks caught fire, the fire was prevented from spreading, and the fire was soon extinguished. ... j-oblasti/

President Macron approves missile strikes on Russia
June 6, 2024

As expected, French President Emmanuel Macron officially approved the use of long-range missiles against the “old” Russian regions. Formulations about the supposed permissibility of their strikes only on specific objects should not be misleading - all these restrictions are lifted instantly, just as they appeared.

Macron also announced the upcoming delivery of five old Mirage-2000D fighters to the Kiev regime, which was also predictable - back in 2023, we wrote in detail about the training of Ukrainian flight personnel in France and training to control aircraft of this type.

At the same time, with the operation of Mirages by the Air Force, the so-called. Ukraine may face certain difficulties, as even representatives of the Kiev regime themselves openly spoke about last year . However, as the Fifth Republic channel correctly points out, the delivery of old vehicles will be followed by the transfer of modernized versions of the Mirage-2000D.

All of these steps, coming after two years of fighting, signal NATO's desire to raise the stakes. In turn, this formally gives Russia a free hand to implement certain measures, which in the case of France specifically will be much easier to implement in comparison with other members of the Alliance.

If, of course, you approach the issue creatively and with a strong desire to cause real damage to the enemy. Calmly, quietly and without empty chatter about “red lines” and letters to Sportloto. ... po-rossii/

About high-profile episodes involving Ukrainian TCCs
June 6, 2024


Recently, the number of videos covering incidents with TCC employees in territory controlled by the Kyiv regime has increased on the Internet. If earlier the videos mainly showed cases of capture of draft dodgers and raids, now more and more often there are footage of fights between citizens and military registration and enlistment office employees.

Therefore, we decided to systematize and map all such high-profile episodes since Zelensky signed the law on expanding mobilization to the so-called. Ukraine. The list includes only cases that were captured by the camera or media reports - their real number is much higher.

Kidnapping and harsh capture of people by military registration and enlistment office employees is common in different parts of the so-called. Ukraine. Their actions are becoming increasingly harsh: for example, in Odessa they beat up a girl who was filming the work of TCC employees, in Kiev they beat up a disabled person, and in Lvov they tried to hit a cyclist.

The number of deaths of those recently mobilized in the dungeons of the Ukrainian TCC is growing - there are known cases of citizens dying from beatings in the Dnepropetrovsk, Zhytomyr and Transcarpathian regions. Each time, the authorities claim that the tragedies were allegedly caused by medical factors, but relatives claim the opposite and go out to protest.

Against this background, as expected, attacks began on TCC employees, with the small Chernivtsi region being the leader . In Kharkov, activists set fire to the car of the head of the Saltovsky TCC and the building of the military registration and enlistment office, and in Transcarpathia, gypsies from the village of Onok stormed the TCC in Vinogradov because of the conscription of their sick fellow villager.

At the same time, the Ukrainian population is more actively resisting mobilization - in various regions, episodes have been recorded when residents managed to “beat off” TCC employees and free them, simply by spontaneously piling on the latter in a crowd.

What is most striking is that residents of the territories controlled by the Kyiv regime began to quite openly oppose the TCC. Nothing like this before on the so-called. There were no masses in Ukraine: if in 2022 and 2023 everything usually came down to fleeing from military registration and enlistment office employees, now people are already standing up for the citizens they captured and even attacking TCC employees.

This, on the one hand, is a very good indicator of the mood of at least part of Ukrainian society. On the other hand, it acts as a guide to action for both residents of the so-called. Ukraine and other interested parties.

Statement by Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani on sending military personnel to Ukraine
June 6, 2024

The other day, the head of the Italian Foreign Ministry, Antonio Tajani , said that Italy would not send military personnel to the so-called. Ukraine. According to him, the country also allows the use of weapons supplied to Ukrainian formations, but not on objects in the “old” Russian regions.

Yesterday, the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure and Deputy Prime Minister of Italy Matteo Salvini made a similar statement . The politician said that the government will not reconsider the ban on the use of the transferred Ukrainian Armed Forces in the “old” territories of Russia and, in the opposite case, will completely stop supplies if this happens.

To see in such revelations signs of a decline in support for the Kiev regime, and even more so, any sympathy of the Italian authorities for Russia, is very short-sighted. After all, nothing prevents the Ukrainian Armed Forces, for example, from shelling the same Belgorod region with Italian 155-mm shells or launching SAMP-T anti-aircraft missiles at VKS aircraft, not to mention attacks on “new” regions.

Moreover, Italy continues to actively supply the Armed Forces of Ukraine - since February 2022, the total amount of supplies exceeds a billion dollars. And last week in Rome they just announced their readiness to send another SAMP-T air defense system to the Kiev regime, which is most likely already on Ukrainian territory.

So all such statements from the mouths of members of the Italian government at the moment are nothing more than shaking the air, when, despite imaginary peace-loving rhetoric, the process of supplying military products to the Kyiv regime does not stop, and the country itself is gradually being drawn into the conflict. ... a-ukrainu/

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Nazi Penguins, Woman Wagner
More May events

JUN 07, 2024

Greener pastures..
7 men broke through the recently-constructed border fence at the infamous Tysa river on May 31, where at last count 30 people have turned up drowned. They were apprehended and arrested. They had paid $5,000-15,000 USD to the organizers.

Harsher punishments are demanded for truckers who abandon their cars once over the border to escape mobilization. The vice president of Ukraine’s trucker’s association proposed to deliver their details to Interpol on May 28.

Two Ukrainians who shot at Ukrainian border patrol were arrested in Romania on May 28. They will be extradited. They had escaped Ukraine by making the dangerous mountain trek, and engaged in a firefight with Ukrainian border patrol in the Zakarpattya region, successfully stealing their weapons. This comes after the non-fatal shooting of a draft-dodger by border patrol in the Vynnytsia region on May 19, and the fatal shooting of a draft dodger in Zakarpattia on May 17.

An Odessan who tried to escape on a child’s inflatable raft has been arrested. On its official telegram, the border patrol wrote: “Spiderman” from Odessa didn’t manage to cross the border


But things aren’t so good on the other side of the Tysa river either.

No doubt readers have heard about Polish foreign minister Sikorski’s statements. But a thousand Ukrainian refugees are set to be evicted in the German state of Saxonia. They have failed to find their own housing and must make way for other refugees. Two Ukrainian teens died while fleeing the Polish police on May 29. On May 30, it was announced that those aged 17 years and older studying at foreign universities must return to Ukraine and enter their details at the mobilization office.

On May 30, Ukraine’s judge at the European Court of Human rights stated in an interview that Ukraine occupies the top five countries with most court cases. The number of cases stands at 8,000 and is rising.

Mobilized Economy
First, economic effects. There aren’t enough public service workers in the Ivano-Frankivsk region (Bandera’s birthplace). The Chernihiv drama theatre has closed because too many staff have been mobilized. There are not enough workers in the Kiev Metro Line, leading to longer intervals.

The liberal-nationalist publication reported on May 24 that men in the Lviv region, even those reserved from mobilization, fear going to work, where they can be easily mobilized.

Cast the Net Wider
Militarily viable women will be fined if they don’t update military details. Imprisoned Ukrainian women, including murderers, will be mobilized, announced Ukraine’s Minister of Justice on May 29.

Justice Minister Malyuska

The training period for the mobilized was shortened on May 28. If before the official training period was two months, it is now 90 days. General command wants to reduce staff by 60%. Some will be sent to the front

Only 2% of those who get mobile conscription letters actually come, said a mobilization office representative on May 26. From June the ‘semi fit’ must also undergo military verification. 17 year olds can also be mobilized, according to a recent statement by the army. Those abroad must return to Ukraine and undergo military tests.

The government has been warning more and more lately about the danger of Russian disinformation regarding mobilization. A representative of Right Sector proposed a solution - Tik Tok must be banned to improve morale at the rear.

(More, Paywall.) ... rty-escape
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Sat Jun 08, 2024 12:02 pm

Justice and forgiveness, arguments for war
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 06/08/2024


Asking for forgiveness can be an act of humility, redemption or sincerity. In politics, especially in high politics, it can also involve an exercise in opportunism with which to reinforce a certain discourse. “I apologize for those weeks without knowing what was going to happen in terms of financing,” said Joe Biden yesterday, addressing Volodymyr Zelensky in relation to the months of legislative blockade that left Ukraine without assistance funds for the first time since 2022. The months of unconditional support for Israel or the sending of military weapons with which Tel Aviv has attacked densely populated civilian areas causing daily massacres have not required condemnations or apologies. Sending weapons to war, even if they are consciously used against the defenseless population, is not enough to offer a public lament - only private reproaches conveniently leaked to the press, as Biden has shown his supposed anger with Benjamin Netanyahu - but the absence is temporary of the world's leading power in the most intense war that the European continent has experienced since the Second World War.

“We are still here. Complement. Thoroughly,” Biden added, making it clear that this war will never run out of weapons or financing. Biden's statements are not only a way to calm his allies, but also a reproach to the part of the Republican Party that blocked the agreement for weeks and a way to differentiate himself from his opponent. While Trump, in a completely naive and unfeasible way, claims that he will be able to end the war immediately, Biden is betting, without cracks, on war. “The apology came while Biden met in Paris with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who called for bipartisan support from the United States going forward “as happened during World War II,” AP described . The Ukrainian president's statements bring together two of the usual lines of this and any other war: twisting the facts and also the words.

In the same way that Biden has used forgiveness to defend a political position, Zelensky uses the example of World War II to achieve his objectives. The enormous differences between the two wars make the simile impossible and the fact that four of the five “most popular” units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces are far-right formations makes the comparison insulting. Even so, that is the discourse that the Ukrainian Government has opted for, which combines the expansionist desires of the European Union, a twisted rhetoric of democracy against authoritarianism and the most basic topics of Cold War anti-communism against Moscow, without it being It is not even necessary that on this occasion there are ideological differences between the two opposing sides.

The distortion of reality in the Ukrainian case is not new and dates back to the years of war in Donbass. On May 8, 2015, Victory in Europe Day, for example, the front page of the Kyiv Post wondered when “victory against Putin” would come. In six columns, that cover illustrated a photograph of Maidan in which Hitler, Stalin and a smiling Putin were equated, who at that time insisted on compliance with the Minsk agreements to return Donbass to Ukraine and thus end the war in Ukraine. In 2021, a brave woman confronted members of the fascist group C14 who were trying to sabotage the peaceful commemoration of May 9, Victory Day, in Odessa. In front of them, she proudly displayed a red flag. The meaning was clear even if there was no trace of the hammer and sickle and other symbols of the Victory Flag, removed to avoid being persecuted by the Maidan justice. Several years earlier, Ukraine had criminalized the symbols of one of the great causes of the defeat of the Third Reich and in whose army millions of Ukrainians fought.

Manipulating reality requires distorting words when creating a speech according to the interests of the moment, something for which the Ukrainian president has great experience. In his speech at the National Assembly, which occurred on the same day that Emmanuel Macron announced the shipment of French Mirage 2000 aircraft to Ukraine and training of its pilots, Volodymyr Zelensky demanded more. As usual, he did so hiding behind the discourse of good versus evil. “For a just peace, more is needed,” the Ukrainian leader stated before the French legislative assembly. Justice is a worthy goal, although, in this case, that just peace is a simple euphemism for resolving war without concessions. The Russian invasion of 2022 and the Western narrative that has described the events as “Putin's war”, as the Ukrainian press did in previous years, has made us forget everything that happened before February 24 of that year and also what It happens beyond the front line. Zelensky's justice includes refusing to implement the signed peace agreement, considering that it granted excessive rights to the population of Luhansk, a discourse that the West has accepted without fissures, blaming Russia for the failure of the Minsk process . Zelensky 's justice also implies granting amnesty to those who fought on the side of Kiev and denying the same to those who defended themselves against Ukrainian aggression with weapons; ban Nazi and communist signs, but apply the laws so selectively that they only affect one side or demand the capitulation of the other side without even promising minimal compliance with the most basic points of the document that Ukraine had signed in 2015.

The demand for surrender, not only of Donetsk and Lugansk but of Russia, remains to this day although it has to be at the cost of the opinion and basic rights of the part of the population that rejected the 2014 attack and looked to Russia in search of protection and as a way to avoid a banking, commercial and transportation blockade that tried to subdue Donbass through economic means. This economic coercion, which included the non-payment of pensions to the population of the two separatist regions, also seems to be part of the justice of Volodymyr Zelensky who, despite his campaign promises, refused to lift the blockade. The just end to which the Ukrainian president refers also implies, as advisors close to Zelensky have promised, a purge of the population of Crimea and Donbass and perhaps even limitation of civil and political rights to a population reviled in Kiev for its disloyalty towards the country that attacked them by military, political or economic means and seeks, from one Western capital to another, the means to continue doing so. Just yesterday, an attack with ATACMS missiles caused four deaths and more than forty injuries, five of them seriously, in a residential area of ​​the city of Lugansk. The attack in the RPL capital was not the only one that caused casualties. In the afternoon, an artillery bombardment against a store in the town of Sadovoe, in the Kherson area under Russian control, caused, according to local authorities, 22 deaths. Unlike in cases in which Russian missiles cause damage to civilian infrastructure, there were no strong condemnations from Volodymyr Zelensky, Joe Biden or Ursula von der Leyen, more concerned with reinforcing their discourse to justify the continuation of their actions. acts.

“Brussels considers the reforms of Ukraine and Moldova completed and asks to open EU accession negotiations,” Europa Press headlined yesterday , citing the statements of the community spokesperson for Enlargement, Ana Pisonero, who confirmed that Ukraine has already complied with the demands. of the European Commission. The rush to begin negotiations for an accession for which in no way meets the conditions that have been demanded of other countries that have not hidden behind having shed blood for the values ​​and defense of Europe is due solely to factors geopolitical. We only have to remember that freedom of the press was one of the subjects that Ukraine passed the fastest, the country that had eliminated all information plurality based on closures by decree, harassment by the extreme right and, after February 24, unifying the information programming of all television channels transforming it into a propaganda “marathon” by and for the State. The acceleration of times does not respond to the good performance of the two countries, a narrative creation, but, according to the Financial Times , to the need to take the step before Hungary's arrival to the current presidency of the European Union.

The situation demands concrete facts, which can be manufactured artificially by distorting reality and creating an illusion. Political reproach can be camouflaged as an apology in the same way that the imposition of one's own will can be disguised as justice and expansionism as enlargement.

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From Cassad's Telegram account:

Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of June 8, 2024). The main thing :

- Air defense systems shot down a Mi-8 helicopter of the Ukrainian Air Force;

- The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost more than 400 troops per day in the zone of responsibility of the “South” group, and two Ukrainian field ammunition depots were also destroyed;

- The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 135 military personnel in one day due to the actions of the Vostok group of troops;

- The “Center” group improved its tactical position, repelled five counterattacks by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, and enemy losses amounted to up to 340 military personnel;

- Units of the “West” group occupied more advantageous positions and repelled three counterattacks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces;

- The forces of the Black Sea Fleet destroyed 5 Ukrainian unmanned boats in one day;

- The Dnepr group of troops defeated two Ukrainian brigades;

- The Russian Armed Forces hit the personnel and equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 104 regions.

Units of the Vostok group of troops occupied more advantageous positions and defeated the manpower and equipment of the 58th motorized infantry brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area of ​​the village of Urozhaynoye, Donetsk People's Republic.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 135 military personnel, five vehicles , and a 122-mm 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled artillery mount .

▫️ Units of the Dnepr group of troops defeated the manpower and equipment of the formations of the 121st Territorial Defense Brigade and the 23rd Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine in the areas of the settlements of Nikopol and Maryevka, Dnepropetrovsk region.

The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces amounted to up to 50 military personnel, two vehicles , a 155-mm AS-90 “Braveheart” self-propelled artillery mount made in Great Britain and two 152-mm D-20 howitzers.

▫️Operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery from groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation defeated concentrations of enemy manpower and military equipment in 104 regions.

▫️The forces of the Black Sea Fleet destroyed five unmanned boats within 24 hours .

▫️An Mi-8 helicopter of the Ukrainian Air Force was shot down by air defense systems .

In addition, four ATACMS operational-tactical missiles, seven HIMARS and Alder missiles, a Neptune anti-ship missile, as well as 71 unmanned aerial vehicles were destroyed.

📊 In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed: 610 aircraft, 275 helicopters, 25,397 unmanned aerial vehicles, 528 anti-aircraft missile systems, 16,294 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,330 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 10,208 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 22,355 units of special military vehicles.

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Putin gives first official idea of Russian losses since start of SMO, + more from the SPIEF

JUN 06, 2024

Yesterday at the official SPIEF (St. Petersburg International Economic Forum) Putin gave an extremely revealing 3-hour long open round table with foreign journalists. I will do a break down of some of the most interesting clips and soundbites, though you can see the entire important meeting here.

But first let’s cover the most interesting of the revelations:

The Russian MOD stopped listing official losses sometime around May of 2022, likely after it became obvious that the conflict would drag on and the losses would grow to an unsuitably painful degree.

Now at the SPIEF, Putin gave the first indication since that time of Russian losses when he stated that Russia loses 1 soldier for every 5 Ukrainian ones, as well as giving an exact figure for POWs, which he states as follows:

There are 1,348 #Russian soldiers and officers in captivity in #Ukraine, and 6,465 such #Ukrainian in #Russia, #Putin said.

(Videos at link.)

There is a lot to digest and unpack here, so let’s do it one thing at a time.

Let’s first spell out exactly what he says:

Ukraine loses 50,000 men per month, both irrecoverable and sanitary losses, i.e. total casualties included wounded, KIA, etc.

The ratio of their wounded to irrecoverable/KIA is 50/50, which means out of 50k, 25k of them are actually irrecoverable losses. (note: this is a high proportion to wounded because of Ukraine’s comparative lack of battlefield medicine which causes far more wounded to die, not to mention Russia’s usage of powerful airstrikes/bombs which proportionally simply kills far more soldiers outright)

Ukraine mobilizes 30,000 new men per month from the street.

The ratio between Russian and Ukrainian losses is 1:5 in favor of Russia.

The ratio of POWs is 1,348 to 6,465 in favor of Russia.

Now, let’s begin breaking this down:
The Russian MOD’s official tally of total Ukrainian losses is about 500,000 as of the last reporting a bit over a month ago:


Thus, given that the 500k figure is an official Russian MOD figure which Putin presumably would not contradict, we can only assume that Russian losses are therefore 1/5 of that, which would be ~100k.

Recall that MediaZona/BBC have the supposedly confirmed Russian names of what is now ~54,000 KIA. They claim this is only Russian troops and does not count DPR/LPR, which they claim is a further ~23k or so dead. They further extrapolate their confirmed name count of 54k to be about 84k total dead based on their assumption that they cannot confirm every actual death.

Thus, using the above, we can assume that the KIA on Russia’s side could be something like: 54k (Russia) + 23k (LDNR) = 77k; or their extrapolated estimate of 84k + 23k = ~107k.

However, that is just KIA alone. That doesn’t count Russia’s “irrecoverable losses”, which are people maimed or too injured to fight again. Russia’s irrecoverable are far smaller than that of Ukraine due to the far superior Russian battlefield medicine and ability to evacuate injured troops in time to save their limbs, etc. This is due to having helicopters and other transports far more readily available. Even so, we can estimate there’s got to be at least another 20-40k irrecoverable if not more—and I’ve seen some credible related figures that obliquely lead me to believe it’s not much more than that.

Then, if you figure that KIA/irrecoverable are typically about 25-35% of all wounded, we can assume total wounded may be another 150-250k which obviously refers to people not only so lightly wounded that they return to war, but that they even count twice, three times or more on the tally because they get re-wounded several times over the course of the war. Thus 300k “wounded” may actually only represent 100-200k real people, for instance; there are many people that can get multiple ‘purple hearts’.

The point I’m trying to make is that the official U.S. “casualty” number for Russia is something like 350k, and counting lightly wounded this may very well actually be relatively accurate. However, if you count wounded for Ukraine as well, the total “casualties” of every kind could be far north of 1 million. Ukraine may have 500k total “irrecoverable” losses as per the official Russian MOD figure, and then an additional hundreds of thousands of regular wounded who are forced to return to combat. Recall Putin said the ratio is 50/50, which would entail 500k additional wounded for a total casualty list of 1 million.

According to Putin, the official POW disparity is 1,348 Russian soldiers in captivity in Ukraine, and 6,465 Ukrainian soldiers in captivity in Russia.

First: this number seems oddly low given that we have had many previous numbers indicating far higher Ukrainian POWs, which I have reported here—so what gives?

For instance, even official Russian TASS news agency reported that a whopping 10,000 Ukrainian POWs were captured just after the Volga channel went live in summer 2023, during the big ‘counteroffensive’:


That’s a massive 10,000 surrendering in only 3 months—according to this.

Just last month, I covered this report which said Russia has over 20,000 AFU prisoners while Ukraine has 800 Russian POWs and 5000 LDPR ones:


So why the discrepancy?

Several possible reasons:

Putin is referring only to the Ukrainian prisoners that Russia has, i.e. on nominal Russian territory.

It has long been known that Ukrainian POWs are kept separately in both Donbass by LPR/DPR authorities or in Russia, depending on their charges and who captured them. Despite LDPR obviously being officially part of Russia now, Putin may still be referring only to the POWs on Russian territory. Just going by vague recollection, the last time I heard any credible figures long ago it was said that Donbass had thousands of Ukrainian POWs and there were thousands more in Russia as well.

Russia often exchanged unfavorably, i.e. 100 to 50, etc., thus they may have whittled their AFU prisoner count down by a lot more than the Russian POWs in Ukrainian captivity.

Russia granted many POWs amnesty when their background was checked and they were found to not be ideological radicals/nationalists, and they were removed from the list or even granted asylum and citizenship in Russia.

For instance, here’s one such heartwarming tale of Pasha, Ukrainian prisoner who refused to be exchanged back to Ukraine. Instead, he pledged allegiance to Russia and was allowed to move to Moscow with his elated girlfriend: (Video at link.)

And there were many others like this.

Related to the above, as most know, Russia has formed several battalions—and possibly even much more than that—entirely of AFU prisoners who choose to now fight for Russia and are now considered free men—or at least after their service.

One of these famous battalions even has its own wiki and data source: ... _Battalion

The Bogdan Khmelnitsky Battalion (Russian: Батальон Богдана Хмельницкого), or Bohdan Khmelnytsky Battalion is, according to Russian state media, a Russian "volunteer battalion" formed in February 2023, allegedly from Ukrainian POWs that have defected to the Russian Army.

And there’s another known one called Maxim Krivonos battalion, also made entirely of AFU defectors, which has actually just released a new video this week, and has their own Telegram channel. (Video at link.)

⚡️⚡️⚡️ Exclusive !

Squad named after Maxim Krivonos.

Military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine who went over to the side of the Russian Federation, together with another unit, take prisoner other military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

A fighter with the call sign “White” tells the whole story through the prism of a man who has been on the other side and is now fighting for this...

Another fighter from the same squad also gave an interview to our friend.

Given that a battalion can have upwards of 400-800 men and Russia formed potentially several of them, we can conclude that as many as several thousand Ukrainian POWs were removed from the prisoner tally in this way.

There have been hundreds, and possibly even thousands, of AFU POWs that have already been convicted and sentenced to prison for their crimes—most notably the various Azov soldiers from Mariupol. In fact, just this week was a news story of another batch being sentenced to prison. These are obviously no longer POWs and are now outright subjects of federal penitentiaries.

As you can see, by a combination of the above methods, Russia would have thinned out at least several thousand POWs from the official tally.

Either way though, Putin’s 1,348 to 6,465 figure corresponds to the general 1:5 casualty disparity which obviously corresponds perfectly and gives us more confidence that regular casualties truly are 1:5 in Russia’s favor.

Now this part is very interesting and perhaps most pertinent to the actual ongoing war.

Putin announced that Ukraine loses 50k a month, at a ratio of 25k irrecoverable and 25k recoverably wounded. But he states that Ukraine has managed to effectively mobilize ~30k men per month.

This obviously means that Ukraine is—for now—capable of maintaining its combat potential, though at progressively worse troop qualities.

Recall how well previously declared reports from the AFU’s own officials accord with this. For instance, Zaluzhny said Ukraine needs 20k men per month just to keep up, while others like Budanov have stated 30k+:


Many other Ukrainian officers and officials have stated that Ukraine needs to mobilize a total of 250k for the entire year of 2024—which is approximately 20k a month—like the commander of the elite Da Vinci’s Wolves unit: (Video at link.)

While a new dispatch from a Ukrainian MP says they need 110k:


We’re at the midpoint of the year, and since this is a new release, we can assume he means 110k more on top of what they already mobilized in the first half of the year, which could already have been 5 x 20-30k.

By the way, Ukraine has about 21+ “regions”, each with dozens of towns, cities, villages, etc. If you break this 20-30k per month figure down, each region needs to mobilize 1000 men per month, or about 30 per day.

Consider how feasible this is: each region has dozens of towns/cities and only needs 30 men per day total. That means in each town, commissars only need to find one or two men and throw them into the back of the bus. Multiply that by a dozen towns and you have your 30 in the region. Multiply that by 30 days and you have your 1000 for that month. Multiply that by 20 regions and you have your 20k per month.

The problem is, people have been fighting back en masse—here’s the latest compilation from just yesterday: (Videoatlink.)

An example report from today which shows the intensity of fodder hunting:

In Chernivtsi, the situation is critical, because of the mobilization of the city threatens to collapse at public utilities. Mayor Klitschukh said that in the last week alone, Vodokanal received 52 summonses, 25 summonses to the Trolleybus Department, and 70 summonses to the market. At railway stations and bus stations, scavengers hunt people with such activity that soon no one will come to the city.

As for losses, consider this breakdown:

Ukraine’s 25,000 monthly irrecoverable/KIA are about 800 losses per day.

In the war, there are about 5 major frontlines: Kupyansk-Kremennaya-Seversk zone, the new Kharkov breakthrough region, Donetsk zone (which includes Bakhmut, Avdeevka area, and others), the Zaporozhye front, and the Crimea/Kherson front.

Demonstrative example, minus Kharkov:


Each of these 5 major fronts is staffed by around 15-20 Ukrainian brigades for a total frontline length of ~1200km. This breaks down to about 100+ brigades covering 10km spaces each.

Now those 5 fronts divided by 800 losses is about 160 irrecoverable/KIA per front per day. Since each front has about 15-20 brigades, we can say very roughly that this distributes as about 8-10 casualties per brigade.

Now think a little deeper about how many actual granular battles, assaults, etc., take place on each particular front.

Take the Donetsk front as an example:

As we speak, there are major ongoing battles in Chasov Yar involving multiple brigades, regiments, dozens of separate battalions etc. There are daily assaults there with each side bitterly fighting and losing men. Then there’s the same thing in Avdeevka area, around Ochertino, with assaults yesterday taking place at Sokol and other nearby villages.

A bit lower, we’ve had multiple battles yesterday around Karlovka near Neteilove, in Krasnogorovka further south, in Georgievka nearby, and Konstantinovka near Novomikhailovka.

This is all just one region—all with their own separate brigades in active combat—which is supposed to have 160 total KIA as per our numbers. There are smaller battles I didnt’ even list—but just between the above, it means the AFU needs to only suffer about 20-30 casualties per battle. That can be done with a single FAB bomb drop, or just a few minutes worth of drone work; and remember, Russia is now launching hundreds of Fabs per day, with some fronts claiming 40-80 just on their front alone, like in Kharkov recently. Recall just several days ago in one of my recent pieces I posted two direct AFU frontline reports which listed “several dozen” casualties for just that battalion in just that reported day. Remember, a single blown up BMP/troop carrier can be an instant ~10 casualties.

Expand that out to all the granular battles of each region, and you can easily arrive at the 160 KIA per region and ~800 irrecoverable/KIA total for the day.

To validate the above explainer, here’s the Russian MOD’s official Ukrainian losses for today, June 6th—note how the region breakdown numbers match what I described:


From the summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated June 06, 2024 The enemy's losses for yesterday amounted to:

⏺1,490 military personnel 12 armored vehicles, including 2 tanks 26 artillery systems, 5 of them self-propelled guns

⏺25 units of special vehicles

⏺48 UAVs

⏺electronic warfare station "Bukovel-AD"

➖ There are destroyed two AFU ammunition depots in the Donetsk direction.

➖ Affected are: a storage warehouse for unmanned boats, a place for training and launching unmanned aerial vehicles of an airfield type, as well as temporary locations for foreign mercenaries.

➖ Seven HIMARS and Alder rockets, as well as a Neptune anti-ship missile, were shot down by air defense means.


Ukraine may be just keeping up with their losses, according to Putin’s numbers, but that would mean they are still effectively shrinking in comparison to Russia. That’s because the Russian army is growing as they are recruiting a net positive amount of soldiers relative to their own losses. This can be easily corroborated by all the recent UA reports that Russia is stationing hundreds of thousands of new men in the north, not to mention the panicked NATO calls to send troops to free up any and all Ukrainians not on the frontline. Which, by the way: Ukraine’s bayonet/combat to rear/non-combat troop ratio (tooth-to-tail ratio) is said to already be 50%, which is wildly anomalous. Modern militaries typically have a 10-30% combat troop ratio or so. It means Ukraine has already tapped a huge portion of its essential noncombat roles to the frontline. That being said, Ukraine is able to maintain such a crazy ratio due to NATO effectively acting as the AFU’s rear “tail”, particularly in the critical Polish rear logistics operation where the vast majority of Ukraine’s supply pours through.

Ultimately, this means as the Russian army grows, the force parity will get increasingly worse for Ukraine as they are only able to equalize losses each month while the Russian Armed Forces accrue a major net positive.

As a last thought experiment, now that we have credible figures for Ukraine’s losses we can theoretically calculate when Ukraine could run out of disposable men. I posted these numbers a few reports ago:

In the coming months, after lowering the draft bar to 25 years, an additional 100 thousand men born in 1998-1999 will be called up to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. During these years, 416,349 boys were born. About half of them are already abroad. Summon the remaining half.

Cursory research shows me Ukraine averaged about 100-150k male births per year during most of the 90s.

We can then infer that going from 25 to 18, as Putin says they plan to do, would make available another 7 x 100k = 700k men, or 7 x 150k, we get ~1M.

At the current burn rate of 30k per month, it would take 33 months or about 2.5 years to whittle down the ‘generous’ amount of their male combat potential. For the 700k number it would take a mere 23 months or a bit less than 2 years. Plus, that’s not counting—as the above quote states—the assumption that half or more of those have already long fled, which would then cut down those figures to under 1 year or about a year and a few months at the generous end.

Of course, many other social, economic, and morale-grounded reasons could likely lead to even earlier collapse if even a portion of that remaining pool of men was eaten through by the Russian army.

(Much more at link.) ... al-idea-of


“Judging Freedom” on the Russian retaliatory scenario

It was an honor to join Judge Andrew Napolitano yesterday on his widely watched program “Judging Freedom” to discuss the possible escalatory scenarios for Russian retaliation over a missile strike on its heartland coming from Ukraine but de facto directed by the West.

The scenario which I sketched there, namely the first strike on Kiev, second strike on Poland marshalling center for weaponry, third strike against manufacturers and targeting programmers in the UK, France, Germany was intended to make the point that direct strikes on the Continental United States are the last and most desperate Russian response to any proxy attack on its homeland, not the first response, as several of my peers have opined. That logic seems to have calmed some readers, as it was intended to do.

In his meeting with the international press two days ago, Putin spoke about an ‘asymmetric’ retaliatory response, namely shipping advanced arms to forces opposed to U.S. and its allies, which are in a position to do extensive damage to American assets. The recipients of these arms might be, for example, the Houthis in Yemen or the militia in Iraq and Syria.

I do not believe that this response would be sufficient to satisfy Russian elites if the strike coming from Ukraine did some very substantial damage and caused significant loss of life in Russia. But what he said corresponds to my notion that Putin will not start an all-out nuclear war with the United States as his first response, only as his last response.

However, events are moving with blinding speed, and the Russians did something yesterday which one could not have anticipated from the press meeting or from any other Russian public statements over the past several weeks: they dispatched the warship Admiral Gorshkov and a task force to the Caribbean Sea for “exercises.” Note that the Gorshkov is equipped with hypersonic nuclear capable Zircon missiles that could reach Washington, D.C., for example, in 5 or 10 minutes from the Caribbean. In effect, at least for the duration of the “exercises” Moscow has recreated the underlying situation that precipitated the Cuban missile crisis, only doing so from naval vessels that are in international waters and so are totally legal and unassailable, except if you wish to go directly to war.

It will be interesting to see what Washington makes of this development after someone taps Admiral Kirby on the shoulder and requests an explanation.

©Gilbert Doctorow, 2024 ... -scenario/

Interview in the latest edition of “Redacted” exploring Russia’s likely retaliation to a missile strike on its heartland

In the past several days there has been considerable discussion in the media, both mainstream and alternative media, with respect to warnings from the Kremlin that it will consider any missile strike on its heartland from Ukraine using long range missiles supplied by the West to be attacks by the U.S., British, French suppliers and targeting programmers of those missiles, and that it will retaliate accordingly.

Will the Russian response be a direct nuclear attack on one or another Western country, as the latest Russian nuclear use doctrine indicates? Will the confrontation proceed directly to an end of the world scenario? A couple of days ago, I addressed this question in an essay on the escalatory scenario that I see as more likely. In the program of Redacted video recorded today, moderator Natali Morris kindly gave me the opportunity to explain myself to the show’s global audience.

See our 15 minute chat in the opening segment: ... heartland/


There will be no mobilization
June 7, 20:14


Putin about the progress of the Northern Military District.

1. There will be no mobilization in Russia. From January to May, another 160,000 people voluntarily enlisted in the RF Armed Forces.

2. Russia will achieve victory. No nuclear weapons. There will be no nuclear tests yet.

3. The government in Ukraine is not legitimate. Zelensky will be replaced.

4. Negotiations on Ukraine can be based on Istanbul, taking into account the current situation on the LBS.

5. State ideology contradicts the country's constitution.

"It was a nice hunt"
June 7, 18:15


An excellent video for the anniversary of the “counter-offensive”.

(Video at link.)

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World War III Impending? Ukraine’s Frontline Nightmare
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on JUNE 7, 2024
Kit Klarenberg

It is surely no coincidence that in recent months, there has been much muttering about the possibility of formal Western military deployments to Ukraine.

In recent weeks, there has been a flurry of mainstream reports on Ukraine’s absolutely catastrophic frontline situation. The starkest to date was a lengthy Washington Post investigation published June 2nd, Basic training in Ukraine is barely covering the basics, commanders say. Its details make for chilling reading. Not just because of the utterly dire battlefield situation for Kiev sketched, but because they may well herald formal NATO involvement in the proxy war.

Ukraine’s new mobilisation law opens up almost the entire local male population from 16 and above to conscription. It was so controversial, and contested by lawmakers, the legislation was subject to 4,500 separate amendments over its protracted gestation in parliament. The Washington Post kicks off by noting the move was a desperate bid to “address a critical shortage of soldiers amid intensified Russian attacks.”

This a nauseating euphemism for hundreds of thousands of military age Ukrainians being dead and buried, leaving Kiev perilously close to incapable of keeping the proxy war grinding on. Entire industries and businesses in every economic sector are also now unable to recruit staff. To make matters even worse, “commanders in the field say they are bracing for most of the new troops to arrive with poor training.” One UAF soldier said teaching in local training centers “is complete nonsense…Everything is learned on the spot.”

The outlet records how, “Ukrainian commanders have long griped about lackluster preparation for recruits at training centers.” So much greater is their grievance now, with “an influx of conscripts under the new law…still months away,” and those few conscripts from the current “batch” still arriving – having been violently dragged away from civilian life by military press gangs – having received “training” that’s “so deficient, they must often devote weeks to teaching them basic skills,” including “how to shoot.”

One battalion commander quoted in the article bitterly lamented how his unit had been sent conscripts who “didn’t even know how to disassemble and assemble a gun.” They were then forced to spend a week simply “making sure each [arrival] fired at least one box of bullets – some 1,500 shots – daily before moving on to more complex tasks.” Those soldiers could soon be fighting near Chasiv Yar, “where Russian forces have been making advances.” The commander concluded:

“We are just wasting a lot of time here on basic training. If, God forbid, there will be a breakthrough near Chasiv Yar, and we get new infantry that doesn’t know basic things, they will be sent there to just die.”

After two years of grinding, attritional warfare against Russian forces, Kiev’s own soldiers are “critically understaffed and losing ground,” facing a “dire situation.” There simply aren’t “enough troops to defend against relentless assaults,” creating a ludicrous situation in which soldiers have been reassigned from safe “rear roles” and “given just two weeks preparation before being sent into combat, to carry out tasks that at times require sneaking behind enemy lines.” In other words, potential, likely or inevitable suicide missions.

In this context, the Washington Post referring to Ukrainian authorities being “slow to ramp up mobilization efforts” due to the “issue” being “politically fraught” is extremely incongruous. The country has since February 2022 been under martial law. State control over the media and censorship has ever-ratcheted, with critical citizen voices and journalists, most recently anti-war socialist Bogdan Syrotiuk silenced and jailed, and opposition parties banned. Elections have been postponed indefinitely. Volodymyr Zelenskyy is effectively President for life, or until he elects to stand down.

Might the government fear full mobilisation could precipitate a revolution, or internal coup? Whatever the truth of the matter, Zelensky’s public rejection of now former UAF chief Valery Zaluzhny’s demand for 500,000 new soldiers due to a purported lack of evidence such a figure was necessary, and the fact “Ukraine would struggle financially to pay so many new soldiers’ salaries” is hardly convincing. An alternative explanation could simply be there aren’t half a million war-fit Ukrainian men left in the country.

Kiev’s rapidly mounting casualties are so catastrophically vast, even the Western media has been forced to acknowledge the kill count. Mainstream articles in recent weeks have sketched bleak accounts of entire towns and villages with no male population left, due to all local men either dying on the frontline, or fleeing conscription. Another unnamed UAF source was quoted by the Washington Post as bitterly complaining about the ‘quality’ of the remaining conscript pool:

“If they send us to recruit someone, all the good ones have already been taken by other brigades, and you have to choose from the crooked, lame, sick ones. And so you choose from them, dammit.”

Manpower issues aside, a chronic lack of ammunition, and concerns about its use, means recruits get little experience firing live rounds before being dispatched to the meat grinder. An unnamed UAF officer claimed trainees receive just 20 bullets per person, “there are no grenades for throwing in training centers, and there are no grenade launcher rounds in the training center.”

“This is the problem. We don’t have a proper training system in place,” they added, before going on to declare Ukraine “needs its instructors to be taught by NATO trainers to condense the standard two-month basic training into one month…at [overseas] facilities that can’t be targeted by Russian bombardment.”


The Washington Post went on to note that foreign-based military training for Kiev was already ongoing. “Britain so far has provided the most basic training for Ukrainians,” the outlet reported, while “France is considering sending instructors to Ukraine to help prepare draftees.” It is reportedly hoped improved training will ease fears of conscription among the general population, preventing the male population’s preemptive exodus – and presumably, emergence of further damaging video footage of young men being violently attacked and bundled into vans by “recruiters”.

Herein lies the article’s key propaganda message, in the eternal spirit of “problem-reaction-solution”. In this narrative, Ukraine isn’t in fact losing because of an absolutely apocalyptic “manpower shortage”, but because its remaining soldiers aren’t receiving sufficient Western military training. Were this to be greatly increased, and NATO dragged further – and openly – into the proxy war, the hitherto irreversible tide could be turned. Possibly. So let’s just see.

It is surely no coincidence that in recent months, there has been much muttering about the possibility of formal Western military deployments to Ukraine. An initial suggestion in March by French President Emmanuel Macron of sending 30,000 soldiers to Odessa was robustly knocked back by Russian State Duma Deputy Speaker Pyotr Tolstoy, who promised Moscow’s forces would simply “kill all French soldiers who will come to the territory of Ukraine.” Such an action would represent a clear breach of the Kremlin’s redlines.

As such, it appears the strategy is to slowly but surely introduce a formal Western presence to Ukraine, in the form of “advisers” and trainers. Baltic political chiefs have openly urged in-country training from NATO members, claiming this would not represent an escalation. Then, on May 31st, NATO secretary Jens Stoltenberg pledged that the alliance would moving forward “play a greater coordinating role in the provision of equipment and training,” and support Kiev financially and militarily “each year, for as long as necessary.”

Just two days later, the Washington Post published its advertisement for training of Ukrainian soldiers. It must never be forgotten that in the heavily controlled mainstream media landscape, coincidences are a very rare thing indeed. ... nightmare/
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Sun Jun 09, 2024 12:32 pm

Recruitment Examples
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 06/09/2024


“The air in the Ukrainian military recruiting office where a 30-year-old hairdresser is being interviewed is filled with anxiety. The man has no military experience and is not sure if any of his skills will be useful. At one point, the recruiter jokingly suggests that he could cut everyone's hair. But the man - who asked to remain anonymous given his status as a future military man - goes anyway," writes CNN to open a report on the recruitment of new troops in Ukraine. The article recalls Ukraine's mobilization needs, although, as usual, the only mention of the main reason, replenishing casualties, is settled with a quick mention of a vague general information about the losses of both sides. “Expert estimates speak of hundreds of thousands of victims on both sides of the conflict since Russia launched its large-scale invasion in February 2022,” the article states, referring to the total number of people killed and wounded in combat on both sides. sides. The article, which sometimes resembles a call for volunteers more than a journalistic text, focuses on aspects such as the need to relieve the troops who have been fighting for two years. It is not about admitting that the Ukrainian Armed Forces are exhausted, but about softening the situation to justify the need to recruit hundreds of thousands of men. “Soldiers need to rest adequately for several months. They need to heal, relax and forget. They need to spend the money they have earned with sweat and blood to solve their economic and personal problems,” says a soldier quoted by the media.

To relieve these men, Zelensky has signed, after many months of debate, the law on mobilization that came into force on May 18, two days before the mandate obtained with the 2019 elections officially expired. The new legislation requires all men between 18 and 60 to go to recruitment offices and lower the recruitment age from 27 to 25, something that, according to CNN , “is unlikely to change the situation much due to Ukraine's demographic problems.” . That is also the only mention of the serious problem that Ukraine has had since the 90s and that makes the loss of young population that the war implies even more problematic, both due to military casualties and the flight of people to emigration. The difficulty that the lack of a young population implies for the country will increase as the war lengthens, something that is not an argument for seeking a way to avoid stopping the conflict.

On the contrary, the CNN article focuses on highlighting the importance of recruitment. “To justify a new mobilization, Yurii Sodol, commander of the Joint Forces of the Ukrainian army, told Ukrainian lawmakers last month that Russian troops outnumbered Ukrainian ones “by seven to ten times” in eastern Ukraine.” . The shortage of soldiers is a problem of which the Western press deals only with the solution and never with the causes. Ukraine uses absolutely crazy data without explaining how it was possible that Russia, which was not going to be able to recruit the 300,000 men it mobilized in 2022 and which according to kyiv suffers massive casualties daily, has achieved such numerical superiority.

Regardless of whether the data provided by Sodol lacks realism, personnel shortages are a real problem for Ukraine and can only be due to the accumulation of high casualties, troop exhaustion, and difficulties in replenishing their ranks through recruitment and volunteering. Hence, part of the article published by CNN is dedicated to denying that the recruits will be quickly sent to the front or that all soldiers are at risk of death. The arguments are consistent with the current Ukrainian narrative line, which describes crossing the Tisza River as more dangerous than going to the front. “Galas said many people are worried that if they are called up, they will automatically be sent to the front, which he says is not the case,” CNN quotes an active soldier in the 128th Assault Brigade as saying.

“If you are a specialist, for example, who in civilian life was dedicated to IT, accounting, project management, even cooks, office workers, then the Armed Forces also need you… and you can also contribute a lot to the common victory.” enlisting in the Armed Forces,” he adds to encourage youth to enlist and insists that not all soldiers fight on the front line. “We have a separate drone unit that is a little further away from the front line. People who are good at electronics, even those who like computer games, will quickly master this specialty.” But between that image and the real one there seem to be some differences. Last Sunday, an article published by The Washington Post quotes several Ukrainian officers expressing their complaints about the training given to recruits. “Ukrainian commanders say they are preparing for most of the new troops recruited under a new conscription law to arrive with poor training. Ukrainian commanders say that because the training is so poor, they often have to spend weeks teaching them basic skills, such as how to shoot,” the outlet states.

A few weeks ago, El País described recruitment work as “the most unpopular job in Ukraine”. Leonid Ragozin, a Russian opposition journalist, has written an entire article detailing cases in which Ukrainian men or their families have resisted to prevent prisoner groups from forcibly taking recruits. None of this is present in the articles that, like CNN 's , want to show the good side of the mobilization .

These articles usually share a characteristic: the recruits whom he accompanies to the recruitment centers usually enlist in specific units, generally the best-known groups of the extreme right. This has been the case of Azov, which has been presented by media such as The Economist as an example of successful recruitment and is now happening with this article. “The hairdresser has chosen to anticipate the election and has volunteered,” writes CNN about the recruit with whom the article opened, “becoming that day one of the six men who will be interviewed at the recruitment center of the Battalion of Da Vinci Wolves in Kiev. The office is located in an ordinary residential building, hidden from the outside world. Inside, however, the walls are decorated with photos and large banners displaying the battalion's logo, a drawing of three wolves baring their teeth inside a stylized Ukrainian trident. The unit's recruiting motto is "All Will Fight" and the recruiter's laptop is covered in stickers, one of which says "Your Pack Awaits." The “Da Vinci Wolves” unit comes from the Praviy Sektor, independent after the death of Da Vinci and now in the hands of former members of Azov, details that the media avoids mentioning. Like Azov, this equally radical right-wing group has been completely normalized. Da Vinci 's funeral , attended by, for example, the social democrat Sanna Marin, was an example of the integration and elevation of the nationalist extreme right in the Ukrainian State, a detail that, of course, the press continues to try to hide. ... utamiento/

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From Cassad's Telegram account:

Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of June 9, 2024) The main thing:

The Center group has improved the tactical situation, the Ukrainian Armed Forces in its area of ​​​​responsibility lost up to 300 military personnel and Marder infantry fighting vehicles;

— Air defense systems shot down a Mi-8 helicopter of the Ukrainian Air Force;

— The North group of forces inflicted defeats on four enemy brigades, repelled 7 counterattacks in one day, the losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces amounted to 225 military personnel;

— The “Southern” group of the RF Armed Forces improved the position along the front line and repelled the counterattack of the Ukrainian Armed Forces;

— The Vostok group occupied more advantageous positions, the Ukrainian Armed Forces in its area of ​​responsibility lost up to 140 military personnel and a tank;

— During the day, 66 UAVs and 13 HIMARS missiles were intercepted;

— The “West” group occupied more advantageous positions; in one day the enemy in their zone lost up to 400 military personnel, a tank and 2 armored vehicles;

— The Dnepr group hit the forces of the 121st Terrestrial Defense Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kherson region, the enemy lost up to 35 soldiers.

Units of the "Vostok" group of troops occupied more advantageous positions, and also defeated the manpower and equipment of the 58th motorized infantry brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the 123rd terrestrial defense brigade and the 21st brigade of the National Guard in the areas of the settlements of Zolotaya Niva, Vremevka and Oktyabr of the Donetsk People's Republic .

Enemy losses amounted to up to 140 military personnel, a tank, two armored combat vehicles, three cars, a Polish-made 155-mm Krab self-propelled artillery mount, a 152-mm Msta-B howitzer and an Enclave electronic warfare station.

▫️ Units of the Dnepr group of troops defeated the formations of the 121st Terrorist Defense Brigade in the areas of the settlements of Dudchany and Respublikanets, Kherson region.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 35 military personnel, four pickup trucks, a 122-mm Gvozdika self-propelled artillery mount and a 122-mm D-30 howitzer.

▫️Operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation hit the deployment points of operators of attack unmanned aerial vehicles (“Birds of Madyar”) and foreign mercenaries, as well as accumulations of manpower and military equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in 131 districts. An Mi-8 helicopter of the Ukrainian Air Force was shot down

by air defense systems . During the day, 66 unmanned aerial vehicles and 13 US-made HIMARS missiles were intercepted .

📊 In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed : 610 aircraft, 276 helicopters, 25,463 unmanned aerial vehicles, 528 anti-aircraft missile systems, 16,304 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,331 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 10,240 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 22,387 units of special military vehicles.

Google Translator


Ukraine Weekly Update
7th June 2024

JUN 07, 2024



We’ll Win The War in Twenty Twenty Four


So says, Apti Alaudinov, deputy head of the Main Military-Political Directorate of the General Staff - as reported in Pravda. He also said that Russia is preparing for a decisive battle. Apti commands special forces unit Akhmat.

Westerners Have Always Operated Weapons In Ukraine!


It is becoming increasingly obvious that NATO people have been operating Western weapon systems in Ukraine from the beginning. Many of us have suspected this for a long time but now it seems to be all but admitted by the West. I touched on this a few weeks ago when Steven Bryen explained on the Duran that Western systems always come with flesh and blood operators. Scott ‘everyone will die’ Ritter , who was prevented from going to SPIEF, also does a good job of explaining it here.

The US appears to have given permission for Western weapons to be used inside Russia to combat the Russian offensive in Kharkov - but not the long range ATACMS and only in the Kharkov region (according to RT.) But airfields in Belgorod and Kursk will be fair game. But this week, ATACMS missiles have been used to attack and kill civilians in Lugansk (see below).

The US is saying that it is allowing this escalation because of the Russian Kharkov offensive but Putin has made it clear that this offensive is being conducted because the West has been allowing the Ukrainians to attack border regions such as Belgorod and Kursk. In fact, the West has been assisting in these attacks. So, Putin is creating a sanitary zone in order to prevent this. He also made it clear that if the West allows Ukraine to launch missiles deeper into Russian territory this zone will be extended deeper into Ukraine and may need to include Kiev itself.

Thus the idiotic actions of the West are actually pulling Russia deeper into Ukraine than they had originally intended. Alexander Mercouris discussed the matter here.

Germany is also allowing Ukraine to hit targets deep inside Russia claiming that providing weapons to Ukraine does not make it a participant in the conflict. That sounds reasonable but providing German operators to man these weapons does make them participants. Nordic countries have also given Ukraine permission to use the weapons they have provided to strike deep into Russia but if they are sending operators along with the weapons then the same point applies. RT has more here.

Brian Berletic, of the New Atlas, provides some good analysis relating to this and other things here. He points out that the West has been heavily involved in fighting this war on the ground since it began. The CIA, for example, was heavily involved in the coup and in the development of Ukraine’s military intelligence services and the SBU.

Brian also makes it clear that Ukraine is not a country in the sense that most of us think of as a country. It is more like a plaything; a sociological experiment that has employed many of Hitler’s Nazi practices. The Russians, or Russian speaking Ukrainians, were persecuted just as the Jews were in Germany during the 1930s. Nearly a decade ago, the people of the Donbass were told that their official language was now Ukrainian.

When the West claims that Ukraine has a right to defend itself, it neglects to mention that this is a proxy war with NATO using Ukraine to fight the Russians. The Ukrainians would be defenceless without NATO. The Ukrainians are also using Western satellite systems to guide the weapons onto their targets - so the West cannot reasonably claim that it is not involved - according to Sputnik.

Fyodor Lukyanov of the Valdai Discussion Club makes the same point and is urging Russia to make its red lines clear to the West - according to RT.

According to Alastair Crooke, Putin is prepared to tolerate short range missiles in the border areas but not long range missiles deep into Russian territory against strategic targets. Putin has warned that he will retaliate against the latter by targeting NATO facilities supporting these attacks including surveillance drones and satellites. Crooke points out that the use of Western munitions to hit civilians in Russia’s border regions has been going on for a year - so when Anthony Blinken announced that Biden has given permission for this to happen it is all part of a show to give the impression that the US is doing something. This response has come out of the disasters on the battlefronts where the Ukrainians are being stretched to breaking point.

But if Western missiles attack strategic targets deep in Russia, it could respond by attacking facilities that have supported these attacks in Poland, Romania or even France. But Putin has said that he will retaliate to Western escalation asymmetrically - i.e. by providing weapons to the West’s enemies.

The Ukrainian Offensive - One Year On

‘Bradley Square’ - where huge losses in armour were suffered.

The Ukrainian summer offensive started on the 4th June 2023: a year ago. From anyone’s point of view it must be regarded as a tragic failure - and I can feel for those involved on the Ukrainian side. This was Ukraine’s big hope - and it failed miserably. I don’t want to analyse what went wrong but should point out that this was a human tragedy on the one hand and a turning point on the other. Ukraine has weakened considerably since then and Russia has strengthened correspondingly. Some will debate whether this was Ukraine’s Stalingrad or Kursk - but they will probably agree that this was a turning point. After this, it became clear to rational/pragmatic people that Ukraine could not win, just as such people knew that after Stalingrad Germany could not win (some would have drawn the same conclusion after the Battle of Moscow) and that the Confederates could not win after Gettysburg.

Z Falling Out Of Love With Westerners


The once great Z has been sacking people who he believes do not serve his interests - as I said last week. But now The Washington Post is reporting that Z is hunting people who he believes to be under Western influence: such people could face criminal prosecutions initiated by Zelensky. The Post also suggests that the relationship between him and the White House is deteriorating rapidly.


Cold Winter For Ukrainians


The Russian advances in Volchansk and Liptsy have slowed in the face of massive Ukrainian reinforcements (many of whom have received very little training) which are mounting counterattacks to regain lost territory - according to the Two Majors. But the Ukrainians don’t have the armour and heavy artillery required to make a breakthrough even though they currently outnumber their opponents in this Direction. The Russians have managed to gain a foothold on the heights to the east of Volchansk which will permit them to place some Ukrainian supply routes under fire control. It appears that the Russians are drawing Ukrainian reserves into these areas in order to destroy them with their overwhelming superiority in firepower (for example, Russia drops 3,000 glide bombs a month whereas Ukraine can manage only a few hundreds.). It should be noted that the Russians are employing light infantry in this Direction while their heavy infantry is being held in reserve. By the end of the week, fierce fighting was being conducted in the multi-storey buildings in the heart of the city. According to the Military Chronicle, the Ukrainians have brought many of their elite units to this battle.

Kupyansk - Siversk


By the end of the week, Russian forces had secured a foothold north of Ivanovka in an area 2.2 kilometres wide and 1.06 Km deep. In the Siversky Direction, the Russians are advancing in the south eastern outskirts of Belogorovka.

Detail of Fighting Around Seversk - from Marat Khairullin


Chasiv Yar


The canal ‘microdistrict’ of Chasiv Yar was largely occupied by the Russians this week. The Russians are pushing towards the eastern suburbs of Chasiv Yar itself and along the flanks of the city.

North West of Avdeevka - Ocheretyne


In this Direction, by the end of the week, according to Boris Rozhin, the Russians were approaching Sokol which is under Ukrainian control. In Novoalexandrovka, the fighting continues to shift into the village itself, the enemy admits the loss of some positions. The Russians are bypassing the Kalinovo fortified area from the west. To the south of Ocheretyne, they have advanced from Umanskoye towards Novosyolka.

Ocheretyne - Detailed Map from Marat Khairullin


West of Avdeevka


The Russians have advanced towards Karlovka this week and clashes continued near Yasnobrodovka and Novopokrovskoe according to Southfront.

South of Donetsk


The Russians are advancing on the flanks of Krasnogorivka from the east and the south. They have also captured the village of Paraskoviivka, according to the Military Summary. On the 6th June, Slavyangrad reported that Georgievka has been liberated and that advances are being made around Pobeda.

Detail of Konstantinovka Battle - Marat Khairullin


According to Marat Khairullin on June 5th:

In Paraskovievka, our armed forces managed to break through to the western outskirts of the village, taking almost complete control over it and planting a flag in the center. Even the reinforcements that arrived there in recent days did not help dill. South of Paraskovievka, our units attacked from the southeast and entrenched themselves in forest belts leading almost to Konstantinovka. And from there they launched an attack in armored vehicles in the direction of her. Thus, it can be stated that battles are beginning for this settlement, which is an important junction and logistics hub in this direction.



Marat Khairullin gave this report of the situations south of Konstantinovka on June 5th :

[i[Our fighters continue to advance from Sladkoe, approaching the highway leading to Ugledar. At the same time, they are leveling the southern flank and improving positions on both sides of the beam running north of the quarry near Vladimirovka. In the area of Ugledar itself, aviation is actively operating, artillery strikes are being carried out on the enemy, as well as drone strikes.[/i]

As you can see from the map, one of the main supply routes to Ugledar runs through Konstantinovka which is in danger of capture. Since the Russians have also taken Pavlovka, they appear to have fire control over all routes into Ugledar. The fortress of Ugledar has been a thorn in the side of the Russian army for a long, long time; now, at last, it is being seriously threatened.

Zaporozhye - Rabotino - Verbove

Map by Marat Khairullin

There have been no significant changes in this Direction with fighting continuing around Rabotino and north west of Verbove.



The Ukrainians reported clashes in Krynki on June 6th. The Russian are constantly bombarding Ukraine’s bank of the Dnieper with FABS and UMPC artillery.

(More at link.) ... update-d1b


June 6, 2024 , 10:30 am .

Jens Stoltenberg (NATO) and Vladimir Zelensky (Ukraine) (Photo: Reuters)

NATO is increasingly goading Ukraine to take the war to Russian territory, lifting restrictions on the use of Western weapons against targets in the Federation. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has urged member countries to allow kyiv to freely use the supplies provided, arguing that current limitations reduce Ukraine's ability to "defend itself."

"The time has come for the allies to consider whether they should lift some of the objections they have imposed on the use of the weapons they transferred to Ukraine," Stoltenberg declared in an interview with The Economist , also showing his discontent with the lack of support military by some European countries.

"The European allies promised a million artillery shells. We have not seen anything like this," he said.

The issue was raised at a meeting of EU foreign ministers, and defense ministers also began discussing it. EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell said this debate is gaining momentum and admitted there is a "risk of escalation" if the West gives the go-ahead.

The idea of ​​allowing actions against the Russian Federation is supported mainly by Eastern European countries .

Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia are pushing for authorization of these attacks, while others such as the Czech Republic, Denmark, the Netherlands and Sweden defend Ukraine's right to use the weapons received as it sees fit, including the use of F-16 fighters. Danes to attack military targets in Russia.

London has also spoken out in favor of attacking Russian territory, while Poland and Finland have made it clear that they have not imposed any restrictions on Ukraine's use of weapons.

The position of Germany and France has experienced changes and contradictions. While the former had strongly opposed allowing the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) to use its weapons against targets on Russian territory, the latter had preferred to avoid the issue entirely. However, during a meeting with the German chancellor on May 28, French President Emmanuel Macron expressed his support for Ukrainians being able to "neutralize the military facilities from which missiles are launched that attack Ukraine."

On the other hand, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz expressed that Ukraine would have the possibility of attacking targets in Russian territory using Leopard tanks. "Ukraine has every opportunity to do so in accordance with international law," he said.

The United States' stance has also changed in recent days. Although the government had initially denied that it would allow Kiev to carry out attacks with ATACMS missiles or other American weapons, last week Secretary of State Anthony Blinken indicated that a change in policy was being considered .

Finally, President Joe Biden gave Ukraine permission to launch limited actions with US weapons on Russian territory around Kharkiv. Just one day later, on June 1, rockets were fired from an American Himars shuttle 32 kilometers from Ukrainian territory.

Moscow has repeatedly highlighted Kiev's use of Western weapons in its attacks against Russia. A recent example occurred on May 18, when Russian air defense systems shot down four guided bombs and two anti-radar missiles in Russia's Belgorod region. It was determined that the Ukrainian military used French Hammer aerial bombs and American-made HARM anti-radar missiles. Furthermore, on May 11, Sergei Belyaev, director of the second European department of the Russian Foreign Ministry, noted that the AFU is using British weapons in terrorist attacks on Russian territory.

The Russian side has repeatedly warned that the provision of supplies to the kyiv regime is impeding the resolution of the conflict, and makes NATO countries direct participants through the transfer of weapons and military training.

The experience in Ukraine demonstrates the danger of NATO expansion. The same pattern of escalation and confrontation that has led to the current crisis could be repeated in other regions of the world, including Latin America.

The obsession with Russia shows us that NATO, in its fanatical desire for expansion and control, is capable of provoking catastrophic scenarios and putting its own population under a mortal threat, so it is practically certain that it would do the same in a region where None of its members are territorially compromised. ... ntra-rusia

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The Cautious US Escalation Against Russia Is Developing Not Necessarily to US Advantage
Posted on June 7, 2024 by Yves Smith

The feebleness of the US response to a Russian incursion into Kharviv, which was to prevent further strikes on civilian targets in the border city of Belgorod, and the quick Russian counter-moves, confirms how the Collective West has no good options, even if its leaders can’t yet admit that to themselves and come up with better alternatives than punching into air or a wall, as the case may be. Obama warned that Russia would have escalatory dominance with respect to Ukraine, and we are seeing that play out now.

The short version of what follows is that the Biden Administration may have made a tiny gain against its big objective of not losing in Ukraine before the November election, since Russia may slightly delay an expected next move, of entering Sumy oblast. An advance into Sumy would further lengthen the line of contact, increase the degree of over-extension of Ukraine forces, and thus accelerate the process of attrition, which is Russia’s big goal. But even if the US policy change did produce this effect (and since none of us have Russian plans, we can’t know if any change occurred), it is coming at considerable geopolitical cost, that of Putin suggesting, and deputy chair of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev confirming, that Russia will arm third countries in conflicts with the United States.

To recap the recent state of play: earlier this week, the US described a policy change regarding the use of US weapons by Ukraine On a superficial level it seemed simply to give permission for what Ukraine had been doing already, as in using Western (here US) missiles to hit Russian territory, as in pre-the-2014-dispute Russia.

The reason for this move was signs of panic in Ukraine, and substantial concern in the Western media, that Russia had re-opened a front by sending forces into Kharkiv on May 10. Even Russia fanboi map watchers were impressed by how quickly Russian forces advanced despite the Russian priority of destroying fighting power over taking ground. One reason was that the Western funding to build defense lines in Kharkiv had apparently been looted.

The Western press was correspondingly alarmed, as headlines like Ukraine faces its worst crisis since the war began from the BBC on May 28 attest.

Zelensky in particular was reported as being panicked over the possibility of losing Kharkiv city, the second biggest, even though that seemed vanishingly remote. The Russian deployments weren’t large enough for such a sprawling city with many many sturdy buildings, plus Putin said Kharkiv was not on the menu right now. But Zelensky nevertheless deployed what little he had left of reserves to Kharkiv and also thinned defenses elsewhere to bolster manpower levels in the north.

Recall that around the time of the Russian entry into Kharkiv, it was also becoming clear in Ukraine that the US approval of the $61 billion in Ukraine funding (which took place on April 23) would result in perilous little in the way of additional arms delivers. That led to renewed efforts by Zelensky to wring more weapons out of his Western backers, such as pressing Germany for Taurus missiles, and pretty much anyone who had them for Patriot missiles and F-16 jets.

During this period there was an outbreak of escalation fever, with French president Macron and some of the more rabid Baltic states trying to get support for the idea of NATO-member boots on the ground in Ukraine. Russian officials told France in no uncertain terms that any French forces, even trainers or others operating as something other than sheep-dipped little green men, would be aggressively hunted down, and any staging areas outside Ukraine would be targets for Russian attack. Mind you, it is not as if Russia has not warned before agains doing stupid things like flying F-16s out of, say, Poland before, but Russia has to use more threat-display language of late for the message to penetrate.

Macron’s effort to rally Europe to take on big bad Russia went splat as many countries such as Italy, Germany, and Belgium flatly said “no”.

But the Biden Administration seemed to feel the need to assert leadership and defend Western manhood while (perhaps) trying to de-escalate by making what it likely perceived was a very limited response to the Russian entry into Kharviv. While there were complaints about how unclear initially the new policy was, and it finally emerged that the US was authorizing Ukraine to use longish-range missiles, but not ATACMS, which have a range of up to 300 KM, the longest range of US missiles delivered from mobile platforms, and the “limited” to areas in Russia that were supporting the operation in Kharkiv1

Now to close conflict-watchers, this change might seem like a nothingburger, since it was authorizing what Ukraine had been up to already, which was attacking Belgorod and environs. But there is a big difference between de facto and de jure. Having to pretend that Ukraine’s NATO friends weren’t providing a lot of help may have limited the scale of past operations. And Ukraine is an established rule-breaker in ways more than just selling Western provided weapons on the black market. It has repeatedly done things the US disapproved of, such as (ineffectually so far) attacking Russian refineries.

But now the US is unabashedly making it possible for Ukraine to hit Russia in ways that would be impossible absent not just US supplies, but also US targeting data and assistance. So the sharp response from Putin should have been no surprise.

Given that the US and NATO conduct of this conflict is still well behind the state of play, as in Russia almost certain to dictate whatever the final map and cessation terms look like, it may seem overly generous to think that the US might have had something more than the need to look tough and try to get Zelensky to quit undermining that via his almost constant whinging about short materiel supplies.2 There might have been an attempt at cunning here.

Specifically, note that Administration spokescritters, when they finally figured out their messaging, stressed that any attacks would be limited and would target assets that were supporting the Russian forces in Kharkiv.

Consider also that during this offensive, Russian troops were reported as building up on the border with Sumy oblast.

An obvious next step would be for Russia to move some troops into Sumy to further overtax Ukraine forces by lengthening the line of contact. There also would likely be Ukraine, NATO and media freakout that this move was a step-stone to moving on Kiev.

So the Kharkiv “limited response” precedent would tidily set up the US and perhaps then some of the more frisky NATO allies to extend the permitted targeting area to Russia near the Sumy border.

Since Belgorod is now under attack, the current US escalation, in terms of practical effect, is likely not to amount to much. But the US scheme sets up more areas of Russia to be deemed fair game if/when Russia increases its physical conquests, which will be the result as its attrition campaign grinds on and the US continues to refuse to negotiate.

So the Russian General Staff might mildly de-prioritize Sumy until Russia further bolsters its air defenses in the nearby areas of Russia (that might not take very long).

The present US reactiveness to territorial gains might also lead Russia to place even more emphasis on its campaign against the Ukraine grid. Oddly that is under-reported in image-sensitive Western capitals. And since summer has only just begun, loss of power won’t produce the same level of distress as in the winter, again diminishing its visibility/controversy level in NATO, despite its effectiveness.

Look at how far the damage has gone in Kiev, which until recently was spared the impact of the war. From Остафійчук Ярослав on June 4:

According to DTEK’s schedules, each guaranteed blackout in Kyiv will last up to 4 hours in a row, with the possibility of extending it for another three hours. Guaranteed electricity will be supplied only for 2 hours a day. The blackouts will last throughout the day.

For example, one of the capital’s streets will be without electricity for at least 9-12 hours a day, and possibly for all 18 hours.

An example of power outages on a street in Kyiv

The article does say that repairs of two nuclear plants are underway and a power line from Slovenia are underway, implying conditions should become less dire….absent further Russian action.

So back to the main event, the Russian response to this new US gambit.

Remember that Russia had warned the West as far back as 2022 that if the US and NATO attacked pre-conflict Russia, Russia would need to establish a buffer zone in Ukraine, and the extent of that buffer zone would also depend on the range of the missiles used against Russia. Putin reiterated, including at his big meeting with international journalists this week, that the incursion was the direct result of the continued shelling of Belgorod, as in Ukraine and its backers had triggered a defensive response.

In addition, Russia has held back from taking military action outside the Ukraine theater, which in fact under international law it would be permitted to do in light of Western countries openly providing substantial assistance to Ukraine, which had already been attacking Belgorod and other targets in Russia.3

Putin described in the aforementioned international journalists how the US move would justify Russian responses in kind. From a transcript at Mirage News:

Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Italian agency ANSA, Stefano Polli: I would like to ask about the recent events in Ukraine. NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg proposed allowing Ukraine to strike targets on Russian territory with weapons supplied from Europe. European countries and the United States have agreed with this idea. Not all, but the United States is among them. At the same time, there is a discussion in some countries about sending military advisers and instructors.

I would like to ask you to comment on these two decisions and what Russia’s response will be. Thank you.

President Putin: […..] What should we do in response?

First, we will certainly improve our air defense systems. We will destroy them [the launched missiles aimed at Russia].

Second, we are considering the idea that if someone deems it possible to supply such weapons to the conflict zone for strikes on our territory and to create problems for us, then why shouldn’t we have the right to supply our weapons of the same class to those regions of the world where strikes will be carried out on sensitive targets in the countries that are doing this against Russia? In other words, the response could be symmetrical. We will think on this.

Third, of course, such actions will ultimately, and they have already reached the highest degree of degradation, but they will ultimately destroy international relations and undermine international security. Ultimately, if we see that these countries are being drawn into a war against us, and this is their direct participation in the war against the Russian Federation, then we reserve the right to act similarly. But generally, this is a path to very serious problems.

Medvedev’s remarks of today, amplified by the Russian Foreign Ministry, indicate Putin was not just being rhetorical. Take note of the first line of this tweet:

Another line of response is for Russia to interfere with surveillance of the Black Sea, which would severely curtail Ukraine/NATO efforts to attack targets in Crimea and Russian ships in the Black Sea. These strikes depend on precision targeting data. Some Russia friendly commentators suggested Russia might go so far as to shoot down Reaper drones and harass surveillance planes.

Both Simplicius and Alexander Mercoursis described a possible electronic warfare attack instead. From Simplicius on June 5:

After several new persisting rumors that Russia intends to take action against NATO’s Black Sea surveillance drones, today an interestingly ‘anomalous’ incident occurred. The American RQ-4B Global Hawk was said to have disappeared from radars, spurring headlines that it was shot down, but soon after reappeared—seemingly indicating it had turned off its transponders at a certain point near Crimea:

However, that’s when things got even stranger. Amid other rumors that it was ‘jammed’ and even sent out an SOS signal of malfunction, the RQ-4 immediately flew back to Romania and did several circles—itself a non-standard action. Then it continued to the Black Sea again, but this time did its tracks much further south than usual, near Turkey’s coast.

The obvious conjecture would be that—for now—Russia has resorted to messing with it electronically. The operators first panicked and took it to the safety of NATO airspace to make sure all systems were nominal, then upon return they flew it out of Russian EW range for the remainder of the flight. That’s my “educated guess” as to what could have happened, and I would assume it would serve as ‘warning’ to the U.S.

So the US and its allies have again been warned against trying to bluff with a weak hand. Have they finally learned their lesson?


1 Putin had recently pointed out via a detailed lecture, the pretense that Ukraine could operate these systems without Western targeting assistance from satellite and other inputs was absurd, and so the various nations providing these systems used against Russia were in fact attacking Russia.

2 Mind you, Zelensky is completely within his rights to make as much trouble as we can. It was the Collective West that pumped him up for this fight (see the Munich Security Conference of 2022 if you have doubts) and promised repeatedly we’d back him for as long as it takes. Then we got him to ditch the Istanbul negotiations of late March 2022. And we turned him into the reincarnation of Churchill, so even in his diminished state. he still has lots of media access.

3 Per former Lt. Colonel and State Department officer Larry Wilkerson in this interview: ... ntage.html


15,000,000 for a downed F-16
June 8, 16:28


The Ural company Fores announced a prize of 15 million rubles for the first downed F-16 fighter.
The director of the company, Sergei Shmotyev, announced this at SPIEF.
Preparations for the hunt have begun.

Russian flag in the Kanal microdistrict
June 9, 14:13


Russian troops liberated most of the Kanal microdistrict in Chasov Yar, for which there had been fierce fighting for a long time.
Yesterday, Russian and Airborne flags were installed on high-rise buildings. The remnants of the enemy forces have crawled to the western outskirts of the microdistrict and are trying to prevent our troops from advancing to the city center.

(Video at link.)

The main work in the Canal is carried out by the 98th Airborne Division from Ivanovo. In the near future, the remnants of the Canal will be cleaned up, and then there will be an operation to “force” the shallowed Seversky Donets-Donbass Canal, which divides the city.
Fierce fighting for Kalinovka continues north of the Canal.

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Unable to escalate militarily, NATO relies on rhetoric

Lucas Leiroz

June 8, 2024

Recent discussions about “authorizing” attacks on Russia sounds like desperation on the part of Western countries.

Continuing their relentless wave of escalations in the war against the Russian Federation, NATO countries have decided to deliberate on whether to “authorize” Ukrainian attacks against what they consider “Russian territory” — the 1991 Russian borders, excluding the New Regions. For those who follow the conflict on TV, the “measure” seems like a “game changer”. For those who know the battlefield, it is nothing more than a bad joke.

Ukrainian attacks on the undisputed territory of the Russian Federation have been a reality since 2022. Border regions are frequently bombed in cowardly incursions against civilian and demilitarized areas. I myself almost died during the neo-Nazi attacks with Western missiles and drones on Belgorod when I was in the city as a correspondent. Kursk, Bryansk, Krasnodar and almost all southern regions of Russia are in a similar situation, vulnerable to fascist cowardice.

And it is not just cities reasonably close to the conflict zone that are susceptible to the Maidan Junta’s attacks. Even in Moscow, Ukrainian drones have already targeted everything from residential buildings to the Kremlin itself. Not to mention the frequent attacks on energy and oil infrastructure in several Russian regions. In other words, there is no Russian who is not a target of Kiev’s misanthropic regime.

Until then, Western countries cowardly tried to disguise their responsibilities for these attacks. Knowing that Moscow considers Ukraine’s sponsors to be co-responsible for all the regime’s crimes, the Western argument was that there was no authorization for their weapons to be used against targets “inside Russia” — as if Crimea, Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporozhye and Kherson were not as Russian as Moscow or St. Petersburg.

No one has ever taken Western arguments seriously. Anyone who follows the Ukrainian conflict understands that there is no sovereignty in Kiev. The regime is just a proxy for the West, acting as a puppet. Ukrainian commanders do not have any decision-making power, their actions are merely compliance with orders coming from outside — from command centers in Brussels and Washington. There is no possibility that NATO is not to blame for the deep attacks on Russia simply because Ukraine never acts alone. All actions of the Kiev regime are previously authorized by the Atlantic alliance.

However, now, NATO has decided to “allow” these attacks — which, I repeat, have been happening since 2022. Suddenly, the Western bloc has chosen, tacitly, to assume its co-responsibility for the deaths of children in Belgorod and Kursk. In the media’s narrative to Western public opinion, it appears that NATO’s “patience” has run out — but in fact, what is running out is its weapons stockpile.

The West escalated the war as far as it could. It violated every red line possible. It sent long-range missiles, cluster bombs and radioactive depleted uranium munitions — not to mention the endless ranks of commandos fighting under the guise of “mercenaries”. None of these efforts were strong enough to even make Ukraine launch a “counteroffensive.” Nothing worked. Now, NATO is faced with the final decision.

Either the military alliance escalates the war to direct — and nuclear — confrontation, or it abandons Ukraine and allows the special military operation to be concluded according to the only possible outcome for this conflict (the victory of the Russian Federation). But, conveniently, NATO takes neither one position nor the other. On the contrary, it opts for rhetorical escalation, “authorizing” attacks that have always taken place and promising to “send troops” that, in fact, have already been in Ukraine for a long time — under the epithet of “mercenaries”.

NATO is drowning in its own weakness. Unable to escalate militarily, it escalates rhetorically. On the battlefield, nothing changes. Ukraine remains on the brink of collapse and Western weapons are increasingly proving useless. The cowardly attacks on Russian civilians continue to happen — many of them by Western troops — but from now on the “official” and “authorized” seal of the West will be on every projectile targeting Russian cities.

Obviously, Western propaganda will try to take advantage of the current rhetorical wave to make it appear that Ukraine will use Western missiles against Moscow and St. Petersburg. Kiev may even try to do so, but it is unlikely that the inept neo-Nazi army will achieve great things. Most likely, missiles and drones will continue to fall in border regions — exactly as has been happening since 2022. It is the “Russian territorial depth” viable for Kiev.

However, the West could be penalized for its irresponsible rhetoric. It is Russian patience, not NATO’s, that could run out at any moment. If Moscow deems it necessary to respond effectively to an artillery incursion against its demilitarized civilian areas, from now on, every Western capital could be legally considered a target, as the alliance has decided to publicly place itself in the position of being co-responsible for Ukrainian crimes.

Words have consequences. Decisions generate responses. Perhaps the open phase of the Third World War will be initiated by a formal and rhetorical decision. After all, through weapons, the West has not achieved so much. ... -rhetoric/
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Mon Jun 10, 2024 12:19 pm

Economic conditions of the Russian economy
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 06/10/2024


Articles are periodically published in the press arguing that Russia will be economically capable of facing the war even if it drags on indefinitely, as the current trench war seems to suggest. Faced with the naive calculations made by the European Union and the United States with the introduction of the first sanctions packages, which included removing Russia, a country heavily dependent on the Western market, from the SWIFT international payment system, the Russian economy has not collapsed and Moscow has not only been able to withstand short-term sanctions, but sees the war of attrition as its best option. A long war implies trust in the industry's ability to supply the necessary basic products and in the possibilities of substituting the Western market for both essential imports and exports that represent an important weight in the country's income.

This week, several media outlets have published articles that focus on the economic reality that the European Union and the United States wanted to avoid with the introduction of sanctions that they believed could defeat Moscow. As the American magazine Newsweek headlines , “the Russian economy can sustain the war “indefinitely” under two conditions.” “Russia has faced economic turmoil during the war, hit by sanctions and isolation from the global financial system. In January, the International Monetary Fund raised its GDP growth forecast to 2.6% this year, above that of the United States,” writes the American media to briefly describe the state of the Russian economy according to international economic institutions. The article highlights the increase in industrial production, which has boosted the economy - although at the expense of other manufacturing industries and social spending.

Along the same lines, Vladimir Putin mentioned in his speech at the Saint Petersburg Economic Forum that unemployment has ceased to be a problem, now replaced by the need for personnel. The measures introduced to resist Western economic sanctions and to maintain social peace while avoiding negative economic consequences for the population mean that, as Newsweek recalls , Russia runs the risk of overheating the economy. For now, however, the Russian population “is earning and consuming more since the war began, with real disposable income 5.5% higher in 2023 than in 2021. This is due to the high salaries of the troops fighting in Ukraine, payments to soldiers' families and increasing salaries in civilian sectors trying to attract workers." That same perception shown by the Western media that analyzes the data is reflected in a recent report by Sberbank, from which the Russian edition of Forbes speaks of “the emergence of a “new middle class” in Russia. According to the chief analyst of Sberbank, their training is influenced by the strong growth in consumption and salaries, especially in the IT, construction and transformation sectors, where salaries increased by between 25 and 27% year-on-year. Sustaining war implies maintaining the production capacity or supply of military material, but also providing a certain level of well-being to the population to prevent, among other things, social instability from endangering the Government's plans.

According to Newsweek , Russia could sustain the war “indefinitely” as long as two circumstances did not occur: an oil price that fell below $30 a barrel and a shortage of workers. The media recalls the high mobilization figures, although the figures it provides are the sum of the mobilization itself and the voluntary recruitment, and also the population flight fundamentally starting in September 2022, when the mobilization was decreed. Aware of the problems, Russia has applied different measures to alleviate the situation. Among them is excluding from the population subject to mobilization professionals from certain key sectors of the economy, encouraging the return of the emigrated population and promoting certain types of immigration. President Putin referred to this, describing the characteristics of this potential immigration, specifying knowledge of the language, culture and laws of the country. It seems evident that Vladimir Putin is referring to nationals of the former Soviet republics or descendants of the Russian diaspora abroad.

The Newsweek article is largely based on a report by Dmitry Nekrasov, now an opposition member and former deputy director of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. Contrary to what the American magazine described from its article published in Meduza , the two conditions under which Russia could not sustain the current military spending mentioned by Nekrasov are an explosive increase in the intensity of the war and the aforementioned collapse of the price of the oil. In other words, barring an economic catastrophe that would have to come from the drastic reduction of state income through intervention in global markets, Russia would be, according to the author, capable of sustaining a war like the current one indefinitely. Nekrasov thus points to the theory that the long war favors Russia, which has organized its economy to be able to maintain high military expenditures, which, while energizing some sectors - fundamentally linked to the defense industry -, make increase real wages and, with it, internal consumption. The advantages over Ukraine in this regard are obvious: the ability of OPEC+ to maintain prices and the fact that a collapse in the price of oil would also harm the United States makes a collapse unlikely that would make it impossible for the Kremlin to maintain the current level of spending, while in the case of Bankova, economic capacity depends directly on the willingness of its partners to continue the massive flows of financing that the war requires. This same argument makes the second condition, a large increase in the intensity of the war, which would require for Russia a proportional growth in military spending, also dependent on kyiv's Western partners. Only they can raise the stakes to those levels, whether with a massive injection of funding - unlikely given that Jens Stoltenberg's flagship $100 billion fund proposal appears to have fallen - or more direct involvement in the war. , something that, for the moment, remains a red line.

“War is expensive, but not too expensive,” argues Nekrasov, who uses military spending in relation to the Gross Domestic Product as a reference. “Official Defense spending in the 2024 budget amounts to 6% of GDP. If we add to this the expenses camouflaged in other items,” says the author, “in the highest estimate, they can be calculated at 9% of GDP.” Nekrasov compares this percentage with the 94.5% that the war represented for Nazi Germany in 1944, 39.8% for the United States in 1945 or 38% for the United Kingdom in 1916. The author also makes a more significant comparison . Russian military spending is lower than that of the Soviet Union between 1954 and 1988 (24%) and that of Israel between 1967 and 1993 (19.1%) and is similar to that of Saudi Arabia between 2001 and 2022, a period in which Yemen war in a period that includes the Yemen war, but which for the most part occurred in peace. Curiously, Nekrasov does not include in the graph Ukrainian investment in Defense which, according to World Bank data, amounted to 33.5% of GDP in 2022.

The data shows a sustainable level of spending for Russia in the event that the war remains at current levels and the country is able to maintain its level of income and ability to mobilize the economy to maintain domestic spending and GDP. This is where European sanctions were supposed to do damage that they have not achieved. Nekrasov also focuses on these effects. “The ability to resist these sanctions is mainly due to the fact that, thanks to oil revenues and a fairly strict macroeconomic policy, the Russian economy before the war was very different from that of any other large economy,” he argues to explain that “ the federal budget recorded an average surplus of 0.9% of GDP between 2000 and 2021. The budgets of all other large economies were persistently in deficit. This has led to the fact that, despite increased military spending and sanctions, the Russian wartime budget deficit (-1.9% of GDP in 2023) remains below typical deficit levels in 'times of war'. "peace" in developed countries. The comparisons in this sense are clear: the Russian surplus of 0.9% contrasts with the deficits of 4.5% in the United States and the 4.6% in the United Kingdom. Again, Nekrasov does not include the comparison with the Ukrainian economy, so dependent on foreign subsidies that its current budget management seems irrelevant. To these data we must add the positive balance of payments due to the massive exports of recent decades (mainly of raw materials) and the low public debt, largely due to low public spending.

Despite Russia's great efforts to maintain gas or oil export levels, flows have decreased, one more negative aspect that Moscow has had to face. According to Nekrasov, if this cluster of circumstances “had happened to any other country that did not initially have such a margin of safety, it would quickly lead to multiple devaluations, hyperinflation, and the inability to supply critical imports. However, in the case of Russia, all of the above only served to reduce the abnormally high balance, which, despite everything, remains positive.” The balance of payments may approach zero in the future, explains Nekrasov, adding that this difference would have been invested in the war. That fact would make Russia a large “ordinary” economy, that is, like all the others, losing one of those “extraordinary” characteristics that has made it solvent in these years of war.

Nekrasov expects growth to continue, something he does not describe as success but as something that occurs normally in countries at war precisely due to the increase in military production. The exception, he points out, are those countries in which the industry is heavily bombed. What is extraordinary in a country at war is, according to the author, the growth of the population's real income and consumption. “As a rule, in a market economy experiencing a military conflict, household final consumption declines. At the same time, income may fall or increase only slightly,” he indicates to contrast the current situation in the Russian Federation. The real disposable income of the population has increased by 5.5% in 2023 compared to 2021 due, according to the article, to three factors: high military salaries and payments to the families of victims, the increase in salaries in the sector military and also in the civil industry that tries to maintain its workforce to avoid losing them to the military industry. Nekrasov considers that this situation is reaching its maximum and expects a stagnation or slight reduction in the future and affects the lack of personnel - due to population flight, the demographic situation inherited from the 90s and the very low levels of unemployment. as the main current challenge for Russia.

War depends on all kinds of factors, among which the economy is one of the main ones. Unlike Ukraine, Russia has to maintain its production levels on its own to guarantee the supply of weapons to its army, exports to sustain State income and the income of the population to maintain the social stability that times of crisis require. war. And compared to what the West expected, so far, Russian solvency has exceeded expectations and even for those who write from opposition points of view, the economy's ability to maintain current military spending will be viable in the medium and even long term. ... omia-rusa/

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Missile strike on the north-west of Crimea
June 10, 2024


After midnight, Ukrainian formations once again attacked the Crimean peninsula. At least 12 ATACMS operational-tactical missiles were fired from the Nikolaev region.

The target of the strikes was the vicinity of Chernomorskoye , Yevpatoriya and Dzhankoy . The sounds of air defense and muffled explosions were heard in the northwestern part of Crimea.

It is not known for certain which objects were attacked, but taking into account the choice of settlements and the lack of air defense systems at the airfields, these were most likely the positions of the 31st Air Force and Air Defense Divisions.

It is not known for certain whether the enemy managed to hit the target, however, due to the absence of fires and secondary detonation, one can hope to either repulse the attack or cause minor damage.

On the eve of Russia Day on June 12, Ukrainian formations are increasing the number of attacks in Crimea . There have already been unmanned boats, unmanned aerial vehicles, and now missiles.

And this morning, a missile threat was already introduced in Crimea for several minutes, which may indicate the launch of decoy missiles in the direction of the peninsula. In this situation, we can expect new strike attempts in the next couple of days.

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Box for denunciations of motorists
June 9, 17:50


A box for denunciations of families who have two cars.
As part of the mobilization in Ukraine, one car can be taken away.
The scope for denunciation and corruption is enormous.

Google Translator



Are you ready for WWIII?
Originally published: Pearls and Irritations on June 7, 2024 by Eugene Doyle (more by Pearls and Irritations) (Posted Jun 08, 2024)

The Armavir Incident—the destruction on 23 May of a key part of Russia’s nuclear defence—means the Doomsday clock is ticking closer to midnight. Most people don’t even know that a long-distance Ukrainian/NATO drone attack on the Armavir radar station north of Georgia knocked out a Voronezh-DM radar which is designed to detect incoming intercontinental ballistic missiles from as far as 6,000 kilometres away. It is one of three similar attacks in recent weeks.

The strike, trumpeted by Newsweek as a great success, may have robbed the Russians of a couple of minutes of warning time, in the event of a strike coming up from the south.

“Map Shows Ukraine’s Record-Breaking Hits on Russian Nuclear Warning Sites” Newsweek reports. The article, triumphalist in tone, fails to address the central issue: how crazy do you have to be to compress Russia’s decision-making window before it must decide whether to launch nuclear weapons at you? And who thought this was a good idea at the very time that nuclear-capable F16s are about to arrive in Ukraine and the U.S., along with a clutch of client states, has announced their missiles will strike mainland Russia in the coming days or weeks? Never in history has a nuclear power been attacked in this way. Even at the height of the Cold War neither side was brainless enough to do what the Western countries are doing now: attack detection facilities and launch missile strikes on a nuclear power.

We actually need the Russians to have really good missile detection systems; it keeps us safe. The Americans have a superior system to the Russians: they have more geosynchronous satellites that hover over specific regions 24/7 and can pretty much instantly detect the heat signatures of missiles at launch. Ground systems, like the Voronezh-DM at Armavir have to wait for the missiles to gain altitude and enter the radar fan (think of the beep-beep-beep sweep of a submarine sonar). American nuclear scientists estimate that the time available to the Russian military and political decision makers may only be a third of that which the U.S. enjoys. In the time it takes you to drink a cappuccino they have to decide if they need to empty their missile silos then go through all their launch procedures before they are incinerated.

This may explain President Putin’s recent statement that all necessary decisions and authorisations have been made in respect to Russia’s preparedness. It suggests a delegated decision structure that no longer requires political sign off. There just won’t be time.

He’s just bluffing right? Certainly America’s greatest military minds like Generals Hodges and Petraeus believe so; yet they have been wrong on pretty much everything to do with Ukraine, Iraq and Afghanistan. Another U.S. general worth quoting is Mark Milley, recent Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He speaks of the “nuclear paradox,” that the closer the Russians come to losing in Ukraine, the higher the nuclear peril. Which begs the question: what do the Americans think they are doing? Is there any sound, discernible strategy guiding all this violence, all this escalation? Or are they doing what they did in Vietnam, in Iraq and in Afghanistan—fighting on, knowing they can’t win, but unable to admit it before the next Presidential election?

Let’s be clear: even the conventional gear we are talking about is serious: German Taurus missiles, French Scalp missiles, British Storm Shadow missiles and an array of U.S. missiles are hugely powerful. They will do immense damage and kill a lot of Russians in Russia. You might think that’s a good idea but imagine if any of these countries were hit in return by similar missiles.

This morning I listened to Russian military analysts discussing what they saw as the need to hit British bases if Britain pushes ahead with plans to unleash Storm Shadows on Russian territory. President Putin has also warned that missile strikes on Russia would result in counter-strikes. Is this posturing, empty threats and blackmail, as Western spokespeople claim, or are we about to witness something that could imperil us all?

In war, what happens when an enemy shoots at you? You shoot back, right? What would happen if Russia fired missiles into the U.S.? They’d fire straight back, right? So why is the West about to fire missiles into a nuclear-armed state and think they won’t fire back?

The NATO decision to strike mainland Russia with missiles comes as Ukraine is losing on the battlefield and is at risk of a major frontline collapse. Western analysts acknowledge the country has almost run out of trained reserves, is funnelling conscripts to the front with minimal training, soldiers now have an average age of 43, they are suffering a 7:1 or perhaps even 10:1 shell deficit and are completely outmatched in airpower, missiles, tanks, drones and electronic warfare.

The U.S. response to the looming failure of its Ukraine strategy is to escalate. The plan was to crush Russia with sanctions, pour in hundreds of billions of dollars of weapons, take back all territory, turn Sevastopol into a NATO port and trigger regime change in Moscow—all these have clearly failed.

So what has changed since President Biden said he would not trigger WWIII by authorising nuclear-capable F16s? What we are witnessing is classic escalation but with a frisson of nuclear fission thrown in.

The New York Times, normally a compliant outlet for Pentagon opinion said: “Until now, Mr. Biden has flatly refused to let Ukraine use American-made weapons outside of Ukrainian borders, no matter what the provocation, saying that any attack on Russian territory risked violating his mandate to “avoid World War III.”

Biden, the NYT said, had “ clearly crossed a red line that he himself drew.” Joe is the first U.S. leader in history to authorise missile strikes against a nuclear power—supposedly within a limited geographic range north of Kharkiv; he is joined by the Germans, and the British and French who say “the Ukrainians” can strike anywhere on Russian territory.

Military experts dismiss the fiction that these missiles will be unleashed by Ukrainians. German Taurus missiles, French Scalp missiles, British Storm Shadow missiles and various U.S. missiles use super-sophisticated dynamic guidance and navigation systems to enable command and control centres in Western Europe or the U.S. to support things like terrain contour matching, evasion and target confirmation. These are all run by elite, highly trained personnel from each of those countries. Open war between NATO and Russia could erupt as a consequence.

How has the media responded to the risk that Western countries may trigger missile strikes against their own territories? Let’s look at the headlines:

“Last chance to impress for Olympic hopefuls”, “Three suburbs might get a metro”, “Exclusive: Rupert Murdoch’s new wife excited about Australian visit”, “What is the point of Super Rugby bonus points?”, “Starmer on ropes over £2000 tax rise”.

You get the point. Our media is keeping us in a deep, deep sleep. We need facts, analysis and an insistence on dialogue and diplomacy before it is too late. George Orwell knew all about this problem. Homage to Catalonia, written the year before the outbreak of WWII, finishes with this description of his train journey back to London:

Down here it was still the England I had known in my childhood: the railway-cuttings smothered in wild flowers, the deep meadows where the great shining horses browse and meditate, the slow-moving streams bordered by willows, the green bosoms of the elms, the larkspurs in the cottage gardens; and then the huge peaceful wilderness of outer London, the barges on the miry river, the familiar streets, the posters telling of cricket matches and Royal weddings, the men in bowler hats, the pigeons in Trafalgar Square, the red buses, the blue policemen—all sleeping the deep, deep sleep of England, from which I sometimes fear that we shall never wake till we are jerked out of it by the roar of bombs. ... for-wwiii/


US-Zelensky tensions
Blinken and Brink versus Yermak and Zelensky. Yermak-Zelensky purging pro-western forces

JUN 09, 2024

Bad Bridget
The signs have been clear.

Antony Blinken stated during his visit to Ukraine on May 13 that Ukraine must make “sure that the fight against corruption continues at home just as the fight against Russia’s aggression continues on the front lines”. A June 6 NBC article wrote that ‘Ukrainian officials are particularly irritated with the U.S. ambassador, Bridget Brink, over the issue of corruption’.

The Ukrainian media publication Strana released an article on June 1 on Zelensky’s worsening relations with the US. One of the recent causes of displeasure has been Biden’s refusal to attend Zelensky’s Switzerland ‘peace summit’. More importantly, the US is angry about Zelensky’s personnel purges, which I wrote about in detail in this recent post.

In short, Zelensky has been strengthening his control over the government and removing any independent figures. A May 28 Financial Times article was particularly forthright about this:

Other points of concern relate to diverging strategies on how Ukraine can achieve victory and what that victory might look like, as well as Zelenskyy’s little explained removal of top government and military officials the US had worked closely with.

Several Ukrainian government officials and diplomats from G7 nations cited the firing of commander-in-chief Valery Zaluzhny in February and infrastructure minister Oleksandr Kubrakov this month. Both men were well respected and enjoyed close working relationships with US and EU officials. The officials told the FT that G7 ambassadors have warned Zelenskyy’s government about what they see as disruptive and inexplicable moves.


US ambassador Brink published the above post when Kubrakov was dismissed on April 9. ‘Thank you, Oleksandr Kubrakov, for your wonderful partnership over the last two years…’ ‘I will be happy to stay close by, to help Ukraine win the war and win the future’
According to strana sources, the US even tried to save Kubrakov with a phone call right before the parliamentary vote on his dismissal. One of the reasons for the removal of the infrastructure minister, at least nominally, has been the scandal over corruption in construction of concrete protection for energy objects, which has proven sorely inadequate after recent Russian missile attacks. I wrote about this topic several months ago here.

(Paywall) ... y-tensions


Volkssturm 2.0.

But first, Volkssturm 1.0.


Now to the 43rd motor-rifle brigade of VSU.




When pictures speak louder than words. How long, do you think, they are going to last in trenches (those who will survive) against Russian storm troopers when they will come to mop up what's left? You know the answer--a kindergarten kid (or nursing home dementia patient) against MMA professional fighter with winning record. Back to version 1.0.


The history certainly rhymes. Per this:

Hundreds of millions of people in 27 EU member states have cast their ballots in the parliamentary elections, showing growing support for conservative and right-wing parties in defiance of the bloc’s current policies, including immigration, security, and climate. Initial projections after the polls closed on Sunday indicated a stunning defeat for French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. This has already led to Macron dissolving the country’s National Assembly and calling snap parliamentary elections.

Too little, too late and, in the end, meaningless. ... rm-20.html




by John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with

As the Ukraine’s peak summer electricity season approaches, the list of the Russian General Staff’s Electric War targets is shrinking. This is because almost all the Ukrainian electricity generating plants have been stopped. What remains for destruction are the connecting lines and distribution grids for the Ukraine’s imported electricity from Poland and other European Union neighbours. The microwave and cell telephone towers, and the diesel fuel stocks which are powering the back-up generating sets are next.

“There’s no keeping the Ukrainian cell network up any more than there is keeping up the electrical grid,” comments a close military observer. “The General Staff have set the flow of Ukrainian refugees west as inversely proportional to the flow of data and electrons over Ukrainian airwaves and transmission lines. We can expect that relationship to be set to highly inverse before the summer is out. What calculations have been made regarding things further west are just beginning to become evident.”

The Electric War is now accelerating faster to the Polish border than the Russian army advance along the line east of the Dnieper River.

In the very long history of siege warfare, there has never been a case of letting the enemy’s civilian population run safely away from his castles and cities until the fortifications and army which remain must choose between surrender and destruction.

Read the story file on the Electric War since October 2022 here.

Image ... &nocache=1

The geographic spread, the explosive yield, and the cost of each of the raids are accelerating. On June 1, the Russian military bloggers, which continue to be the semi-official source of battlefield news each day, reported that energy facilities had been attacked in five regions of the Ukraine – in the east in Zaporozhye and Dniepropetrovsk; in the west in Kirovograd and Ivano-Frankovsk regions. Two thermal power plants were seriously damaged, following a salvo which the Ukrainians counted at 53 missiles and 47 drones.

The next day, June 2, the Russian sources, quoting Ukrainian electricity company bulletins to consumers, reported emergency blackouts and restricted power supply schedules were in effect in Kiev and its surrounding region. On June 5, the situation in Kiev was worse, according to DTEK, the dominant privately owned utility, and Ukrenergo, the state operator of the country’s high-voltage transmission lines.

On June 6-7, The Washington Post – editorial motto, “Democracy Dies in Darkness” – reported Ukrainian utility managers and state officials as confirming that at least 86% of the country’s electricity generating capacity has now been destroyed. “We are catastrophically short of electricity for our needs,” the newspaper quoted Sergei Kovalenko, chief executive of the Ukrainian private electricity distributor YASNO, ….The power cuts have divided Kiev into the haves and the have-nots — with even residents at some privileged, high-end addresses suddenly finding themselves in the latter category.” “DTEK has lost some 86 percent of its generating capacity, [DTEK chief executive Maxim] Timchenko said. What makes the situation worse is that many of the electrical facilities have been targeted repeatedly — a cycle of destruction, recovery, destruction, he said.” “Next week will be better,” Ukrenergo spokesperson Mariia Tsaturian said. “The week after that could be worse.” “The scheduled outages will continue — the only question is how severe they will be, Ukrenergo CEO Volodymyr Kudrytskyi said.” “We are talking about a huge loss of generation,” said Yury Kubrushko, founder of Imepower, a Ukrainian energy consultancy. “I can hardly see from where Ukraine can get new extra capacity just this winter.”


To advertise its desperation for more foreign money and equipment replacements, DTEK has republished the Washington Post story.

Boris Rozhin, editor-in-chief of the Colonel Cassad military blog in Moscow, has reported that in the east, the Krivoy Rog power station is still working, despite several earlier hits. He said “additional strikes are called for.”


On June 7, a video recorded stroll down one of Odessa’s shopping streets revealed an emergency generating set providing electricity for almost all of the commercial establishments.

“This is in no way sustainable,” comments a NATO military engineer. “Note how each shop has its own genset. The generators in the video are not designed for the duty cycle they’re being run at. They’ll wear out soon enough. The military, including deployed NATO personnel, use the shops and the gensets, too. The idea of pooling their resources, sharing load among gensets, thus reducing wear and tear on the whole network, while collectivizing fuel and maintenance costs, doesn’t seem to have occurred to them. To be sure, what follows will be no lack of electrocutions, carbon monoxide poisonings, and fires. We can bet the manifestations of the social pathology we’re seeing here have been factored in by the General Staff. Their attack point will now be to stop fuel, engine oil, spares, and replacements from getting through. ”

Independently of one another, Russian and Ukrainian reporters are confirming the impact of the power losses on the operation of water and sewerage systems in the majority of Ukrainian cities. According to Oleg Popenko, a Ukrainian expert on energy for communal services, “Armageddon has already arrived. We just don’t feel it yet. But the residents of Poltava, for example, feel it, because since May 5 of this year, 120,000 residents of the city receive water by the hour and use sewerage by the hour. You can imagine what happened in Zhitomir when the central sewerage collector didn’t work there for a week, but now in Poltava [it’s been] a month. And this is the problem with water utilities in 70% of Ukrainian cities. Water utilities are probably more important than rest of the infrastructure in the city. Heat and electricity can be replaced somehow, and you can go somewhere. But if the sewer system breaks down in a city, the city is no longer viable in principle.”

The NATO military engineer has compiled his forecast list of Russian targets in the coming days. “We should expect the commercial fuel storage and distribution network to be hit. These are legitimate military targets as the Ukrainian military relies on them to support its war effort. The railways should be hit as well. There’s no good military reason to allow them to keep functioning. Given the NATO country endorsements for striking Russian territory targets, I don’t see the rationale on the Moscow side for leaving unscathed the rail network connecting Lvov and Kiev to Rzeszów [Poland].”

“The target list should include the border switchyards and substations connecting the Ukraine to the European transmission lines. Destroying those and targeting the stations transmitting power from nuclear sources will finish the job. There will be no more load balancing after that. The collapse of Ukrainian logistics, not to mention the society, will follow soon after. If the switchyards connecting the nuclear power plants to the grid are smashed, it’s the end for the Ukrainians.”

NOTE: Lead images -- left, blackout warning on June 4 from DTEK. Centre: pedestrian walking dog in central Kiev, June 6. Shops on Odessa city street powered by emergency generating sets, June 8. ... more-89975
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Tue Jun 11, 2024 12:04 pm

Partisan consensus
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 06/11/2024


Throughout the weekend, still in Europe after his long visit to France to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings and waiting for the G7 summit to be held in Italy, Joe Biden has continued to make acts and statements in the which has appealed to continental unity against the current enemy, Moscow. The harmony between the American and French presidents has been palpable and any disagreements from the past have now been forgotten. Both leaders have been in favor of allowing the use of Western weapons in Russian territory, they have marked the red line in the 200 miles from the border - at least for the moment, since in this war any limit has been temporary and they have sought the consensus when making a decision on the use of profits from frozen Russian assets for the acquisition of weapons and reconstruction of Ukraine. The United States and France, the latter being the most belligerent European power at the moment, are looking for a way to keep the war going both in military terms, since diplomacy is not an option for either of them, and in economic terms.

Without any real opposition in power in countries sufficiently relevant at the European level, the consensus in favor of the continuation of military assistance to Ukraine until final victory is confirmed with each new announcement of arms shipments, increase in military budgets in the face of alleged Russian danger of invasion of NATO countries - something absolutely unfeasible - and also with the words of Úrsula von der Leyen, who hours before the electoral results were known stated that the objective was to create a "pro-European, pro- -Ukrainian, pro-rule of law.” The Ukrainian issue has become a central element of the policy of the European Union, in which the internal opposition to action in Ukraine has not had the blocking capacity that it has exercised in the United States.

For months, US military assistance to Ukraine became the perfect tool for the Trumpist wing of the Republican Party, willing to even delay the deliveries of weapons to its preferred ally, Israel, to prevent, at least for a time, giving to Joe Biden what he asked for. At that time, when reproaches and insults came in both directions - Donald Trump was accused of being willing to abandon Ukraine and the former president reacted by stating that he will be able to end the war in hours - the White House sought , tirelessly, breaking the partisan barrier to pass the legislation that committed more than 60,000 million dollars to sustain the war in Ukraine.

Heir to Ronald Reagan's Republican Party, much of the party was always openly supportive of assistance to Ukraine. In its Cold War mentality, Moscow remains a historic enemy to be defeated and humiliated. In some ways, the logic is the same as that used since the time of Jimmy Carter regarding Afghanistan, even before Soviet troops stormed the presidential palace in Kabul on December 25, 1979. Also then, a large part of Democrats and Republicans agreed to start the flow of military assistance to the mujahideen who years later would end up declaring war on each other to destroy the capital and make way for the Taliban conquest. The lesson learned in Afghanistan was the same one that was applied in Iraq, where Madeleine Albright responded that she had been “worth it” when asked by a journalist about the hundreds of thousands of minors killed because of US sanctions. The Soviets “lost billions of dollars and that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union,” Hillary Clinton has claimed, vastly exaggerating the effect of the Afghanistan war on the dissolution of the USSR. “So there is a very strong argument that it is… it was not a bad investment in terms of the Soviet Union, but let's be careful with what we sow… because we are going to reap something,” he insisted in the same appearance in which he recalled that it was “ President Reagan with the help of a Congress led by Democrats” who launched the supply that would continue uninterruptedly for a decade despite the questionable nature of its recipients. Although in the past Clinton recognized the counterparts of this collaboration with openly radical Islamist groups whose methods were terrorist, the former Secretary of State recovered the Afghan example as a model of action for Ukraine in February 2022. At that time, the pro-Ukrainian consensus in The US Congress was a fact, as was the recovery of Cold War rhetoric, which is still maintained in the sectors favorable to the fight against Moscow down to the last Ukrainian soldier.

There is no figure who better embodies this union between the two supposedly opposing parties in a widely polarized society than Senator Lindsey Graham, one of those figures to whom Joe Biden has appealed in the weeks of legislative blockade in which the Trumpist minority threatened to indefinitely block the approval of new funds for Ukraine. This has even been confirmed by the current president, who looked for a man with the ability to reach Donald Trump to convince his opponent and thus favor the vote of some of his supporters to approve the legislative package that gives Ukraine military financing to wage war. war for at least another year.

For that task, Lindsey Graham, a veteran of defending Ukraine's fight against Russia years before Russian troops crossed the border, was the ideal man. “All of us will return to Washington and advance the case against Russia. Enough of Russian aggression,” Graham said in Ukraine. It was not 2024, but 2017. A regular companion of the great Cold War hawk John McCain, Graham visited the Ukrainian troops in Shirokino and Mariupol that winter, where he undoubtedly had to come across the contingent of the Azov regiment, then not yet exalted as defender of Mariupol . Even then, the senator was clear that “your battle is our battle,” a phrase reminiscent of that uttered by Ronald Reagan to Yaroslav Stetsko – the man who proclaimed the independence of Ukraine “under the auspices of the Führer” in occupied Lviv. Nazi troops - during their visit to the White House.

Almost seven years after that trip to a front in which Ukraine was the aggressor and the party that openly refused to implement the Minsk agreements, Graham returned to kyiv with a different mission: to give Zelensky a message that was less pleasant, but that would ultimately mean achieve the goal. As a compromise measure to appeal to Donald Trump, Biden used Graham to force Zelensky to accept that part of the military assistance would no longer be non-refundable but in the form of credit, something to which the Republican candidate for the White House He had shown some interest. Biden finally managed to approve the legislative package and American weapons began to flow again to Ukraine, each time with more vigor, each time in larger quantities and with fewer and fewer limits on their use.

However, none of this has moderated the anxieties of those who have been fighting against Moscow for years. Known for saying out loud what others keep silent, Lindsey Graham proclaimed the need to fight Russia “to the last Ukrainian.” “There are $300 billion of Russian sovereign assets in Europe that we should confiscate and hand over to Ukraine. We have Russian money in the United States that we should confiscate. We must make Russia a state sponsor of terrorism under US law,” the senator proclaimed in his latest statements, going much further than European countries are willing to go. And the delivery of these assets to Ukraine would not only mean a massive escalation in the political and commercial war against Russia, but also a precedent of asset theft that would not go unnoticed in Russia and elsewhere, especially in China, a country that appears quickly in Graham's speech. The senator, always willing to go one step further, added that “the Ukrainians are sitting on 10-12 billion in critical minerals.” “They could be the richest country in Europe. “I don’t want to give that money and resources to Putin to share with China.” Fear of China is not new either. During Donald Trump's presidency, John Bolton intervened to prevent the sale of Motor Sich to China, alleging that its transfer endangered the national security of the United States. Every war is, in part, a conflict over resources. Either to control them or to prevent an opponent from doing so. That way of thinking is neither new nor unique to representatives like Lindsey Graham. However, all of this generally remains in the subtext and in the silences, as easy to decipher as the speech of the senators who do pronounce all the words. There are no partisan barriers in that either, but consensus. There is no other party than war. On both sides of the Atlantic.

Google Translator


From Cassad's Telegram account:

Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of June 10, 2024) The main thing:

the Russian Armed Forces hit the command post of the tactical aviation brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the field artillery depot of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the temporary deployment points of foreign mercenaries;

— Russian air defense shot down a MiG-29 aircraft of the Ukrainian Armed Forces within 24 hours;

— The southern group of troops defeated six brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, enemy losses per day amounted to 430 military personnel;

— The “Center” group occupied more advantageous positions, repelled 5 counterattacks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces per day, enemy losses amounted to 345 military personnel, 2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles;

— Russian air defense intercepted a Neptune anti-ship missile, 2 HARMs, 4 JDAM and Hammer aerial bombs, as well as 7 HIMARS and Uragan shells in one day;

— The “West” group improved the situation along the front line within 24 hours and defeated the Ukrainian Armed Forces; enemy losses amounted to up to 570 military personnel;

— The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 140 military personnel in the area of ​​responsibility of the Vostok group of troops;

— The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 225 military personnel in the area of ​​responsibility of the North group in one day.

Units of the Vostok group of forces continued to advance into the depths of the enemy’s defenses and liberated the village of Staromayorskoye of the Donetsk People’s Republic.

They defeated the manpower and equipment of the 58th motorized infantry, 72nd mechanized brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, 123rd and 128th military defense brigades in the areas of the settlements of Velikaya Novoselka, Vodyanoye, Neskuchnoye, Urozhainoye and Ugledar of the Donetsk People's Republic.

Enemy losses amounted to up to 140 military personnel, two vehicles, a 155 mm FH-70 howitzer made in Great Britain, a 152 mm D-20 gun and a 122 mm D-30 howitzer .

▫️Units of the Dnepr group of troops defeated the formations of the 128th mountain assault brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the 35th Marine Brigade and the 121st Terrestrial Defense Brigade in the areas of the settlements of Mirnoye, Nesteryanka in the Zaporozhye region, Osokorovka and Tyaginka in the Kherson region.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 60 military personnel, two pickup trucks, a 152 mm Giatsint-B gun and a 122 mm D-30 howitzer .

▫️Operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery from groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation hit the command post of the tactical aviation brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, a field artillery depot, as well as temporary deployment points for foreign mercenaries, accumulations of enemy manpower and military equipment in 147 regions.

A MiG-29 aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force was shot down by air defense systems . During the day, the following were intercepted : a Neptune anti-ship missile , two US-made HARM anti-radar missiles , four guided bombs: a French-made Hammer and a US-made JDAM , seven missiles: a US-made HIMARS and a Hurricane , as well as 51 unmanned aerial vehicles .

▫️In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed : 611 aircraft, 276 helicopters, 25,514 unmanned aerial vehicles, 528 anti-aircraft missile systems, 16,308 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,331 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 10,302 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 22,413 units of special military vehicles.

Google Translator


Using Ukraine Since 1948
June 10, 2024

The U.S. has staged operations with extremists from Ukraine to undermine Russia for nearly 8 decades. It’s led us to the doorstep of nuclear annihilation.

Clashes in Kiev during Feb. 2014 coup. (Mstyslav Chernov/Unframe/

By Joe Lauria
Special to Consortium News

The United States has for nearly 80 years seen Ukraine as the staging ground for its once covert and increasingly overt war with Russia.

After years of warnings, and after talk since 2008 of Ukraine joining NATO, Russia fought back two years ago. With neither side backing down, Ukraine is increasingly becoming a flashpoint that could lead to nuclear war.

The West thinks Russia is bluffing.

But its doctrine states that if Russia feels its existence is threatened it could resort to nuclear arms. Instead of taking these warnings seriously, NATO is recklessly opening corridors for a ground war against Russia in Ukraine; France says it’s putting together a coalition of nations to enter the war, despite Russia saying French or any other NATO force would be fair game.

Unless you read Consortium News and a few other alternative outlets, you won’t get this perspective. You will think Russia is an out of control aggressor bent on destroying the world. So …

In Paris the other day Joe Biden said Russia wants to conquer all of Europe but can’t even take Khariv. It is this kind of inflammatory nonsense, combined with allowing Ukraine to fire NATO weapons into Russian territory, that is imperiling us all.

The danger started building up many years ago but it is now reaching a climax.

The U.S. relationship with Ukraine, and its extremists, to undermine Russia began after the Second World War. During the war, units of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN-B) took part in the Holocaust, killing at least 100,000 Jews and Poles.

Mykola Lebed, a top aide to Stepan Bandera, the leader of the fascist OUN-B, was recruited by the C.I.A. after the war, according to a 2010 study by the U.S. National Archives.

Lebed was the “foreign minister” of a Banderite government in exile, but he later broke with Bandera for acting as a dictator. The U.S. Army Counterintelligence Corps termed Bandera “extremely dangerous” yet said he was “looked upon as the spiritual and national hero of all Ukrainians….”

C.I.A.’s Allen Dulles asks U.S. Immigration to allow Lebed re-entry to U.S. despite murder conviction. (From Hitler’s Shadow. Click to enlarge.)

Instead of Bandera, the C.I.A. was interested in Lebed, despite his fascist background. They set him up in an office in New York City from which he directed sabotage and propaganda operations on the agency’s behalf inside Ukraine against the Soviet Union.

The U.S. government study says:

“CIA operations with these Ukrainians began in 1948 under the cryptonym CARTEL, soon changed to AERODYNAMIC. …

Lebed relocated to New York and acquired permanent resident status, then U.S. citizenship. It kept him safe from assassination, allowed him to speak to Ukrainian émigré groups, and permitted him to return to the United States after operational trips to Europe.

Once in the United States, Lebed was the CIA’s chief contact for AERODYNAMIC. CIA handlers pointed to his ‘cunning character,’ his ‘relations with the Gestapo and … Gestapo training,’ [and] the fact that he was ‘a very ruthless operator.’”

The C.I.A. worked with Lebed on sabotage and pro-Ukrainian nationalist propaganda operations inside Ukraine until Ukraine’s independence in 1991.

“Mykola Lebed’s relationship with the CIA lasted the entire length of the Cold War,” the study says. “While most CIA operations involving wartime perpetrators backfired, Lebed’s operations augmented the fundamental instability of the Soviet Union.”

Continued Until and Beyond Ukrainian Independence

Bandera monument in Lvov. (

The U.S. thus covertly kept Ukrainian fascist ideas alive inside Ukraine until at least Ukrainian independence was achieved. “Mykola Lebed, Bandera’s wartime chief in Ukraine, died in 1998.

He is buried in New Jersey, and his papers are located at the Ukrainian Research Institute at Harvard University,” the U.S. National Archives study says.

The successor organization to the OUN-B in the United States did not die with him, however. It had been renamed the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA), according to IBT.

“By the mid-1980s, the Reagan administration was honeycombed with UCCA members. Reagan personally welcomed [Yaroslav] Stetsko, the Banderist leader who oversaw the massacre of 7,000 Jews in Lviv, in the White House in 1983,” IBT reported. “Following the demise of [Viktor] Yanukovich’s regime [in 2014], the UCCA helped organise rallies in cities across the US in support of the EuroMaidan protests,” it reported.

That is a direct link between the U.S.-backed 2014 Maidan coup against a democratically-elected Ukrainian government and WWII-era Ukrainian fascism.

[See: Ukraine Timeline Tells the Story] ... the-story/

Since 2014, the U.S. pushed for an attack on Russian speakers in eastern Ukraine who had rejected the coup, and NATO began training and equipping Ukrainian troops. Combined with talk since 2008 of Ukraine joining NATO, Russia acted after years of warning.

More than two years later, with Ukraine clearly losing the war, Western leaders will do just about anything to save their political skins as they have staked so much on winning in Ukraine. Don’t listen to them. They need a West in denial of the dangers facing us.

As President John F. Kennedy said in his 1963 American University speech:

“Above all, while defending our own vital interests, nuclear powers must avert those confrontations which bring an adversary to a choice of either a humiliating retreat or a nuclear war. To adopt that kind of course in the nuclear age would be evidence only of the bankruptcy of our policy–or of a collective death-wish for the world.”

The world may wake up when it’s too late — after the missiles have already started flying. ... ince-1948/


The Russian Endgame in Ukraine and European Resistance to “Right Wing” Advances: A Thought Experiment
Posted on June 10, 2024 by Yves Smith

As most of you know well by now, the so-called European right wing made substantial, even in cases stunning, gains in European parliament elections. This would seem to take some of the wind out of the sails of those wanting to escalate against Russia. But we’ll describe a scenario below that they could pursue and even use the right wing gains to justify. In other words, as Lambert would put it, this is still an overly dynamic situation.

French President Emanuel Macron, after Marine Le Pen’s National Rally won the most votes for MEP seats, with exit polls showing 32% compared to about 15% for Macron’s allies, is taking the stunning gamble of calling snap elections. Given how poor Macron’s political instincts have been, I would not bet on this move working out well for him.

The German Greens also took a drubbing, with preliminary totals showing it fell from second place in 2019 at 20.5% to fourth place now at 12.8%. The CDU/CSU is tops at 30.9% and AfD gained from 11% to 14.9%. In Italy, Georgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy was estimated to have garnered 26-29%, besting left-wing contenders who came in at 21-25%.

In Austria, the right-wing Freedom Party came in the lead at 26.7%, but in the Netherlands and Hungary, the right wing fell short of expectations.

The Guardian summed it up: “Despite gains for the far and radical right, the mainstream, pro-European parties were on course to hold their majority.”

Nevertheless, this outcome has to add to the rising frisson over voter lack of enthusiasm for Project Ukraine despite attempts to whip up fear over the supposedly imminent Putin takeover of all of Europe. Admittedly, we are likely to see a lot of sloppy analysis over why more voters are refusing to eat centrist dog food. In many countries, the reasons are likely to be local and thus oversimplied in efforts to craft over-arching explanations. In the absence of better facts, James Carville’s “It’s the economy, stupid” is probably as good an assessment as any.

But again, crudely speaking, these “populist” right wingers are nationalist, meaning not keen about NATO adventurism and suspected Putin stooges. And European and US leaders are likely now quietly freaked out about the risk of a LePen and then Trump win. But what might they do?

It is true, as Aurelien said early on, that all the Europe can do in the long run is engage in epic sulking. Absent an escalation to nuclear war or a series of astonishingly bad military actions, Russia is comfortably on track to crushing the Ukraine military and being able to dictate terms. Even if the Collective West was not showing cracks in its former anti-Russian unity, the means are proving to wanting. Ukraine’s allies have been scraping the bottom of their weapons barrels to try to keep up supplies. Brave words about increasing arms production have not been met with anything more than paltry results, even as Russia has ramped up output considerably in major equipment categories.

As experts have pointed out, even if the US/NATO forces could keep feeding Ukraine with munitions, Ukraine is running out of men, particularly men who are anything more than cannon fodder. I have no idea how representative these images are, but the fact that there are any like this is telling:


Putin also discussed the Ukraine military force sustainability during his interview with foreign journalists:

According to our calculations, the Ukrainian army loses about 50,000 people a month—both sanitary and irreparable losses, approximately 50/50. The current total mobilization does not solve these problems. They mobilize about 30,000 people a month—mostly forcibly. There are few volunteers.

In the past two months, they have mobilized around 50-55,000 people, according to our data. But this does not solve their problems because this mobilization only covers their losses.

This problem leads to lowering the conscription age: from 27 to 25. We know from Ukrainian sources that the US administration insists on gradually lowering the threshold from 25 to 23, then to 20 years, and finally to 18 years. They already require 17-year-olds to register for the draft. This is a demand from the US administration to the Ukrainian leadership.

Putin also said, in effect, that the US would keep Zelensky around to implement unpopular measures like conscripting 18 year olds and then replace him when his perceived utility is over. Zelensky appears to have purged immediate threats, so at the moment he is comparatively secure.

The Biden Administration (not just Biden but Blinken also, who seems to be Victoria Nuland’s Mini Me) despises Putin with the passion of a thousand burning suns. They will never countenance negotiations with him or a Russian government. Macron and the leadership of NATO, the UK, Poland, and the Baltic States also show serious hostility.1

So Putin’s intel is consistent with the US and key allies refusing to back down and continuing to press Ukraine to keep fighting, no matter what the cost to Ukraine, even at the cost of more deaths and disability among Ukraine men, and more loss of territory.

However, we warned early on that Russia could win the war and lose the peace. The problem is that Putin’s big motive for launching the Special Military Operation was that the prospect of continued conflict in the Donbass and eventual installation of long-range missiles in Ukraine, whether as a formal NATO member or in some wink-and-nod unofficial status, was a direct threat to Russian security.

How does Putin achieve a cessation of a hot conflict and improve Russia’s security?

Even with Russia having a very big military upper hand, it still faces two problems. One is that the absolutism in the West seems likely to lead to Russia achieving maximum territorial gains relative to what the Russian leadership has signaled might be of interest. The West really is determined to fight to the last Ukrainian. It is already well on its way to exhausting weapons supplies.

From an administrative perspective, Russia does not want to attempt to hold hostile territory. That would seem to restrict what it would want to integrate into Russia to land a bit to the West of the Dnieper so as to secure the major cities that straddle the river, such as Kiev, Dnipro, Zaporzhizhia, and Kherson and the Black Sea coast to Odessa.

Note that Russia securing what was Ukraine’s Black Sea coast has the potential to unleash extreme Western responses. But that’s a risk for Russia to weigh, hence Putin calling Odessa an “apple of discord”. More recently, however, Putin and other leaders have been regularly describing Odessa as a Russian city. And it goes without saying that if Russia were to control Ukraine’s Black Sea access, it would control Ukraine economically.

But that does not mean the West is without resources. Even if the US/NATO combine succeeds in getting Ukraine to send most of its remaining young men to death and injury in the battlefield, shrinking their rank, ethnically Ukrainian, Russia-hostile western Ukraine will remain. Russia does not want to occupy it. But the alternatives may be worse.

With the demonized populists, particularly Trump gaining in polls, the current leadership in the US has been implementing measures to restrict Trump. From CNN in February:

Lawmakers from both parties last December may have been anticipating former President Donald Trump’s current NATO trash talk when they quietly slipped language limiting a president’s power to pull the US out the alliance into the annual defense policy bill, which passed with bipartisan support.

That sort of preemptive measure is likely to be moving to the front burner. Here is a simple spoiler. If yours truly can come up with this sort of thing, there are likely many others.

Earlier in the war, Colonel Douglas Macgregor discussed that the US could form a “coalition of the willing” which could get to about 100,000 in total, between US, Polish, Romanian, and UK commitments. Then he envisaged it as an offensive force to assist Ukraine, stressing then that it would be too small in number to have good odds of changing the course of the war (these mentions if I recall correctly were before the defeat of the great summer counteroffensive, so Russia looked weaker than it does now).

But what if the US reworks this as a strictly defensive operation, to preserve rump Ukraine? They could try to achieve their much-claimed frozen conflict by announcing the boundaries of a DMZ and then positioning coalition forces on the other side of it, in western Ukraine.

And then with the West firmly in control of this terrain and an excuse for a serious military presence, there is always the potential to install the sort of long range missiles that Russia absolutely did not want in Ukraine.

Readers are welcome to shoot holes in this idea. But Mark Sleboda, who tends to be conservative (as in “worst outcomes for Russia” biased) in his analysis, volunteered, without elaborating, that it might be best available option for Russia to take Western Ukraine, even though he had thought otherwise until recently.

Of course, as John Helmer pointed out early on, Russia could create a big DMZ, its width dependent on the range of missiles the West saw fit to use, via de-electrification. And that unlike the formation of a “coalition of the willing” could be done pretty quickly.

Please keep in mind that the point of this post is not to suggest that the West would act on any particular scheme. But the unanticipated right wing gains and Trump not being dented much (at all?) by his conviction is likely focusing quite a few minds. And one line of thought they may be pursuing is how to create facts on the ground that would impede their action.


1 It is not clear why Macron shifted from being willing to engage Putin to hostility. Was it because Putin snubbed him by letting word get out that he found Macron’s long calls to be time wasters? Or because Macron blames Russia for France’s recent setbacks in Africa? ... iment.html


About the work of a war correspondent
June 10, 16:46


About the work of a war correspondent

Combat has changed irrevocably. What used to be Chinese toys are now destroying hundreds of armored vehicles. New types of weapons appear on the battlefield every day. The work of war correspondents has also changed. The scheme that worked in Syria 4 years ago is now practically useless for the Northern Military District.

The number of people on the front line is rapidly declining. Due to the development of unmanned systems, it is becoming impossible to keep masses of people in the trenches. Those support forces that the company previously held are now defending the squad. These trends also apply to military officers. Currently the maximum number of people for filming is 3 people. Two journalists and one conductor traveling in one car. Anything that exceeds these numbers creates unnecessary attention from the enemy and significantly increases the chances of death.

The most dangerous part of filming is getting to your destination. Enemy FPV drones fly 20 km from the LBS. All movements should be minimized. It is better to drive in and out in the dark. People are increasingly dying during rotation, so they often have to walk about 10 km to the evacuation point.

Combat operations have become routine for society. At the beginning of the SVO, they would tear off footage of a shooting tank with their hands, but now interest in such filming has dropped. Correspondents must convey the emotions and subtleties of what is happening. This type of material is interesting to viewers, but it requires much more time. Two or three days is the minimum needed to develop the plot in detail.

If you add up everything stated above, it turns out that filming a good report is a special operation lasting several days. It is better to forget about short trips of 3 hours, since traveling during the day is extremely dangerous.

I cannot help but notice that the presence of a military correspondent on the front line will be less and less justified every day. Now it is still possible to work on the front line, but in the future this will have to be abandoned. 4 years ago it was possible to walk with stormtroopers, now it looks crazy. Everyone is switching to cameraless filming. Over time, there will be many fewer stormtroopers. In a couple of years, the military correspondent will collect footage from drones (ground, surface and others) and edit stories from them. This is our future and there is no escape from it. We have already entered the era of drone warfare.

(c) Alexander Kharchenko

PS. By military correspondent, I believe, we should understand those journalists who directly work at the front with a camera.
PS2. In the photo, military correspondent Rostislav Zhuravlev died at the front

(Why is a camera necessary? It can lie just like people, and perhaps more effectively. "Seeing is believing", well, belief may have nothing to do with reality.)

How the Volkssturm escaped from Novoaleksandrovka
June 10, 15:19


The whining of the Volkssturm about how they surrendered Novoaleksandrovka (northwest of Ocheretino) and escaped from encirclement, and now they are trying to blame them for the surrender of the settlement.
Judging by the statement of this Volkssturm participant, Russian flags have already been hung in the village.


Advancement of Russian troops near Ocheretino according to the enemy.

PS. Also today, Staromayorskoe was liberated on the Vremevsky ledge. The village was captured during the summer offensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the summer of 2023. Now I'm back home.
Soon the Ukrainian Armed Forces will be knocked out of the neighboring Urozhainy.
The Kharkov offensive continues to produce excellent indirect results in other directions. The reserves pulled there are clearly not enough in other directions.

Destruction of the Abrams in the Progress area
June 11, 11:53


The Abrams genocide continues.
In the area of ​​the village of Progress (west of Ocheretino), another Abrams of the 47th mechanized brigade was destroyed ( ). The vehicle was damaged and re-covered during an attempt to pull it away using an ARV.

(Video at link.)

This is already the 17th destroyed vehicle of this type.

Bot for electronic warfare specialists
June 11, 9:41


Bot for electronic warfare specialists

Post for REBmans.

We are launching a new bot

MDV Reception - @OsintMDV_bot

Only for active military personnel of the electronic warfare forces.

Its goal is to convey to the very top (this has been agreed upon with the Chief of Electronic Warfare Troops of the RF Armed Forces, and information will also go directly to him ) problematic issues of electronic warfare units and subunits, the situation in your units, command actions, the positive and negative aspects of electronic warfare equipment, which you directly use.

Here you can share your combat experience, which will be analyzed and disseminated among the electronic warfare forces as quickly as possible.

Naturally, in order to take response measures and check information about the negative aspects in your official activities, be prepared, if necessary, to provide information about yourself, so that there are no stupid stuffing “EW is crap”, “the commander is an asshole”, only facts and the real state and the state of affairs in the troops.


(c) Revenge of good will ( )

PS. The photograph shows the Fumigator portable electronic warfare station. Provides an umbrella around the fighter within 300 meters.

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Wed Jun 12, 2024 11:53 am

Azov, the armed extreme right
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 06/12/2024


On May 5, Azov turned ten years old. It was then that a small group around its undisputed leader, Andriy Biletsky, nicknamed, only in part by his name, the White Leader , created the first Azov battalion, which would later become a regiment and then a brigade in a development that was not only military. . The Azov movement expanded to other areas always from the political ambitions of its leadership, marked by figures of the most extreme right such as Yuriy Mijalchichin or Olena Semenyaka, whose work was not in the military field but in the attempt to spread ideas about which had created a movement that was never just an instrument of war. Already in April 2014, with the help of Arsen Avakov and his advisor Anton Geraschenko - now a regular source for the Western press to report on the situation not only in Ukraine but especially in Russia -, the Azov germ was introduced into the troops of the Ministry of the Interior as a police battalion. Ukraine needed troops willing to kill in its fight against the Donbass rebellion at a time when the army was not in favor of shooting its own population. The men who accompanied Biletsky, who would later be distributed among Azov and other far-right armed formations, sometimes in a barely civilized manner, never suffered from this problem: as the most ideologized and mobilized part of society, they quickly incorporated themselves into what they saw. as a war against Russia, although at that time “Russia” was actually the civilian population of Donbass.

With the “capture” of Mariupol on June 13, 2014, which occurred unexpectedly, quickly and without a fight, since the DPR militias lacked any military structure or defense in the city, Azov became strong in the south , where it remained until the fall of Azovstal in May 2022. Based in kyiv and capable of acting throughout the country, in all areas and with people of all ages - including children, who summer after summer were invited to the indoctrination and hate camps managed by the movement -, it was in Mariupol and in many cases at the hands of the oligarch closest to the Party of Regions, Rinat Akhmetov, where Azov grew from a simple unit integrated into Arsen Avakov's National Guard to which would be in 2022. At that time, the soldiers acted with absolute impunity both on the front, where at times they terrorized the population, mostly elderly, of the small town of Shirokino, and in the city , where they were aware of being above the law.

That evolution from the starting point, the “men in black” used by Avakov and Kernes in Kharkiv against the “pro-Russian” and anti-Maidan part of the city, to the current situation, with one brigade in the National Guard and another in Ukraine's Armed Forces and military intelligence presence of Kirilo Budanov came as debate continued over the movement's ideology. Since 2014, the year in which he was released by the Maidan amnesty, there has been little doubt about the ideology of Andriy Biletsky, like many other leaders of the Ukrainian extreme right from Ukrainian Patriot, a violent paramilitary organization that is the seed of great part of the groups that proliferated with the nationalist impunity that the Maidan victory meant.

The fact that Andriy Biletsky, whose fascist and anti-Semitic statements were difficult to deny, left the military leadership to become the political leadership of what would later become the National Corpus, has made the mainstream media argue in recent years that the current Azov cannot be compared to that of 2014. Biletsky had abandoned Azov to focus on the party, they alleged, forgetting that the National Corpus was nothing more than the political arm of a cohesive movement that encompassed everything: the military aspect, the children's camps , recruitment and instruction, the political party, the gymnasiums, the publishing house, the reading club or the Intermarium movement, which over time would become a parliamentary initiative with significant support from other theoretically centrist parties . The separation between the National Corpus was always a product of the imagination of the press that wanted to normalize the integration of a movement so openly neo-Nazi that its symbols are inherited from Hitler's Germany. The wolfsangel of the logo, now slightly modernized to camouflage the same idea, or the Black Sun of its initial shield are not the only questionable symbols. One of the units created within the Third Brigade, composed of Azov members, bears the symbols of the Dirlewanger Division (known in the former Soviet Union for the Khatyn massacre in Belarus, where the village was razed and its population burned to death) . This is a logical evolution for a movement whose initial hard core, the Borodach division - from which both Maksyn Zhoryn, deputy commander of the Biletsky brigade, and Denis Prokopenko, commander of the Azov Brigade of the National Guard, come - was a modified totenkopf .

“Not all members of the ultranationalist militias that the United States trains have SS tattoos, not all embrace fascism. But they are enough to make it worrying,” the not at all pro-Russian The Daily Beast wrote in 2015 in one of the many articles that were written in those years about the soldiers of the Azov regiment. That month, the U.S. Congress unanimously approved Congressman John Conyers' amendment to prohibit funding, arming, and training the Azov Battalion. “I am grateful to the House of Representatives for unanimously approving my amendments to ensure that our army does not train members of the repulsive neo-Nazi Azov battalion,” declared the deputy, a veteran of the struggle for civil rights who died in 2019. Conyers defined to the movement as “overtly neo-Nazi,” “fascist,” or “white supremacist.” The ban was always a stillborn measure: Azov had been included in the official structures of the Ukrainian state, from which he was never to be removed, and therefore the United States had no way, if it had wanted to do so, to control whether members of the battalion were trained by their instructors or armed with the funding sent. What's more, before The Nation reported in January 2016 that the ban had been quietly lifted by the Obama administration, Arsen Avakov had listed Azov as one of the National Guard battalions set to receive Western training. The Azov ideology was always just a public relations problem.

Technically, the legislative appropriations measures prohibited year after year, even after Denis Prokopenko's Brigade was praised for its heroism in its defeat at Mariupol, the United States from financing, arming or instructing Azov, a prohibition more theoretical than practical, since in the first weeks after the Russian invasion, members of the group could be seen being trained with Western weapons. However, the high profile given by the siege of Azovstal, in which Prokopenko's soldiers and other units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces benefited from the strength and preparation to resist a bombing of the old Soviet steelworks, has made that, recently, Redis , hero of Ukraine , published a column in which he demanded that the Western veto on Azov be removed.

Neither the ideology of the returnee Biletsky, now commander of a brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, nor the questionability of its fascist-inspired symbols, nor the tattoos or the past of its members matter anymore to the Western public, which has completely normalized that members of Azov are received in universities or parliaments. The Europe that claims to be concerned about the rise of the extreme right does not mind arming, financing, instructing and exalting a paramilitary group hardened in the trenches of the most intense war experienced on the continent since the Second World War, armed with heavy equipment , ideological formation and clear expansionist aspirations. “First Ukraine, then Europe” has been one of the mottos of Olena Semenyaka, one of the main ideologues of the Azov movement, throughout these years.

The United States is not worried either. Azov has long been indistinguishable from the Ukrainian state, not because of its own moderation but because of radicalization and adoption of the discourse by the institutions. “This is a new page in the history of our unit,” wrote yesterday the official channel of Denis Prokopenko's Azov Brigade to thank the Ministry of the Interior, the National Guard command and the United States embassy for confirming the elimination. official veto - which in reality was never entirely veto - on its armament and financing. “Azov becomes even stronger, even more professional and even more dangerous for the occupiers,” the Brigade congratulated itself. As reported by The Washington Post , under the Lehy law, which prevents the United States from arming and financing units that have committed war crimes or crimes against human rights, Washington has lifted the ban as it found no violation. Due to this same law, the White House and the Pentagon have been stating for months that they "investigate", "assess" or "try to corroborate" whether the Israeli units that have bombed and are bombing schools, hospitals, refugee camps or population convoys that fleeing their destroyed cities have committed abuses. Allies tend not to commit serious infractions in the eyes of their employers.

The silence of the official media of the Third Brigade recalls the division of the two groups linked to Azov. Prokopenko's group maintains the official name, while Biletsky's does so in a unit created by and for its leader. They both fight under the same modernized worfsangel . The lifting of the veto only affects the Azov Division, without mention being made of the Third Assault Brigade, born as part of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and, therefore, not as an Azov unit despite being commanded by the absolute leader of the movement. No one in their right mind would think that Biletsky and Zhoryn's boys have fought, hand in hand with now commander-in-chief Syrsky in Artyomovsk, Avdeevka and now Kharkiv without American weaponry.

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From Cassad's Telegram account:

Report of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of June 11, 2024) | The main thing:

- The South group of troops improved the situation along the front line and destroyed the ammunition depot of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the enemy lost more than 740 troops;

— The “Center” group improved the tactical situation in its area of ​​​​responsibility over the course of a day; five counterattacks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were repelled;

— The Dnepr group of troops defeated three Ukrainian brigades, the enemy lost up to 105 soldiers;

— The Russian Armed Forces destroyed Su-27 and Su-25 aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force at their airfields;

— The Vostok group occupied more advantageous positions, the Ukrainian Armed Forces in its area of ​​responsibility lost up to 135 military personnel and a tank;

— The National Guard of Ukraine carried out two counterattacks in the Kharkov region, both were repelled by the North group of troops;

— The North group of troops defeated two brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kharkov region, enemy losses per day amounted to over 265 military personnel;

— The Armed Forces of Ukraine lost more than 560 people in the zone of responsibility of the “West” group within 24 hours, the Russian military defeated the enemy near Kupyansk;

— Russian air defense systems shot down 45 Ukrainian UAVs, two Hammer bombs and 10 HIMARS shells.

▫️ Operational-tactical aviation , unmanned aerial vehicles , missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation defeated enemy concentrations of manpower and military equipment in 107 regions within 24 hours.

▫️In addition, Su-27 and Su-25 aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force were destroyed at their home airfields.

▫️Air defense systems shot down 45 unmanned aerial vehicles, two Hammer guided bombs made in France, as well as ten HIMARS missiles made in the USA.

📊In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed: 613 aircraft, 276 helicopters, 25,559 unmanned aerial vehicles, 528 anti-aircraft missile systems, 16,312 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,332 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 10,332 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 22,445 units of special military vehicles.


Kiev’s Plan To Store F-16s In NATO States Raises The Risk Of World War III

JUN 11, 2024


It can’t be ruled out that Zelensky might task one of his pilots with carrying out a mission directly from NATO territory without first stopping at a Kiev-controlled airfield in order to provoke Russia into striking the base from which it departed in self-defense.

Ukrainian Air Force head of aviation Sergey Golubtsov told US state-run Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty in an interview over the weekend that Kiev plans to store some of its F-16s in NATO states for reserve and training purposes. While this might sound like a pragmatic policy, particularly since it would deter Russia from destroying its entire fleet since President Putin recently mocked speculation about him plotting to attack NATO as “bullshit”, it actually raises the risk of World War III.

To explain, although US Air Force chief Frank Kendell claimed last summer that the F-16s are “not going to be a game-changer” for Ukraine and Golubtsov himself confirmed in his latest interview that they’re “not a panacea and we do not wear rose-colored glasses”, both downplay the nuclear dimension. President Putin brought it up earlier this spring when he noted that “F-16 aircraft can also carry nuclear weapons, and we will also have to heed this while organising our combat operations.”

The Russian leader also warned that “we would see them as legitimate targets if they operate from the airfields of third countries, no matter where they are located.” Mutual mistrust between Russia and the US is at a record high and continues rising by the week, made all the worse by Ukraine’s recent attack(s) against Russia’s early nuclear warning systems that might have been tacitly approved by America. This comes as the US is playing a dangerous game of nuclear chicken with Russia.

It’s with all this in mind that Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said last month that “We cannot help but consider the supply of these (F-16) systems to the Kiev regime as a deliberate signaling action by NATO in the nuclear sphere.” He added though that his country’s recent tactical nuclear weapons exercises might “bring some sense” to NATO and deter them from crossing the ultimate red line. Judging by what Golubtsov just said, however, the US wants to up the ante in its game of nuclear chicken.

What’s meant is that Russia can’t know whether any attacking F-16 are nuclear-equipped, especially if one of them from Ukraine’s “reserve” based in NATO states takes off from there and carries out a mission without first stopping at a Kiev-controlled airfield. From the Kremlin’s viewpoint, it could appear that a nuclear-equipped and NATO-piloted F-16 is preparing to carry out a first strike. In response, Russia might preemptively destroy the base from which it departed, with or without a tactical nuke.

The New York Times already cited an unknown number of Biden’s unnamed advisors to report that the US and Ukraine’s priorities are diverging, warning that “Ukraine has nothing left to lose from escalating with Russia” while “Mr. Biden does”. It therefore can’t be ruled out that Zelensky might task one of his pilots with carrying out a mission directly from NATO territory without first stopping at a Kiev-controlled airfield in order to provoke Russia into striking the base from which it departed in self-defense.

Seeing as how Denmark approved of Ukraine using their donated F-16s to strike inside of Russia’s universally recognized territory, which followed its NATO peers approving of Ukraine using other arms to do the same, this is a frighteningly real scenario that the US might be powerless to stop. The only way to prevent it is for the US to force its partners not to allow Ukraine to store its F-16s on their territory, but Biden likely doesn’t have the political will since he fears accusations that he’s afraid of President Putin.

The West’s most ideologically radicalized anti-Russian hawks and their media proxies could also claim that coercing Ukraine to store all of its F-16s inside the country runs the risk of Russia destroying them and therefore making a total waste of NATO’s months-long preparations for this latest escalation. This could be seized upon by his political opponents at home ahead of November’s elections so it’s unlikely that he’d want to take the chance of turning more voters against him with this so-called “stupid policy”.

Of course, the knife also cuts both ways, and his opponents could also claim that the most “stupid policy” is actually him letting Ukraine store F-16s in NATO states since that raises the risk of World War III as was explained in this analysis. Seeing as how these the US and Ukraine’s leading Air Force officials don’t even consider these arms to be a “game-changer” or a “panacea” by their own respective admissions, they shouldn’t even be fielded in the first place due to this irresponsible risk.

Nevertheless, the F-16s will now inevitably be used after all the time and investment that went into training Ukrainian pilots, not to mention the media hype over all these months. The decision has already been made to store some of them in NATO states so it remains to be seen whether Zelensky is truly willing to risk it all by authorizing a mission for attacking Russia directly from one of those bases. He has the motive and opportunity, which is why it wouldn’t be surprising if he gave it a shot in desperation. ... 6s-in-nato


Will Russia Strike?

Yes, she will.

F-16 fighter jets and any airfields they are based at will be legitimate targets for the Russian military if they participate in combat missions against Moscow’s forces, the chairman of the Russian State Duma Defense Committee, Andrey Kartapolov, has warned. The comments come as Kiev prepares to receive the first delivery of US-made fighter jets from its Western backers, after Ukrainian pilots were trained to fly them. In a statement to RIA Novosti published on Monday, Kartapolov clarified that if the F-16s “are not used for their intended purpose” or are simply held in storage at foreign airbases with the intent to transfer them to Ukraine, where they will be equipped, maintained, and flown from Ukrainian airfields, then Russia would have no claims against its “former partners” and would not target them.However, if the jets take off from foreign bases and carry out sorties and strikes against Russian forces, both the fighter planes and the airfields they are stationed at will be “legitimate targets,” according to Kartapolov.

For those who have questions about how such planes will be identified--it is rather easy. One word--Kontainer over-the-horizon radar.


Range--3,000 kilometers, covers all of Europe. Sees and tracks aircraft on runways in Netherlands and Turkey, as an example.


So, there will be no difficulty in tracking which plane and how it flies. Meanwhile, Russian company Fores already announced the bonus of R 15 million for the first shot down F-16 (in Russian). Meanwhile VSU and their "supporters" from BBC and the rest of British media sewer continue to achieve "successes" by pulling out of their asses all kind of BS for the consumption by the brainwashed public. Here is actual Air Defense professional debunks fake from "destruction" of S-400 in Mospino (in Russian). And against the background of losses of towns and villages every day by VSU it is no surprise that VSU and their curators in the West desperately need some "good news". So, why not to imagine them. ... trike.html


On the use of NATO air bases by Ukrainian F-16s
June 11, 2024


Yesterday it became known that some F-16 fighters that will be transferred to Ukrainian formations will be based not on the territory of so-called Ukraine itself, but on air bases of the North Atlantic Alliance in order to avoid attacks on them.

This scenario was expected. Firstly , the fighters themselves are already in Romania (specifically at the Fetesti base) , where pilots are trained, so Ukrainian pilots know the air bases and flight routes.

Secondly , test flights from Romania in the direction of the Odessa region have already been carried out more than once. F-16s flew through Tulcea , flew to Vilkovo and made several circles over Zmein . For what? One of the missile launch areas was identified there, and the target was Crimea .

Thirdly , fighters will be safer on the territory of NATO countries. A strike on Alliance airfields would lead to total escalation, which is why it was officially announced that NATO infrastructure would be used by fighter jets to strike Russia.

In a chess game this situation would be called a fork . On the one hand, you can strike at air bases with uncertain effectiveness (strikes on distant airfields of the Ukrainian Armed Forces have proven this, and NATO has AWACS aircraft constantly on duty, which simplifies the early detection of missile launches) and save face.

On the other hand, leave this as a fact (after all, training is already underway) and work to destroy aviation in other ways, but at the same time demonstrate weakness in the eyes of the West , which is what the Alliance is counting on as part of increasing the degree of escalation.

It is worth adding that only a portion of fighters will enjoy such privileges. We dare to assume that these will be carrier aircraft of the JASSM type (cruise, up to 370 km) or AIM-120D air-to-air missiles with a combat radius of up to 180 km.

With a high probability they will be in Romania on Fetesti and Campi-Turzi , from where they can fly for attacks with intermediate landings at airfields in the Western part of the so-called Ukraine or directly through Moldova and the Odessa region.

Slovakia looks unlikely due to the presence of more convenient Romania and bases in Uzhgorod and Ivano-Frankivsk . The participation of the Poles in this process has not yet been ruled out, given the proximity of the airfields of Rzeszow and Minsk Mazowiecki .

The latter, by the way, hosts a Polish F-16 squadron, so the necessary infrastructure for servicing fighter jets is there. And they can fly with a landing at a conditional airfield in Lutsk or Ozerny .

Su-24M bombers periodically performed similar actions before launching Storm Shadow/SCALP cruise missiles. They took off from Starokonstantinov without ammunition, landed somewhere on Mirgorod , where they were equipped, and after launch they went back with refueling at one of the airfields in Zapadenschina.

That is, the tactics for using cruise missile carriers have been worked out inside and out, so it won’t be difficult to slightly adjust it for the use of aircraft from Romania or Poland. But it will complicate the work of our aviation and air defense, and we need to think carefully about the issue of counteraction. Moreover, given the shortage of early warning systems, such as AWACS aircraft. ... kimi-f-16/

How Moldovan President Maia Sandu's henchmen received bribes for manipulating Interpol databases
June 11, 2024

Our Moldovan sources provided another important context to the Moldavian spy scandal that we recently covered .

Let us recall that the Moldovan authorities tried to legalize, through a Russian-language foreign agent publication, the information that the ex-Chief of the General Staff of Moldova Yuri Gorgan allegedly works for the GRU.

However, no criminal case has yet been opened against Gorgan, as information from the media is awaiting confirmation. Even those facts that ( an undesirable organization ) The Insider attributes to Gorgan being transmitted are not of a secret nature.

Apparently, the Sandu regime threw in prepared material to divert attention from the powerful international scandal involving the manipulation of Interpol databases. And, judging by the state of the local information field, this was partially successful.

What's the point?
Recently, the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office announced that Moldovan officials, together with the head of the Interpol office in Moldova, Viorel Centiu, received multimillion-dollar bribes for assistance in obtaining refugee status for persons who are on the international wanted list at the request of Interpol. The searches were carried out through the mediation of the US FBI and the French prosecutor's office .

The head of the Migration Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Mihail Voda , and a number of other officials are also among the suspects .

The head of Interpol's Moldovan office, Centnia, was placed under arrest, while other suspects are reported to have already returned to work. However, it is extremely doubtful that a cross-border criminal scheme was carried out by one person.

In addition, the ruling PAS party refused to hold parliamentary hearings into the scandal that the opposition had requested.

The scandal has been flaring up since the end of last week, but in the Moldovan media the discussion of the topic has sharply declined. Sandu and her team also do not provide detailed comments on the situation. After all, the scheme involves appointees of the current president , who places her people in the security bloc.

It has long been known that Sandu covers up corruption, the beneficiaries of which are Western curators . However, the scheme with Interpol apparently got out of control and went beyond what was permitted. ... interpola/

About the incident with TCC employees in Odessa
June 11, 2024

Meanwhile, the TCC’s battle against Ukrainian citizens continues. In Odessa, another scandal occurred with the TCC, which ended in a mass fight between “meat hunters” and doctors.

According to local channels, an ambulance employee was called to “clarify the data”, but was not released from the military registration and enlistment office building. The man’s blood pressure rose, an ambulance was called, but the crew that responded to the call also found themselves trapped within the walls of the TCC.

Colleagues of the detained doctors arrived at the scene, and after an altercation, a fight broke out with an unobvious winner. The outcome of the story is not yet known, but the situation itself is very indicative.

The mood of people in many areas has long ago moved beyond the stage of silent silence and passive observation of the arbitrariness of the TCC. People are increasingly responding and, as they say in such situations, fighting back.

Attacks on TCC employees are becoming more and more violent, which is facilitated by the actions of the TCC employees themselves, who are trying by all means to direct as many people as possible to the contact line.

In principle, their task is clear: to fight until the last Ukrainian citizen, and for this they need absolutely everyone . Therefore, the reaction of the people, who do not want such a fate for themselves and their loved ones, should not be surprised either. ... -v-odesse/

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A new (and fairer) Nuremberg

Lucas Leiroz

June 11, 2024

Capturing, trying, and punishing today’s Nazis is a necessary step to prevent a repetition of this evil in the future.

The Russian Federation continues to play its civilizing role in Ukraine, capturing, trying and punishing Nazis who participated in massacres against the civilian population of Donbass. Recently, a militant from the infamous Azov Regiment was sentenced to life imprisonment for murdering three civilians in Mariupol in the spring of 2022. In total, more than 250 sentences have already been passed by Russian courts against Ukrainian and foreign criminals, neo-Nazis and mercenaries – 32 of which are life imprisonment sentences.

The act of capturing and imprisoning enemies during or after a conflict situation is commonplace in the international scenario. However, we cannot confuse the Russian attitude with a merely punitive gesture against the enemy. Moscow has at no time violated international standards of humanitarian law, with no Ukrainian soldier being tried or punished simply for fighting for Ukraine. Russia recognizes the role of the common soldier and respects it, having several rights and guarantees for all surrendered and captured Ukrainian fighters.

However, as has been made clear since 2022, special courts are being established in the New Regions to specifically judge those Ukrainians and foreign mercenaries involved in neo-Nazi activities and war crimes. The militants of the Ukrainian nationalist battalions are excluded from the norms of humanitarian law, since, like the foreign mercenaries, they are not ordinary citizens mobilized by the State for a war effort, but people who voluntarily chose to fight against Russia. Members of the so-called “Foreign Legion” and Nazi groups such as Azov, Aidar, Right Sector, S14 and several other Ukrainian militias are tried as criminals, without any special protection.

It is important to remember that these fascists and mercenaries have since 2014 been the main actors behind the massacre of Russian civilians in Donbass. The genocide has been carried out mainly by paramilitary groups, as among the ordinary soldiers of the regular Ukrainian armed forces there are also many ethnic Russians, Russian speakers and Orthodox Christians. The Kiev regime relied heavily on the work of neo-Nazi groups, ideologically driven by anti-Russian racism, to promote Ukraine’s “de-Russification” policies. After the start of the special military operation, Kiev began to internationalize its neo-Nazi apparatus, welcoming fascist militants from all over the world into the ranks of its “Foreign Legion”.

Obviously, Russia could not remain silent in the face of this scenario. Eliminating foreign mercenaries and neo-Nazis has been Russia’s top priority since 2022. The goal of denazifying Ukraine remains vital. The process of eradicating fascism as a state ideology and military instrument in Ukraine needs to be completed, not only by military means, but also through law. For this reason, a special Investigative Committee has been operating in the New Regions, researching evidence of war crimes on the part of every enemy soldier. Those identified as neo-Nazis and mercenaries are often tried and punished.

Recently, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev stated that a new Nuremberg needs to be established to punish today’s Nazis. More than that, he made it clear how necessary it is to go beyond the limitations that occurred in the Nuremberg Court of the past. According to Medvedev, all those responsible for Ukrainian Nazism must be captured and punished, which includes decision-makers, politicians, commanders and sponsors of the genocide in Donbass. In practice, the entire political structure of the Kiev regime and its international supporters must be investigated and tried by the Russians, thus avoiding the mistakes made in the previous Nuremberg.

Although it was an important milestone in the history of international law and civilization as a whole, Nuremberg, unfortunately, was an extremely limited event. On the part of the Soviets – who were the true winners of the WWII – there was always a real desire to capture and punish the Nazis. However, the other “allies” had other intentions. Americans and Europeans made secret agreements with hundreds of Nazi criminals, granting amnesty and asylum to several Germans in exchange for political favors and military and scientific secrets.

The result of this process was a true import of Nazi ideology into the West. Former members of the Nazi Party began to occupy positions of state officials in the US, Europe and NATO. Nazi inspiration drove the Russophobic sentiment that came to dominate the minds of Western decision-makers during the Cold War. After this, this same ideology began to be used in political experiments in the post-socialist space through the promotion of extremist nationalism in Eastern Europe – the most successful experiment being that of post-Maidan Ukraine.

The mistakes of the Nuremberg of the past generated the Nazism of today. And it is up to the Russians, again, to defeat and punish the Nazis. Now the task seems even clearer. Westerners are no longer disguised as “allies”. The US and Europe openly position themselves as supporters and promoters of fascism. Moscow must act decisively to dismantle the entire international network of support for Nazism, with Ukraine being just the first step towards a new and fairer Nuremberg. ... nuremberg/


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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Thu Jun 13, 2024 4:51 pm

Politics at war
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 06/13/2024


In December 2023, after the outbreak of the umpteenth controversy between Volodymyr Zelensky and Valery Klitschko, media such as the Financial Times proclaimed the return of politics to Ukraine. All political debate had been completely put on hold on February 24, 2022, when only a small part of minority or regional parties, for example that of the now governor of Kherson, Vladimir Saldo, were in favor of the Russian side. The Ukrainian government, especially the President's Office tightly controlled by Andriy Ermak, took control of information policy, of the lines of what could and could not be said, and increased a political purge that was already underway long before the Russian invasion. .

In 2014, the war had given Ukraine the opportunity to go to extremes previously defended only by radical parties such as Svoboda and kyiv began its successful operation to eliminate from all electoral races and political participation parties that represented sectors that had not been sufficiently related to Maidan. The heirs of the Party of Regions had to adapt to the new limits, to the anti-Russian policy, and the Communist Party was banned by a law created for this purpose. The 2022 war made it even easier to separate, snatch away deputy records obtained at the polls or expel from the country the last figures who had maintained the ability to create a party that, despite accepting the Maidan framework, sought to represent the population. Russian speaking. With a speech of national unity, the nationalist wave that emerged in response to the Russian attack and without any political figure that could overshadow Zelensky, exalted nationally and internationally as a war hero, politics was put on hold and the Rada lost all relevance that it may have had at some point.

Questioned both by the most radical nationalism and by those who expected him to moderate these positions, President Zelensky's popularity ratings were, on the eve of the Russian invasion, at minimum levels. For example, according to the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS), the percentage of the Ukrainian population that trusted its president in February 2022 had dropped to 37% from 80% in December 2019. By that time, it had become clear that what candidate Zelensky promised during the campaign - moderation of nationalist legislation, relaxation of the imposition of the Ukrainian language over the Russian language and commitment to ending the war in Donbass - had disappeared as soon as he came to power. Even so, from positions further to the right, such as the Azov movement or the North American diaspora, pressure in the streets increased in search of an even firmer stance against Russia and against Donetsk and Lugansk. At the crest of that nationalist wave prior to the Russian invasion, the Zelensky administration went from defending peace to issuing the Crimean Declaration, a document that Russia considered practically a declaration of war by announcing the intention to recover the peninsula using all means at its disposal. its reach.

The Russian invasion provoked a nationalist reaction of unity that made Zelensky a war hero, partly naturally but also with its media creation component of a Government whose bulk came from an audiovisual production company. Thus was created the discourse of Ukrainian unity that has been perpetuated in the press, although not necessarily in reality. Zelensky's confidence index soared in February 2022 and in May, the KIIS put it at 90%. Currently, after more than two years of promises of victory and a war stagnant in the trenches, the same polls reduce the figure to 59%, still high, although with a tendency to return to the figures before the Russian invasion. In both cases, the current acceptance and that of May 2022, it must be taken into account that this is approximate information, both due to the difficulties in carrying out a rigorous study in war, and due to the sample itself, carried out only in territories under control of kyiv and without taking into account the six million people who are outside the country. Of course, none of Zelensky's confidence figures include the opinion of the population of Crimea and Donbass until February 2022 or of the parts of Kherson and Zaporozhye under Russian control since then. The position of the population makes it logical to think that the popularity and confidence indices of the Ukrainian president would decline significantly if the population of the entire territory of Ukraine were surveyed according to its internationally recognized borders, that is, including the population of Crimea and Donbass, whose opinion has never counted for Ukraine.

The fall in Zelensky's confidence is logical to the extent that the wave of nationalism that covered everything in February 2022 is receding and the population continues to live the consequences of the war without the promised victory or an agreement in sight. to bring peace through diplomatic channels. The war drags on and the problems that have been hidden for so long with the justification that the war is the only priority resurface. In December, Klitschko's words about Zelensky's authoritarianism, a reality that precedes the Russian attack, set off alarm bells in the President's Office, which has fought against the possibility of the return of politics, something especially important now that the mandate achieved at the polls in 2019 has ended.

Even more relevant is the erosion suffered by the president's party, a movement formed, like many other Ukrainian political formations, by and for its visible figure. With Zelensky as its only political asset and created with the name of the television series that catapulted its protagonist into political news, Servant of the People has lost in these two years all the legitimacy that the parliamentary majority gave it. The same survey that shows how confidence in Zelensky is suffering also confirms the poor state of the president's party. When asked how they rate the activity of the party that obtained the absolute majority in the last legislative elections, only 7% respond that it is very good (2%) or good (5%). 31% see the party's activity as “neither good nor bad,” while 7% find it “difficult to say.” The remaining 55% see Servant of the People's activity as bad or very bad, a wear and tear that is difficult to justify for those who have made the unity of Ukraine a central argument in the media discourse. However, the reality is that, as several media outlets have recently reflected, Western allies have long been concerned about Zelensky's tendency to accumulate power. In reality, the media has begun to blame this trend on Andriy Ermak, a potential scapegoat in case it is necessary to sacrifice a figure to save the honor of Zelensky, the man who appointed him and has granted him all the power he has accumulated, the executing arm of the duo that has eliminated legislative power with a stroke of the pen and concentrates dictatorial power while claiming to fight for democracy against authoritarianism.

Google Translator


From Cassad's Telegram account:

Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of June 12, 2024) The main thing:

the Armed Forces of Ukraine lost more than 500 military personnel per day from the actions of the West group of forces;

— The “North” group defeated five brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the defense forces, including in Liptsy, Tikhoy, Volchansk, Kharkov region;

— The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 190 military personnel in the area of ​​responsibility of the North group, and four ammunition depots were also destroyed;

— The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 600 military personnel in the area of ​​responsibility of the Southern Group in one day, five ammunition depots were destroyed;

— Units of the “Center” group improved their tactical situation, the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 350 military personnel;

— The Vostok group of troops occupied more advantageous positions, while the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 115 military personnel;

— Russian air defense systems shot down 9 ATACMS operational-tactical missiles, 2 Hammer guided bombs, and 61 UAVs in one day.

Units of the "Center" group of troops improved the tactical position , defeated the formations of the 23rd, 110th mechanized, 25th airborne, 144th infantry brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the 109th territorial defense brigade in the areas of the settlements of Novoaleksandrovka, Novopokrovskoye, Progress, Novgorodskoe, Kalinovo, Vozdvizhenka of the Donetsk People's Republic.

They repelled seven counterattacks by assault groups of the 24th, 47th mechanized and 78th air assault brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Enemy losses amounted to up to 350 military personnel, a tank , two infantry fighting vehicles , a US-made 155 mm M777 howitzer and a 122 mm D-30 howitzer .

▫️Units of the Vostok group of troops occupied more advantageous positions, and also defeated the manpower and equipment of the 21st brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine, the 123rd and 102nd terrestrial defense brigades in the areas of the settlements of Neskuchnoye, Velikaya Novoselka of the Donetsk People's Republic and Gulyaypole of the Zaporozhye region .

The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 115 military personnel, two infantry fighting vehicles, six vehicles , and two Czech-made 122-mm Vampire multiple launch rocket system combat vehicles .

▫️Units of the Dnepr group of troops defeated the manpower and equipment of the formations of the 128th mountain assault brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the 35th Marine Brigade in the areas of the settlements of Kamenskoye, Pyatikhatki, Stepovoe, Zaporozhye region, and Lvovo, Kherson region.

The losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine amounted to up to 80 military personnel, three vehicles , a 155-mm self-propelled artillery mount M109 “Paladin” made in the USA, two 155-mm howitzers M777 made in the USA.

▫️ Operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation defeated concentrations of enemy manpower and military equipment in 113 regions.

▫️ During the day, air defense systems shot down: nine ATACMS operational-tactical missiles made in the USA, two Hammer guided bombs made in France, three Alder missiles , as well as 61 unmanned aerial vehicles.

📊In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed: 613 aircraft, 276 helicopters, 25,620 unmanned aerial vehicles, 528 anti-aircraft missile systems, 16,319 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,335 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 10,372 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 22,486 units of special military vehicles.

Google Translator


SITREP 6/11/24: Roundup of Hottest Developments

JUN 12, 2024


An interesting new MediaZona report is making the rounds ‘confirming’ that Wagner lost 20,000 troops in Bakhmut. The problem is, they also ‘confirm’ that 17,000 of them were prisoners/convicts:


If true it obviously proves Russia is husbanding its forces by vastly transferring losses away from the professional non-expendable operators onto non-essential units.

Also, the pro-UA crowd is celebrating the numbers but strangely they completely forget that Prigozhin himself revealed a 2.5-3 to 1 kill ratio against the AFU:


What’s there to celebrate? Wagner emptied the prisons and took only 2,000 losses to actual Wagner troops while AFU bled 50-60k dead of their most elite professional warriors. Some trade off, huh?

By the way, for those who still may be skeptical as to those numbers, and that perhaps Prigozhin himself lied even about his own losses, pro-UA accounts love posting the famous Wagner black pyramid which they claim shows “the ID numbers of 20,000 dead Wagner troops”:


I fed the image into an AI and asked it to estimate how many numbers there are, it guessed around 1000. I tried to count one section myself then extrapolated it up, and I also got something like maybe 1500 on one triangular face. There are 3 faces, so that would make about ~4500 IDs give or take for the whole pyramid—where are they getting 20,000 from?

However, it would make sense if the pyramid honors full contract Wagner deaths in Bakhmut only and doesn’t count prisoners from the penal battalions, which would confirm that Wagner only suffered something like 3-5k casualties at Bakhmut with the rest going to Storm-Z-style detachments they used as vanguard.

Russian forces continue making gains in the Donbass.


A series of evocative reports from the official TG channel of Ukraine’s elite 79th Air Assault Brigade gives us a visceral look at the goings on.

First, the losses:



They blame the command for not understanding how air assault formations are meant to be used:


Here they complain that the units being sent to support them have no training at all and are just instantly dying, with apparently the whole battalion of territorial defense fodder being completely wiped out:


But Russia managed to capture other settlements including the claimed recapture of Staromayorsk, which had fallen as part of the ‘counteroffensive’ last year.

The other episode of note was the announcement by many that the long-awaited Sumy campaign had finally begun as Chechen forces came over the border and reportedly captured the town of Ryzhivka on the Ukrainian side of the border:


They took photos in front of the administrative building however it appears that this was just a DRG raid, similar to what Ukrainian RDK forces did in Belgorod for a long time. Chechen special units appeared to briefly ‘capture’ the gray-zoned town for a photo/psyop and then withdrew. But it does obviously forebode some coming activity there as it affirms that Russia does have active forces positioned on that side.

(Video at link.)

Rada deputy Revchuk said that Russia again gathered 50 thousand military personnel at the border. He doesn't know where they're going to go

Ukrainian drones managed to penetrate a Russian airbase in Akhtubinsk allegedly damaging an Su-57:


However, it turns out these were flight test prototypes and not active service Su-57s on combat duty:

The Su-57 with damage is a prototype, as we said, this base is home to the 929th State Flight Test Center.

It shows that Ukraine continues to target more obscure, less-protected areas for big prestige PR opportunities with little actual battlefield consequence.


That being said, it is still concerning how little defense the base had: one claimed report says no missiles of any kind were launched against the drones and the base’s security merely shot at them ineffectively with small arms fire.


Society continues to rise up against the forced mobilizations in Ukraine. Commissars came to mobilize a group of emergency paramedics and were attacked, sparking an extended fisticuffs: (Video at link.)

There are so many videos like this now I can’t even post them all, these are just the two most evocative. Another: (Video at link.)

Interestingly though, one Ukrainian source has claimed that since the mobilization began, Ukraine has rounded up more new meat in the past month alone than in the entire previous 6 month period.

But Rezident UA reports:


Our source in the OP said that Ukrainians continue to sabotage mobilization, in the first month only 7% of another 20% of the plan came to the TCK by force. The General Staff demands to tighten the mobilization process as much as possible and to create a military police for these purposes.


If you thought that was ridiculous, Western press continues on its track of total clownish irrelevancy and the purveying of absolute alternate reality confections:

Image ... -logistic/

Lindsey “Ladybug” Graham gave us the first truly honest indication of why the bloodthirsty neocons want Ukraine so badly. Ironically, all he did was confirm how much richer and more powerful Russia will soon be when it captures Ukraine: (Video at link.)

Ukraine has reportedly lost another 9 gigawatts of its total 18 gigawatt power capacity peak of last winter:

Ukraine will face at least two "black" years: the energy system has suffered serious damage from Russian missile attacks. So, according to the director of the Center for Energy Research Alexander Kharchenko, the country lost more than 9 gigawatts of 18 gigawatts that were previously. He said this in a comment channel 24.


But accounting for the total capacity Ukraine had prewar, Russia reportedly destroyed 30 total gigawatts, dropping Ukraine to under 20GW:

During the full-scale war, Russia destroyed more than half of the energy capacity of our state. Electricity generation has dropped to less than 20 gigawatts. That is, Ukraine has lost more than 30 gigawatts of capacity. ... a_n2572163

If I’m understanding these numbers correctly, Ukraine started with around 55GW total and is now down to 9GW.

Before the full-scale invasion of Russia, Ukraine had a capacity of about 55 gigawatts. This is one of the largest indicators in Europe.

That means if Russia continues electric grid attacks for the next 6 months, by this coming winter Ukraine should effectively be entirely de-energized, apart from what it can import from Europe via high transmission lines—a quickfix rife with its own difficulties.

(Video at link)

A new FT article corroborates:


“If no measures are taken, according to our modelling, then probably the population will have only two to four hours of electricity [per day] in January,” said Dodonov.

Another vital statistic:

73% of thermal power plants in Ukraine are inoperative, 62 power units at thermal power plants and hydroelectric power stations are not functioning, - Ukraine Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal.

NATO’s arms factories continue to “mysteriously” explode:


An explosion at an armaments factory in Poland has caused fire, killing one person and injuring several more, RMF radio reported on Monday.

The blast at the Mesko plant happened at its rocket fuel center, the broadcaster said on its website, citing the company’s official. The firm, located in south-eastern Poland is owned by state-run Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa SA.

(More at link.) ... velopments


Conflict in the Anti-Corruption Camp

And how it's related to Zelensky's conflict with the US

JUN 12, 2024

Introduction to the ‘Sorosites’
Sorosites - the accustomed term in Ukraine for the network of journalists, NGOs and organizations that define themselves in terms of ‘anti-corruption’ and whose patron is the US embassy and/or George Soros’ International Renaissance Foundation.

For instance, one of the premier anti-corruption agencies, the Anti-Corruption Action Centre (AntAC), lists its funding sources as follows:


AntAC also got involved in the Manafort-‘RussiaGate’ scandal. An article from the Hill on the matter also went into their funding sources in more detail (note that the link to the donor disclosure no longer works):

One key U.S. partner was AntAC, which received 59 percent (or $1 million) of its nearly $1.7 million budget since 2012 from U.S. budgets tied to State and Justice, and nearly $290,000 from Soros’s International Renaissance Foundation, according to the group’s donor disclosure records.

When it comes to politics in Ukraine, these are the proverbial canaries in the goldmine. It is they who act as the main lever of US political influence within Ukraine. Which is why I’ve dedicated a great deal of articles to their relationship with Bankova (the President’s Office).

Of course, the mere fact of tensions between them and the government is hardly unique, and is rather a constant. For a variety of fairly obvious reasons, their stated goal of ‘defeating corruption’ is patently impossible, which hence means they will always have reason to feud with the government in power. Which makes good imperial sense - you always need to keep your quislings on their toes, or they’ll get too comfortable and have too much of their own initiative.

But there is no doubt that the US would never stand by idly if the Ukrainian government were to try to entirely eradicate these canaries. After all, that’s precisely what Russia and Belarus did. It’s what Georgia is doing now, hence requiring US sanctions.

For about a year since February 2022, relations between the Sorosites and Bankova ceased being openly hostile. But the Sorosites continued their struggle, notably through pushing corruption charges against heavyweights of Zelensky’s Servant of the People party like Odessa mayor Trukhanov in late 2022 and 2023.

With societal morale increasingly collapsing since the failure of the 2023 counter-offensive, the anti-corruption networks have felt freer to go on the offensive against Bankova. But in conditions of shrinking US aid, Bankova (the president’s office) has felt less responsibility in protecting these local allies of the state department. Hence its ever-more open struggle against them, which I wrote about here and here.

Today’s post will go into dramatic events involving two of the premier anti-corruption agencies - NABU (National Anti-Corruption Bureau) and SAPO (Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office). Both were set up in 2015 and are held up as some of the greatest achievements of the 2014 ‘revolution of dignity’.

NABU detectives

In theory, they are meant to cooperate. But in reality, this unity can be threatened by the powerful clan interests that rule the country. But before we get into that, some more context is necessary.

SAPO and NABU have always been a barometer of western influence in Ukraine. This has often taken the form of endless conflicts over personnel appointments in both agencies. The western embassies imply, and their local Sorosite partners say out loud, that the Ukrainian government is trying to torpedo the effectiveness of the agencies.

For instance, in 2022 the G7 and Ursula Von Der Leyen urged Ukraine to choose a new head of SAPO as a condition for EU integration. Oleksandr Klimenko, a Sorosite favorite and darling of the west, had been elected back in December 2021, but the Zelensky government only allowed him to assume leadership of SAPO after endless western prodding in late July 2022.

The Golyk Case
The newest SAPO-NABU conflict erupted into public eyes on May 22, when SAPO and police conducted a search on the NABU building. SAP accused NABU of having leaked information regarding the corruption case against Yury Golyk, a businessman in charge of Zelensky’s infamous ‘big build’ project. To understand the SAPO-NABU conflict, some context on the Golyk case is necessary.

The ‘big build’ infrastructure project has always been one of the favorite targets of anti-corruption activists, often as a way to get at the president and his entourage. In October 2023, the anti-corruption publication Bihus (I wrote about other conflicts it has had with the government here) published information that Golyk was still regularly present at the President’s Office.

Golyk’s car on its way to Bankova. Full documentary here

Also implicated in the Golyk saga were Bankova heavyweights like former deputy head of the President’s Office Kyryllo Tymoshenko and head of the Dnepropetrovsk Regional Military Administration Reznichenko.

NABU had already raided Golyk for corruption in road construction several times, including in early May 2023. This came after a summer 2022 investigation by Our Money into Golyk’s winning of a 1.5 billion hryvnia infrastructure tender.

NABU and SAPO opened a criminal investigation against Golyk soon after the Our Money investigation on the basis of Article 364 (abuse of power or official position) and 209 (money laundering). But Golyk would never be actually imprisoned, due to his seemingly invincible capacity at hiding any traces of possible corruption, as described by the Weekly Mirror.

But things took another turn when a NABU detective identified photographs of the NABU investigation on Golyk’s phone. Apparently, they had been trying to eke information out of the heavily encrypted phone for months, and were only able to access its hidden cache files with help from a US government team.

Golyk had been sent these photographs by former government official Georgii Birkadze, in a chat where messages self-deleted after 10 seconds. In other words, Golyk was being fed details of his own investigation by government officials, allowing him to evade charges. The NABU detective informed his superiors of this on April 24. Eventually, NABU leadership informed SAPO of the scandalous photographs.

SAP-NABU conflict
This set the stage for open conflict between SAPO and NABU. On May 22, SAPO officials conducted a search on the NABU premises.

the NABU building

SAPO made the following statement to Ukrainska Pravda:

In response to media inquiries about searches at NABU, we provide the following information.

The SAP oversees the pre-trial investigation conducted by NABU's Internal Control Department under Articles 364 and 387 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine regarding possible criminal offenses committed by Bureau employees.

The proceedings were initiated following an official note from a whistleblower – a NABU employee.

It should be noted that no searches or investigative actions were conducted in NABU premises on the initiative of SAPO prosecutors. The criminal proceedings involved a search conducted solely at the residence of a current NABU employee – a detective from one of the departments.

The National Police of Ukraine were involved in the search due to the lack of resources in NABU’s Internal Control Department. The officers of the National Police of Ukraine do not have and could not have had any access to the investigation materials of the National Bureau.

According to SAP, they were only interested in one NABU detective - Valery Polyuga - for his role in leaking information before Golyk’s trial. According to the Weekly Mirror, Valery is an honorable detective who is being made into a scapegoat by NABU leadership

The next day, on May 23, NABU struck back: We inform our colleagues at the SAPO: NABU has had and continues to have sufficient resources to conduct investigations. NABU always ensures an independent, impartial, and comprehensive pre-trial investigation and expects the same approach from our main partners.

On the same day, a NABU source denied to strana that any SAP raid on its personnel had taken place. The source stated the following:

"This is a deliberate misinformation from the head of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office (SAPO), Alexander Klimenko, who is playing out the agenda of so-called 'activists' represented by Shabunin and company. After the departure of the head of the main detective department, Andrey Kaluzhinsky, and before that Artem Sytnik, they lost their influence on the processes, became isolated from information, stopped influencing the agenda, and are now trying to seize any opportunity to discredit the leadership," the source close to the NABU leadership explained.

According to him, Klimenko previously worked closely with Kaluzhinsky and continues to maintain a relationship with him.

On May 24, the NABU director Semen Krivonos removed his first deputy, Gizo Uglava, on the basis of having leaked information.

Head of SAPO Klimenko (left) shakes hands with head of NABU Krivonos (right), March 2023

NABU history
A little bit of context is needed here. SAPO is currently led by Oleksandr Klimenko, hero among the Sorosite community. NABU was once led by friend of Klimenko and fellow Sorosite icon Artem Sytnyk, but he left in 2022. He was replaced by Semen Krivonos, who is disliked by the activists/Sorosites and the western structures that sponsor them.

Then, in September 2023, Andrii Kaluzhinsky, the head detective of the NABU, left his post. Kaluzhinsky had been considered Sytnyk’s right hand man, and was in fact his godfather.

Kaluzhinsky told the Weekly Mirror that he was leaving because he had been mobilized. Strana sources claimed that his departure was because Kaluzhinsky had been protecting Igor Kolomoisky from harsher prosecution in his never-ending court case. The NABU leadership agreed with him that he leave, and use the mobilization story to distract attention.

Kaluzhinsky’s departure was perceived by ‘the activists’ as yet another attack by Bankova on the independence of NABU. On May 20 2024, the Weekly Mirror published an article criticizing the reforms in the NABU detective structure. It argued that these changes were reducing NABU’s institutional independence from the government. A May 29 article on the SAPO-NABU conflict also pointed to post-Kaluzhinsky reforms of the detectives. It highlighted the man in charge of the post-Klimenko detective system - Gizo Uglava, who became the fall guy on May 24.

Gizo Uglava

Weekly Mirror interpretation
The Weekly Mirror/Dzerkalo Tyzhna, a premier ‘Sorosite’ publication, published a long article about the NABU/SAP conflict on May 29. It was written by the chief editor, Inna Vedernikova.

The first notable thing is that it begins by stating that NABU’s leaks were made to benefit the President’s Office. The article also states that the minister of finances Serhii Marchenko, an old associate of Golyk, is slowing down SAPO’s investigation into the NABU leaks.

Furthermore, the article states that the leaks began in 2021. This apparently excludes former director Sytnyk from responsibility for the leaks, since he left NABU soon after. Birds of a feather protect their own. The same paragraph states that Krivonos, the current director, is not responsible for the leaks since he became director after they began.

But in the next section, it accuses Krivonos of not following due protocol and notifying SAPO immediately when they found out about the photos on Golyk’s phone. Though he was informed about the photos by NABU detectives on April 24, he only informed SAPO on May 9. The article also complains that Krivonos made no further investigation into the leaks after May 10. They tie this with the fact that once SAPO made it to the NABU premises, 95% of the materials regarding the Golyk/Reznichenko leaks had been destroyed.

Since the Weekly Mirror is a premiere ‘Sorosite’ publication, it is worth noting their overall judgments:

Trust in NABU today is undermined both at the level of process organization and structure, and at the level of the leadership's response to the red alert from below.


Either the anti-corruption block will reach a new level, strong and purified, or due to leaks, we will bury not only the Golyk case, the threads of which lead directly to Bankova, but also the entire anti-corruption block, whose successful operation is a key guarantee for Ukraine's future accession to the EU and the allocation of funds to our country for post-war reconstruction.

Great stakes indeed!

No Sorosite is Safe
Many big figures in the anti-corruption scene took a stand on the NABU-SAPO conflict. Vitaly Shabunin of AntAC and Yury Nikolov of Our Money publicly took the side of SAPO, heaping the head of the NABU with criticism over his supposed covert support of Golyk.

It’s no coincidence that Shabunin and Nikolov have an opinion on the matter - they have been complaining of persecution by the government for months now, which I detailed here and here.

Law and Business reported on June 2 that Shabunin is being investigated for corruption. The head of the Anti-Corruption Centre (AntAC) is accused of driving around Kiev on a Nissan Pathfinder which was purchased on the basis of donations for the AFU. The car was meant to be used in the Donbass.

Shabunin and his steed

The case was opened against him by the Shevchenko regional court of Kiev. The old court system is held in contempt by anti-corruption activists, who generally view it as irremediably infested by conservative members of Yanukovych’s ancient regime.

Meanwhile, Sytnyk left his position at the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (NAPC) on June 3. Strana sources claim it is part of the SAP-NABU conflict. Telegram channels published his resignation message from the NAPC group chat:

Lately, the new leaders of anti-corruption bodies often decide to change the organizational structure of the institutions they are honored to lead. In doing so, systems that are stable, effective, and have begun to produce significant results are being disrupted and altered. Unfortunately, certain recent events and decisions highlight that the issue of maintaining the independence and professionalism of anti-corruption bodies is particularly relevant.

Some of strana’s sources speculate that Sytnyk’s decision shows the increasing weakness of the pro-western Sorosites, with SAPO’s attack on NABU being relatively unsuccessful, if its aim was to get rid of the hated Krivonos. Others believe that Sytnyk may now make a move to retake control of NABU.

Blinken’s big plan
According to a strana political source on June 8, SAPO’s campaign against NABU and Ermak are all part of a single strategy, coordinated with the Americans, or at least aimed at stirring them to action. Namely, to weaken and punish Zelensky after ignoring western demands by centralizing power with Yermak’s help, removing Kubrakov and other favored figures, which I wrote about in more detail here.

One of the biggest such purges was removal of former deputy of the Office of the President, Andrey Smirnov. He was replaced with a Yermak associate.

The Smirnov case is relevant because he was accused of large-scale corruption by NABU soon after he left his post. On May 29, NABU announced that Smirnov would have to pay a 10 million dollar bail. He is now under a variety of restrictions, among which include the inability to leave Kiev. This is just one of many cases where NABU has been acting in the interests of Yermak in purging the state machine of competitors.

According to strana, Zelensky and his entourage are displeased with attempts by US ambassador Bridget Brinks to protect figures like Shabunin, Kubrakov and Sytnyk:

Zelensky's stance is as follows: 'I communicate directly with the leaders of Western countries, and they do not demand anything of the sort. Therefore, if some demands are made by Western ambassadors and other clerks, and we consider these demands unacceptable, we will ignore them,'" said the source.

Furthermore, if NABU and SAPO act as a single entity under the control of Western structures and influenced by activists, there is a likelihood that in retaliation for 'disobedience,' the anti-corruption structures will start an investigation against Zelensky's circle. Moreover, according to one theory, this is precisely the main goal of the current movements against the leaders of NABU.

Therefore, Bankova is quite satisfied with the conflict between NABU and SAPO, as it diminishes the threat of a coordinated strike from their side[/i]

Strana also drew parallels with a similar conflict between NABU and SAPO under Poroshenko’s presidency. Among other things, it was withdrawal of western support for Poroshenko due to his turf wars with the anticorruption community that made his reelection in 2019 impossible. At the moment, such a scenario is irrelevant to Zelensky due to the lack of elections. The US is even less capable of pressuring the Ukrainian government in conditions of shrinking aid, and Zelensky is quite conscious of that, as detailed in my last post ‘US-Zelensky Tensions’.

Shabunin’s quote from several months ago hence comes to mind, responding to government persecution of him and other anticorruption activists:

And so, the President’s Office believes they can go further than their predecessors had the opportunity to. Because when they start to deal with 'investigators' (and other critics), society, preoccupied with war, will not react as sharply. Discrediting investigative journalists and the public sector is exactly for this purpose - preparing the ground. And then there will be three general ways to remove the undesirable:

1.the adoption of laws similar to the Russian 'foreign agents';

2.imprisonment through concocted criminal proceedings;

3.physical elimination in the war," ... ption-camp

June 1-7: Deserters, crocodiles, prison torture, uncontrollable emotions

JUN 11, 2024

Deserters and basement-dwellers
The newly-created military police will be able to enter houses. Supposedly, they are intended to tackle the serious problem of military desertion. According to Dzerkalo Tyzhnia, in January to March of this year, a total of 12,776 criminal cases were registered under the articles of the Criminal Code "Unauthorized Leave from a Military Unit or Place of Service" (Article 407) and "Desertion" (Article 408).

Keep in mind that many of them are armed and militarily trained, making it far harder to tackle them than draft dodgers. Add to that the fact that prisoners are now being mobilized. One of the reasons the military police is being created is that the army simply doesn’t have the manpower to divert personnel to retrieve deserters wandering around the rear, and ordinary police are hardly equipped to deal with such potent foes.

A video emerged on June 6 of 55 soldiers being kept in a basement by their superiors in the 81st Separate Airmobile Brigade. They claimed their officers were keeping them there because they were physically unfit for service in such a demanding type of unit.

They said they had not been paid their salaries since March, and their superiors were not allowing them to resign due to health reasons or transfer to another unit. The following video and an explanation of the situation was published by the son of one of those held, Ilya Yarema.

(Video at link.)

Mobilization - death and language
On June 6, the mayor of Chernivtsi Roman Klychuk criticized ‘mindless mobilization at the railway station…. this hunt for humans’ on his Facebook page because it is having the effect of scaring people away from using public transport. He also complained that this was decreasing the amount of visitors to the city.

The ministry of defense announced on June 6 that around 15% of eligible Ukrainian men have updated their details on reserv+, the app created recently to ‘streamline’ mobilization, so to speak. This is 1.412 million people, rising to 1.6 million on June 10. However, a million registered in the first week after the app was launched (before May 24), and the number of registrations has since petered out. Parliamentarian Kamelchuk noted that 70-80% of those who register on the app have medical reasons that allow them to avoid military service.

Many Ukrainian men have also downloaded the app only to terrifyingly find out that they are currently ‘being searched for’. The ministry of defense had to release a whole list of reasons why that might be the case.

Now is that the only form of digital utopia being created in Ukraine. Law enforcement can also track people’s location through diiya, the app almost all Ukrainians have to complete government documentations.

A court case was opened over the death of a 32 year old man in the mobilization office in the Zhytomyr region on June 5. The mobilization office responded, claiming that his death was due to alcoholism. This has been its standard response in various death cases.

Exam requirements have been harshened for those who want to do post-graduate work in Ukraine to stop draft-dodgers. The government has been worrying about the record number of men trying to enter post-graduate education as a way to avoid mobilization.

But perhaps there is still demand for linguists. On June 4, Ukraine’s language ombudsman called on mobilization officers to speak in Ukrainian to ‘strengthen defense capacities’. Clearly that’s the source of the problems.

Emotions and Crocodiles
On June 3, mobilization officers were filmed driving their bus into a draft dodger that tried to escape by bike. This was confirmed soon after by the mobilization office facebook page. They blamed it on the bike rider for swearing at the mobilization officers and trying to escape after being asked to show his documents. ‘The servicemen at work as mobilization officers are veterans of military action and were not able to control their emotions’.


(Video at link.)

Staff at military industrial factories whose personnel are supposedly totally reserved from mobilization complained on June 3 that they are still being mobilized. In turn, calls to mobilize women again emerged on June 2. This time from a commander in the 92nd batallion, Yury Fedorenko. ‘I sincerely believe that all Ukrainians should be subject to military service: men and women, from the age of 18. They should participate in combat operations after the age of 23.'

(Paywall) ... les-prison
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Fri Jun 14, 2024 11:44 am

Ukraine's trust
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 06/14/2024


“I sincerely believe that in the yet unwritten history of the war between Ukraine and Russia, the summer of 2024 will be described as the moment of a fundamental turn. It is significant that the first signs of this turn are already visible before the Swiss peace summit,” Mikhailo Podolyak wrote yesterday. In just a few weeks, kyiv has gone from pleading for weapons to its partners to avoid defeat and from warning that Russia would invade other European countries in the event of victory in Ukraine to proclaiming that “the summer of 2024 will be will be defined as the beginning of the end of “Putin’s super-valuable idea of ​​killing and taking over the living spaces of others.” Ukraine's confidence is not only due to its ability to stop the Russian offensive in Kharkov, something that happened almost immediately when the Russian troops overcame the open fields and reached the urban areas, which were defended. . In recent weeks there have been a series of decisions that have given kyiv the opportunity to once again trust that Western countries have come to Ukraine to stay and that the country will not be abandoned like Ashraf Ghani's Afghanistan. In its ability to turn the page very quickly, the Office of the President has left behind the victim discourse to once again ride the wave of victory. Although there is no objective reason on the front for this radical change of script, one more of the many that this war has given so far.

The change of mind is fundamentally due to three aspects: the issue of weapons, financing and the political support of its partners, all of which are an unequivocal sign of a Western presence in Ukraine in the long term now that the idea of ​​a long war seems inevitable. In several interviews in recent months, Volodymyr Zelensky has mentioned the need for new offensives, but no one doubts that, if they occur, they will do so starting in 2025, when the Ukrainian troops have recovered from the wear and tear suffered in the offensive phase of 2023 and the defensive of 2024 and can rearm and train new brigades again to try to achieve what they did not achieve in the past. Apparently without thinking about the consequences, the Ukrainian president demands from his allies weapons, financing and training to repeat something that he has already tried, but this time expecting a different result. Willing to sustain a war in which some of them are obtaining great economic and geopolitical benefits, Kiev's allies seem perfectly willing to continue fighting Russia as long as Ukraine is able to continue convincing its citizens - and perhaps in the future its female citizens - to enlist through prey groups that increasingly encounter greater resistance. The case of Odessa, where the population prefers to enjoy the summer on the beaches of Arcadia instead of being dragged by recruiting agents, is especially significant. From resistance to being physically dragged into the officers' vans, we have already moved on to burning vehicles in mobilization centers, a sign of war fatigue that Ukrainian discourse prefers not to see.

Partly thanks to the argument that a breach in Kharkiv or Donetsk could lead to military defeat, although fundamentally due to the perfectly planned progressive escalation tactic in Washington, kyiv has finally obtained permission, approval and perhaps encouragement to attack targets in the Russian Federation using last nor has it reduced other actions that had supposedly bothered Washington. Ukraine continues its sabotage of critical infrastructure, attacks from which the United States had distanced itself, while it also hits military bases far from the Ukrainian border, sometimes with success and other times with failures that it avoids publicizing. The 200-mile limitation of the border agreed by the United States and France is not enough for kyiv, which has never hidden, in its delirious hatred, that it aspires to take the war directly to Moscow.

That possibility is far away, but the increase in attacks, some of them with the use of the newly obtained American ATACMS, another demand that kyiv has achieved after months of pleas, indicate future bombings of priority targets - military bases or the Kerch bridge. in the most desired territory: Crimea. The caution with which some countries have acted when allowing Ukraine to use the weapons delivered was never applied to the peninsula, where the opinion of the population, which a decade ago opted for Moscow over kyiv, has never mattered. And even when the United States is aware that it is basically impossible to vacate Crimea - that is, to expel Russian troops and the related population - the certainty remains that exerting maximum pressure on that territory is the way to put Russia between the sword. and the wall and force Moscow into a negotiation in which it has to accept the diktat of the Kiev bosses. But this scenario is also distant, since it would require military strength and stability of the Ukrainian State that do not exist at the moment.

However, part of kyiv's confidence in its possibilities is due to these aspects. The signing of bilateral security agreements, which commit the signatory countries to supply weapons during the period of validity, the approval of new loans and the imminent opening of negotiations for the accession of Ukraine to the European Union makes kyiv feel supported in their decisions. In the last ten years, Ukraine has learned that it is capable of achieving its objectives of greater Western involvement and unconditional support despite its irrational actions, its aggression against Donbass, open refusal to implement the peace agreements or any willingness to even consider the possibility. that there will come a time when it will have to negotiate with Russia under conditions that imply some type of concession, either to Moscow or to the population that has fought against kyiv in the internal Ukrainian war. “Thank you for being so trustworthy,” Úrsula von der Leyen said this week to praise the reforms carried out by the Ukrainian Government. The reality is that Zelensky's Government, much more so than Poroshenko's, is willing to compromise national sovereignty by selling, as The New York Times explained this week , the few public assets still in the hands of the State, a privatizing will to sell these companies even at ridiculous prices, as long as they remain in the hands of Western capital. And kyiv is not only willing to go beyond what is demanded by the IMF in terms of privatization of public services or austerity, but is even capable of committing to acquire American liquefied gas, much more expensive than the Russian gas whose transit to the EU continues to obtain income, to give up Russian gas. Ukraine does not have infrastructure to import this raw material, so it will depend on one of its European allies, one more form of submission and loss of sovereignty interpreted by Kiev as another form of rapprochement with the European family .

A fundamental part of Ukraine's survival, no doubt thanks to the favor of its partners by being a useful tool against their common enemy in geopolitical terms, is due to the ability to turn weakness into a virtue. With the invaluable help of the European Union, kyiv has been able to present censorship as a reform in favor of press freedom, its failure to comply with the Minsk agreements as proof that Moscow will never negotiate in good faith, and the failure of the counteroffensive. of 2023 as a demonstration that even more weapons and financing must be sent to continue the war. “The G7 reaches a “provisional” agreement to grant Ukraine a loan of about 46 billion euros financed with the interests generated by the assets of the Russian central bank that are frozen in the European Union,” the EFE Agency reported yesterday . kyiv knows that this war will never lack weapons or funding. But, as usual, nothing is enough. Ukraine not only wants a loan of 46 billion, but the delivery of the 300 billion in Russian public and private assets frozen in Western countries.

On a weekend in which both the G7 summit and Zelensky's desired peace summit in Switzerland are taking place, it is to be expected that the first step taken to use Russian assets seized in the EU to finance the Ukrainian war effort against Russia is just the first of many announcements of military assistance and funding packages in the coming days. ... e-ucrania/

Google Translator


From Cassad's Telegram account:

Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of June 13, 2024) | The main thing:

— The “North” group repelled eight counterattacks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kharkov region;

— The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces per day in the area of ​​responsibility of the North group amounted to 305 military personnel;

— The “West” group of troops improved the situation along the front line, the losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces per day amounted to 450 military personnel;

— Russian air defense shot down 33 Ukrainian drones, as well as 4 Vampire and HIMARS projectiles per day;

— The “Center” group improved the position along the front line within 24 hours; four counterattacks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were repelled;

— The “South” group of troops improved the situation along the front line and repelled a counterattack, the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 635 military personnel and 7 ammunition depots;

— The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 345 military personnel in one day in the zone of responsibility of the Russian Armed Forces group “Center”;

— The Vostok group occupied more advantageous positions, the Ukrainian Armed Forces in its area of ​​​​responsibility lost up to 155 military personnel and 2 infantry fighting vehicles;

— The Russian Armed Forces hit the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 103 districts within 24 h

Units of the Vostok group of troops occupied more advantageous positions and defeated the manpower and equipment of the 21st National Guard Brigade and the 125th Terrestrial Defense Brigade in the areas of Neskuchnoye and Oktyabr settlements of the Donetsk People's Republic.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 155 military personnel, two infantry fighting vehicles, three vehicles, as well as a US-made 155-mm M198 howitzer.

▫️Units of the Dnepr group of troops defeated the formations of the 65th mechanized, 128th mountain assault brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the 15th brigade of the National Guard in the areas of the settlements of Mirnoye and Novopokrovka, Zaporozhye region.

The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces amounted to up to 100 military personnel, three vehicles, a Polish-made 155-mm Krab self-propelled artillery mount, a 152-mm D-20 howitzer, a 122-mm D-30 gun, as well as a Bukovel-AD electronic warfare station.

▫️Operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation defeated concentrations of enemy manpower and military equipment in 103 regions.

▫️During the day, air defense systems shot down 33 unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as four Czech-made Vampire missiles and US-made HIMARS missiles.

📊In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed : 613 aircraft, 276 helicopters, 25,653 unmanned aerial vehicles, 528 anti-aircraft missile systems, 16,326 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,337 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 10,393 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 22505 units of special military vehicles.

Google Translator


Behind the Myth of “Billions in Arms” Flowing into Ukraine
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on JUNE 13, 2024
Brian Berletic

Behind the Myth of “Billions in Arms” Flowing into Ukraine In a June 8, 2024, Bloomberg article titled, “Putin Is Running Out of Time to Achieve Breakthrough in Ukraine,” an optimistic prognosis was made regarding the ongoing conflict in Ukraine in favor of Kiev.

The article claims that Russia has made “limited progress” along the line of contact, including along the newly-opened front in Kharkov and that as “billions in arms start flowing” into Ukraine, Ukrainian forces will be given the opportunity to “counter-attack.”

The “billions in arms” Bloomberg cites refers to the renewed flow of US military assistance after months of delays in passing funding in the US Congress. However, recalling the flagging impact of US arms transfers to Ukraine even before the funding delays, and a closer look at the actual quantities associated with these packages versus Russian military production, tells an entirely different story.

Bloomberg claims that the renewed flow of US arms is eroding Russia’s military advantage. However, this is simply not true.

Artillery Shells

The most recent US arms package featured, among other items, badly needed 155mm artillery shells and anti-tank weapons including the vaunted Javelin missile. Missing from the Pentagon’s public press release, were the quantities these weapons and munitions were being sent in.

It is well-known that US and European artillery shell production falls short of Russia’s by several times. A May 2024 Business Insider article puts the number of Russian shells produced this year at 4.5 million, while the US and Europe combined amount to only 1.3 million.

The prospect of Western shell production drastically increasing to match or even exceed Russian production numbers is unrealistic, according to a June 7, 2024 Bloomberg article titled, “America’s War Machine Can’t Make Basic Artillery Fast Enough.”

In the Bloomberg piece, various factors are mentioned ranging from limited material inputs, a lack of trained human resources, the need to vastly expand the physical production sites producing both the shells themselves and their various individual components, as well as the need to consistently procure funding to expand each of these factors. All of this takes time.

The article claims that by 2025, the US should be producing up to 68,000 155mm artillery shells a month. Even if Europe was able to match these production numbers, it would represent only two-thirds of Ukraine’s monthly requirements to achieve its 6,000 round daily rate of fire, which still falls far short of Russia’s daily rate of fire, placing Ukraine at a disadvantage.

Artillery shell production is relatively straightforward compared to more advanced weapons Ukraine also desperately requires. This includes anti-armor weapons like the Javelin missile.

Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles

Once hailed as a “game changer” by the collective Western media, the Javelin is now rarely mentioned either in headlines or even buried deep within articles. The missiles were passed over to Ukraine by the thousands during the initial phases of the Russian Special Military Operation (SMO), up to 7,000 or about one-third of the US’ total inventory according to the US government and arms industry-funded Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in late 2022.

Since then, Lockheed Martin, which produces the Javelin missile, claims to have expanded production by up to 15% in a 2024 release, producing up to 2,400 missiles per year or about 200 per month.

2,400 missiles are not being sent entirely to Ukraine each year. The missiles and less numerous command launch units (CLU) that fire them are required by the US, other NATO members, and other Lockheed customers around the globe. But let’s assume for a moment all 2,400 missiles are sent to Ukraine each year, and because US stockpiles are at critical levels, let’s assume Ukraine is sent Javelins drawn from this monthly production.

Does this mean that each month, 200 Russian tanks will be damaged or destroyed, adding up to 2,400 a year? No. According to the US Army’s own studies, even trained US soldiers have a 19% hit rate while utilizing Javelin, TOW, and AT-4 systems, all of which the US has sent to Ukraine throughout the SMO.

This means that even if Ukraine was receiving 200 missiles a month and firing them at Russian armored vehicles, they would be scoring only about 38 hits a month. Out of those 38 hits, fewer still would result in significant damage or complete destruction.

Comparing these overly optimistic numbers with Russian tank and other armored vehicle production puts this into better context.

According to a March 2024 CNN article discussing Russian military production, it admits Russia is producing up to 125 tanks a month. Other Western sources claim Russia also produces up to 250 other armored vehicles per month, for a total of 375 armored vehicles a month.

Compare that with the 38 hits Ukraine would be able to inflict even if the US sent every single Javelin produced straight to Ukraine each month. Russia is producing far more armored vehicles than the US is producing Javelin missiles to destroy them. The story is the same for other anti-armor weapon systems produced across the West (e.g. 1,000 TOW missiles produced per year), all of which face depleted stockpiles and low monthly production rates.

Considering that the number of Javelin missiles and other ordnance sent to Ukraine will be far less in reality than total monthly production, we begin to see the true measure of US (and European) military assistance and how the “billions in arms” now flowing to Ukraine do not represent a significant change in Ukraine’s ability to slow, let alone stop Russian forces as they continue mounting pressure not only along the existing front, but opening entirely new fronts, creating a wider strategic dilemma for Ukraine, stretching an already insufficient amount of manpower, equipment, and ammunition even further.

Empty Rhetoric

Despite Bloomberg discounting its “Putin is Running Out of Time” article with its “America’s War Machine Can’t Make Basic Artillery Fast Enough” article, it and other Western publications’ attempts to convince audiences that the tide is about to shift in Ukraine’s favor is a repeat of this same empty rhetoric used to sell Ukraine’s 2023 “counteroffensive” as poised to shift the conflict.

In reality, the 2023 Ukrainian military operation was soundly defeated by Russian forces who not only decimated Ukraine’s manpower, equipment, and ammunition stocks, but managed to bolster its own numbers and capabilities in the process.

Ukrainian attempts to claw back territory it has recently lost in Kharkov will lead to the same fruitless conclusion its 2022 and 2023 offensives did, a questionable chance of actually taking the territory for a guaranteed severe cost in irreplaceable trained manpower and equipment.

Today’s headlines across the West portending the tide changing in the fighting across Ukraine represent a now familiar cycle of encouraging Ukraine to fight on in what is otherwise an unwinnable conflict inflicting an immense and indelible cost on Ukraine in terms of territory, human lives, and economic prospects well into the future.

But as has been pointed out many times before, feeding Ukraine into an unwinnable proxy war had been a US objective articulated as early as 2019 in RAND Corporation’s paper, “Extending Russia,” which stated:

Expanding U.S. assistance to Ukraine, including lethal military assistance, would likely increase the costs to Russia, in both blood and treasure, of holding the Donbass region. More Russian aid to the separatists and an additional Russian troop presence would likely be required, leading to larger expenditures, equipment losses, and Russian casualties. The latter could become quite controversial at home, as it did when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan.

But warned:

However, such a move might also come at a significant cost to Ukraine and to U.S. prestige and credibility. This could produce disproportionately large Ukrainian casualties, territorial losses, and refugee flows. It might even lead Ukraine into a disadvantageous peace.

Obviously, even in 2019, US policymakers realized Ukraine would not win a US-sponsored proxy war against Russia. The actual objective was to raise the cost of Russian victory high enough to undermine Russia’s economy, divide Russian society, and perhaps even eventually precipitate a Soviet Union-style collapse. While RAND’s predictions of Ukraine’s destruction amid such a proxy war have clearly come to pass, the supposed “benefits” of this policy have yet to avail themselves and do not appear even plausible at this juncture.

Thus, Western rhetoric about Ukraine’s soon-to-be good fortune is not based on genuine analysis of the ongoing conflict, but is instead a point of propaganda aimed at encouraging Ukraine to fight on despite all actual analysis warning of the disaster awaiting in doing so.

Only time will tell just how far this process plays out to where the US and its partners are no longer pushing Ukraine onto the battlefield and are instead taking to the negotiation table. In the meantime, the “billions in arms” flowing into Ukraine will continue to have the same impact they’ve had all along, ensuring “disproportionately large Ukrainian casualties, territorial losses, and refugee flows,” ultimately leading Ukraine “into a disadvantageous peace." ... o-ukraine/


Intrigue About Exit of Mustafa Nayyem, Ukraine Restoration Funding Chief and Maidan Revolt Instigator, Diverts Attention from Boneheadness of the Scheme
Posted on June 13, 2024 by Yves Smith

The Financial Times had a bizarrely long article earlier this week about the departure of Mustafa Nayyem, recently the Chairman of Ukraine’s Restoration and Infrastructure Development, which elicited commentary from Alexander Mercouris (I had also noticed when I had encountered the piece that it was clearly excessive relative to the event). There have been more articles on Nayyem quitting, such as Bloomberg speculating that it was the result of Nayyem not being allowed to participate in “Ukraine Recovery Conference” held in Berlin earlier this week.

The reason for this humble blog turning to what would seem to be a palace intrigue is that it serves as an excuse to discuss what an embarrassingly ridiculous idea this Ukraine reconstruction scheme is, even as a pretext for looting. I’ve found it hard to rouse myself to give this patently dopey program the shellacking it deserves.

Even though the excessive press coverage of in this departure looks, as Mercouris argued, to be another element in of the campaign to dirty up Zelensky’s image, I believe another reason is to pre-position the failure of this destined-to-be-stillborn recovery fundraising scam.1

Yes, there are always greater fools. And the US and EU will no doubt want (and perhaps will) throw some funds Ukraine’s way for appearance’s sake and for the enrichment of some well-placed interests. But the very fact that the promoters are having a conference, as opposed to road shows hawking particular, erm, “opportunities,” shows that this initiative is even more pie in the sky that Zelensky’s Switzerland peace conference, which is suffering an embarrassing number of high-level no-shows.

Mercouris believed that June 10 Financial Times article, Ukraine’s top reconstruction official quits in new blow for Zelenskyy, which went on and on and on about how “Western partners” were losing confidence due to Nayyem’s and other departures, signaled that Zelensky’s days were numbered.

The positioning of the story is particularly disingenuous. As Mecouris pointed out it was on Nayyem’s watch that the funds provided by the West to build defense lines in Kharkiv went poof, with no fortifications built, and few to no mines laid. Collective West politicians and the press were alarmed by the pace of Russian advances in Kharkiv, which was at least in part due to the lack of fortifications. Recall that this Russian success triggered the US escalation of authorizing limited long-range missile strikes, ostensively to target Russian forces supporting the Kharkiv advance.

In other words, a summary firing of Nayyem is fully warranted. Yet the Financial Times article no where mentions the Kharviv defense line funds looting! It instead paints Nayyem as a victim, with Zelensky moving step-by-step to force him out and Nayyem departing before his ouster became official. This section shows that the pink paper was either taking dictation or choosing to mislead:

The void left by Nayyem and the absence of an infrastructure minister are likely to prompt questions about Kyiv’s ability and commitment to protect its critical infrastructure as Russian forces continue to conduct air strikes on Ukraine’s power plants and mount offensives in the country’s east. Two agency officials responsible for anti-corruption policy and procurement resigned with Nayyem on Monday.

The guy who at least screwed up and more likely got a big cut of the missing defense line funds is leaving, and the Financial Times depicts this is a huge loss? Wellie, since the Western press is regularly saying black is white as far as Ukraine is concerned, I suppose this misdirection should come as no surprise.

As Mercouris had pointed out in early programs, Zelensky appeared to be purging his government of officials close to America. This makes sense as a survival strategy: it makes it harder for the US to oust him if they don’t have a decent roster of people in the government they regard as loyal. It may also somewhat reduce the flow of information. The unseemly level of whinging in the Financial Times article confirms the idea that Nayyem was perceived to be in their camp.

Kyiv Post indicates that Nayyem and the US almost certainly go way back. From Infrastructure Head Who Triggered Revolution of Dignity Resigns:2

Nayyem, 42, had served as a parliamentarian since 2014 and has been credited with triggering the Euromaidan protest in 2013. On Nov. 21 of that year, Nayyem posted on his Facebook page a call to gather on Kyiv’s “Maidan,” as Independence Square is known, in order to protest then-President Viktor Yanukovych’s decision to back out of an association agreement with the European Union. Within three months Viktor Yanukovych would flee Kyiv.

Now finally to my pet theory, that a second reason for the bizarre effort to pump Nayyem up is to blame the soon-to-be-obvious failure of the reconstruction fundraising on his exit, as opposed to the fact that it was destined to be a non-starter.

We’ll give just a few reasons. Readers are encouraged to add to this list.

Having the private sector build basic infrastructure is a bad idea. Even strong-form small government types generally concede this point. Among the reasons is that the additional costs and fees that a private sector developer would incur would serve as a tax on commmerce, hurting the competitiveness of businesses. Look in the US how many infrastructure deals went bankrupt (toll roads are universal for structural reasons) or hurt local businesses (the infamous Chicago parking meter deal).

So anyone looking at investments in Ukraine that depended on working infrastructure would wonder if it would get done, and even if it did, if the costs would choke their operations.

Can Ukraine keep the lights on? This is totally out of control of the West, let alone investors. Russia is on course to completely or nearly completely destroy it. Russia can keep rinsing and repeating in the absence of a negotiated end to the war, something the West cannot stomach signing.

Western officials have gotten the memo that having the power system restored is foundational, but have lost the plot that they need to come to terms with Russia for that to happen. From a June 11 Financial Times article:

Ukrainian officials have called on western partners to provide billions in aid for their country’s battered energy sector…

Chancellor Olaf Scholz said the World Bank had estimated that rebuilding and modernising Ukraine would require investments of nearly $500bn over the next ten years.

But energy is the main focus. “It is trumping everything,” said Arvid Tuerkner, managing director for Ukraine at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). “It always comes back to energy.”…

But Russia’s relentless air bombardment was rendering much of the reconstruction effort futile. “On average it takes two-three months to restore a unit and it’s operational for just three weeks before the next strike,” he said.

The bright ideas in the article include increasing energy imports (when the first phase of the grid attacks included taking out transmission lines) and increasing air defenses (which no one seems able to admit is impossible).

Much better distressed country investment propositions found no almost no buyers. Remember the great Greek asset sale of 2015? That seemed promising enough that the organizers held a road show in London. But even though Greece was only a very depressed economy, with more IMF tender ministrations in the offing, the only thing that sold was the port of Pireaus.

Looting is easier said than done in a war zone. The West had a grand old time pilfering post USSR Russia. Its enterprises were intact even if suffering from underinvestment. The bargains were phenomenal: I know one investor who bought aluminum assets for pennies on the dollar. Oh, and not only did the government enable the plunder, but many well-placed Russians believed the con that neoliberal shock therapy would be salutary, so there was no pushback.

By contrast, people like Lindsay Graham (a policy negative indicator) who blather on about $10 to $12 trillion of mineral assets in Ukraine need to look at a map. 85% of Ukraine’s frackable gas in eastern oblasts, either currently or sure to be controlled by Russia. As of August 2023, per DW, Russia had already seized key iron ore deposits. Another big deposit they hadn’t yet is in the Kryvyi Rih area, which Russia is sure to take if it captures Odessa (it’s on the best train route from the east into Odessa). Russia as of then had taken 80% of Ukraine’s black coal. Russia already controls two of the four major lithium deposit areas.

And how will any mineral wealth be transported out, even generously assuming electricity, if Russia controls Ukraine’s Black Sea and keeps knocking its western rail lines out of commission?

So Nayyem’s high profile departure is actually a convenient face-saver. The bankers tasked with the thankless reconstruction fundraising project are not doubt quietly thanking Zelensky.


1 But, but, but, a reader might say….why would big famous firms like BlackRock be so visibly involved with a venture like this if the odds of it delivering much are not very hot? On the deal/new product side of big finance, most deals do not get done. A key to success in those businesses is figuring out how to focus your energies on things that are likely to get closed.

However, there are many things institutions like to chase because they have motives beyond the immediate kill. One is wanting to be seen as on the cutting edge. Another, very much in play here, is building relationships with powerful people. A third is to make sure that your firm is seen as a key player in at least your major lines of business. You want to see every opportunity in your space even if you don’t necessarily want to pursue it.

This effort has gotten a good bit of press attention and quite a few top Eurocrats attend its meetings. The reconstruction chimera is the big pretext for seizing Russian assets (when from the gleam in von der Leyen’s eye, punishing Russia is the motive). It also allows officials to associate themselves with an upbeat Ukraine story/ That econstruction fund in the “must take the call” category for big financiers, even though they know it belongs in the Hall of Hollow Mandates.

2 Forgive me for not running down whether Nayyem got National Endowment for Democracy funding. But he almost certainly did from Soros’ Open Democracy. I was in the room when Chrystia Freeland interviewed George Soros in 2015. Soros bragged that Open Democracy had given a grant to every senior official in the new Ukraine government, either directly or to an immediate family member. ... cheme.html


Destroying an M270 MLRS with an ATACMS missile
June 14, 13:33


Rare video. Destruction of RSKhO M270 MLRS with ATACMS missile.
Aerial reconnaissance discovered this MLRS in the Zaporozhye region, after which the arrival of the life-giving Iskander followed.

(Video at link.)

It is very likely that the crew of the installation included military personnel from NATO countries who control the operation of these systems.

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Avdeevsk direction: advance of the Russian Armed Forces in a week
June 14, 2024


Russian troops continue to conduct assault operations in several areas of the Avdeevsky direction .

After a chain of tactical actions, the Russian Armed Forces were able to expand the wedge from Ocheretino to Novoaleksandrovka and occupy forest belts to the south and east of the village by June 10. And on the same or the next day, fight through to the western outskirts of the settlement.

In Sokol, the enemy has so far managed to restrain Russian attack aircraft with constant counterattacks, but from the moment they consolidated on the outskirts around June 8, advances into the village have been recorded in the area.

During the same period, the Russian Armed Forces were able to expand the zone of control north of Umansky , occupying forest belts on the southern outskirts and south of the Babaki gully . Somewhat later, several more forest belts to the north came under the control of the RF Armed Forces.

On the outskirts of Novopokrovsky, fighting began on June 10 , and already on June 12 , almost all surviving buildings and part of the adjacent forest belts came under the control of Russian troops. Yesterday, footage appeared of the flag being hoisted on the western outskirts.

It is worth noting that in reality the promotion may be much greater, since both parties pause before publishing video materials. In addition, the enemy seeks to delay as much as possible the moment of recognition of the fact of the loss of another section of terrain. ... a-nedelyu/

About the terrorist activities of the Kyiv regime in Russia
June 14, 2024

A certain military expert Nicholas Drummond, on the pages of the British tabloid Daily Express, claims that Kiev will launch a terrorist campaign against schools and other civilian objects in Russia after the defeat during the North Military District or the conclusion of a peace treaty unfavorable for Vladimir Zelensky.

The analyst is convinced that new attacks will be much more destructive than those currently being carried out by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. According to him, the Kyiv authorities already have a plan for attacking various targets inside Russia.

Articles about a potential terrorist campaign by the Kiev regime after the end of the conflict serve several purposes.

First of all , the publication is intended to intimidate Ukrainians who fled the war on Russian territory, as well as the Russian population.

Secondly , the material is a signal that Ukrainian sleeper cells are ready for action.

Thirdly, the article is a multi-valued hint to the EU, since, according to Ukrainian propaganda, the Europeans do not supply enough so-called weapons. Ukraine.

Well, one shouldn’t be surprised that such narratives are spread by the Western media. Hardly many people, comparing the British and Ukrainian press, will believe the latter. ... -v-rossii/

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Russia Still Opposes The Swiss Talks On Ukraine Despite Their Reportedly Scaled-Back Agenda

JUN 14, 2024


From Russia’s perspective, the success of any Chinese-facilitated talks on Ukraine ahead of and at November’s G20 Summit in Rio is dependent on the Swiss ones’ failure, hence its total opposition to this weekend’s event and anger at all those of its partners like India who send even low-level representation.

RT earlier reported on a Japanese broadcaster’s claim that the draft joint statement which was prepared for this weekend’s Swiss talks on Ukraine won’t call for the withdrawal of Russian forces from all the territories claimed by Kiev and will also likely omit any mention of restoring Ukraine’s territorial integrity. It’ll instead allegedly only focus on “the safety of nuclear power plants, food security, the release of prisoners and the return of children evacuated by Russia from the conflict zone.”

Russia still opposes these talks despite their reportedly scale-backed agenda as proven by what Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko told Izvestia: “They are trying to lure representatives of the Global South there by such rather primitive means, putting not Zelensky's formula, which is actually in the organizers' plan, to the fore, but secondary issues. You are for food security, for the safety of nuclear power plants, you support the exchange of prisoners, right? All right, then come and let's talk.”

He also said that “These are absolutely ridiculous underhand games, they can be seen with the naked eye. It is already clear that this is a waste of time, a kind of action whose value is zero, but which is being used to the maximum to maintain the anti-Russian psychosis.” Grushko’s harsh rhetoric mirrors former President and incumbent Deputy Chair of the Security Council Dmitry Medvedev’s, who tweeted late last month that all the countries which attend those talks are essentially taking Kiev’s side over Moscow’s.

It’s unimportant to Russia that the agenda has reportedly been scaled back since all that matters is that these talks are being held without its participation in the first place. Previous rounds of discussions on this conflict in Saudi Arabia didn’t elicit such a strong reaction, however, even though Russia also wasn’t there either. This observation makes one wonder what’s really driving Russia’s angry response to these latest ones since there isn’t any precedent for what its top representatives are saying about them.

It can’t be known for sure, but it might be that Presidents Putin and Xi agreed to promote a parallel non-Western peace process on Ukraine during the Russian leader’s trip to China last month. That would explain why China decided not to attend the Swiss talks, for which it was praised by Russia, while also unveiling a joint six-point consensus with this year’s G20 host Brazil. This sequence of events unfolded after President Putin’s visit, thus prompting speculation that it was coordinated with him.

From Russia’s perspective, the success of any Chinese-facilitated talks on Ukraine ahead of and at November’s G20 Summit in Rio is dependent on the Swiss ones’ failure, hence its total opposition to this weekend’s event and anger at all those of its partners like India who send even low-level representation. The decision has apparently been made to capitalize upon their failure to give momentum to the talks that China and Brazil might soon jointly organize with Russia’s endorsement.

The fewer Global South countries that participate in the Swiss talks and the more that participate in the potential Sino-Brazilian ones will discredit the former while lending greater legitimacy to the latter. Some of them that earlier committed to attending the Swiss talks are reportedly backing out at the last minute while Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi confirmed that more Global South states are endorsing his country’s joint peace consensus with Brazil. The writing is thus on the wall for what’ll likely come next.

With this in mind, Russia’s continued opposition to the Swiss talks in spite of their reportedly scaled-back agenda makes sense, though it would have been better had Medvedev and Grushko not used such harsh language in their statements about them. Their sharp words risk inadvertently offending those of Russia’s close Global South partners like India that’ll still attend this weekend’s event. Hopefully those countries won’t be excluded from the potentially forthcoming Sino-Brazilian peace talks as punishment. ... wiss-talks
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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